Johnny Greenwood scores Joaquin Phoenix kicking ass in You Were Never Here first look

Film Features Film

Director Lynne Ramsay’s new film You Were Never Here had its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, but you can get a small glimpse of it right now. Not only that, but this short clip includes a taste of the score, composed by Johnny Greenwood. The Radiohead guitarist, more known for his lush modernist orchestral scores for Paul Thomas Anderson (with whom he’s currently collaborating on yet another project), seems to have rediscovered a place for smooth pulsating grooves, as the music here evokes a Euro-club cool that pairs well with Ramsay’s roving camerawork. The movie stars Joaquin Phoenix as a war veteran attempting to save women from sex traffickers (based on a novella by Bored To Death’s Jonathan Ames), and based on this clip, he‘s not fucking around when it comes to the nasty parts of the job. The violence is over in a flash, leaving more questions than answers about his character. But it teases an intriguing dip into the world of genre filmmaking for the usually elliptical auteur, whose last pairing with Greenwood was for 2011’s We Need To Talk About Kevin. You Were Never Here does not yet have a release date.

[Via Pitchfork]

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