Method actor Lady Gaga says she “never met” Jared Leto on the set of House Of Gucci

She, of course, only ever met Leto's character Paolo Gucci

Aux News Gaga
Method actor Lady Gaga says she “never met” Jared Leto on the set of House Of Gucci
Al Pacino, Lady Gaga, and Jared Leto Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris

Lady Gaga’s been pretty vocal (get it, because she’s also an international pop singer) about the lengths she went to when it came to embodying Patrizia Reggiani in Ridley Scott’s House Of Gucci, and it turns out she was in good company during filming with her co-stars.

During an interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Gaga says that when she was on set for filming, she never truly met co-star Jared Leto. Instead, she only met his prosthetic-heavy version of Paolo Gucci. Not only that, but Leto never actually met her either. He only ever interacted with the Gaga-fied version of Patrizia Reggiani. It’s called acting.

“We’re both maniacs… I never met Jared on set,” Gaga says. “I was always with Paolo; he was always with Patrizia.” Gaga tells Kimmel. “I have to say, we don’t always talk abut this, but my fellow actors on that set—everybody was in character. It was not just me.”

Just give her the Oscar already! Of course, Leto is known for his extreme method acting, not limited to his time as the Joker while filming Suicide Squad (2016), where rumors flew about him mailing an array of atrocious gifts to his co-stars. It turns out that was a joke but nevertheless….

In the interview, Gaga once again touched on using her Italian accent for nine months prior to shooting and improvising the “Father, son, and house of Gucci,” line which was predominately featured in promo materials.

Finally, Kimmel also asks the question everyone wants to know: Who cut the love scene between Gaga and Salma Hayek out of this already 2 hour and 40 minute movie? She then explains it wasn’t just the kiss part of a scene that did not make it to the final cut; it was the entire scene between her and Hayek where Hayek’s character learns of Maurizio Gucci’s death.

“I made out with Salma Hayek,” Gaga says. “I’m like that annoying kid in school who’s bragging that they made out with the popular girl but has no proof.”

Sounds like a scene for the extended director’s cut of the film to us, that or Gaga really must break in Scott’s secret drawers for the proof.


  • laserface1242-av says:

    I really think we need to band together as one voice and demand that Jared Leto be fired into the sun.

    • oldmanschultz-av says:

      The thing is, I try to stay away from too much hatin but I have to make an exception for him. He’s like the dictionary definition of “pretentious douchebag”. I want him to go away forever.

      • pontiacssv-av says:

        I pretty much avoid anything he is in. Unfortunately, I couldn’t avoid him when I saw “Blade Runner 2048″. The “pretentious douchebagginess” oozed from the screen in his scenes.

    • toecheese4life-av says:

      All method actors need to be fired into the sun. Or at the very least they aren’t allowed to talk about it. Their co-corkers can’t talk about it. It actually ruins the movie experience when I find out about it.

      • themaskedfarter-av says:

        Damn how dare someone take their craft seriously. Its almost like like Daniel day Lewis and Jeremy strong are incredible 

    • djdeejay-av says:

      I mean, he’s already 30 Seconds to Mars.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Just cast him as a man getting fired into the sun and let the Method take care of the rest.

    • cannabuzz-av says:

      Is there a GoFundMe page?

    • recognitions69-av says:

      I don’t always agree with you, but I can get 100% behind this.

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      I’d be a fan of stranding him on some desert island forever. Because he’d immediately go insane that no one would pay attention to him. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Lucky her.

  • stegrelo-av says:

    There’s one part of House of Gucci where Jared Leto’s character starts to cry, but instead of hearing his voice you hear a car horn as it transitions to the next scene. It’s hilarious. I wish the rest of the movie was that ridiculous, though. Instead it’s mostly boring, until you get scenes of Leto and Pacino together, basically playing Mario and Luigi.

    • murrychang-av says:

      Ahh crap long stretches of boring trash interspersed by moments of hilarious madness sounds great…how long is the film again?

      • stegrelo-av says:

        Around 3 hours but it feels more like 10. Halfway through Ridley Scott basically stopped giving a shit about the plot and just filming highlights from the Wikipedia page, and since a lot of it barely has context it doesn’t even really make sense. And it keeps going and going and going. By the time they killed Adam Driver I was actually jealous. At least he didn’t have to sit through the rest of the movie.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      God, I wish Pacino were voicing Mario in the upcoming film. Imagine the intense line deliveries.“It’s-a ME … MARIO!”

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Al Pacino is turning into his own parody:

  • tmage-av says:

    “Why don’t you just try acting?”- An actor

    • mamakinj-av says:

      That story has been attributed to Laurence Olivier talking to Dustin Hoffman on the set of Marathon Man. It might also be apocryphal, so who knows.  

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      For me a positive and amusing example of this was when Tilda Swinton played an old man in Suspira. But she went all out, and claimed she was actually playing a male actor who was cast to play a role as another man in suspira, even maintaining character as a male actor between shooting and got a prosthetic penis made that she wore. (Despite the audience thankfully never seeing that).When asked later why Swinton felt the need to go to that effort (which including the director and studio making a fake IMDB profile and hiding the truth) Swinton just laughed and said they did it because she thought it was funny.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    did she “meet” him when she posed for the picture above where she had her hand on his neck? LOLI hope Pacino at least is one of those old fart actors who thinks Method acting is a joke.

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      I can’t imagine Pacino was ever a huge method actor. He probably dabbled a little, but nowhere near to the level of De niro. On that note, Robert DeNiro has pointed out over the last decade that your desire to method act dies off a lot when you get older, since the desire to just go home and be with your family and not work so hard becomes more powerful. So there’s no way in hell Pacino does method acting now. 

  • clamsteam-av says:

    Wait, so LADY GAGA made out with Salma Hayek? I thought LADY GAGA was never on set for that movie?!

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I’ve also never met Jared Leto. It’s a trend I’m very keen to continue.

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      Maybe you have met him and you just never knew because he was so great at acting. Or maybe you ARE Jared Leto, and you’re so deep into character you think you are real, when in reality all your memories are just Leto being such a great actor. 

  • dudebra-av says:

    Is House of Gucci going to be a hilarious midnight show for drugged up weirdos?We always need more movies for that.Oh yeah, asking for a friend.

  • garland137-av says:

    They both sound insufferable. “We didn’t actually meet because we were both in character the whole time” is some pretentious bullshit. This isn’t a case of multiple personality disorder. Jared Leto method acting as Paolo is still just Jared Leto (unfortunately).
    And if you have to speak in a fake accent for 9 months straight in order to play a character, you just aren’t a good actor.

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