Kid Rock apparently divorced Pamela Anderson because of Borat

Aux Features Borat
Kid Rock apparently divorced Pamela Anderson because of Borat
Photo: Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson (Kevin Winter/Getty Images); Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat (Scott Gries/Getty Images

Borat was inescapable following its release in 2006, beloved by critics and audiences alike. With humble origins as a Da Ali G Show spinoff, Borat was an unexpected sensation, earning $262 million against a modest $18 million budget and worming its way deep into the American subconscious. Unfortunately, the film’s success came at a price, as it cost Kid Rock [deep, sustained, calming breath] his wife.

This is per Sacha Baron Cohen, who told the tale in an interview with The Daily Beast’s The Last Laugh podcast. In the process of revealing that Pamela Anderson was (of course) in on the joke for the scene in which Borat kidnaps her, Cohen also revealed that Kid Rock absolutely hated the movie. Kid Rock, as you probably won’t recall, was briefly married to Pamela Anderson in 2006. Cohen said that, following a screening of the finished film with Anderson and Kid Rock, he called Anderson to find out what her new husband thought of the film.

“Kid Rock saw the movie, and I texted Pamela Anderson and asked, ‘How did it go? What did he think?’” said Cohen. “And she texted back, ‘He’s getting divorced.’”

Cohen said Anderson told him that Kid Rock wanted the divorce specifically because of the movie, which he naturally assumed was a joke, but alas, Kid Rock is a Real American, and Real Americans don’t joke when it comes to leaving their wives over movies.

“I thought it was a joke,” Said Cohen. “But then a few weeks later they got divorced and they put as a reason for divorce: ‘Borat.’ So it had some casualties.”

Cohen’s version of this story also lines up with and seems to confirm contemporary tabloid reports, which claimed that Universal Studio chief Ron Meyer held a screening of the movie at his home and that the American Badass had a freak out and ruined the night because he hated the movie.

This revelation raises a number of questions. Was Kid Rock, like so many people, unable to tell if his wife’s involvement in the film was real? Did he believe that his wife did not fight back strongly enough against the seductive, amorous advances of Borat Sagdiyev? Was he simply unable to endure the ceaseless cacophony of “my wife!” that surrounded the release of the film, knowing that the wife in question was, at least in an abstract sense, his wife? We will probably never fully understand the temperament of such a true artist.

Anyway, maybe just imagine this tweet but it says “Hey, Borat:” and it’s divorce court. Very nice.

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  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    This article raises more questions than it answers. But since the main questions it raises are, can Kid Rock really be that much of an idiot/ asshole, I think we can make a pretty good guess

    • quasarfunk-av says:

      We already knew the answer to that.

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        Not a very good mystery, I agree

      • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

        He looks like a low-rent Father Guido Sarducci in that pic.

        • triohead-av says:

          Amazingly, despite that fact and despite the guy in the cowboy hat who definitely thought he was going to have the best mustache in the room and despite the guy who actually has the best mustache in the room, despite all that, Trump is still winning the ridiculous face award.

      • windthorstsghost-av says:

        Definitely a big middle finger to authority there.

      • jbird27-av says:

        We’re just going to ignore the walrus hanging out in background of this pic?

        • smudgedblurs-av says:

          And somehow the walrus isn’t John Bolton or Ty Cobb.

        • triohead-av says:

          Skunk Baxter: guitarist for Steely Dan and the Doobie Brothers and, since 1995, chair of the congressional advisory panel on ballistic missile defense.

      • kellstud1-av says:

        Does not giving this a star mean I hate FREEDOM?

      • smudgedblurs-av says:

        This plus that one song where he rhymes “things” with “things”.

        • highandtight-av says:

          This plus that one song where he rhymes “things” with “things”.A listening disappointment matched only by the initial realization that one will be hearing neither “Sweet Home Alabama” nor “Werewolves of London,” but rather their coattail-riding store-brand knockoff mashup.

      • halloweenjack-av says:

        There are pictures floating around of KR touring the White House with Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin, but I won’t post a picture of it because, if I look at it again, I’m afraid that I’ll never be able to fall asleep again without watching a video montage of movie scenes of the White House being destroyed. 

        • rogu3like-av says:

          So, basically that scene from Independence Day?And Sarah Palin is still around? Doing what, exactly? I know McCain had his (minor) good points and (mostly) bad points, but I can only hope he is rolling over in his grave and beating himself for having wrought Palin upon us all.

      • kevyb-av says:

        And that’s probably the reason. Borat was a film that made fun of racist boneheads, aka people like Kid Rock and Trump. Could you not see Trump divorcing Melania if she had been the one “kidnapped” by Borat?

    • kylebad7776-av says:

      So his then wife was in a movie where she is abducted by a crazed fan.  And she knew about it, so it was semi scripted.  What is the big deal?  

      • mizbarkie--av says:

        my name is Rooooooooooooooooooooooooooobbbbbb

      • qvckvi-av says:

        That Kid Rock is a narcissist?

      • cferejohn-av says:

        I mean, that’s kind of the question. Why was it such a big deal? Did he somehow come out of the movie believing she’d slept with Borat/Cohen? Did he think it would make him a laughingstock? Was he upset that she was in a movie that made fun of many aspects of “conservative America”? It’s pretty hard to imagine having a reaction other than “I don’t get it – is this supposed to be funny?”, but then again, I’m not Kid Rock.Or am i?

      • satanscheerleaders-av says:

        “Her vagina hang like sleeve of wizard.”

      • themechanicsofroadbeef-av says:

        He’s a thin-skinned little bitch who can’t take a joke and is about 0.00000001% as tough as he claims to be.Kid Rock. I’m talking about Kid Rock. Why did your mind immediately go to Trump?[p

      • franklinonfood-av says:

        Simple – The guy responsible for “Bawitdaba” is a moron who needs most things explained to him in the simplest of terms.

      • suburbanmalcontent-av says:

        the correct answer is always: Kid Rock has a tiny dick.

      • binsofar252-av says:

        I think his ‘Merica got hurt by the trolling that was Borat

      • cochese4k120fps-av says:

        The movie makes fun of conservative Christian Americans. Kid Rock’s kind of people. I have a feeling it’s less about her roll itself, and more about the tone of the movie. 

      • crapmcpoopin-av says:

        Probably hated the stuff that made Americans look like retards, which is of course what they are. Just like Kid Rock!

      • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Ironically, he was fine with the Tommy Lee thing.

      • axiomaloud-av says:

        I think he had a problem with the rest of the movie, which makes “real” Americans look like a bunch of morons.

      • ranmahalf-av says:

        it probably has more to do with the movie making fun of the US than her pretending to be kidnapped.

    • mfdixon-av says:

      It’s too bad Green Day had an album named American Idiot, it would have been a perfect biographical themed album for Kid Rock.

    • ospoesandbohs-av says:

      I think the answer is he’s an idiot/asshole. Look at the company he keeps nowadays.

    • thearmdancer-av says:

      That’s Senator Rock to you sir.

    • myrightfootweighsatonne-av says:

      He is Ted Nugent minus Cat Scratch Fever basically

      • rogu3like-av says:

        I tend to travel back to my hometown in OH once or twice a year via car, and I make a point to listen to nothing but local radio. Mainly because it’s the only time I turn on the radio anymore. But I find it interesting that ever since Nugent became a rabid GOP and MAGA fan (and all out crazy guy) I haven’t heard even “Cat Scratch Fever” or even “Stranglehold” on the radio in easily 4-6 years. This is with me crossing either more than a few southern states or upstate NY through PA or NY-NJ-PA. I grew up listening to classic rock in OH and even on the primary classic rock station in Columbus I am yet to ever hear him in that amount of time.
        I’m curious to know how much Detroit loves him these days. Motor City Madman indeed.

    • avi24-av says:

      He missed the small blurb written in invisible ink that the movie was NOT BASED ON REAL EVENTS. I mean, otherwise, who knows?   Clearly Kazakhstanis want to throw Jews into wells.

    • insectsentiencehatesnewaccounts-av says:

      I really didn’t need to confirm he was an idiot, but this definitely confirms it.

    • justsomerandoontheinternet-av says:

      Somebody shoulda called him a whambulance, or ordered some frie cries for him.

    • polarbearshots-av says:

      Fun fact: my ex-boyfriend went to a posh private school with Kid Rock. He’s a rich kid…very rich. He was the richest of the rich kids at the school, as his family owns a chain of car dealerships. In any case, my ex-boyfriend and others learned the money doesn’t buy class or intelligence lesson because according to him, it’s not an act. This is who he is. 

    • butterflybaby-av says:

      Then again, she’s America’s (and Canada’s!) biggest cum dumpster.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      As always, this story is too stupid to be fake.

  • anotherburnersorry-av says:

    Kid Rock is a triggered snowflake

  • lilmacandcheeze-av says:

    Well this just confirms that Kid Rock is indeed a giant tool.

  • the-colonel-av says:

    I’ve always liked Pam Anderson, she just seems like a fun person, but god to the DAMN does she have shit taste in men. Damn!

    • zzwanderer-av says:

      Tommy Lee, Kid Rock, Julian Assange. This checks out.

      • no-face-av says:

        I’m guessing her type is dudes who shit themselves

      • cdwag14-av says:

        The only one out of the three with any talent or career is Lee. Say what you will about him, he can play an instrument and has done well with Motley Crue.

        • the-colonel-av says:

          Yeah, I mean, I generally like Tommy Lee, but between the Hep-C, the leaked porn and the cheating, not the best husband material.

          • smudgedblurs-av says:

            You forgot the part where he spent six months in jail for beating her.

          • hippityhopp-av says:

            biggus dickus

          • pearlnyx-av says:

            Not the beating the ever-loving shit out of his girlfriends and wives?When Heather Locklear was pitched the story line that she had run away from her abusive ex to California on Melrose Place, she was told they wanted her to come in for make-up so they could take pictures. She said that she already had some that the police took at the hospital after one of the times Tommy beat the fuck out of her and gave them to the producers. The pictures they showed on TV were real.

        • mathasahumanities-av says:

          Say what you will about Methods of Mayhem, he still pulled George Clinton. Dude must have some funk.

      • morkencinosthickpelt-av says:

        You forgot Scott Baio. 

    • goatkylekorver-av says:

      “Tommy Lee, Bret Michaels, Kid Rock – don’t you ever fuck anybody with talent? You’ve got plastic tits and a tin ear.”- Jeff Ross

      • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Pam’s vagina is like the finale of Lost: At first everyone wanted to see it. Then after they did, everyone was like “WTF was that? Was it an alien? Was it dead? And what’s Mark Wahlberg doing in there?”

    • dave-i-av says:

      You know, that got me thinking there must be some past trauma to have led to that pattern of choice in men. So I looked, and sure enough, Pam Anderson has apparently suffered a lot of sexual abuse as a child. She was molested by a female babysitter from ages 6 to 10, raped by a 25-year-old man when she was age 12, and gang-raped by her boyfriend and six of his friends when she was 14. I think that sort of answers why she has shitty taste in men.

      I always thought she was sweet if a bit, well, childlike or naive. She’s not a Rhodes scholar or anything, but seemed kind. Certainly beautiful and nice enough to attract men who treated her better than the ones she chose. But reading about her history with some truly horrible sexual abuse, I think that it makes sense that her personal history would likely impact who she fell for romantically. After reading about all that, I just feel really bad for her and more than a little pissed at the people who would do that to anybody, but especially a little girl between the ages of 6 to 14. Ugh!

      • the-colonel-av says:

        Goddamn, that’s terrible. Poor girl, I can’t imagine.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        Jesus, that’s awful. It might also be why she embraced the image of a sex symbol: she might have felt it gave her some sense of ownership of her sexuality after suffering all that abuse of her body.

    • cygp2p-av says:

      There seems to be an assumption here that celebrities, especially in this circle, marry because of affection for each other. I highly doubt that’s the case.

  • 10cities10years-av says:

    Me when I see the headline:“Oh boy, gonna make a His Wife joke.”

    • themechanicsofroadbeef-av says:

      And it was actually a pretty good one!

    • michelle-fauxcault-av says:
      • mifrochi-av says:

        When I hear a reference to Borat (which fortunately is rare), my mind immediately goes to this Bob’s Burgers episode. Which is to say, when I hear a reference to a 13-year-old movie, I think of a 7-year-old television episode mocking references to that movie.

        • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

          The BB crew revisited Borat a few seasons later with Herbie, the celebrity impersonator who cons Bob and Jimmie to get comped meals in “A Few ‘Gurt Men.” Herbie was voiced by David Harmon, who is also the voice of Mr. Frond (and played Michael Bolton in Office Space) and who is a go-to voice for several minor characters pretty much every episode. So I imagine that it’s him doing the office drone’s impersonation of Borat in Bob’s nightmare in the clip.

        • radio-eris-av says:

          I like the way you think.  Because this is how my brain works, too. 

      • ofaycanyousee-av says:

        What is that? Ramen?

      • stephdeferie-av says:

        this is exactly what i thought of when i read the headline!

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        I’m an office worker and that sequence hit far too close to home.

  • satanscheerleaders-av says:

    Rid Kock 

  • sarahconnor2020-av says:

    Great intro paragraph

  • grant8418-av says:


  • edkedfromavc-av says:

    Good news for those forced to retire their shitty Borat impressions a few years back: there’s now a confirmed appropriate location to revive it, and that’s within earshot of Kid Rock. So if you’re at a KR concert or appearance or anywhere in his vicinity, you can feel free to “My wiiiife!” and “very nice!” away to your heart’s content. Fuckin’ dumbass deserves all you can dish out.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      He might come at you hard, bro. In which case, you should grab the nearest box fan, or just exhale deeply. His gaunt frame can’t withstand that kind of force.

    • jayed_coins-av says:

      Borat voice MYYY WYYYYFE is actually good — paging David Roth across verticals to help out.

    • dave-i-av says:

      So if you’re at a KR concert or appearance or anywhere in his vicinity…Yeah, thanks but no thanks. As much as he deserves shit for, let’s be frank, lots of shit, that would require me to actually attend a Kid Rock concert. Fuck. That. I’ll just hang out with my kids or walk the dog and just pretend Kid Rock doesn’t exist (which until this article I actually kind of forgot he was still around).

      • edkedfromavc-av says:

        Well, no, obviously no, don’t actually buy a Kid Rock ticket (though if this idea somehow finds its way to someone with bad enough taste to be at one, then that might at least ruin his night while he’s trying to “work”), but if he’s making a mall appearance, or he’s seen on the street, or when his career hits a “state fair free concert stage” level, I just encourage anyone who can to do something he’ll hate, that’s all.

  • argiebargie-av says:

    As it’s been said before, Kid Rock is the human equivalent of an above ground swimming pool.

  • inrernetjusticeofthepeace-av says:

    Was it hep b…..orat?

  • beribbon-kyat-overdraw-av says:

    Imagine being both that successful and that insecure.

  • gildie-av says:

    If we’re going to go this deep into the 2000s I’d like to hear from Dave Navarro.

  • galdarnit-av says:

    “This revelation raises a number of questions.”

    Or it raises one: why do we believe this just because Sasha Baron Cohen said so on a podcast?

    I mean, people are taking it at face value that he’s seen the divorce papers and that they say Borat is the reason.

    And this is the same Sacha Baron Cohen whose entire career is built around lying to people in public, right?

  • jeddank-av says:

    “Love explosion on her stomach” is still my favorite line in a movie.

    • alexpkavclub-av says:

      I only saw Borat once, but my brain is telling me it was “romance explosion,” though I’m not willing to type that into Google while I’m at work.

  • jsites-av says:

    So now, in the unlikely event I ever meet Kid Rock, I’ll have something to talk to him about.

  • brunojones88-av says:

    Is it 2007? I’m pretty sure that’s when this news first broke out

  • dburns7-av says:

    To be fair, I hated Borat too.  However, I wouldn’t divorce my wife over it.

  • wsg-av says:

    When something like this derails a marriage, you know for certain that it was a super stable union to begin with.

    • sarcastro6-av says:

      I mean, it involved Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson in the first place, so that’s a given.

  • oldmaninseattle-av says:

    did he not know how Pam became famous???i guess you really can’t take the hick out of the sticks…..

  • kmskis-av says:

    Isn’t this extremely old news, or was it just only rumored and never “confirmed” (if this counts as a confirmation)?

  • dudilla-av says:

    Move over Kevin Durant, we have a new reigning Sensitive Penis champion.

  • godshamwow-av says:

    Wow, snowflake.

  • kathrynzilla-av says:

    From the linked article….“ 2″Bob is just a very unhappy and angry man. “ So, i’m guessing that they made it to the hotel fight scene when he became enraged and jealous that he would have to compete with average sized men for Pamela’s Affections.

  • derrabbi-av says:

    Just when you think our culture has reached peak stupid.  

  • returning-the-screw-av says:

    I’m not sure if ironic is the word I’m looking for if this Kid Rock bootlicker is upset the movie makes fun of America but has “Fuck authority” on that Tweet. 

  • mobiusclimber-av says:

    Kid Rock didn’t like that redneck morons like him were the butt of the jokes.

  • kgoody-av says:

    this has been confirmed time and time again. 

  • jasonr77-av says:

    This just in: Kid Rock is an idiot.Also a trailer trash wannabe rich white boy.

  • dvsrey17-av says:

    Kid Rock, the Canadian answer for what’s worse than Justin Bieber & syphillis.

  • big-hood-av says:

    with that kind of stupidity he fits right into trumps department of redneck dumbasses of justice that play shitty music 

  • bjackyll-av says:

    If you invite Kid Rock to your home and he ruins the night, you deserve it.

  • stefanjammers-av says:

    That tweet, though. Wow…just wow.KR, you are a Cheetolini Stan. I hate to tell you, but you already sold your soul to authority. Douchebags gonna douchebag.

  • russellbarth-av says:

    FUCK Kid Rock. Hope someone spikes his blow.

  • yupreally-av says:

    That is hilarious! This is funniest things about that movie.

  • dlha-av says:

    American Dumbass.

  • prgames-av says:

    Well in the Borat stunts at least Cohen lets his fan in on the joke in that he is just playing a phony part. Robert Richie whole Kid Rock white trash american from the tough streets persona is just as phony but he never let his fans in on the joke.

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    You mean the guy who gave us Badawabbadibbibba and Werewolves of Alabama might not be the brightest bulb in the box?

  • keepcalmporzingis-av says:

    Kid Rock’s loss… never thought I would say this about him, but wow what a loser he is.

  • bruteflag-av says:

    Again, I have been sucked in and have read an article from the site where the entirety of the information contained in the article was actually in the one sentence of the title.  Can the liquidation company who bought this site, go ahead and liquidate it, please?

  • erictan04-av says:

    What is “Kid Rock”?

  • looseseal2austero-av says:

    Those that cannot laugh at themselves cannot laugh at anyone.2 of 3 people in this story had a sense of humor.  1 did not.

  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    he’ll never be Man Rock

  • ralphm-av says:

    Imagine he’d had a “My Bulma!!” moment and just went and kicked the living shit out of Sacha. 

  • RBrian-av says:

    Are you sure the reason wasn’t Borat/Hep C? 

  • hampchester-av says:

    When I read this headline I would have put down hard money that it was because Pamela told Kid Rock to stop doing the “my wife” bit around her. I’m surprised to find it is the exact opposite. 

  • pantaloonfan-av says:

    The real tragedy here is that somehow Dennis Rodman isn’t involved in this story at all.

  • gonegurlie-av says:

    I find Cohen annoying generally, but I had zero interest in Borat on hearing how he lied to get people to sign releases and exploited and humiliated people who thought he was making a documentary to portray the plight of their poor town. The popular excuse that his other targets deserved what he did to them because they are shitty people didn’t make sense unless we’re supposed to believe the Roma are inherently trash and unworthy of basic dignity. Plus he and the producers described the releases as ‘standard’ documentary releases, which undermines the efforts of true documentary filmmakers to gain the trust of their subjects. I wish him ill. 

  • perversion1-av says:

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