President Biden caught on hot mic confessing his true feelings for Fox News reporter

Alright, alright. That's enough. Just shut up and kiss already, you two

Aux Features Hannity
President Biden caught on hot mic confessing his true feelings for Fox News reporter
Is it hot in here, or just us? Image: Getty / Author / YouTube

He’s a sitting President helming a beleaguered administration caught inside a whirlwind of American turmoil. He’s a White House correspondent for the “news” agency opposed to virtually everything about the Commander-in-Chief. The two have danced around one another for years now—their tension throbbing as wildly as the vein in Tucker Carlson’s neck whenever he hears the phrase, “Critical Race Theory.” Yesterday, it all came to a head…

Joe Biden and Peter Doocy: Just shut up and kiss already.

At the tail end of a Monday afternoon briefing on rising inflation costs, Doocy attempted to ask the President if he thinks the nation’s current economic struggles will affect his party’s outlook in the upcoming midterm elections. Biden smiled demurely and shook his head before saying what was on so many of our minds.

“No, that’s a great asset: more inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.” he muttered sarcastically to the person next to him, unaware his microphone was still picking up audio. Gasp!

It was the culmination of months of flirtation between the men. Leading up to the 2020 election, Doocy often asked off-color questions regarding Biden’s controversy-prone son, Hunter. Most notably, Doocy once asked if his Biden had any thoughts regarding allegations that his son illegitimately fathered a child in Arkansas. “Only you would ask that,” Biden snipped before adding, “You’re a good man. Classy.”’

On another occasion preceding the announcement of Kamala Harris as Biden’s Vice Presidential pick, Doocy inquired about Biden’s preferred VP candidate. “You,” he shot back without hesitation. Such steaming passion, thinly veiled as ideological contempt.

According to Doocy, Biden called him on his personal cellphone last night to apologize for the gaffe. “He called my cellphone and he said, ‘It’s nothing personal, pal,’” the reporter explained while on Hannity Monday evening. “He cleared the air and I appreciated it. We had a nice call,” he continued. Doocy did not elaborate on said “nice call,” but we do know for a fact that Biden has the reporter’s personal number logged away.

Mr. President, do what’s right for this tired nation: Sign an executive order…for true love.

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  • gwbiy2006-av says:

    And here comes the fake outrage from the people who’ve been chanting ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ for the past 6 months.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      The same people who would have defended Trump for “just telling the truth” if he had said the same thing, but added in a few slurs for good measure.In related news, Peter Doocy actually pays somebody to give him that haircut. Stupid son of a bitch indeed.

    • dudebra-av says:

      Fuck those assholes..

    • dinoironbody1-av says:

      Does “fake outrage” mean they’re not really outraged or just that their outrage is hypocritical? Based on their frequent lack of a sense of self-awareness. I’m guessing they really are unironically outraged.

    • bluedoggcollar-av says:

      To be clear, we’ll see more fake outrage from the DC press
      corps than they’ve shown over the raft of right wing defamation suits
      against major press outlets designed to follow the Gawker playbook.Today
      the NY Times, in its typically vapid reporting by Jeremy Peters on the
      baseless Palin lawsuit against the Times, failed to mention that she
      hired two attorneys from the team Thiel bankrolled to wipe out Gawker.Peters idiotically argued that the threat all of these defamation suits was limited to the possibility that reporters at smaller publications might “self censor.” He writes this knowing the Times at
      this moment is being held hostage in another defamation suit by a local
      judge who is ignoring all precedent and case law, and more are sure to come.The choice of Peters by the Times to cover this issue is telling. It’s not his usual beat — he’s one of the hack diner safari beat reporters and has been caught in more than occasion regurgitating right wing activist quotes as supposedly mainstream independents.
      The Times put him on this story, and editors approved its ridiculous takes, becuse they somehow don’t want to provide serious coverage to the issue aimed straight at their heart.After the Gawker verdict, the NY Times ran an idiotic article suggesting it meant nothing, and even as events prove them wrong, they’re still in denial. But they’ll use this as fodder for a false narrative that this makes Biden just as bad as an existential threat they won’t even admit exists.

    • bensavagegarden-av says:

      So then this is fake outrage over hypothetical fake outrage?

    • lordshetquaef1-av says:

      Yeah, people who wear “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS” t-shirts to family restaurants just don’t seem all that sincere when they complain about inappropriate language anymore

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      LOL it was as inevitable as the sunrise. The kings of moving the goalposts, who supported Mango Unchained when he mocked a handicapped guy, are going to clutch pearls because Biden finally had enough and called a stupid SOB, a stupid SOB. I kept saying “he had better not apologize to him” so of course he did (oh BTW, Fox News will definitely have it both ways and suggest Biden is a pussy because he apologized), suggesting he still hasn’t learned a fucking thing about the current state of play in US politics—the GQP would happily dance as the country burned if it meant getting over on the Dems in even the slightest way.

    • thesillyman-av says:

      They are already calling Biden then most anti-media president because of this. Hilarious really

    • jodyjm13-av says:

      Oh, it’s genuine outrage. It’s stupid and hypocritical, but no less genuine for that.People have always had a tendency to rail against Them doing something that We are perfectly justified in doing, but the internet has reinforced, magnified, and justified that hypocrisy.

  • MisterSterling-av says:

    Joe should pull a Trump: don’t apologize. In fact, double down! He should tweet something like:“The Very Dumb Steve Doocy from Fox Fake News asked me a Very Dumb question yesterday. I let him know how I felt. I speak my mind! That’s why I’m your Favorite President! Enjoy!”

  • iwontlosethisone-av says:

    I was blissfully unaware of this person until today. Without knowing anything about him beyond the nepotism that thrust him into our lives, he’s immediately ascended to near the top of the most-punchable faces list.

    • fcz2-av says:

      Biden was vice-president for 8 years and is now the President of the USA after winning a highly publicized election. Not sure how you may not of heard of him until now.

      • blpppt-av says:

        “ithout knowing anything about him beyond the nepotism that thrust him into our lives,”That joke would have only made sense if a Biden had ever been POTUS before.

      • superlativedegreeofcomparisononly-av says:

        I’ve checked your other comments.You deserve to live each day as the falsely-smug asshole you are, and that’s something I wouldn’t have wished on Himmler himself.I hope you find the cure: honesty and self-reflection, mostly.May all your current ambitions fail utterly (Now, THAT’S a safe wish!) and you then choose to do better.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Goodness those two repliers are dumb. Doocy is the “person” and his father was also at Fox News, cluing us in to the nepotism comment.

  • dudebra-av says:

    Doocy is a lying propagandist and a champion of fascism.The least he deserves is scorn.

  • spj3k-av says:

    There has been many times I have said something or something said to me that was an insult. Have been an adult and apologized and have had someone apologize to me after an insult. Once the apology is given, it’s done, over. Biden did that, something the last guy is incapable of.

    • pearlnyx-av says:

      The last guy would’ve said he never said it and then call it fake news.

      • TRT-X-av says:

        The last guy wouldn’t have been caught saying it on a hot mic because he’d have said it while specifically lowering his lips closer to the mic to make sure we heard him.

  • normchomsky1-av says:

    More of this Biden 

    • jessebakerbaker-av says:

      You want the Democrats to be out in the wilderness for 16+ years? That’s what you’ll get with Biden being an asshole like this in public. Because people already despise his lying ass and every time he does something like this, it will make it so that the Democrats never control the federal government for a generation or two minimum. 

      • gojirashei2-av says:

        Yes because that’s exactly what happened when George W. Bush called a reporter a “major league asshole” off-mic. The complete and total alienation of the Republican party’s stranglehold on the national discourse. I haven’t heard a word from Republicans for at least 16+ years now.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        So going by your logic, Republicans will be “out in the wilderness”… forever?
        Seems only fair going by how many times the previous asshole did something like this in public.

      • normchomsky1-av says:

        People said that about the GOP too, and it didn’t happen. Dems keep losing because they play by rules the GOP ignore, and just keep taking shit from people who aren’t arguing in good faith. 

        • TRT-X-av says:

          No, Dems keep losing because they’re held to higher standards. Everyone in the press has already given up on the GOP doing anything remotely responsible or helpful.That’s why any of Biden’s current legislative negotiations are framed as “held up by Democrats” when the reality is all 50 Dems have to get on board because 50 Republicans don’t have any policy ideas to offer beyond blocking CRT and saving sexy M&Ms.

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    Steve Doocy is a stupid son of a bitch, correct.

  • thhg-av says:

    Should have called him a Son of a Steve Doocy. Way more insulting.

  • thenuclearhamster-av says:
  • dirtside-av says:

    More like “Steve Douchey,” amirite?No?Well, he works for Fox, so it was a given he’s a stupid son of a bitch.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I’m surprised this kind of thing doesn’t happen more often.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      Well, Little Bush called an NYT reporter an asshole, and Obama called Kanye a jackass, so…yeah, it happens quite a bit, really; if anything, it humanizes the POTUS.

    • jessebakerbaker-av says:

      It’s the height of liberal hypocrisy, where they can behave and do evil in the eyes of God and must never be punished for their sins, but anyone on the right has to be utterly and completely destroyed if they dare call out the left for their bullshit in any shape, form or fashion.Biden’s a garbage President who is destroying the economy and the sooner the GOP take back Congress and impeach his treasonous ass out office, the better.  

  • volante3192-av says:

    What inflation? I’m seeing oligopolies raising prices and raking in greater profits. That’s not inflation; that’s rent seeking.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      “Hey look, people are blaming Biden for all these price hikes…quick do it now while no one’s bothering to correct them on it.”

  • theunnumberedone-av says:

    Brilliant move. Biden gets the benefit of liberal applause for “telling it like it is” without even actually ruffling Fox’s feathers. This is the magic at work, folks.

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    “No, that’s a great asset: more inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.”

  • somethingwittyorwhatever-av says:

    Suddenly Acosta not cool anymore. 

  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    So what? People are allowed to vent. Biden’s bad luck that he didn’t know the mic was still hot. Shit happens. Normal people move on. Doocy’s been asking for this for a long time, and, to be fair, Biden’s not wrong.Also, John McCain did the same thing to Doocy a few years back, and nobody batted an eye, because McCain was right & Doocy is an idiot.

    • pearlnyx-av says:

      Fox news went apeshit when Biden said, “This is a big fucking deal,” to Obama.

    • xpdnc-av says:

      I’m starting to wonder if Biden actually didn’t know the mic was hot. This might be an effort to make himself look more forceful in light of criticism of last week’s press conference. Not to mention an opportunity to express genuine disgust at Doocy’s continued blatant provocation.

    • frenchton-av says:

      Our press corp is so unbelievably broken. They all want sound bites and to play both sides until we’ve got fascism fully installed. If you listen to some of the foreign press, you’ll see that they ask complex, policy-oriented questions that require deep answers. But not the American press, who think they are covering football. It’s heartbreaking because a solid press is necessary for Democracy to thrive. We’ve got propagandists who think this is all a game, because to them it is. 

  • superlativedegreeofcomparisononly-av says:

    Every person who votes for or excuses any Republican or any “conservative” is a lying, stupid asshat themselves.They have no idea what they want, other than continuous praise and pampering from everyone all the time.Evil has become entirely stupidity: it’s not even truly terrifying, and IS incredibly boring.

  • jessebakerbaker-av says:

    So at this rate, I fully expect Biden to call someone the N-word in the next year given how Biden is quickly dropping any pretense of being a good person and lashing out at people who are rightfully calling him out on his toxic Presidency and the irreversible damage he’s done to our country and the economy.

    • jessebakerbaker-av says:

      Which will be the height of irony given how many left wing people kept screaming that there was footage of Trump saying said word in b-roll footage from the Apprentice hidden somewhere out there, for it to be Biden who becomes the first President to be caught using that said word and on live TV at that, to some reporter just doing their job only for Biden to use a racial slur against them as an insult for calling him out on his BS. 

    • merk-2-av says:

      GAWD DAMN I hope this is satire!

      • triohead-av says:

        It’s nuts how specific this scenario is, as though it may as well have already happened for @Jesse Baker.

  • defuandefwink-av says:

    So….Pete Douchy isn’t a piece of shit son-of-a-bitch?  That’s news to me.

  • ksmithksmith-av says:

    Better pic of Peter Doocy:

  • eurythmerrrr-av says:

    Inbred Totally Hair Ken?? Someone get this asshole his travel size tube of DEP before he starts abusing the crew.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    The only reason their upset is because this time the Democratic President was talking about a white guy.

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