Jonathan Majors: More former partners, plus Lovecraft Country crew, speak out

Two more women have come forward with abusive accounts from relationships with Jonathan Majors

Aux News Lovecraft Country
Jonathan Majors: More former partners, plus Lovecraft Country crew, speak out
Jonathan Majors Photo: Mike Coppola

As Jonathan Majors’ conviction on assault and harassment continues to wind its way toward sentencing, The New York Times has more information about Majors’ past behavior on deck this evening. Pulling from a mixture of background info collected for his 2023 trial, plus interviews with several of the women in question, the Times piece focuses on two women, Emma Duncan and Maura Hooper, who were both in long-term romantic relationships with the (now-former) Marvel star, both of whom said he was possessive and abusive. (Physically so, at least one of the women alleges.) The Times also spoke to several women who worked on Majors’ breakout project, HBO series Lovecraft Country, who described incidents of unprofessional behavior from the star.

Duncan, who was engaged to Majors from 2015 to 2019, describes a number of incidents of threats and physical violence from Majors across a long and tumultuous relationship. (Majors’ lawyer, quoted extensively in the article, denies any of the legally actionable bits about threats or actual injuries, but does cop to Majors being incredibly jealous during the relationship—and admits to one incident where Duncan and Majors apparently “both fell into a mailbox” while she was trying to prevent him from harming himself. Duncan’s statement asserts that he “slammed her body into their mailbox” amidst an argument.)

Amidst other statements, Duncan asserts that Majors told her to kill herself, threatened that “I’m going to make sure you can’t have children,” and, on one occasion, choked her. Hooper’s shorter relationship, which happened while she and Majors were together at Yale, didn’t contain elements of physical violence per her account, but she describes him “love-bombing” her and isolating her from her support structures.

Meanwhile, the Times piece included interviews with multiple staffers on Lovecraft Country, which ran on HBO for a single season in 2020. Jessica Pollini, a TV vet who served as first assistant director on one of the show’s 10 episodes, describes an altercation with Majors in which he drew her into a private meeting on the show’s set and told her “You’re not welcome here.” Other female staffers said they warned each other to keep their distance from Majors on the show’s set.

Majors’ sentencing, for two convictions related toward behavior toward ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari, was originally scheduled for earlier this week; it has since been moved to April 8.


  • tech-hedz-av says:

    He seems like a peach.

  • killa-k-av says:

    The source article is definitely worth reading: sounds like a huge asshole.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I bet it’s not.I bet he is.

      • killa-k-av says:

        Is too.

      • blakelivesmatter-av says:

        Spoken like a Magat!  “Here’s the primary source for what I’m telling you;” “Meh.”  “Here’s how you should feel about it;” “Totally!”  

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          I mean not everyone enjoys reading detailed tales of abuse of women.

        • thegreatkingchiba-av says:

          Strange take. People are entitled to feel how ever they want about literally anything. We don’t have to placate you by feeling how you feel.

          That being said, it doesn’t take reading anymore on this guy to form the conclusion that he probably did, in fact, do it. Turns out when people show you who they are 3….5…….7…..10 times?…. alot of us stop feeling the need to question because the answer is right there already.

          We don’t question when a dog bites a child…..we just put it down. “OooooHHHHHhhHH BuT wHaT aBoUt ThE dOgS uPbRiNgiNg?!?! WhAt AbOuT tHe SoCiEtAl PrEsSuReS oN tHe DoG tO bE a GoOd BoY?!?! WHUT ABOOT DA DOGE’s MENTAL HEALTH!?!?!?!?”

          We already have texts messages showing his is a sociopathic, we already have the audio of him saying weird messiah shlt like Kanye and we have 99% of hollywood turning its back on the guy (something that doesnt happen with plants…. and he IS an industry plant.)

          • necgray-av says:

            Uhhhh… Do you have a thing about dogs? Cuz that shit is unhinged nonsense. When a dog bites a child you absolutely DO ask questions.

          • thegreatkingchiba-av says:

            I’m sorry you can’t fking read or can’t handle concepts that require you to use that useless pile of noodles between your ears?

            I was clearly over exaggerating for dramatic effect based on how infantile I perceive the arguments I was framing. I was making the point that we build society around consequences for wrong doing and we live in an era where everybody wants to make excuses for people they like and absolutely bury people they don’t.

            Most of the people defending Majors would speak MUCH differently if we were talking about them or their loved ones as his victims, they wouldn’t be pearl clutching about race or gender politics. Much like how when a dog attacks someone the general outcome is that dog gets put down….. we don’t stand around making up a pile of excuses.

            I hate that I had to pointlessly over explain that, but I hope your needs have been better serviced and if they haven’t at this point I don’t particularly care, this is the level of effort I’ll give you.

          • necgray-av says:

            Cool. Take a breath while I explain to you that the reality is we *rarely* just put a dog down for attacking someone. In the majority of cases wherein a dog attacks someone, the dog is quarantined while a determination is made about why it happened, including the possibility of rabies. Now maybe you live in a part of the world or your country where people DO just shoot a dog for attacking but that’s not really how it works most of the time in the Western world, particularly the United States. So I’m sorry but your metaphor was stupid and the fact that you framed it in exaggerated Spongebob font does not make it less stupid.

          • thegreatkingchiba-av says:

            How about you take that breath for yourself, and hold it until you black out and get off my dick.

            You are factually wrong, but I appreciate your dedication to your wrong fking opinion. You are truly dedicated to misrepresentation just so you can continue to double down because you are a pathetic loser who wants to win an argument on the internet. I get that means something to you, but it means fk all to me so I’m going to stop respond to you now and wish you ALL the best in your future endeavors because I’m not going to sit and argue with you about whether or not dogs get killed for attacking people literally ALL THE TIME (between 12% and 29% of ALL euthanized dogs ACTUALLY…. depending on which statistic you choose)…… I’m just not, go read or something and learn to be right instead of wrong.

            Thank you, fk you, bye cause I won’t be back to waste anymore of my time. My point has been made EXHAUSTIVELY clear for those with IQ’s above room temperature.

          • necgray-av says:

            So the vast minority of dogs that are euthanized are because of violent behavior. Of the dogs that exhibit violent behavior, what percentage are taken to a shelter for treatment? (Hint: not the majority) In point of fact, the majority of violent dog attacks result in lawsuits, not “getting put down”.I don’t care about winning an internet argument. I care about some idiot talking nonsense about dogs in a way that makes that idiot sound like an animal abusing piece of shit.Your point is a stupid one.

          • themantisrapture-av says:

            Dogs aren’t people.Stop talking about dogs.

          • necgray-av says:

            Tell that to the idiot who used a dog metaphor.

          • themantisrapture-av says:

            …all the dog talk mashed my brain up…Note to me; don’t reply when stoned.

          • killa-k-av says:

            Just FYI, as an outside observer, your comments come off like you’re the one trying to “win an argument on the internet.”

          • tjsproblemsolvers-av says:

            Easy does it, Will Wheaton.

          • indicatedpanic-av says:

            Not really dude. If the bite is in any way more than just a scratch or surface level cut, that dog gets put down. There’s not really a discussion about it. 

          • necgray-av says:

            You’re just wrong. Look into it even a little bit. The most common consequence of a dog bite is a lawsuit. IF a dog bites MULTIPLE people, is found to have rabies, is determined by local law enforcement to be a danger, THEN it gets put down. It’s just not “Oh, that dog bit someone? BLAMMO!”And look, it was an idiotic metaphor anyway. I didn’t get into it because I didn’t think it was worth the bother, but dude is drawing a parallel between a Black man, however awful he is, and a dangerous animal. Pun absolutely intended, that is some dog whistle shit.

          • indicatedpanic-av says:

            Well that is an entirely fair point. And I agree with you on that. It was a terrible metaphor. 

        • nimbh-av says:

          He’s not a Magat, just an edgelord with a small dick. 

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      Asshoe is too kind, he’s a legitimate sociopath. Like, murdering someone is not off his mat of possibilities in the future going off a lot of the things that have come out about him. 

    • indicatedpanic-av says:

      I mean, like, does marvel not even do a basic background check on major casting decisions before signing the contract? I feel like this could have all been easily avoided with a quick chat with a few former costars/staff on set members (well the mcu shit, not the horribleness of his character).Like, why is it harder for me to get a minimum wage job at Arby’s than for him to nail this multi-movie millions of dollars worth of a role?

      • agentz-av says:

        But why would you ask that if you didn’t already think Majors was someone to be worried about? It’s not like anyone expected Jonathan Majors of all people to turn out to be an abuser. None of his co-workers had anything negative to say about him until last year. Joss Whedon, who went through a similar fall from grace, had an even longer history of bad behaviour that wasn’t known until after he and Disney had already parted ways.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Must’ve been some mailbox.

  • pcjenkins-av says:

    Yes, he is an asshole. He basically thinks he’s better than everyone. He was accepted at Yale, and after than he just figured he was some kind of black royalty or something.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Yeah, everybody knows you’re only black Royalty if you were accepted at Hillman College.

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        but then he was at miskatonic!

        • cyrusclops-av says:

          A degree from Miskatonic is really prestigious, since so many students mysteriously disappear or go insane before graduation.

          • beadgirl-av says:

            Having never heard of Miskatonic, but assuming it was from a movie or video game I had not seen/played, I googled it. I was very confused for a moment when the University website and a Google maps location showed up. There’s a lot that sucks about the internet, but I love it when people commit to something literary and silly like this.

          • abradolphlincler81-av says:

            Cthulhu approves this comment.

      • redeyedjedi410-av says:

        you spelled Howard wrong!lol jk, I’m an HU Alumnus. I wanted to go somewhere like Hillman and Howard did not disappoint.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      He did compare himself to MLK. lol

      • planehugger1-av says:

        Jonathan Majors has also had a dream. Several dreams, in fact. Falling dreams, dreams where he didn’t study for an exam, and so on.Where’s his monument on the National Mall?

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          When they build it I hope it has the exact same expression that he has in the header photo.

          • planehugger1-av says:

            Is it an expression?  I sort of feel like it’s just his face.

          • ol-whatsername-av says:

            It’s what they used to call a “punchable face”, right? I’m glad that descriptor seems less common now but – looking at that face – I really get it for the first time ever.

    • rev-skarekroe-av says:

      He has the boorish manners of a Yaley!

    • coolgameguy-av says:

      He didn’t attend Yale though because he was jealous of all the Majors.

  • milligna000-av says:

    Someone needs to make a collage video of all the times he’s pulled that face

    • targaryenapologist-av says:

      I disliked him before all this stuff came out purely because of that stupid expression he made all the time

    • pgoodso564-av says:

      Set to Eric Prydz’ Call On Me.

    • themantisrapture-av says:

      100% he has friends/family that have ripped him a new asshole for pulling that stupid fucking face in every photo.The fact he’s continued to make that face despite the grief he must get from his people is all anyone should need to know that the guy is a fucking prick.
      (I’m dropping this comment again after using elsewhere, but… that fucking face…)

  • drippy666-av says:

    The film industry and everyone more worried about landing their next role rather than doing what’s right are all guilty of enabling abuse.  

  • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

    I really hope he likes making Christian movies.

  • MookieBlaylock-av says:

    I don’t want to rush to judgment here, but personally, I would convict him just on that stupid face he makes in every picture.  Clear sign of a psychopath.  

    • jackstark211-av says:


    • bcfred2-av says:

      I think that particular one is now the AVC house photo for Majors, which I’m totally on board with.

    • goonsq33-av says:

      #2 on that list is Kevin Smith.  Every picture he takes he looks like he sees the bill for a meal that is 3X what he thought.  

    • wrecksracer-av says:

      aww hell! I just made that same joke lol

    • themantisrapture-av says:

      100% he has friends/family that have ripped him a new asshole for pulling that stupid fucking face in every photo.The fact he’s continued to make that face despite the grief he must get from his people is all anyone should need to know that the guy is a fucking prick.

    • ol-whatsername-av says:

      OH my GOOOOOD his mouth and what he does with it grosses me out. It’s not just in stills, he delivers lines like he’s rolling something around in his mouth, and then massaging his bare gums with his lips, I can’t even describe it. Is it a tic? Is it developing INTO a tick?

  • arfybarfy-av says:

    Accountability for this kind of behavior is so important. So when are we going to start holding Anthony Anderson accountable???

  • the1969dodgechargerfan-av says:

    Given how Majors’ looks are about as anti-Sidney Poitier has a man can get, I’m utterly baffled why he was cast in any movies.

  • leobot-av says:

    Jesus Christ.I mean, in fairness, I’m appalled about a hundred times a day by things I cannot fathom. But I can’t imagine a situation in which I would say to someone, “I’m going to make sure you can’t have children.”That gave me chills and a lot to think about, unfortunately.

  • koreda-av says:

    He still doesn’t deserve jail — didn’t deserve guilty verdict — for fleeing volatile, toxic-trap, initially instigated by Grace Jabbari.He absolutely doesn’t deserve to be working in the industry since he can only dress down, harass, or belittle feme-counterparts on-set.This isn’t 1997 or 2011; that small-minded native bigotry is now the exception — he ought to be ashamed for even trying. Time to build a while new resume guy.D o n e.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Ya’ll, I’m beginning to think this Majors fellow might not be a very good person.

  • kareembadr-av says:

    “Man, Lovecraft Country was so good. I don’t understand why they would end it after one season.”Now I understand. What an asshole.

    • shotgunsamurai42-av says:

      Seems pretty clear now, huh?

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      “We’re going to leave his character crucified going into a potential season 2.”“But he’s the main…”“Nope. He stays crucified. Everyone agreed. Including him.”

    • cirkus-av says:

      Lovecraft Country ran up to 10 episodes, and it was based on one book. So they pretty covered everything they could in that one season—-I’ve seen most of the episodes—-it’s a really good series, despite the gore, and a little too many sex scenes. Plus it was refreshing to see a period horror series with the main characters being black for a change. But, given the current accusations against Majors, it’s no surprise to hear that he has a history of abuse with women even before he was famous. Men with a history of that kind of behavior towards the women in their lives usually do, unfortunately.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    He sounds worse than Kang.

  • usernameorwhatever-av says:

    He sounds like a complete sociopath.Imagine being blessed with the talent, good looks, and luck needed to become a full on movie star, but also being so fucked in the head that you can’t stop being an abusive monster to every woman around you and incapable of not ruining everything you built.It’s just… what a fucking waste.

    • cirkus-av says:

      What’s messed up is that he’d finally made it to the top of Hollywood, but he completely torpedoed it by being an abusive dick to his girlfriend. It sounds like the fame went to his head, his ego blew up, and he became even more of a dick than he was before—-like a lot of actors and actresses do when they get fame, and don’t know how to handle or deal with it. That dosen’t justify his behavior at all, though.

  • facebones-av says:

    Remember a couple years ago, when there was a concerted effort by his publicity team to sell him as a more sensitive action star? He was in touch with his feminine side and all that? I remember an interview to that effect on NPR. Yeah, that all aged well. He was just trying to get ahead of the inevitable shoes dropping. 

  • saketeet-av says:

    The whole trial should be thrown in the garbage! Too much fishy nonsense in the case!!!! 

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Holy shit can he just go away already! I used to be a huge fan but now I’m tired of hearing about him

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    I mean….just look at the look on his face. It’s like he’s vacant. In every picture he has a dead eyed “what should I do with my face” look. GUILTY! (edit-I see everybody else made this same joke lol)

  • mider-span-av says:

    Sounds like a bunch of hearsay and people jumping on the bandwagon. Quite vague. I’ll reserve my judgment for when something more substantial comes out.

    • killa-k-av says:

      What about the phone calls and text messages that were submitted as evidence during the trial?

    • milligna000-av says:

      I’m sure everyone will be awaiting your precious “judgment” as eagerly as they always do. I know Marvel figured it was key.

    • roboj-av says:

      Video recordings of him yelling and screaming at his ex-girlfriend and later running after and assaulting her that was shown to everyone during a trial isn’t “substantial” enough for you?

    • bigjoec99-av says:

      You clear don’t understand what “hearsay” is. The women he mistreated are themselves describing the threats he made and the ways in which he mistreated them.You may be skeptical about whether their allegations are true, but they’re not hearsay. Look it up.

  • 7893726695255707642245890764324679852477865478-av says:

    But he innocent though. But it’s a set up though. It’s because he black though. It’s because the system racist though. It’s because they are all lying though. But they trying to tear down a strong black man though.

  • lasttimearound-av says:

    Sometimes with a guy like this I wonder where the line is being “being an asshole” and “the chemicals in his brain are completely f’d up”. It sounds like he has real mental issues and probably needs careful drug treatment to balance things out.Or maybe he’s just a dickhead.

  • mcpatd-av says:

    he got a real pretty mouth…

  • donnation-av says:

    Where are all of his defenders in here now?  This guy is done and rightfully so. 

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