Let Trixie Mattel show you some of her very favorite Barbies

TV Features Trixie Mattel

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As we’ve established, Trixie Mattel is a pretty serious fan of Barbie—just look at her last name. She’s harnessed their sartorial power for looks for her upcoming Grown Up tour and delved deep into the orange-tinted world of cursed sports doll Dusty. But given a little more time, Trixie was happy to take The A.V. Club deep into her extensive Barbie collection, walking us through about a dozen or more of her favorite dolls. It was so interesting and so revealing that we thought her larger love deserved to be seen, and that’s what’s in the video above. It’s pure doll-based nerdery, and we’re here for it.


  • tap-dancin-av says:

    How does Trixie create those surreal eyes? I Wonder what inspired that unusual look too.

    • weetzie-av says:

      She has at least one makeup tutorial up on YouTube – but mostly it’s through blocking out the brows and being careful with where you place light and shadow to create new space. Her look is entirely inspired by Barbie, but pushed to increasing extremes.

  • heywhatwhore-av says:

    Sooo Trixie’s your latest acquisition to your “collection of antique and unique bedpans and urinals”, Ms. Eakin? Yeah, I see you. 


    • surprise-surprise-av says:

      1.) It’s a roast. You understand the idea of a roast is to be as mean-spirited and offensive as the person before you, with the understanding that everyone’s coming after everyone and no one is going to take the jokes to heart, right? It’s not like she made a racist joke at a random event.

      2.) Before Trixie won All Stars, there were at least two black winners (Bebe and Tyra). I’m pretty sure Trixie is, to date, the only Native American winner.

      • heywhatwhore-av says:

        You understand that just because it’s a “roast”, you don’t have to cross certain bounds. You can talk shit about someone you know without ever talking about the race or religion, etc.In fact, if you’ve ever noticed, “roasts” never stray into the person’s family, for instance. So there ARE and CAN be rules in people’s minds.We are no longer in the age of Don Rickles and the Rat Pack and The Friar’s Club usually keeps their “roasts” private. And for good reason. TL;DR: The rest of us don’t have to play by or put up with your bullshit white rules if we don’t like it. Fuck your “It was a roast, bro! No biggie!” bullshit. And Native Americans have called Blacks the n-word just like white people have, so spare me that bullshit right now.

      • btaker-av says:

        This is why drag should have never gone mainstream. 

  • colonelhotdog-av says:

    Have you signed some kind of distribution deal with Trixie Mattel? It seems like the only place pushing Trixie Mattel is the Media Empire Formerly Known as GMG.Not even Trixie pushes Trixie this hard.

  • casc4-av says:

    Dios mio! El abominacion de las mattel….

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