Spider-Man spinoff Kraven The Hunter will be rated R for ripping throats

In addition to screening the first teaser at CinemaCon, Sony confirms that its latest Spider-Man spin-off will not lack throat rips

Aux News Spider-Man
Spider-Man spinoff Kraven The Hunter will be rated R for ripping throats
Kraven and Spider-Man Image: Disney XD via Getty Images

Sony has long threatened to double down on Spider-Man villain movies. But after the collapse of the Sinister Six movie and another round of reboots, the only two that remained on the map were Venom and Kraven The Hunter. Two Venom movies later, a Kraven movie is still on the slate, and now it has a rating.

At CinemaCon, the hunter himself, Aaron Taylor-Johnson (via video presentation), announced that “fuck yeah,” Kraven’s getting an R-rating. While that’s hardly surprising in our Deadpoolobsessed society, it is a milestone for the studio. It’s the first Spider-Man spin-off to nab the anything-goes bloodletting that Fox has lorded over other superhero movies for the last decade. No longer the domain of Logan and Deadpool, Kraven doesn’t mince words. The first teaser for the film is a bloody good time, filled with Taylor-Johnson wielding a giant crossbow, biting some goon’s nose off, and unboxing a jacket with a ridiculous fur collar.

Though the teaser offers little about the plot, the movie follows the Venom model. It’s a superhero movie first, without much hint that Kraven will be hunting down his most dangerous game, Spider-Man. Instead, it looks like he’s tracking big game hunters and poachers and avenging his father, Russell Crowe.

Kraven The Hunter runs barefoot into theaters on October 6, 2023.


  • ryanlohner-av says:

    So, any word on that story that Kraven is turned into a hero and animal lover whose “hunt” is for poachers?

    • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

      “It’s a superhero movie first, without much hint that Kraven will be hunting down his most dangerous game, Spider-Man. Instead, it looks like he’s tracking big game hunters and poachers and avenging his father, Russell Crowe.”Source: https://www.avclub.com/kraven-the-hunter-will-be-rated-r-for-ripping-throats-1850371635

    • mattthecatania-av says:
    • mshep-av says:

      The article says “it looks like he’s tracking big game hunters and poachers”

    • canadian-heritage-minute-av says:

      yeah, there’s word in this very article about it

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      Does anyone sound the Horn Of Urgency in this?

    • capeo-av says:

      Yup, Taylor-Johnson says Kraven… THE HUNTER… is an, “animal lover and protector of the natural world.” Kraven the big game hunter. And, yes, the teaser shows him (very, very violently) killing poachers. It seems like Rhino is the main adversary, though this Rhino doesn’t wear a suit. He apparently turns into Rhino sort of like the Hulk transforms. At the end of the teaser an off-screen voice says, “Don’t you want to know why they call me the Rhino?” Then you see a close-up of an arm morphing to huge size with gray, rhino-like skin. The actor who plays Rhino also basically spoiled that he only transforms at the very end of the film in THR interview a while back. He wouldn’t even say who he was playing but he said, “I only transform, physically, in the final moments of the movie so it’s just a classic villain role.”

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        oh hell yeah. honestly, and i know everyone on earth disagrees with me (and you’re right!), but i love that the sony spider-spinoffs all feel like coming book movies from 1997-2003.

    • kencerveny-av says:

      And has a tragic backstory.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Kraven the Hunter, why are you rated R?The rippin’ and the tearin’, the rippin’ and the tearin’!

  • pie-oh-pah-av says:

    Nice. Can’t wait to see Johnson getting to channel his inner Swayze.

  • bagman818-av says:

    I guess they’re just doing a different cut for China? Tencent produced Venom went out of their way to avoid excessive blood, even when heads were being bitten off.
    Regardless, this has always seemed like a strange character to build a movie around. Everyone knows Spider-Man, everyone knows Venom, but my only connection to Kraven is his Marvel Snap card.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Tencent produced Venom went out of their way to avoid excessive blood, even when heads were being bitten off.”

      Well, Venom was rated PG-13.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      tenscent doesn’t appear to be involved with this one, and i don’t even think venom 2 got a chinese release. they’re probably not banking on them.

    • capeo-av says:

      Chinese censors will decide the cuts I presume, much like they did with Logan. They cut 14 minutes out of Logan and, despite what I assume some narrative choppiness, it still topped the Chinese BO. Kraven is certainly not well known outside of comic book readers but he’s also been part of the best, most critically lauded, arcs in the comics. Particularly, Kraven’s Last Hunt. The problem though is that those arcs all revolved around his obsession with defeating Spider-Man and their conflicting world views. I can’t really see how a stand alone Kraven movie is going to work.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “The problem though is that those arcs all revolved around his obsession with defeating Spider-Man and their conflicting world views. I can’t really see how a stand alone Kraven movie is going to work.”

        Exactly. It’s not like they could, you know, create a different character for Kraven to be obsessed with.

        Granted, the entire concept of Kraven only works if he’s…fighting a guy with spider powers…right?

  • kbroxmysox2-av says:

    Man, a Kraven movie! This is exactly what I want! All I’ve ever wanted was a film around a villain/anti-hero who hasn’t had a comic last six issues and who’s great stories is 100% around Spider-Man. A Kraven filmed based around Kraven, yay! I’m sure the trailer will be half Spider-Man/venom references that don’t actually appear in the film.

  • capnandy-av says:

    I can’t wait for the Kraven movie, he is my favorite character, said nobody ever.

    • mshep-av says:

      Kraven’s Last Hunt was one of my favorite comic runs when I was a kid. I give MUCH more of a shit about Kraven than pretty much any other Spidey villain. That said, I’m sure this will be as forgettable as every other steaming pile of SPUMC.

      • hornacek37-av says:

        Kraven’s best story is Kraven’s Last Hunt, and it’s not even close.  After that every other Kraven story is tied for second (or last).

        • evt2-av says:

          Agreed, but the Last Hunt doesn’t really lend itself to sequels and sequels are what movie studios lust after.

        • mshep-av says:

          I’ll admit that it’s the only one I’m familiar with (I only bought Spidey books for special events) but I will certainly watch this movie . . . you know, like, on Starz, next year.

          • hornacek37-av says:

            The problem with KLH being Kraven’s only good comic book story is that whenever there is talk about having Kraven be the villain in a Spider-Man story they always say that they want to adapt KLH, which misses the entire point of the story.KLH is about a villain who is an old man, near the end of his super-villain career. He is looking back on his life and his many fights with Spider-Man and seeing how he has failed again and again.It makes no sense to introduce Kraven in a movie and have his first story be KLH.  It only works because of his long history with Spider-Man.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Kraven’s Last Hunt is one of the very highest-regarded Spider-Man stories there is.

      Also, Marvel built a fucking EMPIRE using all the cast-off characters that no other studio was interested in buying because nobody gave a shit about Iron Man, Hawkeye and Thor.

  • mattthecatania-av says:
  • been-there-done-that-didnt-die-av says:

    Kraven is a cool character, and should translate to film really easily. Rated R is probably a good thing imo, but you can push pg13 violence pretty far nowadays as long as you dont swear or show tits.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Why is this a thing?I mean especially after Morbius?Unless its a strong character like Venom . a spidermanless spiderman tie in movie is just a BAD idea.

    • wrightstuff76-av says:

      Hollywood exec: So you’re saying there’s a basis of an idea here?

    • capeo-av says:

      Kraven is arguably the best character out of Spider-Man’s rogues gallery BUT that’s because of obsession with Spider-Man. So, yeah, remove Spider-Man from the equation and there isn’t much there.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Right, because the only way that a story about a character like Kraven the Hunter could possibly make any sense is if he fights a guy with the powers of a spider in a major metropolitan city.

      Thank Christ you idiots aren’t in charge.

    • pizzapartymadness-av says:

      It’s Kravin’ time!

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      Because somebody at Marvel signed a bad contract 35 years ago that gives Sony the film rights to hundreds of Marvel characters, a roster consisting of Spider-Man and then all the people that Spider-Man occasionally talks to/punches. A little issue like “Having the rights to the actual character of Spider-Man now mired in a co-production deal with a studio that isn’t keen on diluting the character by having him pop up in a (bad) spin-off movie every 9 months” will not stop Sony’s efforts to leverage this boon that they stumbled into.

    • themanagement2-av says:

      Also, why was this article written as if Morbius never happened?

    • g-off-av says:

      I watched Morbius while folding laundry a few months ago. I can’t believe it was made.

    • danielnegin-av says:

      Yup, and the annoying thing is that if you don’t want to use Peter Parker there are other spider heroes that you can base your universe around that are RIGHT THERE and they just won’t do it…

      Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Scarlet Spider, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Gwen and Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) to name a few.

      One wonders if they are going to have Julia Carpenter, who is being introduced in Madame Web, take the Spider-Woman name at some point.

    • jaywantsacatwantshiskinjaacctback-av says:

      I’m…Kravin…some Spiderman in this film!

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      Because this Kraven fucks. 

  • kencerveny-av says:

    Isn’t ripping throats kind of a MacGruber thing?

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      Khal Drogo also dabbled in it from time to time.Throat-ripping is just a simple activity, and anyone who makes it their whole identity is only doing it because they’re very boring people.

    • sentientbeard-av says:

      KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392 KFBR392

    • evilfab-av says:

      “Dalton has entered the chat.”

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Guys… just let Daddy Feige do it

  • themightymanotaur-av says:

    MacGruber cameo confirmed?

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    “our Deadpool obsessed society”lol

  • jgp1972-av says:

    I cant think of anything less interesting than a fucking Kraven movie WITHOUT SPIDER MAN. And hes being played by Aaron Taylor Johnson? WHAT THE FUCK

    • gargsy-av says:

      Why are people so hung up on an hunter character ONLY being able to co-exist with a guy who has the proportionate strength of a spider?

      Like, why is THIS the only enemy that Kraven can have? And furthermore, WHY does Spider-Man make *any* sense as an adversary for Kraven?

    • noname63-av says:

      An Agatha Harkness show, an Echo show, an Ironheart show, and Wakanda show are all less interesting than a Kraven film. At least to anyone that’s not a brain dead Feige cultist.

  • kevinbo-av says:

    Calling it now, it doesn’t crack 200M at the Box Office

    • zerowonder-av says:


    • gargsy-av says:

      cool story, bro

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      Are we talking worldwide? Because I’d bet on this one sputtering out around $80m domestic.
      And Sony Pictures execs will get suckered again into thinking that their film has real cultural traction due to a glut of ironic, Morbius-style memes and release sky-high initial projections.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    i’m excited for a real spider-man movie, like madame web.

  • twenty0nepart4-av says:

    When does Morbius show up to morb all over everyone?

  • thepowell2099-av says:

    It’s Kravin’ Time!

  • zerowonder-av says:

    They made Morbius, a movie about a freaking VAMPIRE, PG with almost all the blood confined to bags and they break out the R for THIS?

  • noisetanknick-av says:

    Biff! Pow! F*ck! Comics Aren’t Just For Kids Anymore

  • presidentzod-av says:

    The scenarios for a Kraven The Hunter-verse are endless.Kraven Hunts for a Bargain at TJ MaxxKraven Hunts for a Size 13 Dress ShoeKraven Hunts for a Cougar- OR does the Hunter become the Hunted??

  • hornacek37-av says:

    Kraven only has one good story, and SPOILER it’s the one where he kills himself at the end. There’s a reason why when JM deMatteis asked Marvel if he could write a 6-part Spidey/Kraven story where he could kill off Kraven at the end, Marvel replied “Yeah, sure, who cares?”

  • gterry-av says:

    I feel like I ask this every time, but why isn’t Sony making a Tobey Maguire Spider man movie that is a sequel to his movies and No Way Home? That’s like 100’s of millions of dollars just sitting there.

  • nimitdesai-av says:

    Quicksilver is Kraven the hunter? Weirrdddddddddd

  • tryinganewthingcuz-av says:

    I always thought this thing about “Oh, they better make that into an R-rated movie,” was so immature. Seems like there’s all these franchises where there’s always some people who need it to be R-rated. 

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