Genius inventor makes The Office‘s vacuum toy collector a reality, uses it to suck up and sort Lego

Unnecessary Invention's Matty Benedetto has created a Lego vacuum sorter

Aux Features The Office
Genius inventor makes The Office‘s vacuum toy collector a reality, uses it to suck up and sort Lego
Look at this sucker go. Screenshot: Unnecessary Inventions

Matty Benedetto, host of YouTube channel Unnecessary Inventions, has been waging a noble war against Lego-related injuries. In the past, he created a pair of bespoke “Lego socks” that allow wearers to avoid hurting the soles of their feet when stepping on the blocks. And now, he’s gone another step (sorry) further by moving beyond the world of footwear and into the realm of Lego-specific home cleaning devices, creating a vacuum that sucks up the little plastic bricks from the floor and sorts them by shape.

Benedetto says he was inspired to pursue this idea by watching an episode of The Office where David Wallace tells Michael about his exciting new idea: A Shop-Vac-style clean-up device that “teaches kids how to pick up their own toys” called, unfortunately, the Suck It.

Taking Wallace’s queue, Benedetto modifies a Shop-Vac by designing and 3D printing four canister inserts that filter Lego pieces by size as they’re sucked up. He uses a transparent canister and improves the airflow so Lego blocks easily get grabbed up by the vacuum and move through the sorting layers with enough suction to get properly sorted.

The Lego vacuum (or, we suppose, the Lego Suck It) performs admirably when demonstrated at the end of the video. A montage shows Benedetto running the tube around a carpet, easily sucking up Lego bricks so they’re sorted into the appropriate layers of the canister. Not only does it work as intended, but the cleaning process is unexpectedly hypnotic to watch.

The next step, if we follow The Office’s Suck It precedent, is Benedetto selling his invention to the U.S. military for millions of dollars so it can be used to vacuum up and sort radioactive waste into neatly ordered, size appropriate chunks of deadly material.

[via Nerdist]

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  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Just bend over and pick your shit up, awful John Waters lookalike (minus 50 years or so).

    • nilus-av says:

      I am going to guess you are not a parent of children with a LEGO addiction. No matter how well you clean those things get everywhere

      • maulkeating-av says:

        I like to think that, legally, these cultural paedophiles aren’t allowed with 100 metres of children, lest they become actual paedophiles.

        • necgray-av says:

          WTF are you talking about?

          • maulkeating-av says:

            “Cultural paedophiles” are adults who exploit children culturally. Ie, these loud, shouty dropkicks on YouTube. I mean, at least look at his moustache.

      • usernamechecks0ut-av says:

        still, a broom and dust pan work just as well without a 3d printed canister that only sorts lego. This is coming from someone who had a very similar idea to this for my 4th grade science fair and was also reminded that you can just pick up shit with your hands instead of using a tool in your hands.

      • janine12-av says:

        A Lego addiction means you will never have enough money for a drug addiction. I am 62 years old with a shameful amount of Lego(s) in my collection. Takes up a whole bedroom.

  • rexineffect-av says:

    Now make a vacuum that can suck staples out the my office’s carpet.

    • canavanarn-av says:

      You’ve probably tried this before, but magnet? Hey, walk around barefoot with a magnet. Anything you don’t get one way, you’ll get with the other.

  • pomking-av says:

    What aboutHorseboatShoe La LaToilet BuddyMike’s Cereal ShackBurger on the Go

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      “Toilet Buddy” took me a minute to remember, because all I could think of was this:But now I remember Michael’s I think was just basically like a net to catch things he kept accidentally dropping in the toilet?

      • pomking-av says:

        I know I think of that too.Michael’s description of Toilet Buddy makes me cringe for so many reason.A net across the top of the toilet to catch your stuff. Stuff falling out of your pants pockets would most likely occur when your pants are down and you’re sitting, correct? If you’re a guy just unzipping his pants, nothing is going to fall out. Even then, aren’t your pants down far enough the pockets are below the toilet? Guess what else will be caught in the net. I have spent way too much time trying to figure out the logistics, which of course is ridiculous. It’s Michael Scott FFS. When did logic ever come into play? 

  • presidentzod-av says:

    “David Wallace tells Michael about his exciting new idea: A Shop-Vac-style clean-up device that “teaches kids how to pick up their own toys” called, unfortunately, the Suck It.”…why ‘unfortunately’?

  • smalleyxb122-av says:
    • janine12-av says:

      A Lego addiction means you will never have enough money for a drug addiction. I am 62 years old with a shameful amount of Lego(s) in my collection. Takes up a whole bedroom.
      BTW: WANT

  • vayde-av says:

    I would have been more impressed if it also sorted it by color.

  • MartinDrkos-av says:

    There is no way that big green plate made it trough the hose, right?

  • Seething-Hatred-av says:

    I wonder if legolands have something like this.  If not, he could easily market this to them for ease of clean up after children have had their wicked way with the bins of blocks.

  • DimwitFlathead-av says:

    He continues messing up his own channel title by introducing actually necessary inventions.

  • skiwi2-av says:

    Is it just me?

    Although Robbie Rotten is way better of course…

  • jwhconnecticut-av says:

    Going by the video thumbnail, it doesn’t seem to sort them very well.

  • soccercoach22121-av says:

    My son made this exact same thing 3 years ago for Invention Convention.

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