Lil Nas X brilliantly courts controversy (and Satan himself) with "Montero" video and blood-filled Nikes

Music Features Montero
Lil Nas X brilliantly courts controversy (and Satan himself) with "Montero" video and blood-filled Nikes
Lil Nas X Screenshot: YouTube

Lil Nas X transforming his cool country-trap song “Old Town Road” into the biggest song in the world was a masterclass in sticking it to jerks (Billboard wouldn’t count it as country music, so he got Billy Ray Cyrus to sing a verse and turned it into one of the most popular songs of all time, transcending the country music label entirely), but the fact that he has continued to do new things that are both popular and culturally relevant is proof that he just might be a goddamn genius.

And by “goddamn,” we mean “goddamn,” because holy shit, have you seen the “Montero” video yet? It rules.

So yeah, he slides into Hell on a stripper pole and gives Satan a lap dance, after which he breaks the dude’s neck and steals his horns. The symbolism should be pretty obvious, but Lil Nas X put a finer point on it with a tweet noting that people love to say gay people are going to Hell, but now they’re getting upset “when I actually go there.”

As he alluded to in that post, people are upset about the content of the video (mostly randos on Twitter), but Lil Nas X is a pro at this and he wouldn’t have given Satan a lap dance if he wasn’t prepared for this kind of reaction. Responding to one person, he noted that “there is a mass shooting every week that our government does nothing to stop,” so he’s not the one who’s “destroying society,” and he later underlined his point by saying that anyone who is mad about the video should “stay mad” and “feel the same anger you teach us to have towards ourselves.”

And that was all after he had already shared this powerful letter to his younger self, further indicating that yes, he knows what he’s doing, he’s doing it on purpose, and he’s more than happy to let people fall into the trap of exposing their own prejudices by trying to say that he’s doing something wrong. Again: It rules.

That brings us to the new spin-off controversy that came up today: Since the video’s release, Lil Nas X has announced that he’s going to be selling custom pairs of Satan Nikes like the ones in the video, limited to 666 pairs and featuring a real drop of human blood mixed in with red ink on the sole. People are inexplicably furious about that (including former NBA player Nick Young, who is banning “Old Town Road” from his home but isn’t sure if he’s mad enough to stop wearing Nikes), and enough people have apparently yelled at Nike now that Snopes had to investigate and figure out the actual origin of the shoes. It turns out that they are custom Nike Air Max 97s, but Nike itself was not involved in their creation. Instead, they’re the work of a company called MSCHF, which Snopes says specializes in troll-y business ventures, so anyone getting upset about shoes made with blood are playing right into their MSCHievous hands. The shoes will actually go on sale to the public on March 29, and you can find more information about them at this very dramatic website.

Unfortunately, this stupid shoe thing has blown up into such a big controversy that Lil Nas X was forced to take time away from shutting down politicians who are mad about shoes to release an apology video that… you should just watch for yourself. (Wink.)


  • laserface1242-av says:

    I still don’t get what’s so bad about showing your appreciation for the man who saved us from Perfect Cell and Majin Buu?

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    What would his ancestors, Lil Nas I thru IX think of this?

    • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

      They would hire a PR department and figure out what to do with the royalty that decided they weren’t royalty anymore. 

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      Lil’ Suetonius wrote their various responses in his book “The Lives Of The Ten Lil’ Rappers”. However, keep in mind he’s known for embellishing salacious rap royalty gossip. Anything he writes is best taken with a grain of salt.

      • Harold_Ballz-av says:

        I’m just happy that the producers of the movie adaptation of Lil’ Suetonius’s magnum opus updated the title to And Then There Were None More Hip Hop Artists.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Goddammit now I won’t be able to see his name without thinking “Lil Nas the Tenth.” Thanks a lot. 

  • jackbel-av says:

    I mean, making bible-thumpers lose their shit is hilarious, hats off to him — and this video is a new masterclass…but, like, at the same time…the reason he’s at this level of relevancy in the first place is that he capitalised and rode out on a big dumb controversy about his last song…so, like… is that all he’s gonna do now? I love that there’s a major out queer pop star stirring the shit and being unapologetic — but… is it gonna always be this obnoxious? …At least he has more personality and actual purpose than like Shawn Mendes, I dunno 🤷

    • aliks-av says:

      His identity is already gonna be viewed as controversial and obnoxious by many, so why not take advantage of it?

    • heyitsliam-av says:

      That’s what people said about Madonna in the 80s well into the 90s, so why not? Also, what is it about all this that really bothers you?

      • jackbel-av says:

        Wow that was a very quick veiled accusation of racism/homophobia for an extremely mild criticism, possibly a new world record — congratulations sir 👏

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          No but seriously, no accusations honestly. What is bothering you about this as opposed to every other musician from whenever? It’s fine and normal, is there anything here that’s particularly annoying or upsetting to you?

          • jackbel-av says:

            I mean it’s right there in my original post? That he stirs controversy in place of working at anything else. It’s not like his songs are good

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            Your last part is an opinion, not a huge fan or anything, but he’s fine He does seem to put effort into creating music and his image, just like everyone else. I’m not even young, but you just sound old and crotchety.

          • buh-lurredlines-av says:

            He couldn’t have spent more than a day on Old Town Road. Prog-rockers “put effort into their music” this guy is just hackin’.

          • ohnoray-av says:

            this song is fucking great.

          • moggett-av says:

            I suspect that this music video took quite a lot of work. If being provocative in a way that leads to both enormous popularity and enormous controversy was easy, more people would do it. 

          • citricola-av says:

            I think the songs are pretty good. I really like this one, Old Town Road almost survived that level of ubiquity.And there are definitely pop stars where the package is as important as the songs themselves, and he’s going for that category. But his music seems better than, say, Lady Gaga, who mostly made music that was so forgettable that it needed the package. And honestly? It’s not obnoxious. He has the opportunity to create big statements, and he’s using it. Pop stars spend too much time doing what they think people want instead of just doing whatever they want while they have the opportunity and people willing to fund it.

          • endymion421-av says:

            I don’t think Gaga’s music needed the package. She’s done a lot of more mainstream stuff like her duets with Tony Bennett and her movie soundtrack for “A Star is Born” where she just wore normal stuff like a standard black dress or jeans and a t-shirt and her hair/makeup were toned down a bunch. So she can succeed without the extra flash. I prefer her weirder stuff, though I don’t think she’s like David Bowie or anything with mixing personas and albums. Obviously that last bit is just an opinion on liking her music/not liking her music, but I think it is a fact that she’s been able to get widespread acclaim in mainstream stuff without the wild packaging of a “meat dress” or a telephone hat or nine inch heels. She can do it both.
            Good or bad, that’s up to you, but I don’t think “forgettable” would be an applicable term for Gaga. As far as Nas X, I’m glad he works on his presentation, his music and videos, and definitely his troll defense. It isn’t his fault that who he is invites needless controversy and that his comebacks are so damn devastating

          • ghostiet-av says:

            It’s not like his songs are goodProtip: you can just say that you don’t like his music and thus you wish you’d have more to enjoy from him than just the fact he riles up conservatives. You don’t have to write all this bullshit about relevance, obnoxiousness etc.That way your message will be clear and won’t invite interpretations of you being a pearl clutching boomer, which your original does in spades.Of course, that’s with the assumption that you’re not a pearl clutching boomer, and to be fair – you’re not giving much evidence otherwise.

        • heyitsliam-av says:

          If the blood-filled Nike fits…

        • misterpiggins-av says:

          Uh, what the fuck are you pulling that out of?

        • blackmage2030-av says:

          That was quite a stretch towards being obliquely accused of prejudice. Not at all stanning for Hey It’s Liam, but it’s a fair ask given there being an implicit ‘right way’ when lamenting this as obnoxious.

          • jackbel-av says:

            Apparently there’s no right way to express a mild personal opinion either when the subject in question is a queer POCWhat I find obnoxious is the modern music trend of every major pop song having to play into some kind of manufactured artifice of cultural conversation. At a certain point it just feels disingenuous — like I said in the op, Nas’ career so far is way more devoted to shitposting and coasting on controversy than actually making music. Pardon if that wasn’t clear.And I don’t like that in white artists either but at least this isn’t as boring as those usually are

          • ohnoray-av says:

            you’re taking issue with him expressing his identity which is a controversial identity just because he’s a queer poc.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            “Apparently there’s no right way to express a mild personal opinion”“And I don’t like that in white artists either”SHIT! Have your pearls clutched harder!?  Did you your hands bleed?  You expressed nothing valid in the idea of music critique. Shit dude I don’t like The Who or Phoebe Bridgers, but I get it they are good, just not my thing.  Who upvotes Tucker Carlson?

          • misstwosense-av says:

            Sorry, but I’ve just been working on a playlist tonight featuring bands like ? and the Mysterians, The Archies, The Monkees, etc. Pretending like gimmicks being used in pop music is new is unbelievably disingenuous.

            Also, you stated an OPINION as fact. (“It’s not like his songs are good.”)

            So I think it becomes VERY fair to ask what you think the actual differences between him and Madonna, or Gaga, or The Monkees is? Hell, what’s the difference between his [”bad”] music compared to say, The Beatles [presumably “good”] music? (Paul is dead!)

            I love that there’s a major out queer pop star stirring the shit and being unapologetic — but… is it gonna always be this obnoxious? …Sorry that his version of loud and unapologetic isn’t quieter and doesn’t pay more heed to your likes and dislikes. Of course, it could be argued you have no fucking idea what “loud and unapologetic” actually means.

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            >Also, you stated an OPINION as fact. (“It’s not like his songs are good.”)His music is subpar (MY OPINION before you get your undies in a bunch). The most enjoyable part of Lil Nas X is him trolling on folks like Kristy Noem, And his lap dancing skills are impressive! But Old Town Road is junk. 

        • bogart-83-av says:

          Maybe don’t make thinly veiled racist/ homophobic remarks then, dickweed. 

    • moggett-av says:

      Lady Gaga wore a meat dress. Pop Stars making ostentatious gestures a part of their image isn’t exactly new. I’m not sure what the issue is.

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      You’d probably respect him more if he dropped a sex tape, sure.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      I’d say he’s at this level of relevancy because “Old Town Road” was a massive, massive hit across multiple genres, but whatevs.

    • pogostickaccident-av says:

      To me, the issue is that he has an outsized level of dame despite having released much in the way of product. I’m seeing that more and more with these viral stars – they have maybe one or two songs left on deck but they put so much work into their one big song and don’t have a plan for after that. Like, i really hope that the Drivers License girl already has her whole album done. 

    • batteredsuitcase-av says:

      I don’t know. His music isn’t my thing, so I’m not going to judge. But I am a huge Slayer, and Ozzy, and Sabbath fan. So my hats off to him. John Denver would approve too.

    • radarskiy-av says:

      Always? The “Old Town Road” business was two years ago.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    I don’t give a shit. I wish everyone up in arms about this realized that if they simply didn’t react it’d just go away.

  • lisarowe-av says:

    why are christians so upset? he kills satan in the video. i think they should play this music video at every church during sunday service.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      We used to do that! Well not me. Anyone remember the expensive shoe scare victim blaming type thing? Like someone would hold you up at gunpoint and rob you for your Jordans? Often framed like it’s one’s own fault for wearing expensive shoes. Maybe there was a gang thing too like with what color shoe not to wear and shaving a line into your eyebrow(s). My memory on that is foggy.

      • surprise-surprise-av says:

        Sex and the City did like eight episodes where Carrie was victim blamed for her expensive shoes.

        • endymion421-av says:

          They deserve it for pretending an advice columnist could afford such shoes *and* her apartment in NYC

  • zorrocat310-av says:

    I’m so indifferent to artistic acts of controversy I wasn’t even shocked when Karen Finely smeared chocolate sauce all over her naked body yelling “Cunt” repeatedly or another woman who would have an unsuspecting audience member (that would be me) pull a string snaking between her legs and walk holding it aloft across the floor as it unspooled in her vagina like kite string on a windy day while her legs reached for the sky until I felt it tug and then a troll doll popped out.There is really nothing new. 

    • schwartz666-av says:

      I mean, it coulda been an actual live baby that popped out, so ya know, there is always room for tweaking and improvement.Side note: Where in the actual fuck did that occur?

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      Is Karen Finley an alias of Gwenyth Paltrow? Because all of the above just screams “Goop”. 

    • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

      It’s not a feminist performance art show until someone copies the work of Carolee Schneemann.

    • mightymisseli-av says:

      Awww, man, the late 80s/early 90s were something, weren’t they? I mean, I was too poor to experience much that wasn’t on movie screens, but I did read about it. Did you also go to Annie Sprinkle and Vaginal Creme Davis shows?

    • freshfromrikers-av says:

      Ha, my wife had a bunch of classes with Karen Finely as instructor. She’s got some STORIES.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    What I want to know (but haven’t seen mentioned anywhere) is who is the woman speaking before the story begins and what is she saying? Maybe it’s Eve and she’s all “Go ahead with your myth-making trauma, Dudes. I’m over here with my Girls and we’re fine.”

  • schwartz666-av says:

    Lil Nas X is basically doing the gay, black version of what Marilyn Manson did in the 90s-early 00s (minus the sex crimes, hopefully).At least he has an actual positive message mixed in.Also, those shoes are pretty badass looking, tbh.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      It’s arguably the opposite – Manson’s schtick was based on nihilistic posing and contained a lot of “ironic” racism (obviously you aren’t supposed to take “Irresponsible Hate Anthem” or “1996″ at face value, but the presumption that you can throw out the N-word ironically is exactly the kind of shit that people are tired of). This Lil Nas X song is about being gay. It’s provocative, but the provocation lies in the uncompromising way he presents his gayness and its relationship to religion.

      • schwartz666-av says:

        That’s why I said “gay, black version.” You are correct though, their provocation tactics are completely different and LNX has actual substance & meaning behind his.

      • aliks-av says:

        Yeah, obviously he knew the biblical stuff would be controversial, but it seems to me like he’s doing it not because its controversial but instead because he thinks its cool as fuckwhich it is

    • batteredsuitcase-av says:

      “Over the top theatrics, violent imagry, appearing to be devil worshipers, woman’s name…why didn’t I think of that?” – Alice Cooper, 1997

    • bogart-83-av says:

      I think the better analog is Madonna. But really, everybody on the right, but especially the religious right, are marks, and somebody is always gonna come along to exploit them. 

  • lisasson-av says:

    The only controversy about this should be that those shoes are ugly af.

  • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

    The less focus on his weak rapping the better 

  • memorylines-av says:

    cool but also a shot for shot ripoff of Cellophane by FKA twigs. The director Andrew Thomas Huang confirmed via his IG that Lil Nas X’s team were in contact with him prior to the music vid’s release. WHACK.

  • jjdebenedictis-av says:

    Can’t say I’ve been impressed by his music before now, but I quite like this and his voice sounds really good.Also, I have a high tolerance for campy fame whore antics (Lady Gaga was my gal), so this video just seems awesome to me.

  • brando27-av says:

    No mention of the actual controversy— that the video is pretty much a copy of FKA Twigs’ “Cellophane” complete with the same choreographer?

  • officermilkcarton-av says:

    Sure dude, have fun frivolously pissing about with your footwear. But what happens when the bottom wears out? Have you put any thought into who’s going to save your sole?

  • gregthestopsign-av says:

    This is bullshit. Everyone knows Satan wears Crocs

  • yllehs-av says:

    I’m glad that he’s out and proud, but Old Town Road was fairly awful. Does this new song have any redeeming musical value?  The video looks ridiculous enough that I can’t bring myself to listen.

    • 95feces-av says:

      This is “music” now. Packaging, marketing, image, story, whatever the hook is. No actual talent or redeeming value.Good for him. He made a dopey novelty song and got rich on it. Now he’s extending his 15 minutes.

      • surprise-surprise-av says:

        Stop acting like this is something new. KISS were just as guilty of packaging and marketing an image to sell merch. Right down to using the “made with our own blood” gimmick in one of their products.

        • 95feces-av says:

          KISS also made some great songs. This guy, and Cardi B, and Megan the Stallion, and practically everyone in pop music today, are all gimmick.  That kid with the green hair who won all the awards?  Come on, man, that whisper core shit is terrible.  But they market her brilliantly.

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      The video is pretty cheesy in its attempt to outrage but kudos to him on a winning strategy. Everyone’s talking about it, just like everyone was talking about Like a Prayer way back then.Song is actually better than Old Town Road which is a super low bar to clear.

  • ijohng00-av says:

    fun video but sadly it’s a totally forgettable song.

  • ruefulcountenance-av says:

    I’ve always wondered how the royalties Trent Reznor presumably gets for Old Town Road compare to all the stuff he’s released under his own various guises throughout his career.

  • buh-lurredlines-av says:

    Wow, he raced straight to the bottom, from ripping off Kiss and Marilyn Manson to ripping off every two-bit race-baiter that spewed racist anti-white gibberish this decade. Grow up, “lil” Nas you a grown man now.

  • tigersblood-av says:

    So you listen to the song without looking at the video and it’s just another reggae-lite-pop song. 

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