Kid Rock and his glass dildo subpoenaed in Insane Clown Posse lawsuit

Aux Features Music

A pall has settled over the Gathering of the Juggalos, as Spin magazine reports that a judge has ordered Kid Rock to produce a glass dildo in relation to the ongoing sexual harassment suit against Insane Clown Posse and its record label Psychopathic Records.

The suit was brought last fall by ICP’s former publicist and attorney Andrea Pellegrini, who charges that during her time with the band, she was subjected to ongoing sexual harassment. (She also described her experience at the 2012 Gathering of the Juggalos as “a living hell.”) Psychopathic Records employee Dan Diamond, a.k.a. Dirty Dan, allegedly offered Pellegrini the dildo after she changed her relationship status on Facebook to “single;” when she declined the “gift,” Diamond then allegedly passed the dildo on to Kid Rock. Now Rock will have to produce the offending fake phallus as evidence—assuming that he hasn’t already broken it by trying to smoke weed out of it.

Pellegrini’s lawyers say that Diamond has admitted under oath to harassing their client, but he also defended the dildo as “a work of art”—which, yep, sounds exactly like something a guy who works for ICP would say.

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