Lil Nas X to troll everybody by going on Maury next week

The Montero rapper is demanding paternity results from Maury Povich as some sort of long-form reference to his song "That's What I Want"

TV News Nas
Lil Nas X to troll everybody by going on Maury next week
Lil Nas X on Maury Screenshot: YouTube

Lil Nas X is going on Maury next week, apparently.

At least, that’s what the Maury people are saying. Saidnews came in the form of a new trailer the show’s producers released for their unkillable tabloid TV talk institution today, showing “Montero” confronting his ex-boyfriend about being married to a woman.

And, honestly, we’re still trying to figure out what level of trolling this is all operating at. Most of the trailer operates as a clear reference to the Brokeback Mountain-riffing video for “That’s What I Want,” off the recently released Montero. The “ex” in question is clearly dancer Yai Ariza, who co-starred in the video, and the actress playing his “secret” wife seems to be the same woman, as well.

Lil Nas X even appears to be holding the same style of rose bouquet he was carrying in the video, right before stumbling into heartbreak, and then getting a free guitar from Billy Porter. Also: The literal song plays in the background, which is kind of a dead giveaway, along with the title appearing in the description of the video.

All of which is now, for whatever reason, playing out on what appears to be an actual episode of Maury, supposedly due to broadcast next Wednesday. That’s the part that’s tripping us up: The bizarre reality that this is some sort of Lil Nas X-Maury partnership, complete with Povich on hand to do his usual paternity results schtick.

Because, like…why? We can kind of get why the Maury people bought in—if one of the biggest musical names on the planet asks to do some sort of weird playlet on your show, you probably say yes. But is there a motivation for Lil Nas X himself, besides his internet-forged need to troll?

Even here, there’s some weird sliver of reality breaking through: Lil Nas X has said in interviews that he and Ariza did date, but no longer are, so the whole “exes” things is apparently genuine.

Weird, funny, probably fake, but in a winkingly clever way: Pretty standard Lil Nax X, at this point. Tune in to Maury next week to see the punchline, probably?


  • lisarowe-av says:

    this episode looks good..

  • doobie1-av says:

    I kinda wish more famous people would take this weird but basically harmless “shits and giggles” kind of approach to celebrity. Normally when musicians grab non-music-related headlines, it’s for a Twitter feud or dueting with a sexual predator (lookin’ at you, Kanye).

    Being famous is like a superpower, and while we’ve all heard a million times about the drawbacks, it’s nice to see someone leaning into the ability to put their massive resources behind whatever whimsical nonsense looks fun. Having a sense of humor about the whole thing also seems like it at least reduces the chances that this turns into some horrible Behind the Music story down the road.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Lil Nas X has a real knack for promotion strategies that 1) are just a little offbeat, 2) get attention, and 3) are genuinely funny. Also, I assume his video take forever to shoot because his smile causes the camera sensors to overheat.

      • saltier-av says:

        Agreed.His musical style isn’t exactly my cup of tea, but damn if he’s not one of the most entertaining performers out there today. The commercials he’s doing with Elton John are just hilarious—two divas just hanging out.He really doesn’t seem to take any of his notoriety all that seriously. He’s just having a really good time.

  • cardstock99-av says:

    “I can’t understand why he would DO this!!!!” –an article giving free publicity to thousands of readers

  • decgeek-av says:

    Little Naz X. YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER! Most anticlimactic reveal, EVER!

  • tigersblood-av says:

    Listen to his music -without the videos- and tell me if it’s justifiably any different or better than other performers in that genre.

    • saltier-av says:

      Not really. He’s a modern-day Liberace—it’s about the show. And like Liberace, criticize him and he’ll be laughing with you all the way to the bank.

    • joeyjojoshabadooo-av says:

      Listen to his music -without the videos- and tell me if it’s justifiably any differentWhat does justifiably different even mean? Like, he needs to justify his popularity? Eek.Lil Nas X is rapping about sucking dick in an extremely homophobic genre, and you’re over here bitching that he’s the same as everyone. What a take.

  • medacris-av says:

    I admit the whole “gay pining for someone who will always leave me for a heterosexual relationship” trope always bums me out a little as a bi person who worries gays and lesbians don’t trust bi or pan people as partners.

    But that might be my own insecurity reading too far into something where it isn’t there.

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