Kevin Feige confirms that Deadpool 3 will exist in the MCU

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Kevin Feige confirms that Deadpool 3 will exist in the MCU
Photo: 20th Century

The merger of Disney and Fox—which will celebrate its two-year anniversary in March—rose quite a few questions about a few existing properties and how exactly they would fit into their new, extremely family-forward home. One of those looming question marks hung over a certain Merc With A Mouth, who we couldn’t quite see sanitizing his entire existence to appease The Mouse. In a recent interview with Collider, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige confirmed that Deadpool’s story would not only continue under the Disney banner, but that he would also be just as crass as ever with a sustained R-rating. The big news, however, is that Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool will finally get to play in the big proverbial sandbox as a new addition to the MCU.

“It will be rated R and we are working on a script right now,” Feige told Collider. “Again, a very different type of character in the MCU, and Ryan is a force of nature, which is just awesome to see him bring that character to life.” Does this mean that we’ll finally get to see some chaotic interactions between Wade Wilson and the god of thunder? Maybe, but we won’t know anytime soon, according to Feige, who says that the movie won’t go into production until at least 2022: “It will not be [filming] this year. Ryan is a very busy, very successful actor. We’ve got a number of things we’ve already announced that we now have to make, but it’s exciting for it to have begun.”

In the meantime, Feige and Marvel already have a full roster of things to rolls out via Disney+ and the box office. With the long-awaited WandaVision just on the horizon, fans still have a slew of TV shows and benched movies to look towards. We’d run through them all, but if you caught even a glimpse of last month’s Disney Investor Day, you already know that the studio has a seemingly bottomless bag of projects that it is currently developing. As for the film side of things, it looks like Marvel is avoiding the WarnerMedia route for now and maintaining its theater release schedule, meaning that there are a few pretty huge titles that need to come off of the factory line first before we can even think about Deadpool 3 going into production.

This wasn’t the only interesting development that Feige had to offer. In a recent chat with Deadline, the Marvel figurehead was asked about the likelihood of resurrecting any or all of the dead Marvel shows that once graced Netflix—that is, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Daredevil. “Well, certainly you’ve seen what we announced at Comic-Con a year and half ago and on Disney Investor Day a few weeks ago, so that’s our focus,” Feige said. “But I’ve been at Marvel long enough to never say never about anything.” That likely means next to nothing, but hey. We love a good dream.


  • bellybuttonlintconnoisseur-av says:

    Can’t wait to hear Ryan Reynolds make tired, obvious jokes about Disney buying Fox.

    • dirtside-av says:

      Sir, do you have a permit for that scorching hot take?

    • daveassist-av says:

      You reaaaalllllyyyy don’t understand.  This is Ryan Reynolds.  If he could get away with having Deadpool do highly inappropriate things with a Mickey and/or Minnie and/or Goofy doll, he probably would.

  • NoOnesPost-av says:

    I’m not surprised that Disney is continuing a profitable franchise (I always thought the idea they wouldn’t pursue anything R-Rated was silly), but I am surprised they’re putting him into the MCU.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    “Take that, Disney!” ~ Deadpool, really giving Disney the gears, Deadpool III

  • bagman818-av says:

    It’ll be interesting to see what the MCU looks like in a year or two. I’m of the opinion that they should introduce a multi-verse (which seems like a distinct possibility in Wandavision), and have the X-men/Deadpool (ditto Fantastic Four) in another “world”. That way they can avoid the ridiculous retcons as to “Where were the X-Men during Endgame?” nonsense.

    • elgeneralludd-av says:

      A multi verse makes sense as it’s the only way to explain the prior absence of mutants. An easy cheat would be to have it so the widespread mutations are simply happening later in the universe the MCU exists in. Maybe a 50 year old Dr. X has been watching and quietly starting his school. And maybe Deadpool gets sucked in through one of Dr. Strange’s portals something something. I dunno just spitballing here.

      • kirkchop-av says:

        We also still have that five-year blip left over from Thanos.

      • cheboludo-av says:

        Mutants might make the MCU awfully crowded. 

      • millstacular-av says:

        I always figured they would use Scarlett Witch to do a reverse House of M, and were going to set it up in Wandavision by canonizing (in the MCU) her reality manipulation abilities.

      • ghostiet-av says:

        A House of M-style story would be a good way to introduce the X-Men. I kind of expect that given that Scarlet Witch is about to become much more prominent and they are delving into her reality-bending powers through WandaVision and the new Doctor Strange film.Fantastic Four can join up pretty easily. There’s a techie void to be filled anyway and with the right casting, Reed Richards can be a powerhouse alternating heel-face in the way Loki was.

    • gojiman74-av says:

      My thoughts on the X-Men are that some of the people snapped back to life in Endgame have latent mutant genes that were ‘activated’ upon their return. 

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      “That way they can avoid the ridiculous retcons as to “Where were the X-Men during Endgame?””That’s not their problem.  If the last ten years have taught us anything, it’s that Feige and his cro-creators understand that slavishness to detail is not a trap they care about.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i don’t think that’s as much of a problem as people make it out to be. if the movie is cool and good who cares? i’m not gonna sit with my arms crossed hemming and hawing about it, i’ll be hootin’ and hollerin’!

    • thegreetestfornoraisin-av says:

      A multiverse is unnecessary. In the comics, mutants were very rare until the onset of the “atomic age”, with the raising background radiation causing a spike in mutations. The MCU could just use “the snap(s)“ from Infinity War to serve that purpose; Hulk said it was basically gamma radiation anyway. This will answer where they were before — their mutations had not occurred yet, so they hadn’t formed the X-Men yet — and frees them from the convoluted Fox movie continuity.

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        One of the rumors about The Eternals was that the reason the Deviants want to destroy humanity after all these years is because of mutations resulting from the snap. 

      • bigal6ft6-av says:

        I like the “Snap caused the Mutants” theory but there’s a long history of ancient mutants before then. To say nothing of Charles and Eric. (By this point, Eric can’t really have his holocaust origin anymore but I’m saying make him from Sokovia for a generic European war torn bad place). And Wolverine/ James Howlett! I could go with that mutants have been like super-duper rare before the snap, like a dozen mutants a generation, and after the snap they’re suddenly everywhere.

      • ryan-buck-av says:

        This.And even if mutants existed before the snap, there’s no need to overcomplicate things. Who’s to say how many mutants exist? Or that they’re a well organized group?The X-Men could easily be presented as a newly formed team, or even a newly formed lineup a la Giant Sized X-Men #1. Hell, even if the team has been established for years, there’s no need for them to have been present in Infinity War or Endgame. If they’ve never met the Avengers, why on Earth would someone expect them to be tagging along?

    • kirkchop-av says:

      Imagine ten years from now, and we’re all here saying stuff like, “Remember how small the MCU used to be before the multiverse?” Makes my brain spin thinking about the possibilities.

    • aldalin-av says:

      The comics have already given us the story on how to merge alternate worlds. The 2015 Secret Wars event casually merged the main Marvel Universe (616) with the Ultimate Universe, which is what the MCU is loosely based on. They seem to be adapting the big arcs in their own way (Civil War) so all they really need to do is introduce the characters (Dr Doom/FF4, X-Men and the Eternals) and set up the idea that eventually all of these characters will occupy the same universe. This would also be a good time to introduce new versions/re-casts of characters that died or didn’t have an MCU counterpart originally.  It sounds like those story elements are going to start with Dr Strange 2 and carry on into Spider-man 3. While the Spider-man movies may not be the most watched of the Marvel films, most people are generally aware that there have been “other” Spider-man films. Teaching the audience about the multi-verse (even if it is as ubiquitous as time travel by this point) through Spider-men might be the most effective way. I think “Into the Spider-verse” did this really well already but that doesn’t technically count as the MCU. It would be dumb of Marvel/Sony to not make live action movies or TV shows out of Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen given how popular the related merchandise is.

    • doobie1-av says:

      Deadpool is an easy hop-over since breaking the fourth wall is his whole thing. I expect many versions of an “it sure is great that I can call Spider-Man now” joke without necessarily needing any more explanation of the change.

      With the possible exception of whether or not they can talk Jackman out of retirement for a cameo or something, I fully expect everything else to just get a hard reboot, so “they weren’t there because they didn’t exist yet” will be the explanation.

    • cheboludo-av says:

      It sounds like SPider-man will get the multiverse treatment, but that’s Sony and they technically loan Spidey to Marvel who also allowed Tony Stark to be in the Spider-Man movies so that’s what I have to say about that.

    • peterbread-av says:

      They were still hiding from Deadpool in that room.

    • greatgodglycon-av says:

      Multiverse is literally in the title of the next Doctor Strange movie. Or so I have been told.

    • katiekeys-av says:

      Pretty sure Endgame already established the multiverse.  

  • the-colonel-av says:

    The most re-watchable Deadpool movie is the PG-13 version of Deadpool 2. It’s every bit as funny, and by removing the most outlandish elements, it allows the story to shine, and actually ends up being a fairly touching movie.Probably a safe bet they’ll do it again and ensure that all the kids who watch the MCU movies will get a chance to meet Deadpool without also learning the word fuckstick.

  • tommytron1138-av says:

    “The merger ROSE quite a few questions”?? Come on, everybody, keep it together. This is a professional publication that people read.

  • djclawson-av says:

    I kind of wish Fiege had just said “No” to reviving Daredevil if that’s what he meant so I could move on with my life. Don’t string us along.

    • greghyatt-av says:

      He won’t say no because that would mean a fairly major character isn’t being exploited to make money. We’ll get more Daredevil, it’s just a question of when.It’s more likely that Disney won’t touch the Punisher because of the co-opting of the symbol.

  • iambrett-av says:

    Good to read, especially that it’s R-Rated. I’m guessing any interactions with him and the MCU would be him showing up in their PG-13 movies, not them showing up in his R-Rated one. That lets them incorporate Deadpool without potentially getting parents upset because “OMG Rocket Raccoon called [disposable bad guy henchman] a “fucked-up shit-for-brains!”

    • andrewbare29-av says:

      I’ve thought for a while that it might be pretty funny to have Deadpool show up in a mainline Marvel movie and discover that he literally can’t curse.

    • funk-doc1112-av says:

      Have him spend a lot of the movie building up that one alloted F-bomb, maybe even reneging a few times in search of that perfect moment.Even funnier if he just ends up saying it from like a minor injury and is absolutely crushed, and then when something that truly warrants an F-bomb happens he can only sigh about what could have been.

    • fast-k-av says:

      As long as the character in question isn’t much of a swearer it doesn’t come up. If Cap was still around he’s an easy pick for that roll, and I have a hard time picturing Thor swearing very much (he doesn’t need to). The Guardians might be the only ones who are muzzled by the rating (I imagine all of them curse, even if it comes out like “I am Groot”), although let’s be real, what teenage boy doesn’t say “fuck” all the time, even if they’re a mama’s boy as much as Peter Parker?

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    I actually like the idea that Deadpool movies are in the Foxverse and any MCU excursions take place during the DP2 mid credits scene when he’s fucking around with Cable’s time travel device. Ultimately Deadpool should probably just make a crack about continuity and timelines and the movie will go on.

  • murrychang-av says:

    If there’s one thing Disney likes it’s money and Deadpool makes loads of that so this is not at all surprising.

    • graymangames-av says:

      Even better, he makes loads of it for cheap! The first Deadpool movie had like six locations the whole film and it was fantastic. 

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        The official budget for the first Deadpool was $58 million.Or $12 million *less* than the additional money spent on *reworking* Justice League for TV on HBO Max.

  • pocrow-av says:

    The merger of Disney and Fox … rose quite a few questions about a few existing
    properties and how exactly they would fit into their new, extremely
    family-forward home.


  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    i was really hoping they would just jump to deadpool 4 and not address it

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    This is great news. Will Hugh Jackman once again be involved?  That bromance always entertains. 

  • dsxlii-av says:

    Finally, we’ll get a version of the seventh Infinity Gem, the Continuity Gem!(I swear this is a real thing, even if it was just a one-off in one Deadpool book.)

  • kirkchop-av says:

    Kevin Feige: Great Overseer Extraordinaire of the MCU.Not to mention he also has a Star Wars project on the side. Sheesh.

  • cscurrie-av says:

    When it comes to the Deadpool news, I’m rather unenthused about this being part of the “main” MCU instead of just “elsewhere”

    I’m not really looking forward to Deadpool being in the MCU. let him be on his own world. I’m not interested in a bunch of relentless drug references, di_k jokes, farting and gay-panic jokes at the expense of the other Marvel heroes. Trying to infuse a bunch of edgelord commentary into the MCU films is not a good look.

  • daveassist-av says:

    Just to repeat my “hot take”, this is Ryan Reynolds. If he could get away with having Deadpool do
    highly inappropriate things onscreen with a Mickey and/or Minnie and/or Goofy
    doll, he probably would. He still might sneak R-rated things in where he supposedly wasn’t allowed to do so.

  • fast-k-av says:

    They should do the Deapool storyline from the Great Lakes Avengers, so then I can have a little stealth GSA movie which would make me and at least a dozen other people very happy. Who wouldn’t enjoy a montage of Deadpool killing Mr. Immortal over and over again? Besides, then we get to add Squirrel Girl to the MCU! Feige, you can call me.

  • imodok-av says:

    Yes, Deadpool will do unspeakable things with what looks like Mickey Mouse and yes it will be very good for Disney’s stock price. 

  • norwoodeye-av says:

    Sorry, but I am stuck on your choice of “rose”. I have literally in 50+ years never seen it used this way.

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    Hey, cool. I dunno. That’s what I’ve got. I think it would be cool if Deadpool hung out with Howard the Duck.

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