Kirsten Dunst's On Becoming A God In Central Florida moves from YouTube to Showtime

Aux Features TV
Kirsten Dunst's On Becoming A God In Central Florida moves from YouTube to Showtime
Photo: Frazer Harrison

After getting picked up AMC years ago and then dumped onto YouTube Premium, the Kirsten Dunst-starring series On Becoming A God In Central Florida has found a third home, with Variety reporting that Showtime has now picked it up—making this kind of a weird step up, at least in terms of prestige. The nine-episode first season will now air on Showtime on August 25.

The series, which is billed as a “dark comedy,” is set near Orlando in 1992 and is about a “minimum-wage water park employee” (Dunst) who “lies, schemes, and cons her way up the ranks” of a “cultish, flag-waving, multibillion-dollar pyramid scheme.” In addition to Dunst, it will feature Théodore Pellerin, Beth Ditto, Mel Rodriguez, and Ted Levine (playing the leader of the cultish pyramid scheme). Showtime’s Gary Levine also refers to it as a “stylish and subversive female empowerment story.” You can see a teaser for On Becoming A God In Central Florida below.


  • natnathay-av says:

    As a 26 year old who can’t count the number of social media friends involved in pyramid schemes (oh, sorry, I mean MLMs), I cant wait to see this! I’ve become quite interested in MLMs. To anyone else who is, I highly recommend The Dream season one podcast.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      My wife lately has been besieged by Facebook friends trying to rope her into various pyramid schemes— excuse me, multi-level marketing opportunities, and she’s all “why are you people so DUMB?”

    • pandagirl123-av says:

      As soon as I read your first sentence I was going to recommend the dream, but I see you already listened. There is also a great blog on a site that looks horrible (like a cross between geocities and MySpace) by a woman in the UK who get sucked into a make up MLM. While the site was so annoying to read the story and all of the emails from her “managers” are amazing. I cannot remember the name of it!ETA:  just got a message about beach body through fb today – ignored! 

    • dayraven1-av says:

      How many people are you required to recommend this podcast to?

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      What’s sad is that my parents were considering joining Amway at one point. I drew it down for them how the “up-lines” and “down-lines” are structured in a triangle shape. You know, a pyramid. That was the end of that.
      They’re boomers, I’m gen X, and I’m assuming 20-somethings today are still getting suckered into this. Just grab a piece of paper and a pen, show them the literal shape of what they’re going to be a part of, and if they still join it’s on them.

      • zekeviernes-av says:

        As a fellow Gen X’er I thought we were going to break the circle, but nope. My boomer relatives, when I was a kid, had Amway, Mary K, and Tupperware going like hotcakes, plus they all smoked.Now it seems to be happening again, only the 20-somethings traded lighters for batteries and cigarettes for vape devices.

        • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

          It’s kinda a shame because some of the products, e.g. Tupperware, Enjo cloths, etc., were quite good. But their distribution practices are b.s.As soon as some says to you “you get 10 friends who get 10 friends…”, run.

  • thegreatprophetzarquon-av says:

    What is going on with Kirsten’s dress in that top image?

  • seriousvanity-av says:

    Did perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified? I don’t care. And yes, I’m a scumbag; fight me with fists.

  • jeninabq-av says:

    Beth Ditto? …huh

    • fireupabove-av says:

      Yeah, I figured there couldn’t be more than one Beth Ditto running around out there, and this is in fact golden-voiced Beth Ditto of the band Gossip. For sure interested in seeing her act, hoping she gets sing!

  • kjordan3742-av says:

    Pyramid scheme? Suckers. Mine’s a funnel.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    She really pops in that dress.

  • txtphile-av says:

    I, too, was a minimum-wage water park employee. That is all it takes. All the other minimum-wage water park employees know what I’m talking about. It fucking changes you.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Theme parks and water parks sound like terrible jobs. I don’t personally know, but I’m guessing it’s like working for a children’s store in retail x100 on Xmas Eve. Water parks being extra… immersive with the potential for even more gross situations.

  • eldaniel-av says:

    And my crush on Kirsten Dunst continues into its 25th year…

  • mylittleunderground-av says:

    Pretty bummed Yorgos Lanthimos isn’t attached to this anymore.

  • annihilatrix--av says:

    After getting picked up AMC years ago me find problem. you fix now.

  • drew-foreman-av says:

    It’s also made by Yorgos Lanthimos, who is top 5 all-time filmmaker for. I was wondering what ever happened to this.

  • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

    MILFy Kirsten Dunst is the best Kirsten Dunst.

  • squamateprimate-av says:

    Looks pretty cool

  • ijohng00-av says:

    Dunsts is one of the greats!

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      I’m surprised she’s not seen more, I guess people only remember Mary Jane but between Drop Dead Gorgeous, Dick, Bring it On amongst others she really should be on Alison Brie/Christina Applegate level of actresses by now

      • 68comments-av says:

        She is already a respected mid level actress. She just works less.

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          She has stated she’s picky about the roles she takes. I think she’s comfortable with her fame and money levels and just does whatever looks good. She’s been doing it since she was a kid and all. Longish interview with her and Rami Malek –

      • tintinnabulum-av says:

        She was fantastic on Fargo’s second season.

  • shadowstaarr-av says:

    I was worried I’d have to be the skeevy guy in the comments here, but everyone else beat me to it.  At the very least, this the first I’ve heard of this project so now I’m interested.

  • misterwin1310-av says:

    Does there really have to be 20 seconds of station promo at the end?Never mind. I’m down for ANYTHING involving a Choco Taco, especially if Kirsten Dunst is eating it.

  • theaccountanttgp-av says:

    The nine-episode first season will now air on Showtime on August 25.“first season” Stay optimistic, I suppose? Three network changes before premiering, though, does not inspire a lot of renewal confidence…

  • bartongeorgedawes-av says:

    I’ve clicked on this story twice, scrolled through these wonderful comments like three times, watched the trailer once, and I still don’t really know what this show or article is about but I keep coming back for more.

  • dbwindhorst-av says:

    The world can always use more Ted Levine.

    Banshee Chapter was creepy.

  • woodyharrelsonsnose-av says:

    Not gunna add Alexander Skarsgård to that cast list eh?

  • zekeviernes-av says:

    I love Dunst, withought apology.Fargo…  That movie she did as a Minnesota Beauty Queen, top notch.  She rocks.

  • dubyadubya-av says:

    This sounds interesting. Dunst is extremely talented, so I’m definitely up for it.

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