Star athlete Joey Chestnut overcomes injury, COVID, and protester to defend hot dog eating record

Chestnut won the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating contest for the 15th time by downing 63 dogs in 10 minutes

Aux Features Joey Chestnut
Star athlete Joey Chestnut overcomes injury, COVID, and protester to defend hot dog eating record
Chestnut digs deep into his unending reserves of meat gobbling resolve. Screenshot: ESPN

Warrior poet and American athletic icon Joey “Jaws” Chestnut has once again shown the world that he is not to be messed with. In past years, he’s been content to intimidate pigs, cows, chickens, and, presumably, raccoon anuses through heroic displays of processed meat devouring at the annual July 4th weekend Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating contest.

This year, while defending the championship title, Chestnut branched out a bit further to demonstrate that it’s not just slaughterhouse refuse that falls before him, but also any distraction that might arise from an injured leg, COVID recovery, or animal rights protesters.

The first two entries to the above list were immediately conquered by Chestnut as he emerged onto the field of meat battle on a pair of crutches, resolute in purpose despite a leg injury and recent bout with COVID. After being raised up both metaphorically and literally with help from the Nathan’s announcer and a rising platform, Chestnut looked upon his domain, raised a fist, and set out to show his subjects why he still deserves to be hailed as the reigning King Of Emulsified Animal Leftovers.

The first drips of hot pig juice had hardly cooled on his lips when a protester ran out onto the stage wearing a Darth Vader mask and holding a sign that read, “EXPOSE SMITHFIELD’S DEATH STAR.”

Joey Chestnut’s chokehold in Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest

Chestnut, blood fired with the salted ghosts of so many dead animals, had no time for the protester’s attempt to call factory farming and the celebration of its results into question. The hot dog champ grabbed the protester in a chokehold, dropped them to the ground, and, untroubled by this act of rebellion, immediately began stuffing more wet meat tubes into his insatiable maw.

Joey Chestnut downs 63 hot dogs to win 2022 Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest 🌭 🤯

In the end, Chestnut won the contest by hammering down a total of 63 wieners in 10 minutes. This number falls short of the record he set last year—76 dogs swallowed—but it’s still a stellar example of what one man can do with only grit, determination, and a refusal to entertain complaints about industrial meat farming driving him forward.

No greater celebration of American might exists than this display of power. As the empire cracks, Chestnut remains unbreakable. As the very Earth itself buckles under our weight, he stands tall. His vision is clear and his purpose is never in doubt. Every problem is a hot dog. The only solution is to eat it.

[via Vulture]

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  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Nothing suggestive about that.

  • bc1bc2bc3-av says:

    JC confronts issues better than cops in schools (watch the video…well worth 30 seconds of your time). Sigh. That joke is sadder than it is funny. But real talk, he dropped that protestor with a quickness. And I doubt eating dozens of hot dogs is “performance enhancing” but what an unexpected performance (not advocating for/against JC or protester…just an observation).

  • rafterman00-av says:

    There are prts of the qorld that are starving (and in the US too), yet we have contests in America to see how much food you can shove into your face, and we have actual professional eating leagues.

  • waystarroyco-av says:

    This man is a goddamn…hold up….(vomits on shoes)….national treasure.Dare I say…..(projectile vomits on dashboard)…Hebrew National Treasure 

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Putting an animal rights protester in a headlock while you have multiple hotdogs in your mouth is very impressive 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    More like “Every problem is a hot dog. The only solution is to choke it.”

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Hangry or he just likes fucking people up? He looks like he enjoys showing off his multi-tasking skills.

    • 3tacocat3-av says:

      That and the dude bumped him. Hot dog contests may be wrong but Mr. Chestnut had no idea of the protester’s intent.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    I wish they could descend upon MAGA domestic terrorist mass shooters as efficiently as they keep getting to animal rights protesters.

  • dudebra-av says:

    Big deal.I ate 64 hot dog sandwiches while reading this article.

  • jomonta2-av says:

    I’m glad this Chestnut guy has found his calling and hope he’s happy, but this is one of the more disgusting things to be good at.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      A friend of mine is into competitive eating. He’s been in the Philly Wing Bowl, the fried mushroom eating competition in Kennett Square, probably some others. I think it’s gross and can’t possibly be good for you, but I try to be cool.

      • nilus-av says:

        I hear the worst part is the after effects. You may be able to train your body to eat 60 hot dogs in ten minutes but no amount of training is ever going to get your body comfortable with digesting all that crap. 

    • bcfred2-av says:

      I’ve always wondered how you discover you’re world-class at something like this. I mean this Chestnut guy isn’t a paragon of good health, but I don’t look at him and think “elite competitive eater.”His biggest rival has been a Japanese guy who weighs like 150 pounds.

      • jomonta2-av says:

        Even if I could eat 60+ hotdogs, why would I ever want to? And then to do it year after year after year, oof.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    Truly he is the THROAT GOAT

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