Let’s hear it for the top 4.5 of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars

An underwhelming challenge and some shoddy producing make for an episode that's both painful and painfully dull

TV Reviews Ru
Let’s hear it for the top 4.5 of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars

Gif: Paramount+

Greetings from your friendly neighborhood TV critic! There’s some good drag in this episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars: decent performances, good-to-great looks, a very entertaining lip-sync, and Silky Nutmeg Ganache bellowing “YOU SURE?” at RuPaul after Ru told her to sashay away. I make this distinction because while there’s good drag in this episode, the episode itself is, uh, not good. If you’re looking for a review of the drag, there’s some of that too, but I am a drag fan* who is also a TV critic, and not the other way around. The drag fan enjoyed the drag. The TV critic has some thoughts.

All Stars has always been about production gimmicks, and they haven’t always worked. The behind-the-mirror reveal in AS2 is a top-tier reality TV moment; on the other end of the spectrum you’ll find a moment best described as “all of season one right up until Juju and Raven weep-synced to Robyn together.” This season’s big production gimmick doesn’t land in between those two extremes as it does straddle them, with one potato shoe in the realm of the marvelous and one in the pits. But “The Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve And Talent Monologues”** pushes the Lip-Sync Smackdown in the direction of the bad potato shoe. It was a hell of a stunt, but wow, was the execution botched.

The issue is one of placement. Much (too much, probably) of last week’s review centered on the same issue. Situating the Smackdown so close to the finale negatively impacted the season even before it occurred; the long, long, long, long buildup to the GWaG rendered an otherwise entertaining season repetitive and anticlimactic at least once an episode. Then the episode itself happened, and it was a hoot. Lip syncs as far as the eye can see, with the added bonus of sitting in as four great queens watched their sisters tear shit up. But the aftermath has more in common with what came before than with the Smackdown itself.

Since the beginning of the season, we’ve known how every episode would win — an exit interrupted by Ru’s face on the teevee, telling the queen it’s not over yet. The circumstances are very different, but here, the vibe is the same: there’s an inevitable end. This is an episode where everyone, Trinity included, just sits around waiting for Trinity’s elimination.

The Smackdown isn’t the only thing that drains this episode of momentum and energy. Nearly all the queens have voted consistently for the queen with the iffiest track record to head home; that makes it all but certain that the eliminated queen will be either Trinity or Eureka. And even before Eureka wins the challenge, this episode makes it very clear that Eureka ain’t going anywhere. She’s got momentum, as far as the edit is concerned.

Thus, the episode becomes less about showcasing the charisma/uniqueness/etc. of the queens and more about the producers desperately seeking any opportunity to manufacture suspense. Maybe Eureka’s taking a risk by being folksy and personable and telling a funny story! (She’s not.) Maybe Ra’Jah pausing for a brief moment in her monologue will mean she’s going home! (It doesn’t.) Maybe Ginger is over-rehearsed! (Nope.) Maybe Alec Mapa hates Kylie because her Gaga was bad a zillion years ago! (No one hates Kylie, Kylie is incredible.)

Ooh, and there’s a tie! Maybe two queens will go home! No, not so much.

But the placement of the GWaG is a much bigger issue. All Stars always ends with a top four. By placing the returning contestant gimmick immediately after the field narrows to four queens, the show essentially guarantees a cruel twist. Either someone who earned a spot in the top four loses that slot, or someone who fought their way back in turns right around and heads home. And since Eureka’s edit makes her final-four status all but certain, the only actual suspense comes from wondering whether or not Trinity can get herself one last win.

Eureka tells Trinity that it’s as if the latter has already given up, and that’s true, to a certain extent. But it’s not so much that Trinity has checked out. It’s that even Trinity knows there’s really only one way this can end. It’s not so much “The Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve And Talent Monologues” as it is “An Elegy For Trinity K. Bonet, Who Is In The top 4.5, Dammit.”

As for the challenge itself: Meh. All five of these queens are personable, charming, and intelligent, but to pull off that kind of performance requires a lot of preparation and experience. If you’re improvising, it takes discipline. If you’re writing and memorizing, that’s a very different but no less daunting challenge. Most damningly, not even the episode itself seems all that interested in the challenge. The coaching is an afterthought. The actual creative process: footage not found. It’s just suddenly time for the mainstage, with a pit-stop so Eureka can tell Trinity how much the jokey-flirty stuff has meant to them***.

And the performances? Fine. Ginger’s is the best written, Eureka’s the liveliest, and Kylie’s the most relaxed but no one fails. No one dominates, either. It’s just… a thing they all do while waiting for someone to announce that Trinity is going home.

The runway category, at least, is a winner. Kylie’s ketchup-and-mustard-stained look is cute, but somewhat underwhelming compared to the others. The judges love Eureka’s windblown Cinderella look, though it’s a little familiar. Trinity’s beautiful gown is more fashion than faux pas. Ginger and Ra’Jah both absolutely slay the runway, with Ginger “burning” herself repeatedly with her niftily smoking curling iron**** and Ra’Jah selling the shit out of her just-barged-into-my-dressing-room dress, one of my favorite runway looks of the season.

And that’s it. Not even the tie Ru doles out to Eureka and assassin Jaida Essence Hall makes the ending any less certain. Bring on the new top four, where we’ll have some actual suspense.

And au revoir, Trinity K. Bonet, forever in the top 4.5 of this season of All Stars. Hope you get that Vegas residency, girl.

* — I suspect this is something we may have in common, dear reader. If so, please go see drag in your community! And tip the queens well! And tell me about your favorite local queens in the comments! This Chicagoan is currently greatly enamored of Kalli Mauri, Abhijeet, and Kara Mel DVille, among others.
** — Honestly can’t believe it took this many seasons of the show to get to a Vagina Monologues challenge and honestly a little shocked that they didn’t bring Eve Ensler in to coach and/or judge.
*** — A lovely moment, but wow, did Eureka really need to start saying their goodbyes that early?
**** — Ginger, tell the truth: Did you just hide a cigarette in there?

Stray observations

  • Kate’s Corner: “After the excitement Silky and the rest of the queens brought to the Game Within the Game, this episode is a bit of a letdown. Eureka earned her spot in the finale, but it still hurt to see Trinity go home after believing she’d clinched the top four. It would have hurt to see any of the original final four go home. The queens did pretty well in their monologues and the runway was solid, but after the bombast of the previous episode and the aforementioned bitter pill swallowed gracefully by Trinity, All Stars 6 will need a powerhouse finale to end the season on a memorable, satisfying note.”
  • Untucked: Remember that one time Trinity wrote down her own name and then forgot?
  • Bless:


  • gretaherwig-av says:

    Weird, I thought this was much better than the last two episodes that had glowing reviews.

  • melizmatic-av says:

    I guess I must just be ‘diametrically opposed’ to the reviewers’ opinions this season, because I was actually more entertained with this ep than I was by last week’s. My only issues are that the process did seem a bit rushed, and I would rather have seen Ra’Jah sashay instead of TKB. (Personally, I was not living for Ra’Jah’s ‘half-dressed’ runway look, and her monologue seemed a little stiff in comparison to everyone else’s.)
    Many predicted last week that Eureka would come back, and I honestly can’t argue with her win, at all; she worked her “big ol’ ass” off in the challenge and on the runway.I already stated last week that I didn’t care for the ‘game within a game conceit’ in general; it might have provided the twist that Ru & Co are always trying throw in there, but by design it was inherently going to be cruel to someone.It does suck that that ‘someone’ was Trinity.

    • davidcalgary29-av says:

      It does suck that that ‘someone’ was Trinity.Agreed; but at least Trinity got that coveted eliminated-just-before-the-finale spot, which is worth more in terms of fan goodwill than anything but the win itself. She really did have a great run this season, though, and I’m sure RuPaul will push some side projects her way after this.

      • melizmatic-av says:

        Again, the damn Kinja interface had you all up in the ‘grayed’ comments, I just don’t get it.O_oAnyhoos, you’re out now.

        She really did have a great run this season, though, and I’m sure RuPaul will push some side projects her way after this.Agreed; I hope TKB gets plenty of work after this.

        • davidcalgary29-av says:

          Again, the damn Kinja interface had you all up in the ‘grayed’ comments, I just don’t get it.Coming up for the comment section in S14: “Mary, Mother of Gray”, starring Alexis Michelle and Peppermint. But Trinity wouldn’t be caught dead near that shit.Thanks, as always.

    • mikolesquiz-av says:

      This was definitely one of the most entertaining challenges of RuPaul’s Drag Race in general; I’d happily go to a drag night that’s all queens delivering monologues like these!I also don’t see how much blame you can lay on the show, exactly, for Trinity running out of gas and deciding she’s going home several weeks ago. They don’t decide how she’s going to feel.

  • davidcalgary29-av says:

    Because the entire cast is filled with professionals, all of whom can deliver material with as much class and polish as required in an artifical environment, the monologues were less painful than they might have been. It certainly played better than most of the roasts and the S12 “One Queen Show”, which became mired in awkward bloat. But this is one of the most evenly-matched group of finalists we’ve seen. Kylie had my favourite story, but I didn’t like her runway at all; Ginger was too rehearsed; TKB and Eureka were too rushed; Ra’Jah’s was the least compelling but had a good runway. While it would seem that anyone could take this, I can’t really see anyone but Ra’Jah getting the title, if only for the reason that I can’t see the other queens — all of whom have established careers (and are likely familiar with employment contracts in the entertainment industry) — wanting to lock themselves into the WoWiverse for the forseeable future.

    • ohnoray-av says:

      Ginger’s story had me cringing it felt so phony lol, I was wondering if it was even true or she was just sucking up to Ru’s love of Wizard of Oz. I got emotional in both Kylie’s and TKB’s story, so I think either won the challenge but TKB should have been read for literal streaks in her makeup and Kylie’s lazy outfit.Eureka’s story was super boring just for one shitty kitty punchline, but my god did she look amazing in every look. Her painting skills are amaaaazing.I’ll miss TKB’s big heart next episode. 

      • davidcalgary29-av says:

        True or not, it had the feel of something that she’s shared before on the stage. A lot. And I certainly wouldn’t put it past her to milk that Wizard of Oz angle for extra bonus points with RuPaul. I’m going to paraphrase Allison here, but Ginger in particular excels in the ability to demonstrate vulnerability on a superficial level in a performed space. She was a complete professional, but I don’t think that we really got to share a genuine moment with her.

      • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

        I agreed with the note of “Pageanty” for Ginger’s rehearsal but I thought she came off more genuine in the performance. However, the amount she sucked up to Ru was absolutely ridiculous and cringeworthy

      • kitschkat-av says:

        For real, where did her mother even get yellow-brick-road wrapping paper on short notice?

  • davidcalgary29-av says:

    Maybe Eureka’s taking a risk by being folksy and personable and telling a funny story! (She’s not.)Make a note, future contestants! Personal anecdotes featuring occasional incontinence will make RuPaul laugh. Farting a musical number on the Main Stage, however, remains behaviour that is Beyond the Pale.

  • qj201-av says:

    Eureka: _UNTRaJah: CU_TGinger: C_NTKylie: CUNT

    • davidcalgary29-av says:

      Ha! This is actually how I would’ve approached the S13 “Miss Congeniality Roast”: by suggesting that each of the “victims” were each missing a few letters out of that pseudo-acronym. Jujubee and Bob teased this idea on their first seasons, and it’s time that someone drove it home.

      • qj201-av says:

        Down to top 5. You have four letters. C U N T. you must assign ONE to each of your fellow contestants. If anyone actually gets all 4 letters… straight through to the finale

        • davidcalgary29-av says:

          Let’s not forget that Latrice already noted that Kylie is a WITCH. And justly so! Well, she’s already won the season even if I doubt that she’ll get the crown.

        • perfectvelvet-av says:

          They should do this instead of asking the top 4 queens to talk to their baby selves.

    • lisasson-av says:

      How can you honestly say that Eureka! lacks the C? C’mon now.

    • skoc211-av says:

      Reminds me of this absolutely legendary read from Jujubee:

      • melizmatic-av says:

        Jujubee always gives the best reads, hands down.And shade aside, she was absolutely right, especially in retrospect; Tyra doesn’t have charisma.

  • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

    I’m pretty much with the consensus on this one. This was a pretty weak, unsatisfying ep. The monologues were okay to watch (and better than some of the final performance challenges have been in the past) but only okay and none of them stood out. And as Allison points out there was zero suspense because it was clear from the beginning that Trinity would be the one eliminated whether regardless of it was decided by vote or by choice of the winner.One thing that completely enraged me, and I’m surprised no one else has talked about, was the lip sync song. “Good Golly Miss MOlly” WTF? What were they supposed to do with that? Did they really use the whole music budget on the previous episode? Is Ru trying to Make Drag Great Again by taking us back to 1958? Whatever you think of the song itself, it made for one of the most lackluster lip syncs ever. It’s impossible to say who should have won. They were both flummoxed by the weird music choice. If it was a normal episode it could’ve been a double Sashay Away. It infuriated me because it was like saying that since there was no suspense at all about who was getting eliminated let’s just to through the motions for the final lip sync. Atrocious

    • paddy72-av says:

      Pandora would have slayed this- shes a 50s girl lol! he could have tapdanced her way to the finale. Im sorry TKB was eliminated, I hope shes around a lot more in future she needs meat for that freezer!

    • davidcalgary29-av says:

      One thing that completely enraged me, and I’m surprised no one else has talked about, was the lip sync song. “Good Golly Miss MOlly” WTF? What were they supposed to do with that?I turned down the volume and pretended that they were lipsyncing to “Tutti Frutti” instead. I think that the producers were expecting a left-field “Malambo No. 1″ Yma Sumac masterpiece, but apparently lightning struck once, and that was eight years ago.The lipsync was still better than the dumpster fire on this weeks’ Holland’s Drag Race. I just CANNOT. I just don’t understand what’s happened this year: All Stars has been pretty good to great, and the international versions of the show have been horrible and problematic and have made me want to throw my ipod at something immovable.

      • paddy72-av says:

        Calm down dear, the Uk version S2 was much better than expected and ended up being great. 

      • melizmatic-av says:

        “Good Golly Miss Molly” Am I the only one here who didn’t mind the Little Richard lip sync?

        I mean, he was basically ‘doing drag’ even before Ru was born, and personally I’m glad that the queens are no longer limited to doing only songs performed by female entertainers.(I know the first instance of this was back in S8, when Bob turned it to Sylvester’s Mighty Real.)

        • davidcalgary29-av says:

          Little Richard is great! But shouldn’t RuPaul have instead taken a moment to teach the children that someone had a hit song about gay anal sex in the 1950s? A wop bop a loo bop a lop bom BOM

          • melizmatic-av says:

            Too much like right; all Ru’s references & lessons for the children are lacking in real depth, typically.

        • perfectvelvet-av says:

          I know the first instance of this was back in S8, when Bob turned it to Sylvester’s Mighty Real.One of the best individual lip sync performances in the entire franchise to this damn day. I live every time.

    • perfectvelvet-av says:

      If it was a normal episode it could’ve been a double Sashay Away.Okay I don’t know what you’re on but it wasn’t THAT bad. Damn. You holding this lip sync at the same level as the ‘I Will Survive’ mess in S8? Miss Jaida did okay.

  • haskermash-av says:

    I don’t know.. the inevitability of TKB’s exit didn’t make the episode less compelling imo.

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