Kristen Stewart is weary of relitigating her Twilight years with Robert Pattinson

Though she has newfound appreciation for Twilight, Kristen Stewart is over talking about her relationship with Robert Pattison

Aux News Twilight
Kristen Stewart is weary of relitigating her Twilight years with Robert Pattinson
Kristen Stewart in 2024; Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in 2012 Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer; Carlos Alvarez

So much of the Twilight phenomenon hinged on the obsessive, parasocial relationship fans developed with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and their romantic relationship. People were so invested that Twihards the world over took it as a personal betrayal when Stewart reportedly cheated on Pattinson with her Snow White And The Huntsman director. Even Donald Trump was weighing in at the time! But it seems like Stewart never really understood the hype, and she certainly doesn’t understand it now, years later, when both actors have vibrant, thriving careers.

“Rob and I can’t just keep talking about that shit, because it’s fucking weird,” she said of the relationship in a new profile for Rolling Stone. “It’s like if someone kept asking you—I mean for literally decades—‘But senior year in high school?’ You’re like, ‘Fucking A, man! I don’t know!’”

Stewart experienced intense, acute anxiety—even to the point of hospitalization—during the peak of her fame, largely because of the tabloid scrutiny. Of the rabid interest in her sexuality and sexual exploits, she recently reflected in Variety, “For so long, I was like, ‘Why are you trying to skewer me? Why are you trying to ruin my life? I’m a kid, and I don’t really know myself well enough yet.’ The idea of people going, ‘I knew that you were a little queer kid forever.’ I’m like, ‘Oh, yeah? Well, you should honestly have seen me fuck my first boyfriend.’” Of Trump’s interest, specifically, she told Rolling Stone, “Of course he had to weigh in on my tarring and feathering. It’s like, ‘What is this 20-year-old who has no idea about life doing to this man?’” She added that the former president is “such a little baby,” throwing in a, “Fuck you, bitch!”

But despite the complicated feelings that may arise from the Twilight years, and from constantly being asked about the Twilight years, she has generous feelings about the film and the people involved. (Last year, director Catherine Hardwicke revealed that she and Stewart reunited when they both crashed Pattinson’s birthday party: “We all hugged each other—like, this is so crazy and cool,” Hardwicke remembered.) She stands by her choices to make Bella a moody, awkward teen: “The studio was trying to make a movie for kids,” the actor told Rolling Stone. “They didn’t want what actually was the book. When the fuck are [Bella and Edward] smiling, ever?”

Going a step further for Variety, Stewart said she even sees a queer subtext in one of the most famous heterosexual love triangles in blockbuster history. “I don’t think it necessarily started off that way, but I also think that the fact that I was there at all, it was percolating. It’s such a gay movie,” she said. “I mean, Jesus Christ, Taylor [Lautner] and Rob and me, and it’s so hidden and not OK. I mean, a Mormon woman wrote this book. It’s all about oppression, about wanting what’s going to destroy you. That’s a very Gothic, gay inclination that I love.”


  • murrychang-av says:

    Yeah I didn’t get the hype either.
    Also the movies sucked, all of them.

    • nilus-av says:

      I will say they are good riffing fodder though, because they are so silly.  Especially the insane “It was all in your mind” fight where a vampire gets his head ripped off.  

      • murrychang-av says:

        I honestly get scenes from the real Twilight movies and the Vampires Suck parody mixed up in my head.  I’ve only seen all of them like once each and I was very high at the time, plus the quality of Vampires Suck is at least as good as the real films.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      Twilight was like those romance novels with Fabio on the cover, and then the main actors ended up actually in a relationship, so it makes sense, among the fans at least.  Plus Pattinson and Stewart are gorgeous, and we love gorgeous people.

    • maash1bridge-av says:

      My friend did me a pretty cruel joke back in the day when the first twilight came out. I had hangover of epic proportions and he recommeded it as Vampire action movie. I hadn’t heard about it, so I was clueless. I was having my doubts in the right from the angsty start, but when glittering teens floated in the parking lot I started drinking heavily again. I was close to passing out, when I just gave up half way the film. Damn it was a bad movie and I have trouble understanding who’s the target.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    If that’s how she feels, I’d recommend she never appear in a Star Wars movie.

  • muttons-av says:

    My wife stans those movies and books, but also accepts that they are bad. We have a running joke where we quote Edward telling Bella that “Everything about me invites you in…” and “this is the skin of a killer!” and applying it to different things.
    “My voice, my face, even my smell! (fart noise)  Smell that Bella?  That’s the scent of a killer!”

  • joeyjojoshabadooo-av says:

    I mean, Twilight is bad, but it’s bad and fun and harmless. I’ve seen one (the last, I think?) and it was funny-deranged and enjoyable. Madame Web wishes.Stewart’s SNL monologue where she reads the Trump tweets is also good fun. I think she closes with something like “if Trump didn’t like me before he’s definitely not gonna like me now, because dude, I’m like so gay.”

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Given the absolutely horrific relationship it help up as the ideal to an entire generation of girls, I’m less confident that it can be called harmless.And Jesus, never have I seen a vampire film with so little fun. Every character is so fucking pointlessly dour and over made-up, even when ripping off the X-Men baseball game.They were adaptations of terrible source material that somehow found novel, additional ways to be bad.

    • cabbagehead-av says:

      Except she isn’t gay and chose to tell that joke and push that lie only in places where it’ll be received well. 

  • cabbagehead-av says:

    Stewart did have an affair with her director on Huntsman, which led to him being fired. She chose to do a PR stunt by pretending to be a lesbian to resurrect her career which she’s accomplished.Twilight was not a gay movie, just like The Matrix wasn’t a trans-allegory and Dumbledore wasn’t gay. Stewart and the Wackos trying to rebrand those movies to fit and justify their lifestyle choices doesn’t make it so. Twilight was a good movie. the other four movies sucked. All four Twilight books are terrible and terribly written. Meyer dragging out the love triangle was perplexing as , if i remember correctly, Bella and Edward fell completely in love on like the first page of the first book. The Bella/Edward romance was patterned off of Romeo and Juliet’s…there’s a scene in the book and movie where the characters are literally watching and reading Romeo and Juliet. Juliet either chooses to “die” to be with Romeo or choose to live with the loser she doesn’t love that her parents picked for her. 

    • iggypoops-av says:

      > “pretending to be a lesbian”
      Umm… if she’s only pretending to be a lesbian, she’s really dedicated to the hoax. I bet you think Andy Kaufman is still “pretending to be dead” too.

      • cabbagehead-av says:

        The lie only works if it’s seen through. If Stewart really was gay she never would have had a first boyfriend to fuck or any boyfriends at all. She’s a liar which liberals accept because she’s “your” liar. 

        • nimbh-av says:

          WOW. You are one ignorant bitch.

        • iggypoops-av says:

          So according to you, a lesbian can’t “really” be a lesbian if she’s ever had a boyfriend? I didn’t realize that you got to define who is and who is not a “real” lesbian. BTW – what you are referring to (i.e., never been with a man) are known as “gold-star lesbians” — they are not the majority of lesbians in the world.  

          • cabbagehead-av says:

            Women who’ve been with men aren’t lesbians. 

          • iggypoops-av says:

            That’s not how being a lesbian works… It does not require that you have NEVER had an opposite-sex relationship – it just requires that you, as a woman, are sexually attracted to other women and that you have sexual relationships with women (although some might suggest that only the attraction is necessary – not my place to say). So if she spent the rest of her life with the same woman in a committed relationship, she still wouldn’t, to you, be gay?

            Would you say that a man who had a girlfriend when he was 19-20 but then spent the rest of his life playing the meat flute in the fudge symphony wasn’t “really” gay?

            I don’t know why I am bothering to reply.
            Your views are entirely uninformed by reality.

          • cabbagehead-av says:

            Stewart isn’t gay. if she stayed in a relationship with the same woman the rest of her life that’s out of necessity, she can’t risk being rejected by the people who accepted and protected her during her time of need. Why actual gay people aren’t offended by this is…well none of my business.that man is gay and lied to and committed fraud against that one girl he dated. 

          • iggypoops-av says:

            “Actual gay people aren’t offended by this” because Kristen Stewart *is* gay. Maybe take a hint that if “actual” gay people think she’s gay then maybe, just maybe, you are entirely wrong about her gayness. Or more to the point – that neither Kristen Stewart, nor gay people in general, give a shit what you think.

          • cabbagehead-av says:

            my views are formed by the gay people i’ve known who’ve never been with or been attracted to members of the opposite gender.

          • bikebrh-av says:

            I honestly think this guy is fucking with you. I mean, no one is that stupid, are they?

          • iggypoops-av says:

            Sadly, there really are people that stupid…

        • charliebrownii-av says:

          You are weird.

    • divisiblebyzero0-av says:

      So… if a dude has sex with another dude he’s not gay or does this just work with women?

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Man, sleeping with Kristen Stewart can lead to loss of employment. I’ll keep it in mind.

  • iwasoncemumbles-av says:

    Well, I have a lot of strong opinions about this series. Here, let me chain myself to this radiator while I explain how important it is you include the books in the town time capsule!  

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Anybody out there getting weary of Kristen Stewart?

  • kolgrim-av says:

    I’m convinced there’s nobody in the world who cares as much about Kristen Stewart being gay as she would like them to. It really comes off as though she wishes it were 1999 and she could be more oppressed and transgressive by being gay than the more-progressive 2024 will allow.

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