John Oliver lambasts the annual Presidential turkey pardon

Aux Features TV
John Oliver lambasts the annual Presidential turkey pardon

Much like the annual White House Easter Egg Roll or the selection of the Vice President, the pardoning of a single turkey shortly before Thanksgiving is one of those silly, ultimately meaningless rituals every Commander-In-Chief must endure, dignity be damned. John Oliver, however, is questioning the soundness of this particular tradition in a new video posted to YouTube during a hiatus for his series Last Week Tonight With John Oliver. “Like a psychotic ex,” Oliver explains, “we’re still sending you videos from time to time to remind you what you’re missing.” In the two-minute editorial, the comedian soundly thrashes the turkey pardon for its inherent lack of fairness. “If we’re going to pardon one turkey,” he says, “we should pardon them all, or we should put them all on trial.” Oliver then challenges President Obama and all future successors to the nation’s highest office to show up at the pardon armed with a cleaver, since all turkeys are inherently “guilty of having delicious bird parts that should be serving time in the prison of my mouth.”

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