Kevin Sorbo lets you know he’d be nominated for an Oscar if he deigned to play a “pedophile terrorist”

The Hercules of days long gone believes Hollywood is scared of god-fearing conservatives like him

TV Features Kevin Sorbo
Kevin Sorbo lets you know he’d be nominated for an Oscar if he deigned to play a “pedophile terrorist”
Sorbo, pictured in cinematic classic Confessions Of A Prodigal Son, daydreaming about one day winning an Oscar. Screenshot: Movie Central

Kevin Sorbo, a man best known for playing TV Hercules in the ‘90s, getting called “peanut” by former co-star Lucy Lawless, and being America’s third most relevant conservative Christian actor, believes he could be nominated for an Oscar.

Unfortunately for the Academy, however, getting that Oscar nomination would require Sorbo to lower his professional standards. Rather than starring in proper movies, like the one where he fights back against the totalitarian evil of dirtbike-riding socialists, or the one where he plays a Christian hockey player, or the one where he plays an evil atheist philosophy professor, Sorbo would need, in his words, to portray “a radical Islamic pedophile terrorist” to have his talents properly recognized.

Sorbo explained his thinking, such as it is, during an appearance on a show called Just The News, Not Noise, where he complained to the hosts that he doesn’t get booked in That Great Babylon Hollywood because he’s a conservative Christian.

Sitting below a prop Hercules sword, Sorbo talks about the dismal state of Hollywood—a place filled with people who “scream for tolerance” and “scream for freedom of speech” except for when it comes to people like him, who tweet dangerous thoughts like: “So my body my choice … except for when it comes to student loan debt? That’s when someone else should step in?”

He goes on for a while, talking about how busy he is making “movies that have love and hope, redemption, faith, laughter,” all “things that Hollywood won’t do,” in order to “fight the culture.” As proof that there are secret forces still on his side, Sorbo goes on to say that he took meetings with Netflix about the company’s plans to “open an inspirational division.” These plans were eventually scuttled, though, because, Sorbo says, “they’re afraid” of the “backlash from within the Hollywood elites if [Netflix makes] a movie that’s got a positive message in it.”

Then, to round out his thoughts about popular culture, Sorbo says that he “always [jokes]” that “if I played a radical Islamic pedophile terrorist in a movie, I’d get nominated for an Academy Award.”

“That’s really a weird world we’re in right now,” he concludes as the hosts laugh knowingly.

Truer words than those last ones have never been spoken.

[via Consequence]

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