New Jurassic World Dominion trailer is here to ruffle your dinosaur feathers

The supposedly "final" Jurassic movie is coming in June

Film News Jurassic World Dominion
New Jurassic World Dominion trailer is here to ruffle your dinosaur feathers
Jurassic World Dominion Screenshot: YouTube

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom attempted a rather weird genre shift for the Jurassic series, spending half of its runtime as a standard dinosaur-filled island adventure before transitioning into a horror movie-esque nightmare in a haunted house—though the house was just haunted by a ridiculous sci-fi dinosaur monster instead of ghosts. For the sequel (and supposedly final film in the Jurassic saga), Jurassic World Dominion, director Colin Trevorrow seems to be committed to doing way more of that genre-twisting.

After all, we do already have a ton of movies where dinosaurs go wild on an island, so how about a movie where dinosaurs get involved in a Jason Bourne-style high-speed chase through a European city? How about dinosaurs dodging cowboys like a far more exciting version of Yellowstone? Well, you can see all that—plus… some stuff with dinosaurs on an island—in the new trailer for Dominion, which also features the return of Laura Dern, Sam Neill, and Jeff Goldblum from the first movie! Remember them? You like them!

But we can’t get through this without addressing the feathered dinosaur in the room. Yes, in a blatant and desperate display of kowtowing to (ugh) scientists, this movie has introduced at least one dinosaur with feathers. It looks like a bad guy dinosaur, for what that’s worth, and Hollywood’s reliance on quippy characters effectively guarantees that someone in the movie will say “I like dinosaurs better without feathers,” but still. There’s a dinosaur with feathers.

In addition to the original trio, Jurassic World Dominion stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, DeWanda Wise, Mamoudou Athie, Dichen Lachman, Scott Haze, Campbell Scott, BD Wong (didn’t he become a villain in this rebooted series? How has he survived all of these movies?), Justice Smith, Daniella Pineda, and Omar Sy. It will be in theaters on June 10.

Updated [2/13]: Jurassic World Dominion kicked off this year’s run of movie trailers at Super Bowl 2022. The newest TV spot for the forthcoming film dropped just during the first quarter of the L.A. Rams and Cincinnati Bengals game.


  • laserface1242-av says:
  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    i’m about as cynical and over-it as they come and i think that looks like a fun afternoon at the movies.

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    Alan Grant: “ELLIE SATLER.”Ellie Satler: “ALAN GRANT.”Thanks for reminding us that these characters exist, trailer.

  • puddingangerslotion-av says:

    I await the return of Mr. Armnold, who could always hold on to his butt.

  • theunnumberedone-av says:

    I’ve gone on the record as hating Trevorrow. But you know what? Fuck it, this looks awesome.

    • solid-mattic-av says:

      I still can’t believe we are letting Treverrow continue to make movies after Book of Henry.
      Hopefully this is gloriously stupid.

  • mavar-av says:

    As someone who was there for the original JP film and loved it, I haven’t really been paying attention to these Jurassic World films. I’ve seen parts of them. Oh, but now with the original cast back together? They got me with the nostalgia feels. I think I’ll see this one.

    • mid-boss-av says:

      I was pretty much ready to write this one off, but then Sam Neill and Laura Dern showed up and the nostalgia got me. Gonna see it even though I don’t have particularly high expectations.

      • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

        I’d avoid. High-class actors lured back to franchises usually stipulate a death scene in their contracts. Actors love doing death scenes.

        • mid-boss-av says:

          I don’t really give a shit if they do die and I’m going into the movie knowing that it’s going be dumb fun at best ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • jomonta2-av says:

      I saw the original in the theater when I was 5 (what were my parents thinking??) and have always loved it even though I was terrified of the raptors during that first viewing. The Jurassic World films are a complete departure from the original and are in my opinion pretty terrible, but this trailer somehow makes Dominion look like it could be good… though in a “it’s not really Jurassic Park” kind of way. Dominion looks like they combined Jurassic Park with the Fast & Furious franchise and mixed in a little Detective Pikachu but I honestly got goosebumps when Dern and Neil showed up in the trailer.

      • putusernamehere-av says:

        “ they combined Jurassic Park with the Fast & Furious franchise”That’s… actually not a terrible idea.

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        That’s nothing I saw Orca at age 4 and Jaws 2 at age 5 and I have never learned how to swing (also saw a double feature of Dracula 1979 and a Christopher Lee Dracula at age 6), long and short of it is movies can have a great influence on you at a young age!I love Sharks but I’m scared of Mechanical Sharks! 😉

        • jomonta2-av says:

          As a result of me seeing Jurassic Park at a young age, I never opened a my own theme park.

          In all seriousness, go learn how to swim. It could save your life some day Hootie.

          • hootiehoo2-av says:

            I’m close to 50, if I get bored one day I will learn to do it well, I know how to paddle in a pool, that’s it. lol.

    • nogelego-av says:

      Hopefully they won’t just show up in the last 10 minutes, repeat lines from the past movies, and then credits like a certain ghost movie I may have reluctantly sat through.

      • kirivinokurjr-av says:

        I hope CGI Richard Attenborough shows up with CGI Harold Ramis and zap those feathery dinosaurs with some crossed streams.

        • drpumernickelesq-av says:

          “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could cross the streams, they didn’t stop to consider whether they SHOULD cross the streams!”

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            The line “Let’s show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown” travels across very well, considering the park dinos are all meant to be ladies.

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        Yeah, the same way Goldblum was heavily hyped in the Fallen Kingdom advertising, and then was in the movie for something like 3 minutes, all of them sitting down.At least that screen shot indicates that they ponied up the extra money to have Goldblum give a standing up performance.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          The real question is, do they have the budget for Goldblum shirtless? Cause we’re talking big bucks for that good stuff.

    • dudebra-av says:

      I see dinosaurs!

    • triohead-av says:

      Sam Neill is also totally looking like Dr. Grant. He’s aged, obviously, but he can still do that intense eye-twinkling (@1:20).
      And Laura Dern looking hot as ever.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Yeah those three look incredible.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        To avoid accusations of objectifying her, let me start with the stipulation that Ms Dern is a compelling and talented actor.We good? Okay. Laura Dern can get it, any day of any week.

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      100% same. Fallen Kingdom was absolute trash. But… this shot of those three together? I can’t help it. I’m a basic bitch. I’m in.

    • nilus-av says:

      The last one was so bad I was ready to just say fuck it but yeah, they got me in the nostalgia feels.  Damn you hollywood!!

      • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

        You didn’t like cloned half dino girl? I may not be entirely remembering it right but there was something about her genetic engineering that the dinos recognized.

      • tonywatchestv-av says:

        You’re going to weep at Billy And The Clone-osaurus Forever. 

    • racj1982-av says:

      AND just like that, they got your money. It’s probably the same level of quality as the last two but they brought back some characters you remember so now your in. Hollywood will never stop cashing in on Nostalgia. Because, it works.

    • volunteerproofreader-av says:

      Seeing these characters old just makes me remember that I look like shit now also

  • zorrocat310-av says:

    Aha! The “Epic Conclusion of the Jurassic Era”End credits:Coming Soon: Cretaceous Beach(Be Sure and Visit Universal Studios Theme Parks)

  • cjob3-av says:

    ‘You’re producers were so preoccupied with whether they could make a sequel they didn’t stop to think if they should!’JK — Excited for this. Looks like a return to form after that dumb last one.

  • gwbiy2006-av says:

    ‘Ooh, Ahh. That’s how it always starts, but then there’s running, and screaming.’ —Ian Malcom in The Lost World.I got tired of these movies because that’s exactly what they all amount to. But I’ll probably end up seeing it since bringing back the three from the original really hits my nostalgia buttons.That and the running and screaming.

  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    So, what does everybody think? On a scale of 1-10, 1 being regularly stupid and 10 being crazy-go-nuts stupid, how stupid do you think this movie will be?Also, she probably won’t be, but it’d be neat if the black girl there was actually Malcolm’s daughter all grown up.

    • dirtside-av says:

      6. It’ll be regular stupid, in that the premise itself is nonsensical, but they won’t adapt the world to make sense around it (if dinosaurs really were unstoppable murder machines that eight billion humans with automatic weapons couldn’t defend themselves against, everything about the entire world would be different).It’s one thing to have people trapped on an island with dinosaurs and not have a ton of automatic weapons because, well, the people in charge assured them everything would be fine. There’s some firearms on the island, but not very many, and in any event the characters don’t have access to them. But running around in rural America? Even a T-rex could easily be taken down by one yahoo with an AR-15, and the U.S. has MORE GUNS THAN PEOPLE.

      • g-off-av says:

        This movie will finally prove whether the Second Amendment should be defended.

      • skipskatte-av says:

        Eh, I’m pretty sure an AR-15 would have about as much stopping power against a T-Rex as a BB-Gun against an angry bull. Still, if human beings are preposterously good at ONE thing, it’s figuring out ways to kill shit way bigger/faster/stronger than we are. 

      • triohead-av says:

        I’ve been led to understand that a single AR-15 can just barely ward off the 30-50 feral hogs that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play and I don’t think that’d be enough for a flock of dinosaurs.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        This movie is actually a stealth condemnation of American political inaction, as 45 minutes will be dedicated to congressional hearings about how to deal with the Dinosaur Crisis, stalled by the Republicans refusing to approve any money being allocated unless an equal amount is also put towards oppressing the Gays.

    • yttruim-av says:

      5.5 There will be a lot of dumb suspension of disbelief tossed in with logic, mixed with the wondrous aspect of Dinosaurs and the horror side. Only a few Dinos were taken off the island, and now there are whole herds running around? that right there is the first stretch. Then we have to remember, they have accelerated growth rates to reach maturity in months. Okay so that solves some of the first issue. Next, how many helicopter does the US military (Coast Guard and National Guard included) have? How many thermal imaging systems do all the branches have? How many of those Helicopters have onboard weapons? How many of the non-onboard weapons helicopters can be outfitted with weapons or personnel with weapons? How many of the remaining helicopters can be outfitted to help in tracking? Even if you dont want to kill the dinos, they could start flying these thing with trank guns. These are large animals, in many cases not that fast moving. The real issue would have been smaller animals. When it comes to food sources alone, there would be issues for both herbs and carns.I think the character interactions and their responses to situations will be okay, the reasoning around the dinos is thrown right out the window. I mean it looks to be years later, by the construction of a large holding pen life facility.

    • old-man-barking-av says:

      Seven.  This is a solid seven.

    • bc222-av says:

      Stupid? 8 or 9. FUN? Also 8 or 9. It’s like a kid grabbed a handful of toys out of his toy box, and you have dinosaurs fighting GI Joes, and then someone took that and threw $165 million at it.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      I’m going 7. They finally acknowledge what would obviously happen in a world where people figured out how to make dinosaurs. Full-on chaos theory. So now you get not just the T-Rex eating that poor kid’s dog, the whole cast going bananas all over civilization.

    • nilus-av says:

      I say a solid 7.  Its not Moonfall level stupid but it may get close

    • ageeighty-av says:

      Not if she gymnastics the dinosaurs in the face again.

    • volunteerproofreader-av says:

      It’ll be a B- and forgotten about in a week like everything else

    • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

      I’m hoping its at least an 8 for stupid on the dumb fun scale…the trailer has the vibes of goofy fun…but will it deliver…I’ll have to see.

    • docnemenn-av says:

      4 to 6.If they made the entire movie about dinosaurs wandering around and smashing up various cities I’d grade it higher, but from the trailer it looks like the same old weak soup nostalgia bait the other Jurassic World movies were. I want the last half an hour of Lost World taken full length and given the Godzilla treatment — T-rex stomping around Manhattan! Sauropods fucking up London! — and instead they give me Chris Pratt being a cowboy? Fuck that noise.

  • gumbercules1-av says:

    Spoiling it now. 2/3rds into the movie, they’re going to be saved by a one-armed Samuel L. Jackson.

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      He’s been holding onto his butt for thirty years, and he’s had enough of these motherfucking dinosaurs on his motherfucking world.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      I’m hoping BD Wong’s character finds redemption by showing up with a dinosaur-fighting spider with eight of Jackson’s arms in place of its legs.

    • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

      Leading to the final battle with a mutant dinosaur-Wayne Knight hybrid. Scene: Newmanosaurus’s chubby lizard-face cracks into evil smile, before vomiting acidic poison on supporting character. “Uh-uh-uh….you didn’t say the magic word” 

    • nilus-av says:

      Yep him and the Australian hunter guy, who will be all scared up but riding on the back of a velociraptor he has named “Clever Girl”

      • mrdalliard123-av says:

        I hope Jacques Ze Whipper is working at Jurassic Park, because what is scarier than a man with a whip? A VELOCIRAPTOR WITH A WHIP!

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “You know, you guys could have spent a few minutes looking for the rest of me.”

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      He lasted only a couple of minutes against a genetically engineered shark in Deep Blue Sea, so genetically engineered dinos might be tough for him.

  • the-hebrewhammer-av says:

    I don’t if this ends up being the worst movie ever made, I am there opening night. Jurassic Park was my security blanket movie as a kid that I could legit watch every single day. I will never skip out on one of these. Let’s just not talk about the last one ever again. 

  • dc882211-av says:

    That little clone girl should be tried at the Hague for crimes against humanity, along with the two dumb adults

  • razzle-bazzle-av says:

    This reminds me of the recent Planet of the Apes. There’s no realistic situation (once you get past dinosaurs being around) where the government wouldn’t have completely obliterated these creatures by now. It’s just so stupid.

    • worldwideleaderintakes-av says:

      If we want to be realistic here, it’s pretty certain that when whichever party owns the White House/Congress comes up with the plan to destroy the dinosaurs, the other will set up legislative roadblocks. I mean, I can just see Ted Cruz filibustering on why a velociraptor eating a small child is just an expression of freedom.

      • triohead-av says:

        The trailer seems to indicate that Chris Pratt is basically Bundy-ing it up somewhere on a federal reserve in Oregon with Blue in a deliberate opposition to the governments attempts to kill these fucking velociraptors already.
        So yeah, that tracks.

      • maulkeating-av says:

        I can just see Ted Cruz filibustering on why a velociraptor eating a small child is just an expression of freedom.I mean, that’s what Cruz eats, so, yeah, of course he’d stick up for it.Don’t worry, no one here’s accusing Ted Cruz of cannibalism.

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Uh, weird comparison considering that it was pretty explicitly shown why the government was in no position to do anything about those apes after they escaped.

    • kevinkap-av says:

      Planet of the Apes though explained it though as a deadly virus being the real downfall of man. But I just cannot suspend my disability here. A-10 Warthog can devastate any of those pesky land dinosaurs, and some suicide drone torpedoes for those water ones. 

    • sulfolobus-av says:

      Ian Malcolm had a point.  In real life, humans have introduced non-native species to new places (sometimes by accident, sometimes deliberately) and then those species grow exponentially and take over environments.  The USA spends billions trying to control invasive species of animals on land and in water, and there are more examples of failures than successes.  We really don’t have the control over nature that we think we do.

    • hulk6785-av says:

      Republicans wouldn’t see anything wrong with dinosaurs running around eating people. Especially in blue cities. They’re just expressing their political views!

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        Just explain to the GOP that the dinos are all female. Their fear of women with any kind of power will get them moving on an extermination plan.

      • mrdalliard123-av says:

        That makes sense, given their propensity for using fossil fuels! 

  • woketaliban-av says:

    How to Train Your Dinosaur

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    Utterly ludicrous, especially since the prior movie set this whole scenario up as completely impossible, but I do enjoy the running and the screaming and the eating of people making very poor decisions.

  • signeduptoyellatyou-av says:

    Are you really the one to be talking about relying on quips?

  • ohnoray-av says:

    Plot Twist: Dern literally cloned that little girl to steal her stem cells of youth.

  • ohnoray-av says:

    Plot twist: Dern literally cloned that little girl for her stem cells of youth.

  • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

    Even people who HATED Fallen Kingdom had to admit the sequel setup was intriguing, and it looks like they might have pulled it off.Now for the fun part: Place your bets, which one of the five main characters is dying?

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      Wait, are there people who didn’t hate Fallen Kingdom?

      • sethsez-av says:

        I loved it as the stupid mid-80s no-budget Italian knockoff of Jurassic Park that it was (setting half of it in a generic jungle and half of it in a big isolated house had a real “okay so what locations are cheap, we have some forest and a producer’s mansion” energy to it, and making the back half a slasher definitely feels like an idea from a different time), except it somehow got the genuine license, a massive budget and a wide release.Don’t get me wrong, it’s garbage, but it’s such a specific variety of garbage that I never expected to see done up like an actual tentpole movie that it entertained me despite itself. It’s pure MST3K material.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        I recognise that the premise is stupid as all hell, but I enjoyed it precisely for that reason. ‘Fallen Kingdom’ is exactly the kind of garbage I can laugh my arse of to.

    • labbla-av says:

      I love Fallen Kingdom and yeah, it did a good job with sequel setup. 

    • Kimithechamp-av says:

      Now for the fun part: Place your bets, which one of the five main characters is dying a clone?

  • putusernamehere-av says:

    I haven’t seen the last Jurassic movie, but do they explain how the bigger dinos (or any of the non-swimmers or fliers) go from an island off the coast of Costa Rica to what looks like Montana and Italy?

    • glassjaw99-av says:

      Yep, pretty big point in the last movie.Rich assholes pay military contractors to go get the dinosaurs and ship them to North America to be auctioned off to other rich assholes before the Dinosaur island is covered in magma from a volcano. As always happens, the dinosaurs escape their holding facilities in North America.

    • dc882211-av says:

      Extremely tl:dr, a bunch of dinosaurs got taken off the Jurassic Park/World island prior to its volcanic destruction. They were going to be sold to collectors until the lives of scores of humans was left in the hands of a clone child, who decided to free all those dinos. How terrestrial dinosaurs made it to Europe has yet to be explained.

      • abatnia-av says:

        Some of the dinosaurs are sold off at the end to collectors, and Wu gets away with all his DNA stuff, so depending on timeline here there may be new dinos in new locations because local governments or other companies made their own and lost control of them.

    • ubrute-av says:

      They got covid vaccine passports and traveled to Europe by boat and plane. Otherwise they forged U.S. vaccine cards and shop in our grocery stores and attend concerts and sports events with us.

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    Seeing Neil and Dern makes me want to see this (even if World 2 was shit) but then I remember how awful part 2 and 3 of the 1st set of movies were and I know this will suck.I will see it as I want to root for Blue and baby blue to kill the worst of the Chris’s to end the movie!

  • g-off-av says:

    Not gonna lie – I’m pretty cool on the entire Jurassic World franchise, but a film that is finally “Dino-Human War: FIGHT!” actually looks reasonably appealing.

    Hoping for cameos from Ariana Richards and Joseph Mazzello.

    Also, Wayne Knight.

  • jonesj5-av says:

    Yeah, fuck it. I’ll see it. I thought I might prefer a movie that was just beautiful scenes of dinosaurs running in the snow and the trees, but then the original trio showed up, and I sort of got a little verklempt.

  • kbroxmysox2-av says:

    This trailer actually looked really good. I find Chris Pratt’s character SUPER boring, as he’s just ARCHETYPE guy and Walmart Starlord so I’m happy this one seems to have more of a full cast of heroes, and Bryce Dallas Howard seems to get a lot of the action. And Laura Dern. I really hope we got lots of Laure Dern.

    • maymar-av says:

      You know how in Fast Five, Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel had people counting each other’s punches just to make sure neither one came out looking tougher? I assume Chris Pratt has people checking to make sure he hits every generic manly cliche, and nothing that even remotely reminds anyone of Andy Dwyer.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      More Laura Dern is never a bad thing.

  • tinyepics-av says:

    Jesus the AV Club staff cutting is slicing deep. This article’s about a movie with Chris Pratt in and it contains no snide Chris Pratt bashing.

  • pocrow-av says:

    If they went for full zombie movie horror and somehow explained away the military and para-military forces in the world (NRA: “Our time has come! Well, your time: We’re going to our bunkers with all your money!”), this might be interesting.

    As it is, we’re going to get some heartwarming bonding with dinosaurs and an epilogue with some weird ass 21st century Dinotopia nonsense, with the intervening steps not shown.

  • dudebra-av says:

    That’s a parasaurolophus, a very cool hadrosaur.

  • abatnia-av says:

    Super excited for dino mayhem!Great quality or not, the San Diego scenes in the Lost World made a huge impact on 8 year old me. The T-Rex staring into the kid’s window haunted my nightmares for years.

  • psychopirate-av says:

    I really hope this movie involves the dinosaurs destroying the human race, and inheriting the earth. I’ll be rooting for the dinosaurs from the opening scene.

  • refinedbean-av says:

    I think I’m getting more emotional as I grow older because the more I see these JP movies, the more I just…feel so fucking sad for the dinosaurs. Like REALLY fucking sad.

    Those scenes where they’re creating a bunch of havoc? They have no fucking clue what they’re doing, they’re animals. We brought them back. Most are going to die.

    It’s just…depressing. It’s all so fucking depressing and then it makes me think about the fact that we’re losing actual animal species left and right and I just can’t get up for this kind of action movie anymore. Ya know? I don’t want to see animals hurt anymore. It’s why I eat vegan most of the time, pescatarian the rest of the time (and even that I feel pretty guilty about these days).

    Hell, part of me wanted to give the dinosaurs blankets because I doubt they’re supposed to be in the cold like that.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Think of it as Haley Joel Osment’s last day with his mom in AI. Dinosaurs are extinct, so these getting to run around a little before returning to extinction is a gift. The gift of life. Which finds a way.

  • ughcantlogin-av says:


  • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

    Oof, can this franchise just stop? At what point do we get Jurassic X: Owen Grady in Space?

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I enjoyed the second movie – it was trash, but I had fun with it – but I had one problem. At the end (SPOILER, if you still care at this point), the sleazy corporate guy played by Rafe Spall has crept under a car which is being trampled by fleeing dinosaurs. It looks like he’s going to be crushed, but the dinosaurs run their course and he creeps out, to then be torn apart by a couple of T-Rexes. And I think it would have been much better if he’d just gotten crushed under the car. He was a pathetic little weasel of a guy, he didn’t deserve a cool gory death. He should have been crushed under foot like an insect.

  • docprof-av says:

    Are they never going to go back to that plotline that was never explicitly addressed but very heavily implied in the last movie that the little girl was genetically engineered with a mixture of human and dinosaur dna?

  • cscurrie-av says:

    human governments have failed spectacularly if a wandering T-Rex can free-roam its way to a drive-in movie theater. Um, yeah. Epic fail. (Super-weird protection from endangered species laws? Why weren’t the dinos that escaped at the end of Pt. 5 tracked, corralled?) sidebar: What if someone ended up cloning the Ray Arnold character (Samuel L Jackson)? Or heck, give him a twin brother. Got a wrongful death settlement from InGen. So he can come back and talk about how he’s tired of all these (blankety blank) dinosaurs in his (blankety blank) back yard?

  • pairesta-av says:

    I grew up in the “dinosaurs are giant reptiles” era so that part of me still reflexively cringed at all the shots of dinos frolicking in the snow. 

  • bio-wd-av says:

    This franchise never needed to be a franchise.  The original film feels so quaint in comparison to what this’ll be.

  • youngpersonyellingatclouds-av says:

    Well, it can’t be any worse than Fallen Kingdom.Jokes aside, this actually does look like fun. It’s just cashing in on nostalgia, sure, but a little nostalgic fun never hurt anyone. I do, however, note an unfortunate lack of yellow raincoats and red striped Jeep YJs. Still, even if all the good scenes are spoiled in the trailer, I’m sure I’ll still enjoy it.That said… the last one? Really? If this makes the amount of money I think it’s going to, it won’t be the last one. Life – or cash – will find a way.

  • theincontinental-av says:

    It’s all been shite since Zara got dropped in the fish tank 😥

  • goldenb-av says:

    “There’s a dinosaur with feathers.”Deal with it.

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