Joe Rogan's podcast migrates to Spotify with episodes featuring Alex Jones, other liars, missing

Aux Features The Joe Rogan Experience
Joe Rogan's podcast migrates to Spotify with episodes featuring Alex Jones, other liars, missing
Joe Rogan, frowning politely Photo: Douglas P. DeFelice

We have some extremely unfortunate news for people who like to get their profoundly misguided views directly from the sources: Spotify appears to have woken up from its bender, rubbed its bleary eyes, taken one look at the back catalogue of episodes of The Joe Rogan Experience, and said, “Wait a minute—that’s what we bought? Hoo boy, time to lay off the mezcal.”

Just a few months after the audio streaming service paid a reported $100 million for the exclusive rights to Rogan’s wildly popular podcast, the archived contents of the show have officially migrated to Spotify, and as EW reports, fans immediately noticed some glaring omissions in the historical record. Specifically, Rogan’s interviews with alt-right goons like Gavin McInnes, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Alex Jones have been scrubbed from the list of episodes available, though perhaps the last of those was simply due to Jones’ voice being indistinguishable from a bag of gravel being dragged across a copy of The Bell Curve.

The Joe Rogan Experience, for those unfamiliar, is sort of like the GOOP of podcasts, in that it has a habit of giving voice—and thereby tacitly granting the veneer of respectability—to snake-oil salesman and con men, though in this case the snake oil being sold is the sort of juvenile “how come there’s no white pride month?” intellectualism that comes from seventh graders who spent a little too much time with their racist grandparent. Rogan had previously said his entire back catalogue would remain available, though he may have simply failed to read some fine print which (we’re just speculating here) said that Spotify would ban the same personalities that have been banned from every other remotely credible social-media site for promoting racial hatred and conspiracy garbage.

To be fair, it’s possible there’s another reason for the missing episodes. After all, it seems unlikely that Rogan’s interviews with Nick Kroll and Tommy Chong—both of which have also disappeared—were pulled for promoting hatred, unless we’ve really been misreading Big Mouth and jokes about weed all this time. But those are outliers in what seems like a pretty straightforward scrubbing of racism and fraud from the archives. There’s certainly an argument to be made that by pulling these episodes, Spotify is whitewashing Rogan’s own history, a way of removing the guilt-by-association tag from the shiny new jewel in their podcasting empire; but then we remembered that McInnes mostly just promotes violence against people he doesn’t like with all the subtle wit of Jeff Dunham after being heavily sedated, and figured, hey, one less sentient confederate monument to have to pull down, right?


  • ourassisinthejackpot-av says:

    I’m confused about the AVC’s position on joe rogan, the article wasn’t clear enough.  I need better instructions on who I’m allowed to listen to and who I should hate.

    • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

      This comment says more about your mindset.The article criticizes Joe Rogan. That is not the same as telling you what you can and cannot listen.Your reaction tells me, either you are the type who wants to tell people what to do and/or you have difficulty interacting with people who have different opinions than you.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      You need an entertainment blog to tell you who to like and who to hate? 

  • shh098-av says:

    God the writers on this site are fucking insufferable now.Yeah we get it, your shitty site that has no original content is sooooo good, snarky and interesting.

  • laserface1242-av says:

    Seems like Rogan’s trying to cover up the fact that he’s part of a pipeline for far-right radicalization by giving an unfiltered platform for alt right ideology without any context and hiding under the facade of “rational debate” and “the marketplace of ideas”.

    • galdarn-av says:

      Yeah, sure he’s trying to cover it up… If you really think he’s the one behind removing the episodes then you are by far the stupidest person on the internet.

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      Thanks for this, I’ve saved this video to watch later. Going against my mental health and better judgement, exploring the alt-right pipeline is my new hate-orade.

    • mikolesquiz-av says:

      What part of that gameplan does interviewing Eddie Izzard, Lawrence Lessig, Dr. Cornel West, Tulsi Gabbard, or Bernie Sanders fall under?

  • McGarnagle-av says:

    Friendly reminder that Nick Kroll is a spoiled rich kid whose billionaire father built his fortune off of helping the most evil people on the planet. Recently, that involved harassing Harvey Weinstein’s accusers

    • ourassisinthejackpot-av says:

      Fuck you reminder that people aren’t their parents.

    • dirtside-av says:

      So, that article doesn’t mention Nick Kroll at all. Yes, Kroll (the company) is run by Nick’s father Jules, but I’m unsure what makes you say Nick is “spoiled.” (I’m not saying he’s not, just that the article you linked doesn’t support that part of it)

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      I can’t be angry at people being born to assholes. That wasn’t so much in their control, I mean did you pick your parents or family? If so how?He’s seems alright and to my knowledge he doesn’t promote hatred or anything and I’m not really a huge Kroll fan.

    • cash4chaos-av says:

      You just couldn’t sit around waiting anymore for an article on Nick Kroll to drop this on could you? Guess what, no one cares. 

    • galdarn-av says:

      Nick Kroll isn’t Nick Kroll’s dad, you sad, pathetic fuck.

      Just like how if you have kids they won’t automatically be pathetic, whiny cunts like you.

    • murrychang-av says:

      Not sure why that’s Nick’s fault though?

    • whaaaaat1-av says:

      Friendly reminder that the sins of our fathers should never be passed on to their children.

    • burner-account2-av says:

      Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

    • phonypope-av says:

      Curious why you think that constitutes a criticism of Kroll himself?

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      I’ve heard of this, has Nick Kroll been involved in some way?

      • McGarnagle-av says:

        Depends on how you feel about building a comedy career thanks to your father’s evil fortune. Is parlaying your father’s wealth and connections into a (kinda) successful comedy career immoral? It’s dicey territory.Now that he has a platform, is his silence in relation to his family’s questionable history complicity? I’d say yes, but people here seem to disagree.

        • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

          I think it’s good on you to open up a conversation about it. I personally don’t think it’s an indictable offense on Nick Kroll’s part, socially or legally, but America really needs to hold itself accountable to the fact that much of the foundation of the country or American person’s success is upon the misery of others.

        • stickmontana-av says:

          What a weird personal vendetta. Your argument is that Nick Kroll should just have refused to go into comedy when he found out about the perfectly legal things his father’s company was up to? What reasoning is this? Nick Kroll is no more responsible for his father’s “evil fortune” than the son of a defense attorney who is paid to represent criminals.It sure sounds like you really just don’t like his comedy and therefore believe he should (I guess?) quit his career because of his father’s company’s involvement with Weinstein. That seems perfectly reasonable to you?

        • recognitions-av says:

          I mean do we feel the same way about Dave Berman

          • McGarnagle-av says:

            Berman at least recognized and seemed to reckon with his father’s past. Kroll only brings up his wealthy upbringing when he’s being snotty.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      Disagree. This session of Internet Court is about Joe Rogan. You’ll have to wait for a Big Mouth news story before you state your accusations against Nick Kroll.

      Suit dismissed.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    If Joe Rogan’s podcast is the “jewel of your podcasting empire”, your empire is shit.

    • murrychang-av says:

      Ahhh but have you ever looked at your shit empire…on DMT???

    • pizzapartymadness-av says:

      I’ve never listened to his podcast. I just remember Joe Rogan from NewsRadio.

      • shronkey-av says:

        You are better off that way. Same goes for Andy Dick.

      • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

        Came here to say the same thing. I love that his character was so obtuse it seemed like it would be a natural progression for his character to migrate into randomly racist, con man podcasts. This is what I tell myself whenever I re-watch Newsradio.

      • ammo-av says:

        His podcast is very popular with 20-somethings who are stupid enough to accept the premise of “hey man I’m just asking questions.” Rogan himself calls himself an “ape” and claims he doesn’t know anything and he’s just curious, which is fine if you’re a moron with a bit in The Man Show, not so much when you’re giving a platform to racists, liars, and hacks and validating their ideas by being uninformed enough that you don’t push back on their bullshit.He’s also an idiot Bernie bro who was all for Bernie in the primary and then decided that voting for Trump was closer to Bernie’s platform than Biden. Basically the JRE podcast is a superspreader of stupid ideas.

      • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

        His character on NewsRadio is smarter than Joe Rogan the podcaster, if that helps.

    • lordtouchcloth-av says:

      Broprah Winfrey.

    • snothouse-av says:

      Who Will Save Your (Podcasting Empire’s) Soul?

    • recognitions-av says:

      And you can have it all

  • akabirddoctor-av says:

    It’s weird how the only people who have this take on JRE are the ones who apparently don’t watch it. If you cherry-pick the right-wing guys, sure. But I’m a left-leaning PhD candidate and I watch JRE all the time. Not sure who wins here, but talk about condescending. You purity-test bros are really embarrassing.

    • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

      Who watches a podcast?Joe Rogan is a contrarian. He’s not a deep thinker.

      • stickmontana-av says:

        He doesn’t portray himself as a deep thinker. Also, lots of people watch podcasts. The shit was on Youtube. I’m starting to think you are not arguing in good faith in this thread. LOL.

        • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

          A LOT of his listeners portray him that way.I put in lines like the podcast watching one to see who is going to focus on silly stuff, and who is going to address the main point of a comment.That may not be in good faith. But it’s not an argument. And it immediately gives me a sense of who is worth responding to.

      • akabirddoctor-av says:

        The podcast is video and audio. It’s on YouTube. If you knew what you were railing against, you’d know that.

      • callmeshoebox-av says:

        Joe Rogan fans sure are some sensitive little dudes! 

  • cash4chaos-av says:

    I get so sick of people acting like Rogan is some kind of brilliant interviewer or amazing inquisitive mind. He’s a complete fool who will bite at anything conspiracy related, and he’s possibly the least curious person with a public platform outside of Fox News hosts. He’s one of these annoying “just asking questions” losers. I hate those the most. 

    • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

      People often confuse “contrarian” for “deep thinker”A contrarian doesn’t make up his own mind any more than a “sheeple” does. He just let’s people make up his mind for him differently.

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    Joe Rogan is an idiot that’s turning into an angry red meatball like his previous guest Alex Jones. He represents all the idiocy of a “libertarian” and his just asking questions everyman schtick is just tiresome.

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      He’s absolutely the initial entry to the alt-right sphere. Complains of the cancel culture and such, engages with shitty people regardless of how disingenuous the guest is, and cannot suitably engage any political topic in an informative way. In the end he’s just a guy that polishes up people like Alex Jones, Stephen Crowder, Gavin McGiness, or Jordan Peterson for the less-informed to be fooled into following them.The nicest thing I can say about him nowadays is that he deserves props for making Ben Shapiro squirm. It doesn’t move the needle against his contribution to the disinformation machine, but it certainly was surprising.

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        Ben Shapiro should have been laughed out of the room long ago, but not being able to out-debate or steamroll Joe fuckin’ Rogan should have made him hang it up for good.

  • galdarn-av says:

    “There’s certainly an argument to be made that by pulling these episodes, Spotify is whitewashing Rogan’s own history, a way of removing the guilt-by-association tag from the shiny new jewel in their podcasting empire”

    Jesus Assfucking Christ, you fucking pieces of shit…

    If they leave the episodes up they’re promoting the alt-right, but now that they’ve taken them down it’s also wrong?

    Fuck you. Pick a fucking side, you pathetic hacks, you can’t have it both ways.

    • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

      I think the under-covered part of this is… Presumably Joe Rogan had to agree with the removal of these episodes.What does this tell us about Joe.

      • schwartz666-av says:

        Eye lol, totally agree. There is no way the $100 mil contract didn’t cover the removal of specific content!Honestly, to me this is far more of a statement of Joe’s character then having the questionable people on in the first place.

        • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

          I feel like “Joe Rogan agrees to have his podcast ‘censored’ for lots of money” is a headline that would get a lot more clicks and comments from rabid Rogan fans.That’s the only thing that makes me think it was out of his hands. Because, why would you turn down that clickbait title if it was remotely true.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      I love how miserable you seem. 

    • hewhewjhkwefj-av says:

      Fuck you. Pick a fucking side, you pathetic hacks, you can’t have it both ways.

      Uh, he still has the option of apologizing for being a credulous dumbass.

  • marshalgrover-av says:

    Why should I care about a podcast run by the NewsRadio janitor?

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    To McGarnagle who dismissed every reply disagreeing with him-I can’t be angry at people being born to assholes. That wasn’t so much in their control, I mean did you pick your parents or family? If so how?He’s seems alright and to my knowledge he doesn’t promote hatred or anything and I’m not really a huge Kroll fan.

  • pecunia-av says:

    Nothing better than ignorant communists labeling people far right when there is no such thing. And the same people can’t even properly define left and right. Also, “Alex Jones and other liars”… Why announce you’re a propagandist tool in the title? All anyone has to do is actually listen to Alex Jones to know communists like you are the liars who can’t handle reality so you call names and use elementary school framing to push your narrative. Joe Rogan is the most listened pod cast there is. Go crawl back to your safe space. Also, you really need to figure out what right and left are, because it’s literally impossible to be radicalized right wing. Moron millennials. 

  • recognitions-av says:

    Ugh I just never wanna hear his name again

  • nilus-av says:

    Joe Rogan is just Art Bell for dude-bros + racists

  • whatanassh0le-av says:

    Oh yeah, Joe Rogan, the guy all the dumbest people you know say is smart!

  • soundofmadness-av says:

    Oh come on, this is painting Rogan in the worst possible light. It’s bad faith acting. He has 1700 podcasts. Two with Milo, who for the record, is obviously just a troll, two with Gavin, and two with Alex Jones. I haven’t listened to the Gavin podcasts, but it could not be more obvious that he thinks Milo and Alex Jones are jokes. Why do people act as if 6/1700 podcasts make you “catering to the alt-right”? What about his podcast with Cornel West? Daryl Davis? Steven Pinker? Andrew Yang? Bernie Sanders? Tulsi Gabbard? Edward Snowden? Robert Sapolsky? Jack Dorsey? Jon Stewart? Johann Hari? This and many others are always conveniently forgotten about during these articles. What about the hundred or so actual scientists he’s had on, as opposed to the few obvious snake oil salesmen like Audrey Marcus and Dave Asprey (who, for the record, Rogan admitted was a liar and that he regretted having him on). I don’t think Rogan is some great interviewer or the bastion of free thinking or whatever else it is you may stereotype the people who listen to him are. But it’s pretty damn obvious if you don’t just listen to edited clips that he is left wing.

  • shronkey-av says:

    I just know that Spotify is going to recommend this shit show harder than they try recommending Last Podcast on the Left and Michelle Obama’s podcast. 

  • turn-around-av says:

    Huge circle jerk going on here. 

  • somethinganonymous-av says:

    This article is totally bias free /s

    • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

      How many comments are you going to make on this article whining that someone doesn’t agree with you?I’ve seen 3 at least.Take a deep breath. Joe will be fine. And someone having a different opinion about Joe Rogan isn’t a big deal.

      • charliedesertly-av says:

        Dude, you’re in every single thread on the page

        • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

          And?I’m interacting with other commenters. The dude I’m mocking… Every comment is him starting a thread.You do you!

      • somethinganonymous-av says:

        i think it was just the two, idc about joe as much as people promoting black/white thinking

      • somethinganonymous-av says:

        here’s a duplicate of another reply i just made, just for youcall joe whatever you want, throwing the baby out with the bathwater kills your baby though, black and white thinking and tribalism lead to regression, lack of nuance in your thinking etc etc blah blah i’m tired of repeating myself and being misunderstood because you can’t see my face. just take my word for it i guess. you should probably stop thinking you can fit people into a neat little box of a narrative because wading through enough details to find out what is really bs and what is real is too stressful for you, not specifically you, but i think this is a problem with most discussion online and it’s a separate problem than my respect for any individual. keep thinking i’m just talking about joe though, if it’s simpler for you.all you see is “oh this guy is writing a lot so he’s freaking out because he’s butthurt about joe’s episodes not showing up because everything is about ego and there’s no other though process going on, so lets just lump this commenter into the neat little box in my mind that says they’re just speaking out of vanity instead of anything real” and it’s sad, man. i’m sure you’re more complex than what your comment shows and i’m aware of that, you should try giving people the benefit of the doubt and you might be happy you made that effort when you realize your conversations actually help you learn/teach something instead of just having the intent of being right to appease your ego.

      • somethinganonymous-av says:

        my problem isn’t that i disagree, it’s that you think i should read things like this and believe it blindly instead of making my own judgement by going to the source and putting it through my own filter of experiences. do you let other people do your thinking for you?

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      Does it need to be bias free? It’s an entertainment blog. It’s under no obligation to be nice to your idol. 

      • somethinganonymous-av says:

        call joe whatever you want, throwing the baby out with the bathwater kills your baby though, black and white thinking and tribalism lead to regression, lack of nuance in your thinking etc etc blah blah i’m tired of repeating myself and being misunderstood because you can’t see my face. just take my word for it i guess. you should probably stop thinking you can fit people into a neat little box of a narrative because wading through enough details to find out what is really bs and what is real is too stressful for you, not specifically you, but i think this is a problem with most discussion online and it’s a separate problem than my respect for any individual. keep thinking i’m just talking about joe though, if it’s simpler for you.all you see is “oh this guy is writing a lot so he’s freaking out because he’s butthurt about joe’s episodes not showing up because everything is about ego and there’s no other though process going on, so lets just lump this commenter into the neat little box in my mind that says they’re just speaking out of vanity instead of anything real” and it’s sad, man. i’m sure you’re more complex than what your comment shows and i’m aware of that, you should try giving people the benefit of the doubt and you might be happy you made that effort when you realize your conversations actually help you learn/teach something instead of just having the intent of being right to appease your ego.

  • joe2345-av says:

    It’s been said before but Joe Rogan is the dumb guy that even dumber guys think is smart. He’s a must listen to all of the incels and miserable unfuckable white guys who are pissed at Brie Larson for demanding equal pay

    • stickmontana-av says:

      LOL. FOH with that nonsense. Dude just had Whitney Cummings on and they sang the praises of Bonnie McFarlane’s doc “women aren’t funny.” Acting like Rogan is just some alt-right misogynist is laughable. He’s also not responsible for his terrible fans. On top of the fact that missing in all this “criticism” is that those same incel fans get exposed to people like bernie sanders and the aforementioned female comics who are far from right wing.I also love this “he’s dumb!” argument from people who clearly have never seen the show or even have a passing familiarity with it. Dude never claimed to be some intellectual pedant. I mean most people who are good comics, and clearly most people in actual comedy agree that he is, are pretty smart. Certainly above average. So that too is an empty argument against him.

      • joe2345-av says:

        You think Joe Rogan is a good comic ? GTFOH with that nonsense. And the fact that he has comedians on his show doesn’t excuse the fact that he has freaking nazis on his show as well. 

        • stickmontana-av says:

          I’ve never seen his stand up. Have you? As I said, I’m basing this on, you know, actual comedians and not just the opinions of people on the internet who don’t know anything about comedy but have VERY strong opinions about it. If a bunch of comics I respect think he’s funny, I’m inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.Who cares about a handful of shows with unsavories out of a thousand+? The great thing is if you don’t like the guest, you aren’t required to listen.One of the biggest differences between the left and right was always that the left actually had a sense of humor and could at least begrudgingly accept that not everything is black and white. So much for that. I’m reminded how Sam Morril was just tweeting how even though he hated Trump, the worst comedy audiences were left-wing woke shitheads.Okay, now I will GTFO.

          • joe2345-av says:

            Oh please, all of these people who complain about political correctness and what not are the most sensitive people in the world. If you criticize any of these comedians or hold them or their friends accountable for their words or their behavior towards women they have a freaking meltdown. People like Rogan and Bill Maher are just upset because for the first time in their lives they’re being held accountable for their shitty words 

  • somethinganonymous-av says:

    I just see someone that’s trying to understand everything, and sometimes that takes asking people we don’t like a bunch of questions to see if they really believe what they’re saying or if they’re bs, the expression here is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I don’t think it’s as simple as “you gave this idiot a platform so you’re just as bad as them”, that’s some pretty binary and almost superstitious thinking (superstitions are loose associations to things that seem bad for us, and gizmodo did a piece on this). The #1 thing promoted on JRE is nuance and not allowing yourself to be gaslighted by groupthink, he constantly says “don’t listen to me, don’t listen to anyone”, he’s not even promoting that you blindly listen to *him* let alone his guests. The whole point is to present concepts and information for you to put through your own personal filter and take/leave what you think is useful or interesting while saying thats bs to things you don’t think are right. By believing this podcast is a danger is the same as you saying you don’t believe anyone has the capability for independent thought and filtering out bs.
    Which, sure, there are a lot of idiots out there that don’t think critically, but there are also a ton of people, myself included that get a whole lot out of seeing the whole story behind people that are demonized in the media, SO I CAN FORM *MY OWN OPINION* INSTEAD OF LISTENING TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU TRYING TO MAKE IT FOR ME. Even if I come to the same exact conclusion as you about these people, you’ll try to demonize me for watching them? Or demonize Joe for trying to get the full picture of why these people are the way they are, and see if there is any value at all, instead of just assuming there’s none. There’s even value for psychologists in talking to serial killers in jail so we know how these people are formed, it’s the same thing here. Everyone has value even if you don’t like them, even if they are a bigot, or a liar, there is some small nugget of value in them even if indirectly. I hate this binary thought process so much. You think we’re going to make progress by throwing away information that might be potentially useful because you’re too impatient or dehumanizing to wade through the bs.
    It’s not about promoting hateful people or pseudoscience like it’s being framed here, it’s about trying to understand everything that’s going on around us on a deeper level instead of just believing what you read and letting yourself be controlled by the fear of being thrown under the bus by your own team for having a different opinion.
    By putting an idiot on a platform, everyone gets to see how much of an idiot they are and they start changing their story over a 3h discussion, if the person spent a whole lot of time forming an argument then there is value in defeating that argument. If your fear is that someone will believe everything that Alex Jones says because they saw him making an idiot of himself on JRE, then you’re going to have a whole lot of babysitting to do to keep that ideal going. We make progress by listening to things we don’t agree with and forming a better logical argument, not by ignoring everyone we disagree with, by trying to understand how they got that way and trying to appeal to their better nature. Not everyone has the patience and compassion necessary for this, but Joe seems to.

    • somethinganonymous-av says:

      And instead of attacking my character or lumping me into whatever binary box you have pre-defined in your mind, please take a moment to actually acknowledge what I’m saying, actually think it over in good faith like a person with honor and self respect would

      • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

        Nah.When Rogan starts bringing extreme leftist on his show. People who actually advocate anarchy. Or maybe a legitimate communist, who speaks intelligently about starting a revolution. How many truly socialist people has he had on his show? Has he ever brought on a black supremacist?When you only ask certain people questions… you’re not being open-minded and curious. You have an ideology (or the beginnings of one) and you’re honing it.

        • charliedesertly-av says:

          I know Abby Martin and David Pakman have both been on there more than once.

          • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

            Martin is 9/11 truther. So, I’m not surprised she was on. Did they talk about her more left-leaning stuff? Or just the 9/11 truther stuff?And I’m not sure why you brought Pakman up. He’s not connected to any left-wing ideology in the way Jones or Ben Shapiro are. He seems like a weird counter to my rhetorical question.

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            I don’t remember all that clearly what he talked about with Abby Martin. But I don’t think it was 9/11 truther stuff.  Like I said, she’s been on there more than once.What is David Pakman known for, if not progressive views?

        • charliedesertly-av says:

          Perhaps it’s true I’m not answering the question as you originally asked it (e.g. “extreme leftists”). People who I think could give some intelligent and genuinely left commentary: Chris Hedges, Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, Richard Wolff. Not a long list. And, no, none of those people have appeared on that show. And I’m not sure they should. I wouldn’t really wish 90 year old Chomsky into that environment (although perhaps now the podcast is being done by remote video feed, which wouldn’t be as bad).There are left wing guests on there fairly often. Are those guests questionable in one way or another? Yeah, they often are. But it’s not just a steady stream of one alt-right d-bag after another, is generally what I’m saying.

        • somethinganonymous-av says:

          Oh sweet a real argument, and fair point. What about bernie? What questions are being avoided? I have a feeling if he were made aware of what he’s avoided he might correct, but that might be my bias talking. I just see good intent even if the execution isn’t ideal, there is some amount of self-correction that happens. His ideology seems to be fairly communistic in certain aspects, you always hear him saying how the best way to help america would be to start in less developed communities, get them better food/water get them jobs and appoint people who live in and understand the particular community, that has come up on the show sooo many times and sounds like it’s along the lines of what you think would be ideal.
          So i’m curious if you’ve even watched it to the extent where you acknowledge that his ideology matches yours in some respects. could there be a bias in you believing what other people say about his show instead of you watching it yourself to make your own judgement? That’s my main problem, is that there is so much opinion noise that hardly anyone is looking to the sources themselves and making their own judgements, I hope this isn’t how youre forming your opinion, based on the opinions of people like the author of this article. Instead of going to the source yourself and putting it through your own filter of experience, are you just reading stuff like this, agreeing, and taking a side? Or have you watched a lot of the show and come to this conclusion? If you haven’t watched a good chunk of the episodes how do you know what you’re saying is true?
          Have you seen the episode with Daryl Davis? Who would be a legitimate communist or black supremacist that has solid revolution plans? Looking forward to your reply

    • stickmontana-av says:

      Please get out of here with this reasonable and correct opinion. The only correct response is to have never seen the show but think Rogan and all his fans are alt-right monsters.
      To be fair, he does have some truly awful fans.It just boggles my mind that they cherry pick these guests out of hundreds of shows as if that somehow defines him. I mean JFC, he has liberal/left comics on his show all the time. If Rogan is such a terrible right wing huckster then why are they all doing his show and singing his praises?

  • stickmontana-av says:

    The hatred for Rogan is almost as surprising as his immense popularity. I don’t listen to the show but I’m tangentially aware just because he has so much respect in the comedy community. He also doesn’t just have right wing nutjobs on the show. He also has great, interesting guests. I mean you can’t just pretend people like Alex Jones don’t exist and aren’t influential. I prefer my nutters to be out in the open where I can keep an eye on them.One of the biggest mistakes liberals have made is trying to “cancel” Rogan. He was a Bernie guy. Had him on the show. Would have supported him—which would have been huge for his large, right-center leaning audience. Our side is intent on alienating and isolating ourselves from reality.I used to dismiss it as right-wing propaganda, but the lack of tolerance by liberals for anything that remotely deviates from their weird purity ring around race/gender/whatever issues is astonishing. I’m less and less convinced every day that my liberal or left wing “allies” truly believe any of the things they preach.

    • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

      Who tried to cancel Joe Rogan?Why do people call criticism “cancelling”?

      • stickmontana-av says:

        JFC. I put cancel in quotes. The pathetic attempt on Twitter just a bit ago over the whole Joey Diaz thing is the most recent example. I get that most people aren’t truly cancelled (again, hence the quotes).It’s the nature of the criticism not the criticism itself. Like I said, I’m not a follower of his. I really could not give less of a fuck if he interviewed a handful of turds and literally hundreds of great guests. “He had Alex Jones on, fuck him, his fans, and his podcast” is not criticism.I would be wildly curious to know how many of the good liberals who frequent this website had actually listened to any of those episodes they are criticizing. I would guess not many.

        • 9087ns87gsdfg-av says:

          Joe Rogan is the bar regular who will talk to anyone. But it’s all BS… not in the sense that he’s lying. In the sense that true or false doesn’t matter. insight doesn’t matter. Relevance doesn’t matter. All that matters is keeping the conversation going. That’s not smart. That’s just jabbering.
          If all he’s doing is jabbering… why does he tend to do so with alt-right folks more than avowed communists? Why more white supremacists than Black Panther types?

          • stickmontana-av says:

            I still don’t believe you are arguing in good faith. If it’s just jabbering and the very foundation of his podcast is so shaky, then what does it matter how many “avowed communists” he has on his show? Your perspective would totally change if he had, say, Chomsky on? That seems unlikely.
            I mean he’s a comic/entertainer. It seems strange to me to complain about the lack of intellectual rigor of the show when it’s not and never has been an academic podcast. He definitely has had some smart people on. Sam Harris, Neal Degrasse Tyson, et al. The number of non-alt-right guests completely eclipses the nutjobs.Also, I’m not blind to the absurdity of a bunch of people who don’t watch the show arguing for or against. LOL.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      So how much is Joe paying you guys?

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    It always astounds me when I meet seemingly normal people who think the guy who made people eat whale penis on Fear Factor is some kind of wise man worth following.Also, someone far more clever than me described Rogan and his weird habit of being both incredibly demanding and totally credulous of everything he’s told as a time-traveling French emperor.

  • schwartz666-av says:

    Spotify knew who they were buying. Least they could do is sell the whole “Experience”.Obviously Joe agreed to this, which is fucked in a sell-out sotta way, but is par for the course.While I do enjoy JRE here-and-there and listening to some of the “shit abyss” guests is fascinating (to me at least), the damaging thing about these interviews is the way Joe conducts them in a Jimmy Fallon-esque sort of way.

  • renojake-av says:

    Hey Alex, Please go back to your previous job of teaching dogs autofellatio. The spilling of those fluids here is repulsive.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    I’ve tried so hard to listen to the JRE before, because my little brother says it’s great and our likes and dislikes tend to align, but it’s just so damn boring to me. He said I should listen to the Alex Jones one because “it’s funny” but I got a half-hour in and it’s just Jones rattling off conspiracies while Rogan just lets him keep going while unironically encouraging him. Shit, man, if I wanted to listen to Alex Jones be crazy, I’ll look up one of the dozens of youtube compilations that pick out the highlights.I mean, I guess he must be doing something right, you don’t get that famous/that many subscribers by doing a bad podcast. Even if you try to paint it as being all alt-right followers, I don’t think they alone could have lifted it to being basically the most-popular (or almost-most-popular, I don’t know what gets the most downloads nowadays) podcast out there. I just don’t see the appeal.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      In country that got enough votes for Trump to become president and Fox “News” being massively popular you don’t think an idiot with a bad podcast can’t succeed? 

      • weedlord420-av says:

        Oh I think he can succeed just fine, there’s a lot of idiots with bad podcasts making being successful. I just mean his level of success is kind of amazing for what I personally found to be pretty dull.

  • doodypants-av says:

    Everyone is closed-minded, except for me. I’m so open-minded that I have considered all possible angles, listened to all parties, and studied all points of view. Well, at least to the point where I can identify the ideologies of others without fail by the first few words out of their mouth. Everyone knows that people never change and never deviate from their chosen ideologies, so there is literally no reason to listen to any “full sentences” and definitely no “fully articulated thoughts”. I only need to hear four words tops, preferably the ones I can twist to make my point for me. I am thus able to label and categorize people into one of two camps:1. Those who are open-minded enough to agree with me and are therefore enlightened.2. Those who are closed-minded and obviously uneducated. The stupids.

  • rays2-av says:

    Spotify paid $100,000,000 for this guy (again, “reportedly”, but I’ll
    use “allegedly” as I have some trouble buying that)
    yet they couldn’t or wouldn’t hold onto R.E.M.’s “MTV Unplugged”
    album(s) nor Brent Spiner’s “Ol’ Yellow Eyes Is Back”. Guess there’s no
    need to feel guilty about avoiding a Premium membership if they’re
    going to have That Much trouble deciding where their money goes.

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