Lola Glaudini says Johnny Depp “reamed” her while filming Blow

Lola Glaudini was reminded of her bad experience on Blow while watching coverage of the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp trial

Aux News Johnny Depp
Lola Glaudini says Johnny Depp “reamed” her while filming Blow
Johnny Depp in Blow; Lola Glaudini Screenshot: Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers/YouTube; Photo: Vivien Killilea/Getty Images

Criminal Minds alum Lola Glaudini shared a new story about Johnny Depp from the set of the 2001 film Blow on an episode of the Powerful Truth Angels podcast in January. In a clip resurfaced on Twitter, Glaudini recalled a “fucked up” situation that she had never shared publicly before, involving Depp shouting at her in front of the entire cast and crew while shooting. The actor says the experience was brought back to her mind while watching news footage of the Depp/Amber Heard trial.

“I show up on set, day one, I haven’t even met Johnny Depp at this point,” Glaudini says, explaining that the scene involves Depp doing a “big monologue” while she and two other “half-dressed” female actors giggle and pass a joint around in the background. “And after a couple takes [director] Ted Demme comes over to me and he’s like, ‘Okay Lola… when Johnny is saying his monologue, when he says this certain word’—and he gives me a cue, and he says, ‘I want you to just burst out laughing like she just told you the funniest thing over here.’”

Glaudini remembers doing the scene twice, bursting into laughter at the appropriate time with encouragement from Demme. But when they called cut, she says:

“Johnny Depp… comes up to me, sticks his finger in my face. And I’m in a bikini, on the ground, like this. And he comes over and he goes, ‘Who the fuck do you think you are? Who the fuck do you think you are? Shut the fuck up. I’m out here, and I’m trying to fuckin’ say my lines, and you’re fuckin’ pulling focus, you fucking idiot! …Oh, now? Oh now it’s not so funny? Now you can shut up? Now you can fuckin’ shut the fuck up? Oh it’s not funny now? Okay, the quiet that you are right now, that’s how you fuckin’ stay.’ First day on the set. I’d never met him. This is my first studio movie, I’ve just done indies until then. And I have the star who I have idolized, who I’m so excited to work with, reamed me in my face. The only thing going through my head was, ‘Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.’”

Demme didn’t intervene on Glaudini’s behalf, and over the next “five, six more hours” she was treated by everyone on set as a “pariah.” “Like, no one wanted to fucking talk to me, because I’m the bitch who he railed at,” the actor recalls. Afterward, she went to her trailer and sobbed, then spoke to her father, who said she could either choose to walk away or “don’t let them see you sweat.” Resolved to stay on the film, she left her trailer and was confronted by Depp again. Looking down on her from the doorframe of her own trailer, the star gave her “a non-apology apology,” giving excuses that he was “really in [his] head” and that the Boston accent he was doing was “really fucking with [him].” When he said he wanted to make sure the pair was “cool,” “I just looked at him and I was like, ‘I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Of course. Totally cool,” Glaudini says. “’Cause I was just like, don’t let them see you sweat. And so that was that. And then we had six weeks in Acapulco.”

Glaudini shares that she was reminded of the story when watching a clip of Depp’s ex-wife, Amber Heard, testifying about his alleged domestic abuse during the 2022 trial. “She was relaying—you know, I don’t know anything about anything—she was relaying something that he said,” Glaudini recalls, “[And] this is what, I was like, ‘Huh?!’ Because she says, ‘And then, he said to me, Oh, oh you’re quiet now huh, oh, you don’t have anything to say now.’ … [And] I was like, ‘Oh my God, that’s exactly what he said to me in that moment. It like, fully brought me back.”

LIVES OF LOLA ft. Actor Lola Glaudini | Powerful Truth Angels | EP 177


  • jwwm-av says:

    Oh no!!  I loved her in A Christmas Kiss II

  • kim-porter-av says:

    “Actor yelled at me 20 years ago” is not a news story.

    • recognitions-av says:

      Anyway Johnny Depp is an abuser

    • murrychang-av says:

      Anyone who hasn’t yet been convinced that Depp is a douchbag isn’t gonna be swayed by this one.

      • kim-porter-av says:

        This, admittedly, is not completely fair, but every time I hear one of these after-the-fact stories, I can’t help but think “how brave of this person to sit on the story right up until that celebrity becomes radioactive enough that I can share it with no risk.”

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          “how brave of this person to sit on the story”I mean…you literally just chastised her for it not being a news story. I doubt your reaction would have been any different 20 years ago. The reason she “sat on it” is because no one would have considered this story from a nobody extra to be newsworthy, and furthermore, she would have been accused, as she is now, of saying it for 15 minutes of fame and that would have made *her* radioactive for hiring. “that I can share it with no risk”And what do you perceive as being wrong with that, exactly? After all you’ve heard about the abuse young, pretty women get in Hollywood, you’re shitting on her for choosing not to risk her potential career and personal safety to tell a story that would have changed exactly nothing about Johnny Depp’s fame and future actions?

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Make up your mind.

        • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

          Surely it’s at least braver than defending abusive behavior 20 years after the fact.

        • mshep-av says:

          Who’s to say that she sat on it? She’s probably been telling this story to friends and coworkers for years. Furthermore, she doesn’t seem like she’s trying to make news here, or she would have put it on Xitter or put out a press release. This is just an actress, on a podcast, relating a personal experience. Shit happens every day.

        • kinjakungen-av says:

          Whatever fucking point is that you’re trying to make? You’re saying young people should career suicide right on their very first movie – because why, exactly? You’re making no sense whatsoever.

        • shotfromguns-av says:

          The truly brave are people like you, who don’t hesitate before opening their mouths to prove what utter assholes they are.

        • stunkyboy-av says:


        • theunnumberedone-av says:

          It’s truly incredible how much you just contradicted yourself.

        • cmallentoo-av says:

          Yeah, how dare she not crater her career in a futile effort to get some respect from an industry that has a century-long history of belittling, marginalizing, attacking, and victimizing women.

        • nycpaul-av says:

          You mean how smart of her. If she says it when everybody is still embracing Depp, there, very possibly, goes her career. That’s the entire problem! It’s why Depp and so many other superstar dickwads get away with it. Would you feel better about her if she pulled a kamikaze on it twenty years ago?? Would that suggest the proper amount of bravery?

      • seven-deuce-av says:

        Anyone who hasn’t yet been convinced that Depp isn’t a douchebag isn’t gonna be swayed by this one.

      • thegt-av says:

        Heard certainly is one.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Yep. This is meat for people who just want to fight, for reasons I doubt even they can define.

    • wangfat-av says:

      Johnny’s not gonna fuck you bro

      • kim-porter-av says:

        This comment has too many likes. It’s not original or creative.

        • dmicks-av says:

          Probably not completely accurate either, I mean, he might reward your adoration and loyalty with at least a handy.

        • hennyomega-av says:

          As opposed to your asinine take, which was extremely original…

        • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

          And defending abusers *is* original or creative?

        • rezlasky911-av says:

          you might be able to give him a handy if you put a wig on

          • kim-porter-av says:

            Why do I have to *give* if I’m already the one defending him? Seems one-sided.

        • udjibbom-av says:

          fair point – maybe NOW Mister Depp will give you a hand job. (he’s gonna make you call him ‘Mister Depp’ while he does it, tho.)

          • kim-porter-av says:

            This is the third comment to reference a hand job. Leftists really are trying to take after conservatives in their insistence on sticking to a talking point.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            As long as he wears those cool sunglasses from the trial.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          I’m sure the Comments Approval Enforcement Team will rectify this injustice shortly. They’ll probably also send someone around to gently stroke your hair and make soothing noises until you don’t feel so bad about the mean commenters, too.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            Not sure what you’re talking about (I’ve never complained about a comment), but you seem to be trying to come off as particularly mean-spirited. Not sure why, but assume it’s some personal frustration. How much do you make?

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            “This comment has too many likes.” – Prognosis Negative, 3/16/24 4:12 am“I’ve never complained about a comment” – Prognosis Negative, 3/17/24, 9:32 pmYou’re good at contradicting yourself.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            It was a joke/sort of insult. That’s not an actual complaint. 

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      Found the abusive prick!

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      This is AV Club.
      Nothing is a news story here.

    • earlydiscloser-av says:

      Nothing on AVClub is a new story, it’s all about TV shows, and adults pretending for money and who was on SNL that week. But within the context of TV shows and adults pretending for money (etc.) one of said adults acting like a massively unpleasant, abusive child is as much news as who was on SNL that week.

  • thewhiteboomboom-av says:

    “Hey Ted, do you wanna, like, say something here?”

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      That Ted was such a prankster.

    • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

      Or if not, simply say “I’m just doing as Demme told me to do.”

    • phonypope-av says:

      The AVClub reached out to his publicist, but Demme was unavailable for comment.(Sorry if that’s in poor taste, but as someone else mentioned, it sounds like Demme was the real dick in this situation for hanging her out to dry.)

    • bcfred2-av says:

      (2 minutes earlier, to cinematographer)“Hey, watch this…”

  • bythebeardofdemisroussos-av says:

    Come on Depp apologists, come on and make your comments. You’re totally not just misogynists, you’re fighting for a valiant cause, like a knight in the crusades or a WW2 fighter pilot.

    • pocrow-av says:

      Well, about those Crusades …

      • scortius-av says:

        also, which 50% of WW2 fighter pilots?  because hooooo booooy….

        • kinjakungen-av says:

          You know, this is why I fucking hate comments sections, and humanity as a whole even more – because of people who instead of listening to the message of what someone said instead go off on a tangent taking cheap shots at the way they said whatever they said.Don’t be that guy. Alright?

      • theforest-av says:

        you represent crows in congress?  that’s gotta be murder!

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Well, about that WWII…

    • tricksterqc-av says:

      I would not define as valiant the cause behind the crusades. But that’s just me….

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Depp apologists and the woman-hating “how dare she not raise this 20 years ago when it happened and never be hired in Hollywood again!” guys.

      • dresstokilt-av says:

        Just gonna leave this here.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          Yes, that’s who I mean.  You didn’t “leave right here” the remainder of his comments, but anyone can find them in the comments here.

      • CashmereRebel-av says:

        I was waiting for those assholes to come out of the woodwork as well. Her own father basically told her to suck-it-up, so it’s likely she decided that this the price of Hollywood and put it in the back of her mind. Glaudini has nothing to lose, or gain, by coming forward with this. She’s simply saying that she experienced deja vu when she heard Amber’s description of Depp’s words.

      • iseefractalses-av says:

        Oh, really? So it’s only grrl power/girl boss/you can do anything/women support women when there’s no threat of consequence, right? Either it’s a legitimate issue, in which case you open your fucking mouth. The “big bad thing” already happened to you, you open your fucking mouth to prevent it from happening to anyone else.

        If you don’t do that, in the moment, either it’s not really a legitimate issue…which means you don’t need to try to stir the pot decades later…or YOU have to admit that you don’t give a damn if anyone else suffers the same fate.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          “So it’s only grrl power/girl boss/you can do anything/women support women when there’s no threat of consequence, right?”That’s a strange and unsupportable takeaway from my comment.

          • iseefractalses-av says:

            You justified her silence by positing that to speak up would end her career.

            Being supportive, being strong…isn’t something that happens when it’s “safe” it’s something that happens regardless of the consequences to yourself. It’s means doing the right thing, because it’s right….not because it’s fucking safe.

            When you sit on something for years or decades before speaking up…that silence makes you complicit in the suffering that everyone after you, endures. 

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            “You justified her silence by positing that to speak up would end her career.”Go back and re-read, because that wasn’t the only reason I gave.“ It’s means doing the right thing, because it’s right….not because it’s fucking safe.”Okay. Go put your life on the line for for something that will actually not accomplish anything. Let me know how that goes. “that silence makes you complicit in the suffering that everyone after you, endures.”This is a great point, because Hollywood would definitely have blackballed Johnny Depp at the height of his career 20 years ago because a nobody extra said he was mean to her. She’s definitely responsible for all of his actions afterwards. What you’ve done here is find a tortured way to blame a woman for a man’s bad behavior. Which is peak incel and not surprising,.

          • tscarp2-av says:

            It’s almost as if, and I’m spitballing here, but it’s almost like he came to your comment with his own agenda, ignored your intent, and jammed that agenda of his into your space without any regard for your wishes. Nothing misogynist about that. Sidebar: I think at this point, seeing “grrl power” in a comment is a dead giveaway, isn’t it? No one who actually supports women uses that anymore, do they?

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            It’s almost as if he’s an incel shitbird who thinks every bad behavior from a man is a woman’s fault.I just thought “grrl power” was something from the 90s. I didn’t realize it was used in 2024 by anybody at all!

          • tscarp2-av says:

            Maybe there are a few diehard L7 fans, their concert tees frayed from wear and tear, who use it wistfully in their fan fictions. But other then them, yeah, it’s all chuds.

        • apewhohathnoname-av says:

          You come off like a person who has never interacted with human beings in the real world. If you’ve truly never been in a situation where someone flipped out at you, or had an outsized hostile reaction to you, uhh, congratulations? The rest of us have learned to navigate the world without matching heat for heat every second of the day. Especially when starting a new career.

    • milligna000-av says:

      He’s too greasy-looking to muster up much of a defense these days, surely. Now that he’s not paying, who gives a shit?

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Where did Johnny touch you?

    • drips-av says:

      They never fail to disappoint.

    • lc420-av says:

      What’s worse? A Depp apologist or someone who thinks an actor yelling 20 years ago is a gotcha news story?You all need to grow the fuck up.

    • musicmars-av says:

      You want good sanitized little actors and actresses? That is why we don’t have any greats like Brando, Hepburn, Bette Davis, Jack, Hopper, Mae West, etc. We have bland little hypersensitive members of the Wokie Cult. Johnny is about the last of those actors that were real. I’d love to hear that chick talk after she worked with Klaus Kinski.

    • bernardg-av says:

      What is the mysognistic intention in this particular incident? Johnny outburst is no different than Christian Bale outburst on the set of Terminator. There’s nothing in the his angry outburst solely pointing out of her being a woman. Johnny is a dick in that particular incident. But the director is the bigger dick not holding Depp back and clear up the situation right there, since he was the one told her to burst out laughing.

      • tscarp2-av says:

        I’m thinking that being a powerful Hollywood icon losing your shit and demoralizing a novice co-worker who is splayed out in a bikini is at least misogyny-adjacent?Fuck Ted Demme too, frankly.

    • johnnydommer-av says:

      Dude she pooped on his bed.

    • clintontrumpepsteinfriends-av says:

      Depp isn’t the bad guy.   It’s the coward Demme.  

    • iseefractalses-av says:

      How about you identity politics obsessed, perpetual victims just move the fuck on? Lil’ Amber….is a giant PoS. The widely broadcast court case proved that, time and time and time again. Yet here we all are, nearly two years later and this dumpster fire of an agenda masquerading as website still can’t let this shit go.

      No matter how many times you mental midgets try to sell it, words are not, nor will they ever be, violence. That you dislike the way your spoken to, the  words being directed at you….is your fucking problem. It’s not evidence that amber heard isn’t a batshit crazy, manipulative liar. 

    • rafterman00-av says:

      Demme sounds pretty dickish too.

    • jacklejohn4769-av says:

      You need to think out your responses more…..

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Come on Depp apologists, come on and make your comments. Eh, ain’t like it matters either way.Kind of tired of giving weird crustlords oxygen.

  • cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest-av says:

    Christian Bale still wins. 39 f-bombs and someone made his tirade into a dance remix.

    • scortius-av says:

      clearly we need to get them on the same movie, with both of them being told they are the lead.

    • kinjakungen-av says:

      …And the damn movie wasn’t even particularly good either.(Not that that was Bale’s fault tho, but whatever. It was quite a while ago now.)

      • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

        “And the damn movie wasn’t even particularly good either.(Not that that was Bale’s fault tho,”Oh we’re just gonna blame it on that Irish fellow who directed it? 

        • kinjakungen-av says:

          lol I’d blame it primarily on the whomever who wrote it, but director would necessarily have to share some of the blame I think, seeing as how they’re so involved with a movie’s creation.

          • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

            At least 8 writers were known to have worked on it. I’m blaming McG! 

          • kinjakungen-av says:

            8? Wow. Well that would probably explain it, “too many cooks” syndrome have ruined a lot of movies.

          • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

            Yeah, dude! The studio greenlight it based on the plots of a couple different writers’ pitches and then two different writers (who were the only ones to actually receive a credit) did the first complete draft. Then Paul Haggis and Shawn Ryan each did an uncredited draft. THEN Jonathan Nolan was on set during production as a favor to Bale and he apparently rewrote a bunch of it. Oh and the guy who created CSI was also hanging out in case Jonathan Nolan was busy.

            In a way, it was nobody’s fault that a movie that had no reason to exist wasn’t any good. 

          • tscarp2-av says:

            Too many cooks! (too many cooks…”)

          • kinjakungen-av says:
          • tscarp2-av says:

            Adult Swim Infomercials, titled Too Many Cooks. It’s great.

          • kinjakungen-av says:

            Ah. I never watched Adult Swim…

      • tscarp2-av says:

        Whenever Brett Goldstein asks his podcast guest “What movie did you once like doesn’t hold up now” I immediately think of this. At some point I rewatched it and thought “Damn, this is some 90’s bullshit here.” Especially Depp trying to be butch. 

    • Caniborrowafeeling-av says:

      I will never understand why David O. Russell eviscerating Lily Tomlin never got more traction. IMHO, that’s worse than the Bale one.

    • milligna000-av says:

      it pays to have mommy be a very popular casting director

    • Squander-av says:

      In the bale story, literally every account I’ve read from people on set has been about people cheering him on because the dude was fucking up constantly.

      As to this one, why is it a non apology?

      I shouldn’t have done that. Here is why it was about me and my insecurities rather than about what you did. Are we cool or do I need to do something more to make you whole again?

      Apologies are hard, but that seems like a fairly good apology.

      Obviously people shouldn’t blow up on set. But it’s human to get angry. It’s not right, make fun of them, make mix tapes. Tease. Expect an apology. But… like what’s fair for losing your cool? Do we just want to live in a world where it never happens?

      That seems unrealistic. 

    • bhlam-22-av says:

      Bale’s blowup is actually somewhat understandable. The DP was going in the middle of the shot to adjust a light mid-take (something they apparently have done and still do), which effectively ruins the shot, and it was during a fairly emotional scene of what Bale had to know was going to be a bad movie. This is not to say what Bale did was okay, but it’s a response to legitimately unprofessional behavior.

      • ladytron2000-av says:

        And Bale very publicly apologized. Multiple times. Sincerely. He is not anywhere near Johnny Depp’s level of psychopathy, although I can’t quite figure out why he continues to work with DOR 😒

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          Yeah, what Bale did was unprofessional and inappropriate, but he did genuinely apologise. That’s what we want people to do after a lapse in behaviour, surely. Whereas it sounds like Depp gave a very insincere non-apology and moved onto even worse antics.

    • coldsavage-av says:

      My partner and I still yell “No, no, fuck, no!” like in that song to each other whenever there is a minorly annoying thing that happens around the house.

      • hootieandrablaufish-av says:

        My wife and I constantly use Christian Bale’s “Good for yooooouuuu!” from his rant in casual conversation. It’s the cornerstone of our marriage, really. 

        • tscarp2-av says:

          By contrast, my longtime bride and I just parrot the Dude’s “well that’s like, your opinion, man.”

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    Demme didn’t intervene on Glaudini’s behalfSeems like Demme is the real dick, at least in this one particular situation.If Depp doesn’t know somebody told her to do that, of course he’d be pissed at some extra bursting out laughing in the middle of a scene.Depp is still a dick for exploding like that, but Demme set them both up.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      He’s dead.

      • srgntpep-av says:

        Probably Amber Heard killed him.

      • guillaumeverdin-av says:

        I was going to say you were maybe confusing him with Jonathan Demme but indeed… : Anyway, even though I don’t like and support Depp, Ted Demme is clearly the culprit here imho.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Ted Demme is dead. Demme has some culpability, but it is a bonkers stretch to make him not the primary person responsible for his own behavior.

          • clintontrumpepsteinfriends-av says:

            You are a sexist moron.  Demme is at fault here.    

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            People do cartwheels to justify assholes when they act like assholes. “He was provoked” is pretty common. I’ve been in plenty of stressful situations as an adult and have never yelled at someone. That’s the sort of thing a child or someone without control over their emotions does. And if you’re an adult in the latter category and not doing anything to solve the underlying mental issues you have, you’re an asshole.

      • nycpaul-av says:

        Then he’s the real dick and he’s dead, I guess.

      • Dekker451-av says:


    • captainbubb-av says:

      I’m not familiar with the movie, but seems like she played a supporting role and was not just some extra since she mentions having her own trailer and is listed in the cast for it.It’s still messed up that Demme didn’t step in though.

      • mytvneverlies-av says:

        I thought of that after I posted, but it’s her first day, they haven’t met, and she’s in the background with no lines, so it’d still be jarring for her to burst out laughing out of nowhere (as far as he knew).Maybe Demme wanted a real reaction from Depp for the scene, but then he’s gotta fess up.

      • missleo1-av says:

        Background does not deserve that abuse either. It’s a job like any other job.

        • captainbubb-av says:

          Agreed. The power imbalance there between them and the top-billed star is even greater, so screaming at them in front of everyone is punching down even more.

          • bruuuuhp-av says:

            you outta see the power imbalance at a typical mundane job.  bosses walking around telling people what to do, employees getting in trouble when they fuck up.  it’s a nightmare.

      • bigbudd45-av says:

        She is an extra.  Like she is in a scene and laughs, but she could have been recast at any point.  Not dismissing her statement, just that it was that kind of role.

    • thegt-av says:

      Depp was serious about his craft and this floosie is killing the scene with her outburst.She got off easy.

    • musicmars-av says:

      Most of Hollywood’s great actors and actresses who have never gotten mad onset. Real people do real things. Fake people act like good little conformist, hypersensitive worms.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      My thought exactly. Depp’s response is still an asshole move (sticking with the reaming theme) but if Demme told her to do that without giving him a heads-up then he should have intervened immediately.

    • villings-av says:

      this was the stupid demmethe good demme was jonathan

    • Dekker451-av says:

      Being pissed and briefly yelling at someone is one thing. Going on a protracted, abusive tirade is very much another. There is simply no excuse for that kind of behavior. None.

  • samo1415-av says:

    In hindsight we now know the correct move would have been to sneak into his trailer and drop a grumpy on his bed, white lotus-style.

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    “Now if you’ll excuse me, Table 18 needs refills…”

  • happywinks-av says:

    Beating this dead horse again, huh? Must be a slow news week.

    • largeandincharge-av says:

      happywinks — I read it. By the way, I’m imagining you’re a little bitch man who shit talks online ‘casue he’s scared to do so in person…am I right?

      • fattyfrank-av says:

        It’s the 21st century. Everyone is, including you…and me. 

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          It’s the 21st century. Everyone is, including you…and me. Yep. Best I can do is be ready for any weird, obsessive crustlord who somehow finds his way to my front door.Also, ::reads comments::…the fuck is in the water today? People going REAL hard over this shit.

    • lolwit-av says:

      Depp ain’t dead yet bro, he just looks that way!

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      I agree that is sucks that stars being abusive is still news.My when they stop we can stop hearing stories about it.

    • clintontrumpepsteinfriends-av says:

      Hopefully someone buys this site and fires everyone like they did to the stupid assholes who used to write for Deadspin.   

  • saharatea-av says:

    Both things can be true: Johnny Depp has anger issues, and Amber Heard failed to prove she was a victim of domestic violence in court.

    • recognitions-av says:

      Not in England she didn’t

    • shotfromguns-av says:

      Both things can be true: the court system failed to convict Johnny Depp because Amber Heard wasn’t pure and virginal enough, and Johnny Depp is an abusive piece of shit.

    • cocoawitch-av says:

      In American court. He lost his other case in Britain which his fans like to ignore, cuz America has the most trustworthy court system apparently.

      • johnc456-av says:

        Actually Depp lost in the UK because the the Judge “believed Amber”. Every incident of abuse, the judge essentially said “I believe Amber” and that was that. No evidence.

    • thegt-av says:

      Heard was the abuser. Did you not hear the tapes?

      • tc999-av says:

        I heard the tapes and watched the trial. Yes, she was the abuser. So many comments from people who don’t know what they’re talking about. And I am female, feminist, not a misogynist.

    • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

      She did prove it, actually. The jurors officially declared that. The verdict went the way it did because the judge was fucking stupid and gave the jury terrible, confusing instructions.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      Uh… this wasn’t an Amber Heard article.

    • tc999-av says:

      Thanks for bringing the balance. I am a woman, and a feminist, and I actually watched the whole trial live-streamed by YouTubers who are attorneys. I and many others who watched and commented have been targeted and abused by narcissists, and we immediately recognized Amber Heard as the abuser. We were not Johnny Depp superfans (but came to respect and root for him).The media could have educated people about abuse but instead portrayed her as a victim of misogyny, even after he won a defamation lawsuit, as if these two are uniquely, weirdly immune to the Me Too movement. You can watch and listen to evidence online showing that she abused him verbally and physically, and it was not mutual. Some women are abusive – to their kids, siblings, partners (male or female), and underlings at work. Everyone knows that, right? People shared online that their dad was similarly abused by their mom (yes, even physically). For me it’s my mom and sister, and I’ve had to cut off contact with my family. It is real and confusing and painful. Many women who were abused by men believed Johnny Depp. AH’s dishonesty and abusiveness are obvious if you watch for yourself, especially if you’ve experienced it.If you care enough to comment, why not watch the trial, and read the comments from other survivors? I assume it’s all still online. I liked Emily Baker’s channel. Lawyer You Know was also good.

  • anders221-av says:

    Terrible person known for being terrible, who was also terrible to another terrible person known for being terrible – and terrible to each other – was also terrible to someone else?Stop. The. Presses!

  • MatWak-av says:

    Apparently Lola and I have a different definition of ‘reamed’

  • cantthinkofacoolusername-av says:

    She should go take a shit in his bed and blame it on the dog.

  • mavar-av says:

    What’s reamed?

  • nuttsymcgee-av says:

    I suppose she has proof of this, right? Convenient timing.

  • mongoose1-av says:

    23 years ago!  Really?  Is her career in a funk?  

    • steverman-av says:

      I liked her in the first season of The Expanse – Captain Shaddid, who gave Miller the assignment to track down Julie Mao.

      • cmallentoo-av says:

        She’s been great in every role I’ve ever seen her in. She’s also a prime example of how Hollywood is *not* a place driven by talent. Because despite being a great actress, she’s never really been front and center in any show or movie. The closest she got was her role in Criminal Minds (and I absolutely understand why anyone would want to cut that kind of toxic darkness out of their lives; that’s a rabbit hole few people would want to explore). Meanwhile, the industry is filled with highly paid hacks who can barely act their way through a still frame…
        And before the whole ‘difficult to work with’ excuse might come in, so what? Other major stars are never responded to in the same manner, as evidenced by the rampant doucebaggery. So even if she might (and I stress might, because I don’t know, and nobody else has said so) be difficult to work with, that clearly doesn’t fucking matter in Hollywood. Even the biggest assholes get a never-ending supply of free passes. And that doesn’t begin to cover Hollywood’s *criminal* assholes who get the same supply of free passes.Clearly, being an awful person is no different than having no talent — it has little or no bearing on someone’s success in Hollywood.

  • milligna000-av says:

    “an episode of the Powerful Truth Angels”bit on the nose there

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I’m pretty sure that was an anime I watched in the late 80s.“Powerful Truth Angel Action Love Team, go!”

  • bryanrmorris-av says:

    This tracks. I long ago put Depp on the same avoid seeing their movies list as all the has-been actors who are trying to revive their careers by becoming Republican, Christian, or MAGA darlings.

    • thegt-av says:

      One been watching them all again. Great performances.

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        Look at that… an illiterate defender of abuse. I’m *shocked* that these things have such overlap in people.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      ..the one thing I’ll say for him is he’s going down the revive my career by” still being really well liked in France somehow” rather than the right wing route.

  • jbheinous-av says:

    When she originally told this story years ago, she left out the entire Demme part and said it was due to her constant cushion pushers (farts)

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    in the butt?

  • imnottalkinboutthelinen-av says:

    That headline is some flagrant false advertising. 

  • thegt-av says:

    An actor should be able to take both criticism and direction. She could do neither and couldn’t even explain that she was just doing what was asked of her. What a joke.

  • johnc456-av says:

    She managed to piss off JOHNNY DEPP on set? WTF did she do? -I don’t think we’re getting the whole story.

  • dsgagfdaedsg-av says:

    First time I’ve clicked on a page with “ream” and “blow” in the title that wasn’t on PornHub

  • whoopiecushionman-av says:

    It was 25 years ago. Get over it, wimp.

  • stryker1121-av says:

    That is a rough headline, but if that’s what she said, that’s what she said.What is it about money and fame that just totally dehuaminze some people?

  • wheresmybutt-av says:

    I thought Depp was codependent, but he may be borderline instead. He has extreme empathy for people and is known as the most generous celebrity around. But abusing strangers isn’t something codependent people typically do. His fashion sense suggests a lack of identity, and so does getting so wrapped up in a Boston accent that you turn into a Masshole

  • benjil-av says:

    So he yelled at her 23 years ago. And ? Are these people not real humans anymore ? People yell at each others all the time who cares ? And no I really don’t give a fuck about Depp and don’t like him particularly.

  • herrstreet-av says:

    I believe the phrase is “reamed her out.”

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    That this story has been the number one headliner for two days says a lot about your prioritization of entertainment news.

  • wereallywenttothemoon-av says:

    .The bigger they are, the…….um…….nicer they are…….

  • jacklejohn4769-av says:

    After all this time, this is called a smear tactic to make yourself relevant again.

  • aretino-av says:

    Tittle tattle.

  • sosgemini-av says:


  • darkbane77-av says:

    Non apology?………um….certainly sounds like an apology to me. The real Hollywood Ahole’s don’t even enter the ATMOSPHERE of a apology that day to the individual in private. 

  • cabbagehead-av says:

    So what. Glaudini will get sympathy from people who don’t know her or Depp but won’t get work out of this. 

  • villings-av says:

    and no-one was surprisedted demme was always a clown, too. I remember going to see this movie and it was meh, I guess, but in the end they show a picture of the character like you’re supposed to feel about him? f—king travesty

  • pjolicoe-av says:

    How is this news? So what. Some people are jerks. Deal with it outside of your “safe space”.

  • bigbudd45-av says:

    Fuck Depp.  Ive said it before, i didnt closely follow the trial, but everything i read and saw suggested too people, horribly suited for each other, responding in escalating levels of horribleness to each otehr and showing no maturity.  Amber…was in her fucking 20s and behaving like an immature 20 year old.  Depp in his fucking 50s acting like a fucking 20 year old.  Let him stay in purgatory.  He hasnt made a good movie in like 20 fucking years anyway.  Please no do another riff on Jack Sparrow.  One fun performance in the OG Pirates and then nothing but bs takes on it ever since.  Sad to hear he was a dick on Blow, back in the era where he was making great movies.  Fucking wealth and celebrity seems to warp the brains of just about all of these people.  Its why we all seem taken aback by a Keanu or someone who seem to still be humble or at least not full of himself.  

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