Keanu Reeves finally explains “Sad Keanu” to Stephen Colbert

The Matrix Resurrections star also reveals the sequel nobody will let him make

TV News Stephen Colbert
Keanu Reeves finally explains “Sad Keanu” to Stephen Colbert
Keanu Reeves, Stephen Colbert Screenshot: The Late Show

Noting that he didn’t want to bum a guest out on national TV or anything, Stephen Colbert yet reminded Keanu Reeves of the fact that they are both the same age. And while Colbert has stood up relatively well for a decades-long veteran of the TV talk show mines, the late-night host had to admit that he’s not exactly hurling himself off of a 50-story building 19 or so times in order to satisfy the artistic ambitions of The Matrix Resurrections director Lana Wachowski on the reg.

“I mean, there’s wires,” Reeves demurred humbly, although the 57-year-old action icon did admit that he had to take a moment to find his inner calm on the day. “You can’t think of the fear,” Reeves gamely tried to advise anyone faced with the prospect of hurling oneself off a high place, “You have to block it—not block it, but deal with it, absorb it, and just be there, and do.” Easy enough for Reeves to say, as Colbert asked his fellow quinquagenarian if this is the sort of thing he really enjoys in his personal life. “No, ’cause I’m scared of that,” Reeves explained happily, drawing the distinction between, say, putting his life in the hands of am independent bungee-jumping proprietor and doing the same knowing that an acclaimed director, a stunt team, and a very bottom line-minded movie company are all ensuring his safety.

In his three segments promoting the fourth Matrix movie (coming out December 22), Reeves was nothing if not happy to be there, animatedly acting out his shocked reaction to Wachowski’s nearly 18-years-later phone call to reprise his role as Neo/Thomas Anderson. (Reeves gamely debated Colbert as to which of his Matrix personae is the real one, with noted sci-fi/fantasy nerd Colbert seeming to bring Reeves around to his point of view by the end.) Honestly, the only thing that seemed to remotely derail Reeves’ signature positivity was Colbert’s assertion that the highly bankable superstar could just snap his fingers to revisit any other of his many memorable screen characters.

“That’s not true,” Reeves noted sadly, revealing that he’s been trying to get a Constantine sequel happening for some time now. And while not everybody agrees, perhaps, with Colbert’s seemingly sincere appraisal of Reeves’ 2005 outing as the controversially not-British DC/Vertigo Comics demon-fighting anti-hero as a “great film,” you’d think that certified franchise machine Reeves would be able to get somebody on the phone. Colbert even pitched himself to potential backers as a minor John Constantine nemesis, suggesting that a “reluctant demon” who really just wants to pal around with Constantine would be right up his alley.

Still, it’s not like the legendarily breezy and positive Reeves lets the vagaries of life and show business get him down—no matter what your incessant Twitter memes might suggest. Bringing up Reeves’ first foray into comics writing, the ongoing Boom! Studios series BRZRKR, Colbert showed a panel where artist Ron Garney recreated the infamous “Sad Keanu” meme, and asked his guest just what was up in that photo of a seemingly depressed Reeves on a park bench.

“I’m just eating a sandwich, man!,” Reeves explained, revealing that he had no idea Garney was going to further immortalize him in the person of the titular immortal berserker. (Sorry, BRZRKR.) Admitting that, sure, “I had some stuff going on,” Reeves nonetheless maintained that mere hunger and not some abyss-contemplating existential crisis was what had him looking so soulfully bereft on the day in question. He certainly wasn’t contemplating having to throw himself off a building 19 times or anything.


  • mrfurious72-av says:

    I don’t know if anyone’s noticed or mentioned this, but Keanu Reeves seems truly delightful.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      What, this guy?  Man has he got you snowed.

    • richarddawsonsghost-av says:

      He really genuinely seems like the best dude in Hollywood. Like, I’m not one for celebrity worship, but he seems like the kind of guy it would just be nice to hang out with.

      • marend-av says:

        I firmly believe that if we ever got Keanu, Dave Grohl, and Tom Hanks in a room together for more than 20 minutes, all the world’s disputes could be solved.

    • murrychang-av says:

      Him and Linda Cardellini are the 2 most delightful people in Hollywood.

      • ronniebarzel-av says:

        Is she? That’s nice to hear. She’s long been one of those who instantly brightens a movie or show by just popping in for a bit.

        • murrychang-av says:

          I don’t know her personally but she always seems delightful and no shade has ever been thrown her way as far as I know.Plus she was super game on Muppets Now! which is always a good sign.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      Wholesome Keanu is the one thing the internet is not full of shit about. He really is a rad dude.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      I generally despise celebrity worship, but Keanu is one of my few exceptions. He’s a chill dude that likes motorcycles, cars and doesn’t care about your typical Hollywood crap.

      • whatevernameyoulikepal-av says:

        I once saw him play in his band dogstar. i was dragged there by others. he was smiling and having a good time. the crowd was of course young immature me yelled out “ We love you Johnny Pneumonic!” He just dipped his head for a second, smiled and continued playing.  good person.

    • anonymoosecoward-av says:

      I’m having troubles finding the video now, but there’s a video showing someone stopping him in an airport asking for a selfie with him. He accepts, poses with a smile, and starts walking away. The person realizes their phone didn’t take the picture and calls after him, and he stops again, still smiling for the photo. Also, it’s well documented that whenever he does a self, he puts his arm behind the person, but never actually touches them. Doesn’t want to be creepy, but makes the picture look friendly.

    • jhhmumbles-av says:

      A friend of mine interviewed him once and he was apparently the nicest guy ever.  Good people are good. 

    • amazingmeow-av says:

      You could even say, he’s simply excellent

    • leogan-av says:

      He’s breathtaking.

    • thenonymous-av says:
  • captain-splendid-av says:

    Once again, I’d like to say that Constantine is a great little movie. It really is a shame that the purists have deemed the choices made in adapting it too extreme for them to embrace it fully.

    • neffman-av says:

      I love that movie and have watched it nigh on 50 times. I love the ending with the Devil. It is such a perfect portrayal of him.

      • thenonymous-av says:

        If I wasn’t positive he doesn’t know how to actually comment on things on the internet, I’d ask if you were my dad lol.For some reason that’s one of those few movies he loves and rewatches constantly (despite his claims of it “just being something to watch”).

    • billyfever-av says:

      I agree. Is it a good adaptation of the comic book? No. Is it a fun movie on its own terms? Absolutely!

      • ronniebarzel-av says:

        Ah, the “Stanley Kubrick’s Shining” of comic-book movies.

        • crankymessiah-av says:

          No, it’s the exact opposite of that. Kubrick added depth to thr source material and made it more interesting. Constantine rrmoved everything of interest from Hellblazer and was much more generic.

      • qwerty11111-av says:

        Exactly. It’s not really Hellblazer, but it’s pretty damned entertaining.

      • petefwilliams-av says:

        Character wise, he nails it though. That world weary reluctant hero thing is spot on. Giving the devil the finger as he’s being raised into heaven is a very John Constantine move.

    • rogueindy-av says:

      “Make it more American” is a very, specifically, grating trope for a lot of people. I don’t think you can call it purism to be annoyed by that.

    • bassplayerconvention-av says:

      I remember seeing it at the time and enjoying it, but haven’t thought much about it since.In any case, aside from any interest / lack-of in a new Keanu-led movie, I imagine there must be rights issues involved, especially since the character’s appeared in at least one tv show since, I believe? (Not rights because of the show, but just because of being a comic property and all that entails these days.)

      • zirconblue-av says:

        Matt Ryan’s Constantine has appeared in 3 TV shows, at least. His own cancelled series, Arrow, and a recurring role on Legends of Tomorrow. I can’t recall if he appeared in any of the cross-over episodes of the other Arrow-verse shows. There’s reportedly an HBOMax series in the works, as well.

    • cordingly-av says:

      Constantine is one of those franchises that I feel has just been “off” by a little bit. I think it’s come close, and has had some great talent behind it. But I don’t think it’s best served as either a blockbuster film or a show on the CW.

      And don’t get me wrong, I think both of those forms are fun, but I’d just like to see it last longer. 

      • greyman33-av says:

        I feel like the trouble with adapting Constantine and really making the character feel ‘right’ is that he exists in a very specific niche of the DC Universe, right on the tipping point into their traditionally edgier Vertigo fare, and you have to have some of the grime and seedy-ness there to make him feel right.Ryan’s portrayal is just about right, but the setting is off. Legends is a little too ‘four-color’ and Constantine works best in a setting closer to the real world. I feel like he could have fit right in as a recurring guest star on Lucifer, or if NBC had kept his stand-alone series running.

    • bigjoec99-av says:

      Keep meaning to see it, but never get around to it. I saw John Wick a few months ago and hated it (a little too far into murder porn for my tastes), but still want to watch Constantine.

    • h0meric-av says:

      I’ve been preaching that since it was released. As an *adaptation*, yeah, I get it not great, but as a movie in of itself, it’s damn good. It’s a fun movie to pop on and just enjoy.

    • jaywantsacatwantshiskinjaacctback-av says:

      Agreed. It may not be a very good ‘Constantine’ film but it’s a very enjoyable film named Constantine.

      • bassohmatic-av says:

        And the costuming and art direction are amazing, imo. Gabriel’s outfit at the end is mwah. 

        • jaywantsacatwantshiskinjaacctback-av says:

          They did so many cool and interesting things in this film. It’s too bad the main narrative around it is that it’s not a good Constantine adaptation. 

    • violetta-glass-av says:

      I liked it and the whole “hasn’t God made me suffer enough” thing was appealing to my Catholic sensibilities….

    • jgdrag-av says:

      Best depiction of the devil I’ve ever seen. Love the bare feet covered in tar, with a white suit.

    • bigburit0-av says:

      the movie did not get the appreciation it should have…that being said I do think it’s going to be hard to get people on board a peanut (this is supposed to be Keanu but my autocorrect changed it and I find it hilarious) Constantine movie while we have a damn good Constantine that’s been doing the role on TV on multiple shows for years at this point.

    • hagren-av says:

      Yes Warner Brothers, please make it happen, something as intimate as the first was would be nice 🙂

    • smalleyxb122-av says:

      While I’m aware that Constantine was an adaptation from a comic book, I wasn’t at the time, and still have no familiarity with the source material.Without the baggage of knowing what it “should” have been, I’m free to enjoy it.  Constantine was and is an excellent movie.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      This all reminds me, I need to sit down and finally watch this. The completely out of sequence clips I have seen over the years have been very good at the very least.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      It’s definitely flawed but also has so much going for it, especially the cast. Back when I still channel surfed, I always wound up watching it when I stumbled across it.

    • thejewosh-av says:

      Yeah, but it was done better on TV since then. There’s not really any reason to revisit Reeves’ again.

      • Ruhemaru-av says:

        I mean, DC already did a multiverse thing on TV and movies. No reason they couldn’t have both ‘traditional’ Constantine and Keanu’s. Have them meet each other and find out the point of divergence was something like John’s grandmother flipping a coin for a vacation spot and meeting a different significant other in America instead of Europe. All while TV Lucifer tries to convince movie Lucifer to wear nice shoes.

    • marteastwood47-av says:

      I own it on Blu-ray. No arguments here.

    • bnnblnc-av says:

      I liked Constantine. I with they would make a sequel. 

    • MannyBones-av says:

      Well, the fact that he was much more faithfully adapted on television probably doesn’t help.

    • murderedforhurtingianwalkersfeelings-av says:

      English person here agreeing with this. Peace and love to the TV guy, but he has a cosplay/Tim Bradstreet cover aura.

    • crankymessiah-av says:

      “Too extreme,” lol. That’s literally the opposite of the issue. They took an edgy, subversive, hardboiled comic, sanded away all of the more extreme (and interesting) edges, and turned it into a bland, watered down, generic clunker. Basically nothing that made the source material great is present in the movie.

    • qwedswa-av says:

      I don’t know if it was the first movie that purists attacked, but it was the first one where I noticed it as a problem.

    • btsburn-av says:

      I enjoyed it and didn’t know it was a comic book adaptation when I watched it.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Poor guy. I’m glad no one has followed me around with a camera over the last several decades to photograph all the times I’ve eaten a sandwich alone on a park bench.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Wow, he’s 57?

  • rarely-sober-insomniac-av says:

    I would watch the fuck out of that Constantine movie they riffed about.Why must they tease me so?

  • kim-porter-av says:

    For people who watch this show regularly: Does Colbert always come off like a smug prick? Or is that only every clip and picture I’ve seen?

  • cybersybil5-av says:

    Sometimes I think my 30-plus-years-long crush on Keanu Reeves is waning. Then I think of Keanu and puppies.

  • Trencherman-av says:

    Constantine is probably the best urban fantasy movie ever made.  It’s just not a very good John Constantine movie.

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    He is one weird dude. What was going on with his hands throughout the interview?

    • umfozzles-av says:

      Lol, I think he’s just nervous! I noticed that too. I wouldn’t say that makes him weird though, he probably just still gets nervous to be in front of a crowd, movie star or not. Wouldn’t you be nervous to go on a live talk show?

    • duchessjms-av says:

      Obviously, you’re not a “hand talker.” Some of us tend to gesture a lot when we talk, especially if we’re nervous or excited. It’s a thing.

  • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

    I am always delighted by what a goofball he is. A lot of the memification of him has focused on his history of personal tragedy, distaste for extravagant celebrity lifestyle, etc, to the point that he comes off as sort of somber and almost over-serious, but he seems to actually be quite silly, which is just great.

  • graymangames-av says:

    My favorite Keanu interview moment is him talking about why he turned down Speed 2, because it’s one of his most animated.

    “I read the script and was like, ‘EEEUGH!’”

    Yeah, you can’t really have any other reaction to Speed 2. I remember the press mocked him at the time, and when the movie came out they quickly took that back. Don’t have to be The One to dodge that bullet.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      I admit someone noticing UB40 were on the boat in Speed 2 but then you never see them being rescued from the boat leading to people surmising they must have died on the boat leading to the studio or someone releasing they did get off the boat just off camera was pretty funny, though.

    • peterjj4-av says:

      I used to watch things like The Gossip Show at the time and he was absolutely sneered at by many wags – oh, who does he think he is, turning down a sure hit sequel and a big payday? They really wanted to tear him down. When the film flopped they looked like idiots.

  • thejewosh-av says:

    I love how he talks about the main character in BRZRKR in the first person as if it’s a role he’s playing in a movie.

  • Robdarudedude-av says:

    Yes Keanu, we know you know Kung-Fu.

  • dl68-av says:

    Of all the people currently in Hollywood that have yet to expose themselves/ be exposed as piles of human garbage, I would probably be most devastated if Keanu were revealed to join the ranks of the exposed. I think to my generation (Gen X), Keanu is a bit of a lifeline to our formative years. I can relate to his characters and the onscreen parables of the stories he was a part of. I suspect it’s not just Gen X that feels this way about him and many of his roles, but for us, (myself, at least) we grew up with Keanu. If I were to ever meet him, I’d thank him for that. 

  • Kerberos824-av says:

    Any mention of a Colbert/Reeves interview will always make me think of this one, which is one of my absolute favorites. There are longer clips out there, which are better and worth watching. 

  • rewod01-av says:

    Constantine was the correct answer.

  • crankymessiah-av says:

    Thr Hellblazer / Constantine animayed movies are much better than Constantine was….

  • juppedi-av says:

    Finally? He’s talked about this picture several times 😀

  • bakamoichigei-av says:

    It was a great interview, Keanu Reeves is just an utterly delightful human being. 😌  I thought it was cool that Stephen brought up BRZRKR, interesting that there was no mention of it being crowdfunded though, because that is a pretty unique aspect. Personally, I jumped at the opportunity to support a project of Keanu’s, and got my copy of Volume 1 in the mail last month. 😁

  • die-fledermaus-av says:

    I watched that interview and it was painful Keanu just does not look comfortable, and at time looks just ready to get out of there nothing against Colbert

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