Joe Biden apparently started taking AI seriously after watching Mission: Impossible—Dead Reckoning

Ethan Hunt has escaped the world of the movies and is going to save the day in real life

Aux News Mission: Impossible
Joe Biden apparently started taking AI seriously after watching Mission: Impossible—Dead Reckoning
Tom Cruise (Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images) , Joe Biden (Mark Makela/Getty Images) Graphic: The A.V. Club

Earlier this week, President Joe Biden issued an executive order looking reign in the way technology companies use artificial intelligence, explaining that “we need to govern” AI in order to properly “realize the promise” and “avoid the risk.” According to the Associated Press, Biden has been “profoundly curious” about AI tech, and he had multiple meetings with advisors about it, but according to White House chief of staff Bruce Reed, there was one man who may have pushed Biden over the edge on AI: Ethan Hunt, the mind-reading, shape-shifting incarnation of chaos from the Mission: Impossible movies.

The most recent film in that series, Dead Reckoning (do we still need to say the Part One?), involved Tom Cruise and his team of lovable espionage agents facing off against a malevolent and seemingly omnipotent artificial intelligence called The Entity as it tried to subtly take over global politics by manipulating digital information. Reed told AP that he watched the movie with Biden at Camp David one weekend, and, “if he hadn’t already been concerned about what could go wrong with AI before that movie, he saw plenty more to worry about.”

Biden was also reportedly “as impressed and alarmed as anyone” after seeing what real AI can do, with Reed saying he “saw fake AI images of himself, of his dog. He saw how it can make bad poetry. And he’s seen and heard the incredible and terrifying technology of voice cloning.” (Like what happens to Benji in the movie!) That means it wasn’t exclusively the movie that convinced Biden to take AI seriously as a potential threat to people, but as Reed noted, it seems like it contributed.

Now, just imagine what Biden could accomplish if Cruise and Christopher McQuarrie made a movie where Ethan Hunt fights climate change, or gerrymandering, or outrageous healthcare costs, or the Supreme Court getting bought and sold by special interest groups. This country could be a paradise right now if the next movie hadn’t gotten delayed!


  • blpppt-av says:

    Ray-Gun supposedly didn’t start taking nuclear war seriously until watching The Day After.

    • gojiman74-av says:

      This is correct.  Check out the documentary “Television Event”, it covers the entire story of the making of and reception to “The Day After”.

    • fever-dog-av says:

      There were other factors notablly the 1983 Able Archer/Soviet nuclear false alarm incident. Many factors led to that near armageddon one of which was Ray-Gun’s sabre rattling which subsided substantially after the incident.  The Day After was aired right around the same time weirdly.  

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Hopefully Biden sees Jurassic Park soon so he can protect us from dinosaur attacks.

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Cool. Someone make a Hollywood movie about how Palestinians are actual human beings and have been subjected to terrorism from occupying Israel for generations and show it to this old coot, please.

    • poopjk-av says:

      Oh, he’ll change course.

      After the slaughter continues a couple more weeks and the piles of Palestinian children begin to blot out the sun, you’ll see them change course (they are already trying).
      At that point, of course, Biden will have burned every bridge with numerous demographics that were utterly vital to his election.It is very funny, Biden is openly fumbling the easiest second term election anyone has ever been handed.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    I love it when you do the GOP’s propaganda for them.

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Ohhh, I hate Joe Biden so much now that I know he watches movies!

    • poopjk-av says:

      I also hate it when we approrietly report that Joe Bidens brain is nothing more than a slightly different bowel of ranicd pudding. Biden was always a self-serving m0ron, we should be correctly concerned that said moron is now taking his political messages from the tee-vee.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    Biden: Puppies can’t really get superpowers from meteors, can they?

  • bonerland-av says:

    Someone in administration knew AI executive order wouldn’t get press. So they threw in Tom Cruise movie reference to get Entertainment news to pick it up.This isn’t a lesson in what sways Biden. This is what’s needed to get Americans to keep up with government.

    • poopjk-av says:

      Sorry, Joe Biden is exactly that stupid. He’s an 80 year old man, I dare you to find an 80 year old who understands movies elevision are pure fiction. They don’t have enough left in their brain to appreciate the difference between fiction and non-fiction.

  • poopjk-av says:

    I love when a simpleminded white man makes their choices based off the talky-talky box.Joe Biden wasn’t that bright 40 years ago, he certainly isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed now.Oh, I’m sorry, am I supposed to treat the man who’s failed to prosecute a coup kindly? The old fool can’t die soon enough.

    • dinoironbody7-av says:

      You think Kamala would prosecute the coup better?

      • poopjk-av says:

        Nope! In fact, I noticed precious few Democrats willing to stake their career around “we should punish the coup attempt and take urgent steps to halt another”. Luckily enough happend to get the ball rolling on some prosecutions but the complete refusal to directly attack the abettors within Congress is quite bad.
        It kinda-sort-totally-fucking-horrify’s me!

        • dinoironbody7-av says:

          We’re talking about a coup that attempted to stop him from being president, so it’s not like he wouldn’t have self-interest on his side.

  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    Well, I’d rather him being made to be nervous about AI by a Mission: Impossible movie than him frantically calling the WWE because he was convinced they blew up Vince McMahon on live TV.

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