Kevin Feige weighs in on Shang-Chi controversy, Scarlett Johansson lawsuit

At the premiere of Marvel’s Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings, Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige commented on a string of Marvel controversies

Film News Kevin Feige
Kevin Feige weighs in on Shang-Chi controversy, Scarlett Johansson lawsuit
Kevin Feige Photo: Rich Fury

Marvel has had an uncharacteristically tricky summer. After leaving the world with Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home, it was safe to assume that their place at the top of the blockbuster entertainment heap was secure. But roughly a month after the release of their first big-screen release since Spider-Man nearly two years ago, the multi-verse is spiraling out of control. First, Scarlett Johansson sued the powerhouse for simultaneously releasing her first solo outing Black Widow in theaters and on Disney+. Then, weeks later, Disney CEO Bob Chapek referred to the upcoming Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings as an “interesting experiment.” Although Chapek was talking about giving Shang-Chi a 45-day exclusive theatrical release, many, including the film’s star Simu Liu, interpreted his comments as a derogatory remark about the film’s predominantly Asian cast.

Since the news of the lawsuit and Chapek’s comments broke, we’ve heard very little from Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige, the ringleader of the MCU. However, at the premiere of Shang-Chi, Feige attempted to put out the fires.

“He is not a shy man,” Feige said about Liu’s tweet. “I think in that particular tweet you can see, and I think everyone does, a misunderstanding. It was not the intention. The proof is in the movie and we swing for the fences as we always do. With the amount of creative energy we put in and the budget, there’s no expense spared to bring this origin story to the screen.”

Over the weekend, Liu tweeted in response to Chapek, “We are not an experiment. We are the underdog; the underestimated. We are the ceiling-breakers. We are the celebration of culture and joy that will persevere after an embattled year. We are the surprise. I’m fired the f**k up to make history on September 3rd; JOIN US.”

At this point, Feige is doing damage control, understandably trying to keep attention off of this controversy and on the film he’s releasing. Anyway, Feige’s two-stepping around controversy continued as he said he’s “all for amicable solutions” when it came to the ScarJo suit. Giving a milquetoast soundbite is Feige’s superpower.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]


  • txtphile-av says:

    I’m sure Shang-Chi will be awesome. I’m sure, and I haven’t seen it. The behind-the-scenes drama at Disney is fucking captivating.

    • redneckrampage-av says:

      What, that the wokies are just at it again trying to make drama about everything as per usual…..When its quite apparent to anyone with a brain that clearly some wokie decided to take what was said on an investors call, throw out any of the context of it because LMFAO who needs context when there is racism to be found and ran with it….

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    There was no way to misinterpret the tweet. Liu comes off as a tad over dramatic to me.Feige: *sigh* “Sit down, Simu”Simu Liu: “I will not sit down!”

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      Wouldn’t this indicate that there’s at least one way to misinterpret Chapek’s statement?

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        That’s what Feige’s saying. I don’t think there’s any racial animus to Chapek’s comment (and I don’t interpret Liu’s comment as attributing any to him). Pretty hard, however, not to see Chapek’s comment as minimizing the movie a bit and trying to cover his ass for the decision his company made, back when it looked like the U.S. had a good chance of getting the virus under control, to commit to a short release window and no D+ Premier backup plan. It’s a decision that could cost Liu dearly, so you can understand him getting upset.

        • yellowfoot-av says:

          From a company standpoint, I think internally allaying expectations for profits off of their 2021 movies is a good decision. Celebrate the wins you can eke out, and for the rest just note what worked, what didn’t, and use that info going forward. Why anyone would want to do the same to the public they’re ostensibly trying to convince to see the movies is beyond me. I don’t blame Liu at all for being upset.I also don’t think there was any specific racial element to the “experiment” comment, but it’s hard to ignore the looming spectre of “MCU’s Asian Black Panther” that so many reductive idiots would love to paint Shang-Chi as. If anyone had asked me (and frankly I’m getting tired of not being consulted on these matters), I’d have told Chapek that in addition to bad marketing strategy, there’s no way that people don’t get the impression that you’re using the Asian one to decide whether or not to push Spiderman back.

          • redneckrampage-av says:

            What does Spider-man have to do with anything? Its Sony’s movie and Sony gets to decide when to release it…..

          • roadshell-av says:

            But the statement wasn’t directed to the general public, it was directed to shareholders, and responding to it with an angry tweet likely got it significantly more attention with the public than it would have otherwise.

          • yellowfoot-av says:

            I must have glossed over the fact that he was speaking to shareholders when I read the initial article. I thought he was just randomly talking to the press, which felt wildly out of place for a company had already demonstrated significant restraint concerning the numbers from Black Widow(although considerably less restraint when discussing ScarJo’s salary). But it still was apparently open enough to the public to be reported on. I see your position is still that a person claiming agency and talking about something that concerns them directly is just calling unnecessary attention to it. I’m not willing to rehash the whole thing again. Can you just understand that not everyone sees things through the same lens you do, and might not choose the same actions you would? I know that I would never have responded like Liu did, but I do understand his motivation for doing so. Doing something that feels right even if it might have negative consequences is an eminently human behavior.

          • pgoodso564-av says:

            Directed to hundreds of thousands of shareholders of the largest media company in the world at a publicly held meeting attended by journalists, but sure, otherwise, not the general public.

            Yes, Liu amplified it. He felt he had reason to. But no, it was not otherwise sequestered information. The meeting itself was one of the largest news items in financial news of that day, causing Disney’s stock to rise FIVE PERCENT in after hours trading.

          • putusernamehere-av says:

            Even if Marvel wanted to delay Spider-Man, I think that’s Sony’s call.

          • yellowfoot-av says:

            To be honest, I’m not sure one way or the other if Sony has any say in the release date. You’re probably right, but would Sony bother to dispute it? They certainly didn’t set the date for the first two, both of which landed neatly between other MCU movies (Far From Home did run two weeks before The Lion King, not that it seemed to make any difference for either movie).Sony gets most of the box office receipts for Spiderman movies, so if Disney comes to the conclusion that a different release strategy would be considerably more profitable —and who knows how they would work a D+ premium deal if that’s on the table— then I would expect Sony to want to work with them. Of course, maybe Disney wouldn’t care so much about how much money it makes in theaters, as long as they can sell some toys for Christmas.It was only meant to illustrate the point that they’re making decisions for their flagship properties based on rolling data, anyway.

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            I think it goes beyond “bad marketing strategy” on Chapek’s part to professional incompetence. In his position, you don’t say anything but positive things about a tentpole movie pre-release, and you certainly don’t make news with something that sounds like hedging about the film’s prospects on the eve of its premiere. And if you do put your foot in your mouth and make news that way, you run to talk to the people involved in promoting the movie to make sure everyone understands what you were saying and how they should respond. It’s a fail all around for Chapek, and honestly, Liu wouldn’t have been out of line going all Ricky Roma in Glengarry Glen Ross on him. The actual statement he wrote was pretty damn restrained by comparison.

          • mullets4ever-av says:

            ‘In his position, you don’t say anything but positive things about a tentpole movie pre-release, and you certainly don’t make news with something that sounds like hedging about the film’s prospects on the eve of its premiere’

            this is 100% wrong- and illegal. If you have internal research that shows projections are low and you go out and claim they say its going to be a big hit to investors on an investor call, you will get sued and you could even possibly go to jail. lieing to investors or shareholders is basic securities fraud.

          • humbugged2021-av says:

            Spider-man and it’s release have nothing to do with Disney that is all on Sony .Just like if it was Hulk it still would have  nothing to do with a release as that would be Paramount

        • gracielaww-av says:

          And just cost ScarJo dearly. I don’t think the comment was truly made with any ill intent but I don’t blame Liu for being defensive. It sucks that these two particular movies had to be the ones to play with the business model. Extenuating circumstances yes, and it’s easy to argue that of course they take chances with the unproven characters and not proven hits but it still stings.Especially given how shoddily ScarJo was treated. Throwing around “underwhelming” or “dissapointng” in relation to her movie box office as if there were not very extenuating circumstances but then publically slamming ScarJo’s very character for daring to sue during a pandemic. They rightly lost trust with that. And the stakes are higher for Liu.

          • this-guy-av says:

            And just cost ScarJo dearly. Isn’t this the opposite approach to how they handled BW though? ScarJo is claiming a loss of revenue because they released it on D+ at the same time as theaters, in this case they are not going the streaming route and giving it an exclusive theatrical release.

        • humbugged2021-av says:

          Why he not getting backend anyway so it cost him nothing

      • doncae-av says:

        Then, weeks later, Disney CEO Bob Chapek referred to the upcoming Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings as an “interesting experiment.” Although Chapek was talking about giving Shang-Chi a 45-day exclusive theatrical release, many, including the film’s star Simu Liu, interpreted his comments as a derogatory remark about the film’s predominantly Asian cast.I mean, it’d be nice if avclub actually showed the context of the link rather than describing it. But, y’know, modern GMG or whatever it’s called.

        • voon-av says:

          I’ve followed several links, to Variety and others, and I still haven’t traced it to the full context.

      • dirtside-av says:

        There’s an infinite number of ways to interpret any statement. No matter how crazy your interpretation sounds to most people, you could always find someone who’ll agree with you.But it’s all just the sum of opinions. I don’t agree with Liu’s interpretation, but I also think Chapek should have known he’d probably get a substantial number of reactions like Liu’s.

      • a-better-devil-than-you-av says:


    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      “Everyone knows I’m the best actor in the MCU!”

    • onearmwarrior-av says:

      Yep, not joining September 3rd.

    • animaniac2-av says:

      … or the Chinese government jumped at an opportunity to manufacture another controversy and cause a high profile movie to bomb.

    • amessagetorudy-av says:

      Is it possible that Simu Li is still stinging from the way things went down with Kim’s Convenience that he reacted to swiftly to the comment? Not to get into the comment itself (I don’t THINK it was meant to demean the movie and the cast), but I can see Simu being sensitive to the potential issue.

    • nilus-av says:

      Hey but a couple days later and here we are talking about it. I am still convinced a large portion of these social media controversies are engineered to act as free publicity. Like I can just feel the execs counting the money whenever some man child on YouTube decides to make an hour long video about how their favorite childhood property has been “ruined” by SJWs

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:

      I for one am shocked that an actor of all people would act so dramatically.

    • gregthestopsign-av says:

      I think it’s been well established since Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 21 years ago that Asian led action movies can turn a profit internationally and Hollywood’s pandering to the Chinese market over the last decade and a half also shows that they aren’t averse to a Yuan or two either.Simu’s statement is indeed dumb.

  • fuzzyjammys-av says:

    Giving a milquetoast soundbite is Feige’s superpowerHe’s been at the reins for over thirteen years and we’re still surprised he doesn’t want to rock his money boat?

    • wrightstuff76-av says:

      Yeah what exactly does AVC expect him to say?
      “Well ScarJo is an idiot and we really don’t care how well Shang Chi does”.Giving a fairly levelheaded response isn’t a bad thing to do.

    • mythicfox-av says:

      I mean, even aside the issue of the money boat and the rocking thereof, the first rule of “Your company is actively being sued right now” is “Don’t talk about the effing lawsuit.”

      • hercules-rockefeller-av says:

        The second rule is…. (wait for it)… “Don’t talk about the effing lawsuit.” The third rule is “fine, if you absolutely fucking have to say something (we really wish you wouldn’t), say the most neutral thing possible, preferably including the word amicable.”

    • djclawson-av says:

      It’s nice of him to wait until the controversy has happened so he can come in and take a non-committal side with whomever the internet currently thinks is right.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Asked to comment on the “Changing the ‘Captain America Twitter Avatar to Captain Carter” controversy, Feige said, “What in the Goddamned hell are you talking about?”

    • planehugger1-av says:

      The AV Club seems convinced that the top priority for the head of a major movie studio, during a pandemic that has utterly scrambled its release schedule and decimated its gameplan for making money, is nonsense Twitter controversies.

      • listen2themotto-av says:

        Probably because the nu-AVC’s talent pool is capped at writing inane recaps of stupid Twitter controversies

      • notedgar-av says:

        They feed on it, they FEED!!! The death of Twitter will certainly be the death of sensacionalist blogs all around the world. The same people who spat on gig economy will be glad for it, FOR THE END IS NIGH!!!

    • dabard3-av says:

      I’ve yet to see the story about it changing back. 

    • tokenaussie-av says:

      I heard he didn’t even speak out against Ellie Kemper’s teenage pageant attendance.#whiteprivilege #toxicmasculinity #kancelkevin

    • thechadti-av says:

      Feige later added “Nerds!” and uncharacteristically removed his ball cap, throwing it to the ground and stomping on it before following with “Fuck outta here…” Marvel studios offered no further comment.

  • MyNameIsMyName-av says:

    There is no Shang-Chi controversy he just got in his feelings over misunderstanding a quote and is too embarrassed to admit that he’s wrong despite seemingly everyone else understanding the initial quote.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. He was in his right to say what he said. People like you don’t get to determine that he was wrong.

      • zazreil-av says:

        He is wrong and so are you. Now you shut the fuck up.

      • atomicplayboy3000-av says:

        “You people?”

      • sonofno1monkey-av says:

        Calm yourself. You are no better than anyone else on this feed. And Simu was either off base in his comment or he does not know how to adequately explain what he is trying to say.

      • mattcannontm-av says:

        I mean… yes? We can determine he was wrong? Because we know what the original quote said, and what Chapek was talking about, and know that the context that Lin took it, was not actually how it was meant.

        If I said “I think it’s really messed up when people say “I don’t like black people”” and someone quoted me as saying “I don’t like black people”, it would be wrong for people to be mad at me, if what I said was taken completely out of context and they didn’t bother to read what I actually said.
        If they’re reacting to just that part, then that’s just an uninformed, emotional, knee jerk reaction, where they didn’t bother to see if what they were reacting to, was actually something worth reacting to. Sort of like your reaction a little bit.

        That’s not healthy.

      • kingkrazyxx-av says:

        No, but it’s of his opinion of which we are all entitled to. So please, shut the fuck up and carry on. I too feel like he got in his feelings and took it a little out of context. Not everyone has to agree with you.

        • fyodoren-av says:

          Yes they do. They HAVE to agree or the poor guy Just Can’t Even.

        • rev-skarekroe-av says:

          Oh no, you’re not entitled to your own opinion anymore.
          Just be patient and someone will let you know what you’re allowed to think shortly.

          • haodraws-av says:

            Yeah, because if your opinion is that because the actor said something you might think is an overreaction, you’re allowed to make racist jokes about him for it, your opinion is FUCKING GARBAGE.

      • planehugger1-av says:

        Everyone but you is having a civil conversation. Get a grip and stop being so desperate to defend a movie star.

      • haodraws-av says:

        I see the scum in the greys trying to speak to me as if it matters. No, you all shut the fuck up too. And fuck you and your opinions and your beliefs sideways, while we’re at it. I’m giving fucks all day to you bigots. Get fucking fucked by my Chinese dick.

        • adroa-av says:

          You’re a daft cunt, eh?

        • voldemort666-av says:

          No thanks. 

        • mattcannontm-av says:

          It’s really sad that you get this triggered by out of context quotes.

        • planehugger1-av says:

          I like being lectured on appropriate discourse by someone who ends his comments with, “Get fucking fucked by my Chinese dick.”

        • merkyl-av says:

          LOL Well aren’t you a little bitch trying to sound mean dropping “fuck” all over. You sound really, really retarded.

        • bgunderson-av says:

          Well, you certainly sound rational.

        • vigorjf-av says:

          You talk to your momma with that mouth ?

        • malciredex-av says:


        • 5pintsofbitter-av says:

          Really?  I mean, REALLY?  If your goal is to educate or steer people to understanding a different viewpoint than the one they’re currently espousing, why in the world would you choose this as your approach?

        • ahildy9815-av says:

          Wouldn’t even feel it bro.P.S. You get what you ask for.

        • Did_it_for_the_Alliance-av says:

          Chill the fuck out. There’s no controversy here. Keep your Chinese dick in your pants like all of us other Chinese with better reading comprehension. Here’s your controversy you fucking glass heart.
          On Shang-Chi, we think it’s actually going
          to be an interesting experiment for us because it’s got only a 45-day
          window for us. So the prospect of being able to take a Marvel title to
          service after going theatrical with 45 days will be yet another data
          point to inform our actions going forward on our titles.

        • haodraws-av says:

          You dumb fuck. This isn’t about “reading comprehension”, cocksucker. This is about fucking bigots trying to put words in Liu’s mouth, trying to make it seem like he was saying anything controversial or unreasonable. It’s about the fucker that said Liu should just say “solly”(which, by the way, still hasn’t been taken down). It’s about the fuckers accusing him of being “dramatic”. It’s about the same racially-coded accusations and name-calling that PoCs have had to contend with for decades.

          • buh-lurredlines-av says:

            Get a grip.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:


          • thorstrom-av says:

            Wow.Just a whole meltdown right here. Would you like to tell more people to shut the fuck up and insist that people can’t determine for themselves that maybe, just maybe the star of a film misinterpreted the concept of a distribution experiment with a commentary about a film being predominantly an Asian cast as the experiment?Would you like to call anyone else a “cocksucker” as a derogatory comment, and should I willfully and incorrectly suggest that your use of such a word as a homophobic slur? Or would I be willfully acting in a means counter to your intent?I think maybe you need to calm the fuck down. I have decided to interpret the star of this film misunderstood what was stated and acted n an over-dramatc fashion and guess how much say you get there? Fucking none, asshole. Screaming “fuck you fuck you” as your opening salvo for any comment is gong to get you very few converts to your very dumb opinion.In the future, maybe in your zeal to defend an actor, you don’t throw “cocksucker” around like a massive asshole, you asshole.

          • haodraws-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, you racist cocksucker. How about that? It’s not that the actor misinterpreted anything, THE FUCKING PROBLEM is that people here are making racist jokes and rhetoric about the actor. Learn to fucking keep up.

        • kingkrazyxx-av says:

          As a PoC myself (my mother is Dominican and my father is Puerto Rican), who grew up in a Hispanic/Asian neighborhood, you are a clown. His reaction was over dramatic just like yours. Nothing Bob said was about race or anything of the like. So, not kindly. Shut the fuck up.

      • dabard3-av says:

        But people like me do. And I say he was wrong.

      • laserfacefanclub-av says:

        You clearly have mental issues. This isn’t how reasonable people react to anything. Ever 

      • davidjwgibson-av says:
      • drkschtz-av says:

        We’re all basking in your holier-than-thou glory. Truly mesmerizing keyboard activism here.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:


    • suckadick59595-av says:

      Oh, fuck right off. 

    • haodraws-av says:

      To the snowflakes in the greys and the comments reading this: Fuck off with the defending of the blatant racist jokes and rhetoric that people are doing here. It’s not about whether Liu was overreacting or misinterpreting anything, it’s about you fuckers thinking it’s okay to chastise him using racist jokes(he should just say “solly”? REALLY? It’s not even creative, motherfucker) or using racially-coded criticisms—being dramatic, being difficult, being too in his feelings—that us PoCs and minorities have had to contend with for DECADES in our field of works.Get this through your thick skulls.

  • davidjwgibson-av says:

    “Controversy” = slow news week and generic Twitter outrage. With Trump effectively gone, people need a new outlet to get upset every three days. And if one doesn’t exist they’ll make one.

  • jacquestati-av says:

    Interesting that the controversy for Shang Li is about the film releasing exclusively in theaters, and the Scarlett Johansson thing is about the film not releasing exclusively in theaters.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    It was clumsily-worded, certainly, but to describe the Shang-Chi thing as a “controversy” seems like a bit of a stretch. 

    • wrightstuff76-av says:

      “ScottyEnn wades into Shang-Chi controversy with shocking take.”Please click here for more details.

    • elchappie2-av says:

      Stretch is what they do here… I think it’s part of the job title. 

    • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

      It definitely is a controversy.Chapek 100% could have worded the statement better so that it doesn’t seem like the billion dollar company is using the all Asian led movie as a test balloon in general.But, the biggest part of the controversy is really the fact that Disney suits probably picked the wrong guy to be CEO.Picking Bob “Cheap-O” Chapek could come back and bite them. Especially since the groomed heir apparent left the company. 

      • brickhardmeat-av says:

        Feige seems to have two jobs now, running the MCU and cleaning up Chapek’s messy sloppy shits. 

      • Keego94-av says:

        No, it really isn’t a controversy. 

      • docnemenn-av says:

        Chapek 100% could have worded the statement better so that it doesn’t seem like the billion dollar company is using the all Asian led movie as a test balloon in general.Not disagreeing, and I can also see why it would rub Liu up the wrong way (especially if/when taken out of context), but that doesn’t necessarily make it a controversy; it makes it a poor choice of wording.

      • seinnhai-av says:

        Well, to be fair the heir apparent was groomed by Horatio Sanz so…

      • atdiscordance-av says:

        I don’t keep track of Disney much but it seems to that it’s an odd interpretation simply because I though Disney has already released a couple of of movies recently (past year or so) with predominately (or all?) Asian/Asian-American casts. Maybe I’m wrong?

      • ahildy9815-av says:

        Mulan came out 15 months ago.If people are so stupid to forget that another entirely asian movie was just released by Disney, that’s on them.

      • ontwowheelsallthetime-av says:

        Speaking as a fan of the parks experiences more than that of the films studio, yes the promotion of Chapek to Overlord and CEO has even in such a short time been a terrible mistake. Prices have risen driving away customers, cast members have been re-hired in a halting fashion leaving attractions and resorts woefully understaffed, the park reservations systems is a nightmare, restaurants have scaled back offerings and/or standardized across the board so they are sharing recipes from one place to the next and thus losing their identities, there is so much going wrong at both of the US parks as well as overseas. The parks needed fresh leadership who prioritizes the experience more so than strictly the bottom line.

      • gooselovesyou-av says:

        no no no.  i hate the simultaneous releases and streaming is a zero sum game, BUT, anyone who actually READS and follows industry sites like DEADLINE (even though they are awful sometimes too, but they are the first to hit news)…knows he was talking about NOT doing a simultaneous release strategy and giving a 45 day window during Covid Round 5 – trump/antivaccer’s revenge.  (eye roll).  he and everyone knows they did what they had to do to minimize as much $$ fall out, test D+ and appease investors in short term.  trust me, they are not making money on this strategy.  its failed.  but it works for now since well, we are in a f’ing pandemic elongated by this country’s idiots.

      • arlhts78-av says:

        THIS. Kevin Mayer was the smarter choice. Chapek’s idea of innovation is having the accountants record a complimentary gift card given to an unhappy Disney park visitor as revenue instead of a loss.

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    I wouldn’t be too morally superior about Shang-Chi being theatrical exclusive during a pandemic when Disney has a streaming service and the stated reason it’s not going to Disney plus immediately is due to “distribution deals”

  • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

    There is no controversy. His “interesting experiment” comment was about how the media is released and had nothing to do with anyone’s ethnic and cultural backgrounds. This is more crybaby bullshit where everyone’s goal in life is to feel like a victim. It’s fucking moronic and he shouldn’t have had to address it at all. He shouldn’t have even addressed it because it’s so fucking dumb. Asian Americans are the most educated and wealthy per capita segment of our population. They aren’t victims of anything.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    He said an obvious misunderstanding was an obvious misunderstanding. Sounds reasonable to me.

    • haodraws-av says:

      What’s unreasonable is the bigots trying to put Simu Liu “in his place” simply for speaking up. Something about a PoC speaking up always riles these motherfuckers up.

      • anthonypirtle-av says:

        I think anyone who percieves that they have been disrespected by their employer, or in this case the studio they are working with, should always feel free to speak up. 

        • planehugger1-av says:

          I don’t think anyone is saying Liu isn’t “free to speak up,” and it’s good that he is.  But I can both be glad Liu has freedom and feel the particular thing he is saying is dumb.

        • drkschtz-av says:

          IrvingLee has been playing a character in these comment sections. The militantly holier-than-thou. It’s fucking exhausting.“everyone who understands words is a bigot! Even the super fucking liberal regulars here at AVC are suddenly bigots! everyone but me is a bigot!!”

          • haodraws-av says:

            Get fucked, bigot.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            As an anti-racist far left minority, let me say “allies” like him are just an embarrassment and when actual racism happens they’re never around to actually do something. I loathe to use the term “virtual signaling” because chuds regularly abuse it and use it to silence people when actual bad shit happens, but it applies here.

          • haodraws-av says:

            So being angry about the blatant racism displayed by certain posters here is “playing a character”. Tell me how you really feel about me, motherfucker.

      • 1ofmany-av says:

        What’s super-duper unreasonable is assuming any disagreement with a PoC is because of the C and not the P.

      • pjrussell-av says:

        There’s also his experience with Kim’s Convenience, with white people talking over the lived Asian experience in the writer’s room, that might have made him think ‘enough of this shit’.

        • cacogen-av says:

          A little off-topic, but I guess I’ll take this opportunity to ask. What’s the difference between one’s experience and one’s *lived* experience? Seems to me that only living things have any sort of experience — in other words, are there non-lived experiences? 

          • glassjaw99-av says:

            Watching a movie about a car accident is an experience.Being in a car accident is a lived experience.

          • pgoodso564-av says:

            One’s experience can include their education or media consumption as opposed to actual events in their lives. Not to say something completely obvious but liable to enrage the greys, but this is the basic distinction between most white folks in America understanding what racism is and that it exists and people of color actually having experienced it in their day to day existence.

            In a world that tends to preference white folks’ “educated” opinions over the vast number of people of color whose lived experience counters those opinions, that’s why people tend to rely on that distinction. This completely reasonable idea is in fact one of the primary tenets of CRT.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            Pgoodso’s response to you is a pretty good one, but I’d also say that another distinction is between things that you experience constantly and things that are one-offs. If you go do some kind of military bootcamp thing for a weekend, you can “experience” (to some extent) what it’s like to be a soldier. But your lived experience is something that happens in the course of your life, and often something you didn’t actively choose, such as being part of a marginalised group in a discriminatory society.

      • laserfacefanclub-av says:

        What’s wrong with you? I mean that sincerely. You sound mentally ill. 

      • cyberpizza-av says:

        It’s clear that you’re very mad about this, but saying a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding is totally reasonable, and is not bigotry. There is plenty of bigotry in the movie industry, but people disagreeing with Liu’s read does not mean they hate him because he’s Asian.

      • mattcannontm-av says:

        No one is upset he spoke up. People are saying he got angry about something completely out of context, for which there was genuinely no reason to be upset. He feels like an Asian movie got called an experiment.

        But this is the entire quote:

        “On Shang-Chi, we think it’s actually going to be an interesting
        experiment for us because it’s got only a 45-day window for us. So, the
        prospect of being able to take a Marvel title to the service after going
        theatrical with 45 days will be yet another data point to inform our
        actions going forward on our titles.”To anyone that doesn’t have knee-jerk reactions to out of context quotes, it’s pretty clear that the “experiment” they’re referring to is CLEARLY the 45 day theatrical window before releasing on Disney+.
        Thus, his reaction to the entire thing is a complete misunderstanding.

      • call-me-al-again-av says:

        But when you speak up you need to be informed. If you jump the gun and shout about something you’ve misunderstood then people are more likely to dismiss you next time you speak up. It is essentially the boy who cried wolf.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        You’re white aren’t you

  • ghostiet-av says:

    Giving a milquetoast soundbite is Feige’s superpower.What the fuck do you expect when the “controversy” regarding Shang-Chi is milquetoast to begin with?Besides, Feige might be giving boring answers, but considering his battles with Ike Perlmutter I wouldn’t be surprised if things might be a bit more heated within that branch.

    • redneckrampage-av says:

      There wouldn’t be any controversy had some woke imbecile clearly not taken what was clearly said in context about the 45 days in theaters before release and woke it up crying about racism…..Another woke imbecile stirring shit up needlessly and pointlessly, thats about as guaranteed as the sky is going to be blue every morning and, that water is wet.

  • mythicfox-av says:

    Anyway, Feige’s two-stepping around controversy continued as he said he’s “all for amicable solutions” when it came to the ScarJo suit. Giving a milquetoast soundbite is Feige’s superpower.Weird, almost like there’s an active lawsuit going on that he probably can’t talk about even if it were in good taste to do so.

  • ikeikeikeike-av says:

    To me, the real question is, why are they releasing this on Labor Day weekend? That’s usually when studios dump films. Did they decide to suspend that strategy because it’s such a weird year and they want to catch up, or what? They’re also not sending out screeners. Could it be a crappy flick?

    • ronniebarzel-av says:

      A Labor Day release is probably due to Disney’s “embarrassment of riches.” Marvel has Eternals in November and Spider-Man in December, and Disney itself has The Last Duel — a Damon/Affleck/Ridley Scott joint — in October.

    • putusernamehere-av says:

      They released Black Panther in February, the spot on the calendar where studios usually dump their trash, and that movie did ok.

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        Has February been an actual trash dump month since 300 made all that money like 15 years ago. 

        • nilus-av says:

          Plus February is Black History month and Disney wanted to see if they could leverage that with the film(and they did)

        • doctor-boo3-av says:

          To be pedantic, 300 was released in March.

          • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

            “To be pedantic, 300 was released in March”I always know this because I saw it on my 21st birthday

        • the-assignment-av says:

          February gets movies, but they tend to be movies that studios don’t have as much interest in with regard to awards. Business-wise they may do great, but it’s hard for a February movie to be Oscar-bait.

      • drkschtz-av says:

        They released Black Panther in February

        Marvel releases multiple movies per year. It isn’t at all the same thing to release connected franchise films in February-June-November, as it is for a studio to dump a misfire into February by itself.

        • putusernamehere-av says:

          Right, and the same thing is true of releasing Shang Chi in September. Black Panther and Shang Chi are both untested characters, and Marvel is clearly banking on their brand to sell the movie more than the character. It worked with Black Panther, and I’ll be real surprised if it doesn’t work with Shang Chi.

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            Black Panther had the advantage of being introduced in (and being one of the highlights of) the third Captain America movie. He wasn’t nearly as untested as some people claimed.

      • gfitzpatrick47-av says:

        I’m almost certain that one of the reasons they dropped Black Panther in February was to capitalize on it being Black History Month, and also that Infinity War was dropping in April. There wasn’t any other time that wouldn’t involve stepping on Infinity War’s release window. 

    • radek15-av says:

      Guardians of the Galaxy was released in the relative wasteland of August and still pulled more than $750 million worldwide.

      • ikeikeikeike-av says:

        Early August and late August are a lot different — in the last 10-15-ish years, as the calendar has gotten more crowded, July has effectively started to leak into early August (Guardians was Aug. 1), October has started to leak into late September, May has spread into April*, and March has spread prodigiously into February. (But I take everyone’s point that Disney/Marvel has so many movies to release that Labor Day probably doesn’t mean anything this year — plus they probably want to get it out while the weather is still warm.)(*IMHO April was never a total dump month, but more of an iffy limbo/netherworld, not as bad as January, late August/early Sept., or the first week of December, or old-time February, but not A-list for sure)

        • rogersachingticker-av says:

          Also, it’s worth noting that Labor Day is as late as it can be this year (Sept. 6) and between that and Rosh Hashanah, a lot of kids aren’t starting their schoolyear until an entire week later. 

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      I think it was mandated by Black Widow’s release, and trying to maximize theater time during the months when they expected the virus would be most under control, based on last year’s numbers and vaccine expectations. They just didn’t know a segment of the US population would work very hard to keep Covid alive and thriving through the summer.

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      It really feels like catchup. They have so many actors under contract that they want to make sure they’re honoring making these movies when scheduled and actors don’t have to lose other jobs in the meantime (one of the impetuses behind hesitations for some to sign into the MCU), and with the ripple-effect environment of the MCU in general, they can’t sit on these movies forever, they have to get them out and set up the following movies in the pipeline. So three movies in six months does feel like trying to get the train back on the schedule tracks (or four in seven, depending if Spider-man: NWH gets out of the blocks eventually in post).

  • Kaligor-av says:

    What if Shang-Chi was an interesting experiment, does it have to be exclusively about race?What if it was shot using the Gameboy Camera, that would be an interesting experiment.You wanna know about a movie that was an interesting experiment. Guardians of the Galaxy, they were complete nobodies in the comics world but it turned into the best movies.

  • thebtskink2-av says:

    Sunce you’re running out of Tarantino content that no one is biting on…there is no Shang-Chi controversy except in the mind of clicking bloggers.

  • jccalhoun-av says:

    What is Feige supposed to say about the Johansson lawsuit? Are we expecting him to know all the ins and outs of her contract? This is up to the lawyers not the creatives.

    • fanburner-av says:

      The lawyers would love for Feige to say something more solid. Some of them stand to gain $1.2 million dollars per word if he says the wrong thing.

  • muteeb-av says:

    rom a company standpoint, I think internally allaying expectations for profits off of their 2021 movies is a good decision. Celebrate the wins you can eke out, and for the rest just note what worked, what didn’t, and use that info going forward.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    The “milquetoast” jab would hold more weight if you guys ever actually took a public swing at Spanfeller.

    • hercules-rockefeller-av says:

      damn… that’s absofuckinglutely right. Have the stones to pull the move Defector did. 

  • dabard3-av says:

    Do you have a dream world where he says: “Scarlett is right. Donald Duck should be mowing her lawn when this is over” or conversely, “Shut up, Tits McGee. Be glad your little movie at all.”Do you think he is actually going to say, “Jesus Juggling Kiwi on a Unicycle, you give the Asians one movie and they act like they own the place” or “Sorry, here’s $5 billion to make six more Shang-Chi movies, sight unseen.”You are just so precious 

    • unauthorizedaccount-av says:

      Is it SIX more because you see a Chinese movie and then an hour later you want to see another one?Too soon?

  • improvius-av says:

    I absolutely don’t get the negative attitudes toward Liu for making unambiguously positive statements about his own movie.

  • det--devil--ails-av says:

    Pfft. “Controversy.”Disney stooge: “with this summer’s release of Shang-Chi, moviegoers should get ready to enjoy their popcorn again at the movies!”Liu: “HOW DARE HE!!!! HIS IGNORANCE OF 6,000 YEARS OF CHINESE CULTURE IS APPALLING! POPCORN IS A ‘NEW WORLD’ GRAIN!”AV Club weighs in: “Like OMG… Disney, like, just LITERALLY called their own movie, like, ‘ChingChongChinaman!’ They even, like, pulled back their eyes to look squinty, probably. Ya know? It’s like Hitler.”

  • igotsuped-av says:

    Since people are interested, here’s the entire “interesting experiment” exchange from the Disney investor call, edited for clarity/the good stuff:Michael NathansonI wanted to understand how the Company is thinking about near-term theatrical releases, given the steep fall-off in second week box, rise of the Delta variant, international markets still not opened. So why not delay or pause release schedule?Bob Chapek
    Michael, as you probably recognize, we live in a very uncertain world in terms of the recovery of some of our markets in the theatrical exhibition world. It’s certainly part of that. We’ve said from the very beginning that we value flexibility in being able to make as last-minute calls as we can, given what we see in the marketplace. And certainly, when we planned our schedule that we’re executing right now, we did not anticipate, nor did I think anybody, the resurgence of COVID with the Delta variant that would have such a significant impact on the marketplace.At the same time, when you work in an ecosystem, having a lot of partners, they need to be able to plan their business, too. And so, at some point, we have to put a stake in the ground and say, for example, Shang-Chi, that’s going to be a title that we’re going to put in the marketplace or Free Guy, that’s going to be a title that we’re going to put into the marketplace. Not knowing, again, three months earlier when you make that commitment, what exactly the marketplace is going to look like. But, what I do think that says, Michael, it says that we value flexibility and we value to follow where the consumer is going to go.And while some of that’s uncertain, I think, in terms of relative to where the rest of the market is, you see that we’ve got more flexibility in terms of how we program. And nothing is in stone because the marketplace is rapidly changing. But at some point, you’ve got to put a stake in the ground and say, this is what we’re going to do. And that’s where we ended up on Shang-Chi and Free Guy, which are our next two titles out.Michael NathansonBob, can I just follow-up? Why wouldn’t you just add Premier Access, given what you saw happen, I think, successfully with Black Widow to those two titles?Bob ChapekOkay. Good questions. On Free Guy, obviously, this is a title that we acquired under a different distribution assumption and set of agreements. So, we don’t have the degree of freedom to do that on Free Guy.On Shang-Chi, we think it’s actually going to be an interesting experiment for us because it’s got only a 45-day window for us. So, the prospect of being able to take a Marvel title to the service after going theatrical with 45 days will be yet another data point to inform our actions going forward on our titles.But once again, I’ll refer back to my previous answer. When we planned Shang-Chi, that title was planned on being in a much more healthy theatrical environment. And at this point, unfortunately, due to distribution agreements that we have and due to just the practicalities of last-minute changes, it wouldn’t be possible.

    • det--devil--ails-av says:

      Worse than Hitler!

    • bellium2-av says:

      Thank you very much for this, is it possible to link to the original, so we can see the impact of the edits?

    • realkgbman-av says:

      sooo, notin’ to see here….. jesus

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Sounds like an incredibly dry internal discussion of business logistics. So uncontroversial I almost fell asleep.

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        In what world is Disney’s CEO throwing their tentpole release under the bus and basically writing off its theatrical run “uncontroversial?” The “interesting experiment” is that the release window is short enough that you might as well have released it directly to Disney Plus. It’s basically the same level gaffe that Warners’ went through when they announced that they were releasing their 2021 slate of movies simultaneously on HBO Max, but didn’t tell any of the filmmakers or stars involved (except Jenkins and Gadot on WW84) much less offer them compensation for lost box office. That may be boring to you—it’s not RACISM, after all—but then again, Liu’s response doesn’t accuse anyone of racism, he just says what the studio should be saying: we’re gonna make history! Yay, us!Instead of doing that, Chapek decided, on the eve of the movie’s premiere, to cover his ass for the decision to be theater-exclusive, and offer the consolation to shareholders of “we’re gonna get some great data points out of this.” Which is a cold comfort to Liu, who’s trying to do his job and promote the movie while his boss’s boss rows in the opposite direction. Remember: “data points” don’t translate into profit participation for the people who made the movie, and won’t repair Liu’s reputation if his big shot at movie stardom is perceived as tanking at the box office.

        • snooder87-av says:

          The problem is that if the CEO of a publically traded company lies to his shareholders, he might go to jail.He quite literally can’t go “We’re gonna make history, yay us!” if that’s not what he actually believes and what he’s making his decisions based on.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          Well said. There’s been a lot of hot air released over whether this is racist or not that has overshadowed the simple fact that something that should have been big and exciting for Liu (and others involved in making the movie) has been talked about, publicly, in rather unflattering terms. Liu is just trying to change the narrative by saying, “Hey, this is still something to get excited about!”

          • donthinkso-av says:

            ““We are not an experiment. We are the underdog; the underestimated. We are the ceiling-breakers.” Yeah, no racial undertones there.

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          lol who cares

    • terrybukowski-av says:

      ahh, so… clearly racist, then

      • haodraws-av says:

        No one, not even Simu Liu, said it was anything racist. Liu was just hyping up the movie regardless of the business decision surrounding it.What’s racist is the people, including the swaths of bigots here in the comments, who are taking this chance to make racist jokes about Liu and trying to put him in his place for what they perceive as him speaking out of turn.

    • KingOfKong-av says:

      Why wouldn’t you just add Premier Access, given what you saw happen, I think, successfully with Black WidowYeah, that was so successful the star of the movie ended up suing the studio for millions.

    • tomribbons-av says:

      Clearly these comments aren’t controversial when taken with the context. Why are people so eager to be outraged?

    • apollomojave-av says:

      I don’t see how anyone could read that statement in context and get offended but twitter outrage never ceases to amaze me.

      • arrowe77-av says:

        I wouldn’t qualify this particular instance as twitter outrage: it is Liu who got angry, not some rando on social media. I don’t get him at all. Shang-Chi might be his big break and he tries to pick a fight with Disney’s CEO before it release? Over this?

  • noreallybutwait-av says:

    Does Feige get to decide which movies get theatrical releases and which get same day streaming? Is he responsible for the comments of Disney’s CEO? Is he instrumental in the lawsuit between ScarJo and Disney?Obviously his comments are going to be diplomatic, but honestly I think he’s correct in his take on the Shang-Chi comments. The “experiment” comment was definitely not worded well but I think the context is clear that it was meant to refer to the theater-only release of the film (which for the record is a bad idea in my opinion).As far as ScarJo’s suit, obviously he wants all parties to make nice, why wouldn’t he? I’m not sure what you’d expect him to say. “FUCK DISNEY – the company who finances my movies!”

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    To me the next two Marvel movies are gambles, but Shang-Chi and Eternals are not known comic characters like Thor, Hulk, Iron-man, Cap and Spidey. So that was poorly worded but I understand what they could mean.Personally I’m not going to see (and Haven’t seen) Black Widow, Shang-Chi or Eternals. 1. Because I’m night really dying to go to the theater (but will for Spidey and Halloween Kills and Carnage) and 2. Because I don’t care about any of those characters.

    • emmeteeny-av says:

      The only hype that I’ve detected – admittedly from forum and comments – for the upcoming MCU slate is how a particular film might advance the ongoing story, or hint at the next all-encompassing plot/villain. I don’t see people excited for the movies or characters unto themselves – with the exception of the next Spidey film. I think that really matters. In the case of Black Panther, people saw those trailers and were hyped to visit Wakanda – no one was talking about Thanos or MCU cameos.

    • pgoodso564-av says:

      It feels like forever ago, but lets remember that most the Avengers whose names didn’t start with W and end with Olverine were third tier characters in Marvel comics at the time: Marvel was essentially the X-Men And Spiderman Company, Inc, And Also Everyone Else. The Iron Man and First Avenger films MADE Tony Stark and Steve Rogers what they are today.

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        No 100% true. In the 60’s the Avengers were a big deal but yes. Spidey, Hulk, FF were bigger.70’s was all Spidey and I think the Thing was huge80’s was Spidey and X-men but Captain America was the star of secret wars and part 290’s was dumbass Wolverine, Spidey and Punisher and Cap was still the main good guy with Warlock in IG00’s the big comic were those terrible ultimate comics and Spidey and Avengers were the big ones in that one.Now Stark wasn’t a big name but he was known before the Iron man movie but RDJ made him bigger. Cap was fucking Cap forever and he was annoying but Evans made him cool.Still these new people are no ones. We will see what happens when X-Men and FF are shown but I have no time for these movies in 2021.  I hope for the hardcore fans they are good but as a huge comic dork from 79-96 I will pass, too many other fun things to do and watch.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        When are they going to make another Walter McOlverine film? I love that guy!

    • himespau-av says:

      Honestly, I couldn’t keep up with all the MCU shit anymore.  It became work.  So, after Endgame, I just decided I was out.  Might watch the new Guardians movie whenever it comes out, but I can’t keep track of who everyone is anymore, and I’m not up to studying up to go to the movies.  I think Rise of Skywalker might have ended it for me on Star Wars too.  Eventually, I’m going to get through Clone Wars and Rebels (Mandalorian looks cool, so maybe), but there’s just so much stuff that I don’t have time for.

  • 1ofmany-av says:

    “Although Chapek was talking about giving Shang-Chi a 45-day exclusive theatrical release, many, including the film’s star Simu Liu, interpreted his comments as a derogatory remark about the film’s predominantly Asian cast.”So, even though NOTHING derogatory was actually said, people get to run with that false narrative. SMH. Gotta love the internet.

    • pgoodso564-av says:

      It’s worth noting that Liu actually DIDN’T interpret it that way, people interpreted his proud surety that the film would blow away expectations as being offended at Chapek.

  • psychopirate-av says:

    “I think in that particular tweet you can see, and I think everyone does, a misunderstanding.” How long before some other idiot writer on this site attacks Feige for this statement?

  • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

    “ Giving a milquetoast soundbite is Feige’s superpower.”In fairness, it is a pretty milkytoast controversy (Shang-Shi’s release). Not sure he would want to dive into the ScarJo lawsuit either, for legal reasons.

  • surprisingsnake-av says:

    It seemed to me that the “interesting experiment” comment was talking more about the fact that it is an unknown character rather than it being a non-white cast/movie. But I don’t know Chapek’s history so it is possible that it could be more nefarious.

  • revjab-av says:

    There is no real Shang-Chi controversy.The courts will decide whether Johannsen has a legitimate case, not the public.

  • dabard3-av says:

    You know who else hasn’t commented about the ScarJo thing?

    Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Paul Bettany, Mark Ruffalo, Sebastian Stan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Holland, Paul Rudd, Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper or Vin Diesel.

    Have they even been asked?

  • somethingwittyorwhatever-av says:

    I understand that by commenting on this article, I am contributing to the total engagement numbers, which imply that continuing to approach entertainment news in the way AV Club is doing is good for revenue.I just wanted to point out that we (the readers) have the power to, like, stop doing that. When someone pisses in the wind you don’t have to stand in the urine to tell them it’s stupid. The problem will self-correct if you just walk away.

    • buh-lurredlines-av says:

      And we have the power to take vaccines and cure climate change, but will we do that? Talk about pissing in the wind. =(

    • haodraws-av says:

      Not if the problem is that the bigots are taking this chance to talk down on a PoC who was simply excited to have his work be released into the public. Sure, the original story was a nothing story, but the racists sure jumped at the first chance they got to call Simu Liu all sorts of names for saying what he said, and make racist jokes.

  • haodraws-av says:

    Cry some more, bigots.

    • malciredex-av says:

      Sounders more like they like they just dislike you and are trying to get a rise out of you, rather than it having anything to do with race.

      • haodraws-av says:

        And why do they dislike me? Because I’m a PoC speaking up. Same thing Simu Liu did. The motherfuckers.

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          “Because I’m a PoC speaking up.” Lol

        • malciredex-av says:

          I think it has more to do with you being an ass than your race.As far as the merits of what they (commenter here that I’ve seen) are saying? I blame the article because it frames that actors tweet as a comment towards a perceived racist comments. To me it seemed he just wasn’t happy that the dude was treating his film as an experiment with the release. Also since he’s an actor doing promotions for an upcoming film it’s the kind of response I would expect. And I would be pissy if my bosses boss decided to downplay my major project and potentially hurt the bottom line too.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Wonder how Laserface feels about that username, because frankly those comments sound like the kind of shit Laserface calls out rather than supports.

      • haodraws-av says:

        I talked to him and he said it’s a troll that’s been harassing him too.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          Ugh. What’s with these trolls who fixate on a particular commenter and bother them ceaselessly? It’s like the fake Dr Emilio Lizardo all over again.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          Oh hey, they’re popping up in my notifications as well. Apparently I’m “an extremely unintelligent person”.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      “Pay attention to meeeee!!!!” -IrvingLee

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    Disney CEO Bob Chapek referred to the upcoming Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings as an “interesting experiment.”Stop trying to make this a controversy, especially by completely butchering the quote to make it sound like he’s calling the movie itself an “interesting experiment”.

  • jonathanaltman-av says:


    That “damage” he’s trying to control is from websites like this one, where white-ish editorial and white-ish writers decided that they would be backing the Asian Man because of his Asian-ness.

    Meanwhile, Feige just publicly stated what your COMMENTS SECTIONS have been telling you since this story broke.

    How fucking dare you, sir.

  • schaughnwulph-av says:

    Kevin Feige commented on a string of Marvel controversiesand Marvel has had an uncharacteristically tricky summer. … First, Scarlett Johansson sued the powerhouse for simultaneously releasing her first solo outing . Then, weeks later, Disney CEO Bob Chapek referred to the upcoming Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings as an “interesting experiment.”I think you’re slightly misleading here. Johansson is suing Disney, not Marvel. Sure Marvel is owned by Disney, but these decisions were made by Disney and Kevin Feige had no say on the release strategy of Black Widow. Secondly, these “interesting experiment” comments were made by Disney, not Marvel. (though as almost everyone agrees, these comments are taken out of context and Liu is making controversy out of nothing)These are Disney issues, not Marvel.

  • nilus-av says:

    I can’t wait to see Shang Chi on October 18th

  • dromens-av says:

    I have zero doubt that the decision to give Shang-Chi a 45 day theatrical release window, despite Delta concerns, is a direct result of the Johansen Kerfuffle.

    On an added note, The Johansson Kerfuffle is also the name of my new Jam Rock fusion band. Our first album, Chapekwiddit, will be released this fall. 

  • chippowell-av says:

    Every time I see a picture of Kevin Feige on this site I think ‘what has Michael Rapaport done now?!’

  • ahildy9815-av says:

    Disney CEO Bob Chapek referred to the upcoming Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings as an “interesting experiment.” Although Chapek was talking about giving Shang-Chi a 45-day exclusive theatrical release, many, including the film’s star Simu Liu, interpreted his comments as a derogatory remark about the film’s predominantly Asian cast.Are these “many” just fucking stupid? Mulan was released a year ago, how could you ever take it as derogatory? Stop looking for ways to be offended.

  • tumsassortedberries-av says:

    “After leaving the world with Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home, it was safe to assume that their place at the top of the blockbuster entertainment heap was secure.” Umm , not really. It was clearly the end of an era. They killed off all the good characters and ended a long running saga with a splash. Most of the upcoming line up looks very dull although I’m holding out hope for Spiderman and Doctor Strange. I think Marvel needs some big guns to get things cooking again. xmen or f4 maybe?

  • pgoodso564-av says:

    My biggest issue with this controversy is that I think it’s LIU whose being totally misrepresented here. I think he responded to the quote in financial news and was just revving up his followers to go see the movie, not accusing Chapek of racism.

    Like, when Mean Gene told Randy Savage that the next Wrestlemania was going to be challenge for him, and Randy Savage rambled loudly for the next 40 minutes around the topic of it NOT going to be a challenge and that his prospects have been unjustly diminished and that the cream would always rise to the top and that he would triumph and that all his fans knew that to be true, no one thought Randy Savage was accusing Mean Gene of being anti-Macho. Am I wrong here?

    Like, re-read Liu’s tweet. It’s all so much “NUTHIN’S AN EXPERIMENT, BROTHER, WE’RE A GUARANTEED HIT, OH YEEAAAAAH”. It feels like a bunch of white guys saw an Asian dude defend the prospects of his movie and assumed he must be accusing his distant boss of racism, then felt offended at the words they put in Liu’s mouth and started yelling about it. Then a bunch of OTHER people, reasonably thinking that everything those guys say is wrong, defend Liu’s “opinion” about his boss, which made those assholes’ interpretation of what was going on the story instead of Liu’s actual words.

    • haodraws-av says:

      EXACTLY. It was a nothingburger, but then the bigots crawled out of their basement and trying to put words in Liu’s mouth, all the while making racially-coded “criticism” or outright racist jokes, and then pretending that no, they’re not being racist!This is the actual story here. Bigots ain’t slick.

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      Liu’s tweet is basically a daily affirmation. It’s telling that a lot of people who accuse him of misunderstanding Chapek’s comments basically misread Barsanti’s instigation into a relatively anodyne tweet.

      • haodraws-av says:

        The jig was up the second one of the poster said Liu should just say “solly”. The racists came out of the woodwork, rejoicing on this one chance to try and put a PoC in their place, for daring to say something harmless. Don’t give them the benefit of the doubt.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Very true. No matter what Chapek’s intent was, or to what extent it was discussing logistics rather than the creative product, calling the film’s release an “experiment” threw a bucket of ice-water over the first MCU film in Phase 4 to introduce a new character. He might not have meant it that way, but it did. Liu is obviously, and understandably, invested in this movie and is trying to hype it back up again. He didn’t mention race, he didn’t call Chapek a racist, he isn’t asking for pity. But there are some folks out there who’ll see a person of colour unapologetically state their opinion and just make it a political statement off the bat.

  • bigbydub-av says:

    “On Shang-Chi, we think it’s actually going to be an interesting experiment for us because it’s got only a 45-day window for us. “Completely disregarding the “45-day window” part of this quote would be as absurd as ignoring the “well regulated militia” part of the 2nd Amendment.

  • onlegendary-av says:

    At this point, Feige is doing damage control, understandably trying to
    keep attention off of this controversy and on the film he’s releasing.I mean, he’s also right? It was clearly a misunderstanding in language. You even said so yourself, right here: Although Chapek was talking about giving Shang-Chi a 45-day exclusive theatrical release, many, including the film’s star Simu Liu, interpreted his comments as a derogatory remark about the film’s predominantly Asian cast. What Chapek meant vs what was interpreted was a misunderstanding.

  • arlhts78-av says:

    Disney is facing a federal whistleblower lawsuit (and just
    failed in trying to dismiss it) from a longtime Disney accountant who
    alleges the theme park division was inflating revenues for years. Chapek
    is likely to be deposed, as he was in the theme park division
    leadership at the time. Given his disingenuous remarks re: Johanson, I
    don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that Chapek is playing
    games here, too.

  • soyientgreen-av says:

    But I remember the other article that was all about Feige being “upset” and how he was such a great boss that cared so much about his beloved, young, upstart, actors.LET ME PUT ON MY SURPRISED FACE:l

  • haodraws-av says:

    Look at this pasty ass motherfucker.Touched a nerve, did I? Get fucked, bigot.

  • theobserver21-av says:

    Giving a milquetoast soundbite is Feige’s superpower.And writing incomprehensibly stupid bullshit is this site’s superpower.

  • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

    It IS an interesting experiment. It is the first of to Marvel movies in a back-to-back line-up (with The Eternals following it) that no one wanted to see.Sure, Guardians were c-listers; heck, even Iron Man was not popular in print when that film came out. But at least people had heard of those.

  • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

    It IS an interesting experiment. It is the first of to Marvel movies in a back-to-back line-up (with The Eternals following it) that no one wanted to see.Sure, Guardians were c-listers; heck, even Iron Man was not popular in print when that film came out. But at least people had heard of those.

  • destron-combatman-av says:

    This is a stupid fucking article.

  • stingymcduck-av says:

    This site is so sad, always with the clickbait. Always trying to cash on racial/diversity “controversies” even when there aren’t any. And then they get ironically angry when Anthony Mackie talks about the exploitation of certain topics.

  • harryhood42-av says:

    That is not a controversy, that is manufactured outrage, which seems to be profitable these days

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