Jonathan Majors case reveals possible domestic violence incident in London

The Manhattan District Attorney’s office has submitted a filing containing new evidence against Jonathan Majors

Aux News Domestic violence
Jonathan Majors case reveals possible domestic violence incident in London
Jonathan Majors Photo: Frazer Harrison

Ahead of a pre-trial hearing in the domestic violence case against Jonathan Majors, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office has submitted a filing that includes previously unreported evidence, according to Variety. That includes an attempt by prosecutors to obtain a copy of a London Metropolitan Police report from September 2022, which supposedly includes information on medical care received by Majors’ then-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari. Jabbari is at the center of the DA’s case against Majors in relation to an alleged domestic violence incident that occurred earlier this year.

Majors’ team has tried to discredit Jabbari and the case against him. On Monday, The Messenger reported that domestic violence charges were soon to be filed against Jabbari, whom Majors’ lawyer has insisted was the aggressor in the incident. Yet the new filing from the Manhattan DA “dismisses the idea that the D.A. has any plans to charge Jabbari with domestic violence.”

The filing also reveals more specifics of the incident that occurred in March, and the injuries that Jabbari reportedly suffered. Perhaps more interestingly, the DA shot down several of the claims from Majors’ team that painted him as a victim of the incident. A 911 call that Majors’ lawyer claimed would support his version of events does not exist, and the only other call in the area at that time was from a completely unrelated taxi nearby. Video of Jabbari after the altercation, which Majors’ lawyer claimed depicted her “completely unharmed,” in fact “shows Ms. Jabbari visibly upset, crying, and seeking help from strangers to get an Uber cab home,” according to the filing (via Variety).

The police report from London may offer more context to the couple’s relationship, though the details of it are yet unclear. Jabbari is reportedly a U.K. citizen, and worked as a movement coach on Marvel’s Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania, in which Majors starred as Kang the Conqueror. At the time of the incident in London, he was filming the second season of Loki.


  • daveassist-av says:

    The discussions in the Marvel C-suite are going to be “interesting”, I imagine?

    • boggardlurch-av says:

      It’s usually “wait for more evidence”.Well…

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      Honestly, I think they’ve probably all but finalized their solution to this issue already and will probably announce sometime in the next few months. Even if Disney could have done something demonstrating some actual moral aptitude, I think it’s fair to say they’ve handled this way better than WB handled Ezra Miller. Hell, it’s been months since Flash bombed and they still haven’t publicly disavowed them. It would surprise me if Disney doesn’t finally respond to this once Loki has finally settled.

      • Ruhemaru-av says:

        To be fair to WB, they’re good at making bad choices.

      • chronophasia-av says:

        My guess is that once Loki Season 2 is over and anything Majors has completed has been shown, they’ll drop him for a new actor. 

      • graymangames-av says:

        That’s my theory as well.

        Marvel can’t move any projects forward anyway until the strike is fully resolved. Loki was already in the can, reshooting was impractical, and they didn’t want to cause a ruckus.

        If Majors is still playing Kang by end of next year, I’ll be very surprised.

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          really curious if there’s any kang connective tissue in the marvels they need to burn off, too.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “I think it’s fair to say they’ve handled this way better than WB handled Ezra Miller.”

        Marvel have literally not handled it at all.

    • djclawson-av says:

      The strikes have bought them a lot of time.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    Remember when Jonathan Majors

  • rezzyk-av says:

    His lawyer really muddied the waters with this one. I remember it being said that he was the victim (as mentioned in this article) because she was upset he was breaking up with her. And also that she had no scratches on her when they parted, and then she went clubbing and got all messed up there and Majors saw her the next morning and called 911 for her. or something.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Obviously a bright legal bulb there.  Keep your mouth shut and manage the case.  Until actual evidence was submitted there was nothing to be said that would help his client.

    • jjdebenedictis-av says:

      I wonder if it was pre-emptive jury tampering, done before any charges were official so it wouldn’t be something they could be held accountable for.

  • bcfred2-av says:

    FFS somebody teach this guy to close his mouth.  His sole expression seems to be “Huh?  What’s that??”

  • jeffoh-av says:

    I really hope she counter-sues for damage to reputation after the lawyer went for her.

  • branthenne-av says:

    That really sucks that Jabbari has to endure all of that smearing (but unsurprising). Jonathan Majors is a talented actor, but there’s no shortage of talented actors, and I’ve heard that quite a few of them aren’t physically abusive a-holes.With regards to recasting, can they even technically recast Kang until the strike is over? They don’t seem to be overly interested in making a move that would indicate support of Jabbari and her case, so maybe they are looking to roll out their new Kang to gloss over the incredibly depressing aspects of Major’s departure. If they really wanted to be cold-blooded about it, they could take advantage of these writers rooms that can’t advance to production to come up with a narratively satisfying in-universe reason for the recasting. Not to go too far in a tangent, this strike might be the best thing to happen to Marvel, since it’s forcing them to pump the breaks and maybe apply some quality control over the scripts at least.Overall, I try not to get too wrapped up in losing future performances from a cancelled actor, because that’s not the real issue here, but what an idiot. He had a really great career unfolding, and he blew it because he can’t keep his fists to himself and control his anger. And on the flip side, it couldn’t hurt Disney/Marvel to keep working with Jabbari, if that’s something she’d even want.

    • runsnakedwithscissors-av says:

      The business case for recasting Majors is simple, Disney could do it at any moment. Aside from some spilt tea, no one really cared about Rhodey being recast. (I like Cheadle’s work but unsure if Howard’s version would have been so vastly different.) In the end, is he worth the blowback of potential domestic abuse questions dogging every presser or public appearance?Major’s team seems to be working hard to push a narrative that increasingly is proving to be false based on the DA’s latest. I tend to favor silence and a willingness to go to court over these tactics.

      • branthenne-av says:

        Don’t get me wrong; I fully think he should have gotten the boot months ago. I’m sure they think there’s some optimal time to announce it. Somebody at Marvel has dug their heels in, and they need to tear the band-aid off. To use your example, I’m just wondering if they are waiting to trot out their Don Cheadle to great fanfare, to help shift the narrative. If I was a bloodless studio exec and I already missed the best time to announce Majors departure, I might try that. But the strike makes that difficult in the near term.

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