Lady Gaga: "Yeah, I'm pregnant…with my new album"

Aux Features lady gaga

Lady Gaga once made the classic mistake of being decent at her job when she performed “Shallow” alongside Bradley Cooper at this year’s Oscars. Since then, she’s had to periodically assure the public that their heated duet was the product of artistry and not some brazen love affair. That did little to halt rumors, though, and chatter surrounding a potential pregnancy post-split with ex-fiance Christian Cariano soon surfaced. On Tuesday, Gaga took to Twitter to both quell baby rumors and remind us that she is still, you know, a very busy singer.

“Rumors I’m pregnant,” she asked. “Yeah, I’m pregnant with #LG6.” LG6 is in reference to Lady Gaga 6, her highly anticipated follow-up to 2016's Joanne.

Prior to this, the pop icon had to dismiss speculation of a romance between her and Cooper with an official eye roll on Jimmy Kimmel Live! soon after winning an Oscar for Best Original Song. “People saw love and, guess what, that’s what we wanted to you to see. This is a love song.”

Sorry, everyone. No baby or clandestine coupling here. Just silly things, like an active career.

[Via Rolling Stone]


  • hankwilhemscreamjr-av says:

    Something tells me her next album cover is going to be super disturbing.

  • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:
  • phartus-av says:
  • paulkinsey-av says:

    I’m willing to take her word for it if she says they’re not a couple, but to be fair, they said they were doing the song as themselves rather than in character and then spent the whole performance eye-fucking each other and coming millimeters away from rubbing their faces together. It’s not crazy for people to see that and wonder if there’s something going on there. They certainly wouldn’t be the first two people to do a movie together and end up together afterwards.

  • sometimes2isenough-av says:

    That’s the name of the baby LG6. I am pretty sure Apple is angry they didn’t get to splash some cash on the baby naming rights.

  • chichesteravc-av says:

    This is getting very abstract, but thank you: I do enjoy working at the bowling alley.

  • plaidcladjester2-av says:

    This entire business of are they or aren’t they is so patently disgusting and disrespectful. Every person even considering anything beyond “they were believable characters and i am glad i enjoyed their fiction” is just dirt at this point. I feel so bad for Irina Shayk who has to endure the father of her child being discussed as having some lusty affair and talk about how Lady Gaga is so much better for this person none of us know than she is. None of us know Cooper or Gaga or Shayk and if you think you do, then you best be their best damn friend. Shayk and Cooper have a fucking CHILD for chrissakes.

    • bluelark-av says:

      There was a lot of gross misogyny directed at both Shayk and Gaga over these dumb rumors, and none at Cooper even tho Gaga specifically said “Hey, it’s just acting, he designed the performance and directed it” on Kimmel. To be fair, none of them deserve to get targeted by these dumb rumors but of course women get the bulk/all of it as usual. Ugh.
      And I feel worse for Shayk since she has a kid, and also at least Gaga is used to this type of -ish as most actresses/singers are. But the rumors at Gaga were still nasty AF, I noticed one of those grocery story tabloids had a cover accusing her of f*cking too many different men to the point that she needed a DNA test for her imaginary baby. Really gross, and I’m assuming that is what she was poking fun at when she mentioned her new album.I think they were just selling the sh*t out of the song, and because the film was getting a re-release after the Oscars like Bohemian Rhapsody and didn’t realize the gossip would spiral although I imagine the tabs have moved on by now with the JLo drama. The cynical side of me wonders if BCoop’s PR fanned the flames of this to kill off the gay rumors that have followed him around since he broke out.

      • plaidcladjester2-av says:

        And of course the top reply is some gossipy nonsense and the two of us are grey. Jezebel at it’s finest, out here supportin the wimmenz!

  • wookietim-av says:

    Lady Gaga annoys me. I want to be all dismissive of her as a bubblegum pop thing that is only popular because she is a provocateur. The problem being that she also backs all of that up with actual talent and the ability to use that talent to touch upon things that pop music doesn’t usually discuss and so I can’s dismiss her.

    • mellowstupid-av says:

      I see her as talented, and has made some great music and some horrible career choices. Star is Born definitely seems to have revitalized her career after her last two albums (mostly) sucked.

      • kityglitr-av says:

        It’s all so subjective. I loved Artpop and Joanne. Manicure is a straight up bop and I don’t understand why Hey Girl, the duet with Florence Welch wasn’t released as a single. Mark Ronson really brought her back to that singer songwriter vibe. Not every track was a winner but those are damn playable albums.

      • bluelark-av says:

        I liked her last album, and I think it won a Grammy…but yeah, considering how her first three albums sold it was a definitely disappointment and her album ArtPop was terrible.
        That’s part of the problem with some of the popgirls—they peaked so highly, before streaming came into play, and most will never have a chance to get back at that level so everything following it is a disappointment/seen as under performing even if it still does relatively well.

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