Loki series creator Michael Waldron to write Star Wars movie for Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige

Aux Features Film
Loki series creator Michael Waldron to write Star Wars movie for Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige
Kevin Feige under a big Loki Photo: Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney

There are some big moves quietly happening behind the scenes at Disney, and they all indicate an abundance of confidence in Marvel Studios mastermind Kevin Feige—the guy who is credited with the idea of having Nick Fury show up at the end of Iron Man, shaped the MCU from that day forward, and became a style icon with his classic “fancy suit and superhero baseball hat” look. But we’re not talking about Marvel here… well, we are, but not exclusively. What we’re actually talking about is Star Wars, the film franchise that brought us Porgs, the CG Luke Skywalker from season two of The Mandalorian, and beloved fish-mayor Boss Nass. In 2019, we reported that Feige had signed on to produce a Star Wars movie, supposedly just because he loves Star Wars and has made Disney enough money through Marvel Studios that he should be allowed to do whatever he wants.

We still know absolutely nothing about what kind of Star Wars movie Feige would want to make, since he’s done so much with Marvel that it’s hard to even pick out a potential influence, but (thanks to Deadline) we do at least know who will specifically be shaping his Star Wars: Michael Waldron, the series creator and head writer for Disney+’s upcoming Loki series. Waldron, who came to Marvel after being a writer on Rick And Morty, is also writing Sam Raimi’s Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness, so not only is this Disney trusting Feige with a second giant media brand, it’s Disney trusting Michael Waldron even though Doctor Strange and Loki aren’t out yet. That seems quite a bit more meaningful, and—Star Wars aside—it could speak to the impact that Loki and Doctor Strange are going to have on future Marvel stuff.

So, to recap: The guy who made Marvel Studios so successful and a guy who seems to be deeply involved in the future of Marvel Studios are making a Star Wars, which seems like it could be important to whatever the direction of Star Wars will be going forward.


  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    Gonk Droid: The Movie or bust! 

  • joeyjigglewiggle-av says:

    I want a status update on the Ryan Johnson trilogy. Better still be happening, dammit.

    • dinoironbodya-av says:

      You’ll have to find someone named Ryan Johnson and ask him.

    • harpo87-av says:

      It almost certainly isn’t, but I want that update too.

    • dp4m-av says:

      Yeah… about that… 🙁https://screenrant.com/star-wars-movies-shows-rian-johnson-not-happen/(also, whilst I loved The Last Jedi, if it was really going to be a trilogy about Broom Boy… that’s a hard sell…)

      • chris-finch-av says:

        So far people have been taking a lack of news to be an indicator of its demise. Personally, I think he has other projects he’s interested in, and the door is open. I think if we see it, we’ll see it in the 30s.

        • mythicfox-av says:

          Probably a combination of other projects and maybe considering his options given how they let Abrams throw him under the bus before RoS came out. But then, he is developing a trilogy, and Disney probably doesn’t want to say anything concrete until he’s farther along and the sequel trilogy has faded a little bit from the pop culture consciousness a bit.

          • mozzdog-av says:

            If anyone was thrown under the bus, it was Trevorrow. We will never understand how a approved pitch for IX in 2015 was tossed away and why there was no much conflict between Trevorrow and LucasFilm. Maybe we should ask Johnson’s buddies Pablo Hidalgo, Devin Faraci or Harry Knowles.

          • knopegrope-av says:

            “throw him under the bus”Womp, womp. No Broom Boy for the edgelord Star Wars haters. 

        • mozzdog-av says:

          I honestly think that the recent controversy around Pablo Hidalgo bashing fans for enjoying The Mandolorian has closed the door on Johnson’s film forever, especially given that Johnson once called Hidalgo a “hero” on social media.Hidalgo, Devin Faraci, Harry Knowles, The Alamo Drafthouse … boy, Johnson sure has some toxic friends.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      I think he’s focused on other projects and we won’t be hearing about it for 5-10 years. If it happens. Which I hope it does.

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      I played bass in the Rian Johnson Trilogy, you dig?

    • mozzdog-av says:

      There is no way that is happening. It’s four years since we last heard anything about it.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    a style icon with his classic “fancy suit and superhero baseball hat” look

    Baseball hat, yes.
    Fancy suit, no.

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    I need a flow chart to follow that headline. You should name sports stadiums! 

  • cigar323-av says:

    A-hem, excuse me, yes, but I believe that Boss Rugor Nass, as a Gungan and mayor of Otoh Gunga, would be more accurately described as a “popular frog-mayor,” if we were to *snort* reduce our descriptions of Gungans to more accurate real-life amphibious analogies.

  • jodyjm13-av says:

    So, in other words, expect Adam Warlock to appear in the mid-credits scene of this particular Star War.

    • knopegrope-av says:

      Everyone knows that Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet is going to be the link between the Star Wars and Marvel Universes. It is decided. 

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Loki series creator Michael Waldron to write Star Wars movie for Marvel Studios’ Kevin FeigeIt’s about a Jedi whose Jedi power is that he can only fool his brother, mostly.

  • seanpiece-av says:

    How dare you.

    Boss Nass was clearly a FROG mayor.

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