John Goodman as Col. Sanders is happy to take your gay chicken money

Aux Features Comedy

Quite a stir was created yesterday when droves of Chick-Fil-A supporters took to drive-thrus across the country in response to the backlash about Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy's comments opposing gay marriage. While the streets of Birmingham and Selma were the sites of the Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s, the Civil Rights battles of the 21st Century are being fought over fast food because America, that's why. Of course, as with everything else, arguments rage and jokes fly on the Internet: John Goodman and the folks at Funny Or Die delivered this thigh, wing, and bone of satire of the whole shebang, but mostly at the expense of Chick-Fil-A, with Goodman portraying the most American of men: Harland David Sanders, aka Colonel Sanders of KFC.

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