Louis CK begs fans to help him get his new movie into theaters

The disgraced comedian is trying to get his new indie flick Fourth Of July off the ground with a plea to fans

Aux News CK
Louis CK begs fans to help him get his new movie into theaters
Louis CK. Photo: Rich Fury

As 10 Things I Hate About You’s surly heroine Kat Stratford might say: What is it, asshole day?

As Johnny Depp celebrates a chilling victory and Harvey Weinstein refuses to stop appealing his felony sexual assault convictions, disgraced comedian Louis CK appears to have decided it’s also his turn for a comeback: his new indie film, Fourth Of July, is set for a limited theatrical release next month. The release comes less than a year after CK was awarded a Grammy for Best Comedy Album for Sincerely, Louis CK, on which he joked about his well-documented history of misconduct allegations. Nobody works harder in Hollywood than cancel culture!

CK fell from popular graces amidst the onset of the mass #MeToo movement in 2017, when five women accused him of sexual misconduct, specifically undressing and masturbating himself in front of them. CK admitted to, and apologized for, his behavior, and aside from a few stomach-churning Comedy Cellar sets, has remained largely away from the public eye.

Clearly, however, CK is ready for that to change. He announced his new film via his website, alongside a plea to fans to request the film in their local theaters. Fourth Of July will have a premiere at New York’s Beacon Theater on June 30, followed by screenings in Chicago and Boston on July 1 and 2, but it remains unclear if any large scale chains like AMC will screen the film, according to THR.

“We are still compiling and constantly adding to the list of theaters which I will post on the web page for the movie which is on my website,” CK wrote. “Also if you would like Fourth Of July to play at a theater near you, please contact the theater directly and ask for it.”

Fourth Of July stars comedian John List, who co-wrote the film with CK, as a New York City jazz pianist and recovering alcoholic who reunites with his shrewd family for an annual Independence Day vacation. Comedians Sarah Tollemache, Lynne Koplitz, Nick Di Paolo, Robert Kelly, and Tony V round out the cast.

“For me, it was fun as all fuck to direct and make a film again,” CK wrote on his website. “I felt able to look after the cast and focus on the look of the movie. Whether or not I did any of that properly, is up to pretty much everyone but me.”


  • milligna000-av says:

    He could always beg his fans to start jerking off in theater owners’ faces out of nowhere, but that might result in a small backlash a decade later.His faux-humility self deprecating act sure wears thin. But it’s comforting to know he’ll lose a few hundred thousand dollars or so on this.

    • antsnmyeyes-av says:

      I believe he asked for consent, at least, I think? How was he able to make a movie? Who is willing to work for him!??Like okay, maybe you were friends and/,or family so you might not write him completely out if your life…but who would want to associate themselves with him professionally? 

      • milligna000-av says:

        Not all the time. I’m sure he didn’t ask for consent to have his manager try to ruin their comedy careers afterwards.

        • antsnmyeyes-av says:

          True. Such an asshole. I really loved Louie but it’s unwatchable now. 

        • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

          Which time didn’t he ask “Hey, can I jerk off in front of you”?Please, tell me.If there was a single instance of that sort, it would take him from “Bad person” to “blackball,” in my book.

      • recognitions-av says:

        I’m not sure you understand how consent works

        • milligna000-av says:

          Oops, tangled my replies there. But the important bit:
          “Contrary to Breslin’s accounting, what C.K. did was not done with consent. We never agreed nor asked him to take all his clothes off and masturbate to completion in front of us. But it didn’t matter because the exciting part for him was the fear on our faces.”https://thecjn.ca/perspectives/opinions/counterpoint-i-didnt-consent-to-louis-c-k-masturbating-in-front-of-me/

          • recognitions-av says:

            Yeah and even if he did like, the number of guys who don’t seem to understand what a staggeringly inappropriate thing that is to just bust out and ask a woman you’re just hanging out with is more than a little disturbing

        • antsnmyeyes-av says:

          I just mean that he asked them beforehand so it wasn’t necessarily “out of nowhere”, but the consent factor is obviously more nuanced and I wasnt intending to say anything offensive. I’m sorry.

      • mr-rubino-av says:

        “I believe he asked for consent, at least, I think?”Which is why he got into trouble for those 4-6 long months, right?

      • nilus-av says:

        Even if he did, my understanding was he did this to women working for him which is a huge abuse of power. Especially in the entertainment industry given how cut throat it is. “Mind if I pull my dick, before you answer remember that this job pays your rent and I’m your boss” isn’t really asking for consent. 

        • antsnmyeyes-av says:

          I think he also intentionally ruined some of their careers. Shit-talked them and blocked them from getting work. Such a piece of shit. 

        • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

          As far as I’ve seen, none of them ever worked directly for him at any point.It was a “Salesman hitting on the HR interns” situation, where the generous interpretation is “Thought he was playing ‘in bounds’ but overstepped” and the other is “Specifically targeted women who weren’t his direct reports so he’d have plausible deniability.”

          • gargsy-av says:

            He did it with women who were literally being paid by him to perform as his openers.

            That’s not “salesman hitting on the HR interns”, it’s “boss hiring someone and then jerking off in front of them”.

      • kim-porter-av says:

        Many other comics.

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        Plenty of people probably still would. Hes not a leper or an axe murderer. And lots of people make up their own mind about it instead of mindlessly following the SJW mob.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        It’s a cast of ALL comedians which is extremely telling.

      • mr-smith1466-av says:

        Considering he was regularly working with major actors like Alan Alda, Edie Falco, Steve Buscemi and more prior to the controversy and now he’s made a movie starring a bunch of near nobodies, it’s at least reassuring that far fewer famous people are willing to work for Louis CK. 

        • gargsy-av says:

          “Considering he was regularly working with major actors like Alan Alda, Edie Falco, Steve Buscemi”

          He worked with Alan Alda, Edie Falco and Steve Buscemi once each, on the same project. That’s not “regularly” working with any of them.

  • impliedkappa-av says:

    Well, OK, but only if masturbating in front of people who are at such a power disadvantage that saying no is actually less comfortable than being in the room with a masturbating Louis CK is explicitly in their contracts. Wanna make sure we’re on the up-and-up here.

  • disqus-trash-poster-av says:

    I don’t get how anyone but the most desperate and hungry would sign on for this. His last movie was straight up shelved before a single person could see it making it an unprofitable venture. Why would any of the cast/crew think that working with him would result in something that would see the light of day and make them money?

    • recognitions-av says:

      Gina Carano and Kirk Cameron are available, I’m sure

      • nilus-av says:

        I’m not sure about that. According to the terrible parts of YouTube, this guy in a stupid mask is claiming his “sources” have said Gina Carano will be back on the Mandalorian, and get her own show and George Lucas is taking back Star Wars from the “Woke SJWs”’and Kathleen Kennedy is going be put on trail for the rape of their childhood.   I’m sure it will happen any day now 🙂

        • recognitions-av says:

          My eyes glazed over

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          I’m for replacing Gina’s character in previous episodes with a cheap cg creature just to watch The Fandom Morons’ hilariously lose their shit.

          • bewareofbob-av says:

            Ironically enough, Star Wars is one of the few things where “she died on the way back to her home planet” is actually a totally logical thing that might happen.

          • terranigma-av says:

            Yeah Idiots still believe Cancel Culture exists…

        • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

          Shit. You broke recognitions.The 40 year old, involuntarily celibate white men who fancy themselves the vanguard of the proletariat can’t process sarcasm.That’s why The Avocado exists.

        • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

          Ah, I see you’ve encountered Doomcock.

          • nilus-av says:

            Gotta wonder about the head space of a dude who decided his alter ego should have a name that sounds like a STD you got in the dark ages 

    • galdarn-av says:

      “His last movie was straight up shelved before a single person could see it”It was shelved before getting a theatrical release, but it screened at several film festivals before that.I, and many others, have seen it. It’s not very good, IMO.

    • icehippo73-av says:

      The pay for a majority of actors and crew has nothing to do with box office results, or even it sees the light of day. They work for the daily paycheck. 

    • thomas-h-av says:

      Some independent films get made without a massive profit motive!
      Some of them might even get discussed on this website

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      Because almost everyone on a film set gets all their money up front. Actors get residuals and bonuses as projects get seen, but they still make the vast majority of their money from the initial payment, unless they end up in Star Wars or Titanic or something.

    • babbylonian-av says:

      Assuming it was a union shop, the cast and crew were paid for their work. Even if it wasn’t a union production, they still got paid, just less.The people who need to recoup their money are the producers/production companies that fronted the money. For everybody else, they got their paychecks and don’t have to think about this movie again, at least not after adding it to their CVs.

    • kjordan3742-av says:

      You guessed it:

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    I would have imagined Netflix falling over themselves to pay several million dollars for exclusive rights to this.You might disagree with the idea of masturbating in front of your colleagues and fans in a tense situation with unclear boundaries, but you can’t say it’s not thoughtful or smart.

  • tjm19785150-av says:

    Why not Netflix they seem to embrace this sort of thing

  • socratessaovicente-av says:

    Before calling my local movie theater, I would insist he whip it out and start jerking off for me. And make eye contact the whole time.

  • turbotastic-av says:

    Oh no, you guys, a horny millionaire is being moderately inconvenienced. Look at the horrors that cancel culture has wrought.

  • cuzned-av says:


  • froot-loop-av says:

    Or:“…if you would NOT like Fourth Of July to play at a theater near you, please contact the theater directly and ask for it TO BE CANCELED.”

  • icehippo73-av says:

    “CK admitted to, and apologized for, his behavior…”So…what else should he do before trying to start his career up again? Yes, he’s a creep, but at least he apologized.

    • bobusually-av says:

      He’s done nothing to indicate that his attitude, views, or behavior have changed. An apology without genuine repentance isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. 

      • icehippo73-av says:

        I imagine his behavior has changed, or we would have heard about it. 

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          “I imagine his behavior has changed”Kinda hard to keep getting away with being a secret sex pest with a Nice Guy front when you’re caught.

        • ndlb-av says:

          This is a key point that never gets addressed. It seems obvious that, at some point, he realized that what he was doing was effed-up, and, well, stopped doing it (and began apologizing for it in his act, if you were paying attention). If anything, as he gained popularity, he could have gotten away with it MORE.

        • noreallybutwait-av says:

          His behavior does seem to have changed, in that (if his post-scandal comedy is any indication) he has leaned into the bigoted, “they’re-trying-to-cancel-me!” narrative and his routines now have the standard anti-trans “one joke” and a bunch of grumpy old man bits about kids these days being too “woke” or coddled, or whatever.So changed, yes, but not for the better.

      • bigal72b-av says:

        Has he tried to make amends for his misdeeds? Has he done anything to undo the hurt he caused? The careers he significantly set back, if not completely ruined?
        Saying sorry is easy. Rehabilitation takes work. It’s only been 5 years, and I don’t think he’s done anything significant in that time to show true rehabilitation. I doubt I’ll ever be a fan of his again, no matter what, but whatever he has done so far is not even close to enough.

        • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

          Gonna be real…shutting up for 5 years outside of club shows makes me a lot more likely to believe he’s genuinely worked to make things right than if he  had been plastering all of his “Work” on social media.

        • luisxromero-av says:

          plus a global pandemic doesn’t really present a lot of opportunities to be a better person in a professional environment. I think 2 out of those 5 years shouldn’t count. 

      • ibell-av says:

        The apology was for his victims. It’s up to them to decide to accept it or not. What does his apology have to do with you? Good thing the “paper it’s printed on,” will never have to hold up to your scrutiny. Unless somewhere at some point, he asked you if he could masturbate in front of you. I don’t know, maybe he did. In which case, I apologize.

        • luisxromero-av says:

          but we’re his, for lack of a better word, customers. It is up to the general public to decide if his apology was enough in order to patronize his business again. Court of public opinion matters when your job is to be in front of people.

          • ibell-av says:

            Thats called choice. Your outrage or acceptance is 100% irrelevant to the situation. All you can do is pass judgment. Sure you can complain about being offended, but is that effective at anything other than projecting shame when you aren’t the focus of someone else’s’ transgression?

      • hatlock-av says:

        Ah, but what is genuine repentance? Who decides this? This sounds like something you could make a religion out of…

      • theonewatcher-av says:

        What did Mel Gibson do?

      • aikimoe-av says:

        There’s no evidence that his behavior hasn’t changed, is there? He apologized to the women in 2007 and no one has accused him of similar behavior since then. I work with people getting out of prison. Besides recognizing what they did was wrong and not repeating the behavior, what do we expect of people who have done bad things before we grant them the grace to make a living and a new life for themselves?

        • sjfwhite-av says:

          Agreed – who are any of us to say that someone isn’t entitled to the opportunity to redeem themselves?  I suspect that if there was news that Louis CK had gained success in bagging groceries, many people would be “yes-but”ing that success.

          • destron-combatman-av says:

            Lol shut the fuck up if you’re going to purposefully misconstrue other people’s words.. All he has ever had is “the opportunity”, more so than other people in Hollywood. He isn’t entitled to success. Especially when ruining the opportunity he was given… for years. Repeatedly. Without remorse. 

        • necgray-av says:

          “a new life”Except it’s the *same life*. Name another job where a person in upper management could whip out his dick at subordinates multiple times and still work in that same industry, even in the same building!

          • aikimoe-av says:

            If the behavior was stopped 15 years ago and 10 years before it was widely known, responsibility was taken and apologies made, I don’t see why not. People change. That’s the whole point of parole. It’s why we had the “ban the box” campaign. It’s a liberal position. It’s inherently conservative to say that people who behave badly at one point in their life should be punished for the rest of their lives even if they’ve taken responsibility and stopped the bad behavior.

      • jimbis-av says:

        If his behavior hadn’t changed, we would hear about it in a hot second.

      • capeo-av says:

        I’m pretty sure his behaviors have changed, and I have no idea what “repentance” means. Do you want public flagellation? You’re never really going to know if some famous person’s “views” changed. I focus on them not doing bad shit anymore.

        • ndlb-av says:

          The fact that all of the allegations were from many years ago (arguably before he was famous enough to have any real “power”) is pretty ironclad proof that he changed his behavior.

      • madwriter-av says:

        Tell me Bob, what can he do to repent in your opinion? As far as I know he hasn’t slapped it in front of anyone for a while.

      • cew-smoke-av says:

        How do you know this?

      • peterevans1-av says:

        He didn’t do anything wrong, so there is nothing to forgive.

      • mikedubbzz-av says:

        But why do they even have to change? His behavior is weird, but what exactly was truly wrong with it to begin with? By all accounts, he always asked for and got permission first before he did what he did, and there is nothing illegal with his weird kink. That is ultimately what this seems to come down to, kink-shaming.

      • jmyoung123-av says:

        What are you looking for? He ceased doing it long before it became public.

      • jimzipcode2-av says:

        He’s done nothing to indicate that his attitude, views, or behavior have changed. An apology without genuine repentance isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.Louis’ story becomes a lot more interesting when you realize that the actions reported-on in the 2017 NYT piece all occurred a dozen or more years earlier. The incident with Dana Goodman & Julia Wolov was 2002. The phone conversation with Abbie Schechner was 2003. The incident on-set with Rebecca Corry was 2005.
        Louis’ second daughter was born in 2005; his eldest turned three that year.Louis’ whole “breakthrough” period happened after that. Lucky Louis on HBO, the Shameless special, Chewed-Up, Hilarious, Louie the TV show, One Mississippi; that was all after the incidents covered in the NYT piece.I think his attitude, views & behavior all changed around 2005 or so, creating the “enlightened”-ish viewpoints that propelled his best work. Repentance is visible all over the place in those years, including support for women in comedy.Which makes his fall-from-grace very ironic.

      • toecheese4life-av says:

        I think for some of us one of issues was that one of his
        first performances back was to complain about cancel culture and make
        fun of the Parkland kids. I was naive I guess but actually expected him
        to like…self reflect and come up with a routine that was funny but
        also about accountability.
        I was rooting for him to turn this around but now it’s just too late and he really can’t do anything to make me a fan now.

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      There’s no answer to that question. Some people will forgive CK, or at least be willing to give him money. Others won’t. He might have a successful career again or he might not. It’s not as if he’s entitled to one.

      • kim-porter-av says:

        Agreed, but the reverse is also true. I have no idea how the film will do, but clearly there’s an audience for his stand-up. Yet certain people (not saying you) seem to advocate for his avenues toward that getting walled off, so he can’t perform even when people clearly want to see him and will pay money.

      • fever-dog-av says:

        I will watch it. I like his art. I also completely agree with everyone who won’t for whatever reason they provide. This blow to his career is justified. But I still like his art.

        • sneedbros-av says:


        • camillamacaulay-av says:

          Same.  His new special (that he won the Grammy for) is absolutely hysterical.

        • madwriter-av says:

          Stop using common sense! It’s funny how AVClub feels it necessary to slam Louis CK for making a movie when they could simply ignore him and not give him free press.

        • sjfwhite-av says:

          And the comments about being “entitled to success” IMHO are off the mark. He is clearly putting the work in and if he gets success, arguably it will be earned rather than being given to him. I watched the trailer for this movie (I encourage other commenters to do that before passing judgment on the project) and it looks very interesting. Also, CK is the director of the movie and appears to only play a bit part as the protagonist’s therapist. The movie appears to feature themes related to dealing with one’s past, compulsions, addictions, and acceptance.  I’ll be interested in watching it for the sake of the movie itself rather than who made it.

          • fever-dog-av says:

            Nobody is entitled to a sale of their product. And people are free to organize themselves to try to prevent a product from being sold unless they’re doing something illegal (libel or whatever). So I don’t begrudge anyone for trying to get others to go along with not buying Louis CK’s products. That’s their right to do so and there are good reasons. I’m not sad that his career nosedived because he deserved it. But I like the products he’s selling (loved Horace and Pete) and so I’ll keep buying it. I think he really, really, really fucked up but I’m fine with what punishment he got and so I’m willing to buy what he’s selling. I fully realize that I’m giving him latitude here that I wouldn’t with other sexual harassers because I like his products but then his crimes aren’t in the same league as others. He’s a creep but not a rapist. It’s not clear to me if he ruined careers—which would be really bad although still short of rape—so I can’t really personally use that metric. He will always be a joke until he dies because of this stuff but you reap what you sow. It really is too bad since he was at the height of his career just before the news came out and really on the verge of permanently crossing over from stand-up with a hit TV show to some kind of prestige arthouse director. That’s impossible now because of what he did and how bad, sour, shitty, ridiculous, pathetic, disgusting, filthy, silly, and hurtful what he did was. You reap what you sow. If he never gets to be a prestige arthouse director then so be it. But, I’ll check out what he does and maybe it’ll be good.

      • camillamacaulay-av says:

        Exactly. Neither is Ezra Miller.

      • arminiushornswaggle-av says:


    • gdtesp-av says:

      You’re asking the wrong question. Why do I have to give him my business?

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        I mean…there’s a quick and easy answer to your question:You don’t.

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        you dont.

      • artemisdog-av says:

        You don’t. And why would you ever think you have to? I don’t give thousands of things my business. Regardless of their transgressions. 

      • madwriter-av says:

        You don’t.

        • gdtesp-av says:

          Thanks.Most people saw where I was going with that. You were bold enough to show how you didn’t. Well done.

      • robbanybody-av says:

        Basically this. His “career” is just fine. Hes making things, reaching out to people and getting money for his projects. Now getting an audience the size of what he once had… That is a different story. Just because he apologized doesn’t mean I am compelled to want to give him money. If he can get his projects funded and move forward more power to him. But I and many others aren’t going to be involved

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        I don’t know. Why do black people keep giving Tyler/Perry money?

        • inspectorhammer-av says:

          Tyler/Perry?  Is this like a Jeckyll and Hyde situation where Perry Tyler is the evil alter ego of Tyler Perry?

      • menage-av says:

        Do you really? I don’t give tons of people my business. Somehow we’re getting worked up on other giving it to him mostly.

        • gdtesp-av says:

          If you’re worked up over this you need to talk to a therapist and aquire some anger management tools.Calm down, ma’am.The rest of us are handling this like adults. 

          • menage-av says:

            You self reflection is broken right now if you start calling me in need of therapy based on a simple conversation. You really need to stop projecting or can’t deal with simple counterpoints, take your pick.

          • gdtesp-av says:

            Somehow we’re getting worked up…You started it.Again, calm down ma’am.

      • bdylan-av says:

        you don’t. not sure who said you had to.

        • gdtesp-av says:

          It is implied in the subtext of the very first comment in this thread. I was pointing out the incorrect nature of that implication.Do try keeping up.

      • jmyoung123-av says:

        You don’t. I believe the post was in response to articles lamenting his request (and incidentally, giving it more exposure, although the modern AVClub does not have that wide an audience).

    • djclawson-av says:

      I don’t know. It’s weird now. He always had pervy comedy, but he presented himself as a helpless, hapless underdog while he was doing it. Now we know he was a very powerful and well-respected comedian whose disapproval could ruin careers, so that pierces that veil and his creepy jokes just become … creepy.

      • ndlb-av says:

        He was a virtual unknown at the time of these incidents; not even close to “powerful”.

      • dopeheadinacubscap-av says:

        Yeah, the concept of “separating the art from the artist” is thornier than people want to admit, I think (and it’s way less complicated when it’s about someone who’s not, you know, still working). For example, the episode where he harasses Pamela Adlon’s character that ends with her saying something like “you’re lucky you’re so pathetic no one would ever be intimidated by this” no longer feels like a trenchant admission of an abashed internal life, but something he actually did, and that many women WERE intimidated by. So not fun to watch anymore.

        • luisxromero-av says:

          It’s the same reason I can’t really watch any Kevin Spacey movies anymore. Things like American Beauty age really badly (in general) but particularly when the main actor is a pedofile and a creep. It’s harder to separate the artist from the artwork when the artwork so closely mimics the terrible shit the artist does in his spare time.

      • drips-av says:

        Yes exactly. I was like.. the hugest fan. The underdog bill of sale was a big part of that. If anything he makes me mad at myself for not seeing it before. I guess if there’s ANY plus it’s made me do some self reflection. On Standup in general. Hell I met my partner when she was doing standup. She ended up leaving because it’s such a toxic place. Just the worst. Boys club.

    • recognitions-av says:

      Where did he apologize

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      Get another job? Forgiveness doesn’t mean staying famous/popular.

      • jmyoung123-av says:

        Sure, but he’s really talented at his profession and it would be a shame if he went away.  

        • necgray-av says:

          He’s not the only talented comic. We are spoiled for options. There’s no need to give a shit if he goes away.

    • nightriderkyle-av says:

      He could’ve not made those jokes about the parkland survivors.

    • geralyn-av says:

      Except he didn’t apologize at all. Nowhere in his statement did he say the words “I’m sorry” or “I apologize”.

    • iboothby203-av says:

      Make amends to those he hurt. To those whose careers his people threatened if they told the truth about what happened to them. Show there’s been a change or it’ll show that people in power don’t need to. 

    • turbotastic-av says:

      People aren’t entitled to successful entertainment careers.Also, unrelated to him being a predator (even though that’s more important) Louis CK’s self-pitying brand of comedy was just kinda one-note and got boring after a while. Plus his whole middle-aged Charlie Brown persona feels really manufactured now that we know he was actually a powerful Hollywood creep.

      • cinecraf-av says:

        This.  I feel much the same about Aziz Ansari.  Granted, what he did differs from CK, but it revealed the extent to which the comedy both engaged in was a put on, a facade calculated to score points and frankly, lull fans into letting their guard down so they could take advantage of the situation.  They’re worse in a way than comics like Dane Cook or Andrew Dice Clay, who never tried to present themselves as anything other than who they were, as awful as they could be.

        • gdtesp-av says:

          Dane Cook is a good example.A contemporary of C.K. that used to sell out stadiums. I don’t recall him doing anything wrong yet he just doesn’t have the career he used to have.Because no one deserves fame and fortune.

      • necgray-av says:

        To be fair, his absurd material and father material was fantastic. He can eat shit and work in a shoe store for the rest of his life but I’m never going to call his comedy chops into question. He was my favorite prior to the revelation of his malfeasance.

    • sncreducer93117-av says:

      NO HE FUCKING DIDN’T. Go read his horseshit statement again.https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/10/entertainment/louis-ck-full-statement/index.htmlHe does not use the word “sorry.”He does not use any form of the word “apologize.”But you know what he DID do? He referred to his dick. TWICE. He can fuck off, forever, and hopefully go bankrupt enough that he never makes garbage films or TV shows ever again.

    • holographiclover-av says:

      let me guess, you’ve done some creepy shit too that you’d rather not be held accountable. even if thats not the case, thats exactly how it seems when you play devil’s advocate for rapey weirdos. maybe think more than -2 milliseconds about what insight defending a predator has on the truth of your character.

    • scruffy-the-janitor-av says:

      Had Louis kept a low profile for a few years and then made a tentative, apologetic return to comedy, I guarantee all would have been forgiven and he would have become fairly big again.Instead, he went the rightwing route of talking about snowflakes and cancel culture, cracking jokes about his accusations. Even if I accept his apology, that doesn’t sound like anything I want to support or watch.

      • jmyoung123-av says:

        “Instead, he went the rightwing route of talking about snowflakes and cancel culture, cracking jokes about his accusations. Even if I accept his apology, that doesn’t sound like anything I want to support or watch.”Where was this?I only remember this


      • necgray-av says:

        Almost right out of the gate he was taking swings at school shooting survivors. Huge WTF energy.

      • jimzipcode2-av says:

        Had Louis kept a low profile for a few years and then made a tentative, apologetic return to comedy, I guarantee all would have been forgiven and he would have become fairly big again.Instead, he…Eh. He took about 10 months off, then made a small-scale tentative return to comedy.It is his actual profession. CK lost a ton of revenue when the distributor cancelled the release of his film (not this current one, the one that was about to drop when the NYT piece broke in 2017, with Chloë Grace Moretz & John Malkovich & Helen Hunt.); FX pulled Louis; Tig Notaro severed his producer ties with One Mississippi; the studio re-cast the dog that Louis voiced in Secret Life of Pets 2; TBS scrapped the animated show he was working on for them. And I’m sure many stand-up shows got cancelled.I don’t mean that list above as a plea to feel sorry for poor, poor Louis CK. I’m just saying, he had jobs lined up that fell thru. He has two college-age daughters. He was never a model of successful hoarding; he gave away a big chunk of the earnings from the first special he released thru the direct-selling model from his web site. He funded the production of two movies that haven’t earned any receipts yet. It’s not a stretch to think that he might need to get out there and earn some money. And he only has the one marketable skill (well: two, stand-up and writing).He either has a right to work or he does not.

    • enderchild-av says:

      it changed the tone of his once-funny comedy. Lots of his jokes lose their luster when you realize he -really- was a creepy masturbator (something he has joked about a lot).  

    • pete-worst-av says:

      Gee, I dunno. Maybe he could try doing standup again and NOT shit on survivors of school shootings. Or hey, maybe he could do a Christmas movie! Everybody loves a Christmas movie.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      He’s a professional entertainer, and nobody is obliged to be entertained by him. People will be, which is why he currently has a career. Other people won’t be, which is why articles like this one exist. I don’t agree with people implying that if he did x, y, or z, he would resume the same level of popularity he enjoyed 7 or 8 years ago. But it’s also silly to imply that the most basic decency – like apologizing for terrible behavior – creates obligation for other people. Put differently, he was successful in a highly competitive field, and he lost his spot through his own actions. People have moved on. 

    • universeman75-av says:

      What a fucking thing to say. ‘He sexually assaulted multiple women, but at least he said he’s sorry!’ What’s wrong with your brain?

    • iamamarvan-av says:

      He “apologized” and then did a bunch of stand up about how unfair it is that this happened to him, so….

      • ndlb-av says:

        Please quote the parts of his act where he describes what happened to him as “unfair”.

      • blumptykin-av says:

        He never said it was unfair in either of his new specials.  Keep signaling your virtues, hero.  

    • titwindow-av says:

      “Sorry/not sorry I believe women are mere vehicles of my own pleasure? Give me money, please?”

    • marceline8-av says:

      It doesn’t matter what he does. He’s going to have to build his audience from scratch.

    • gordd-av says:

      I don’t believe he apologized other than he is sorry he got caught and sad this has made him a pariah.F that guy.  He and Depp can go disappear for all I care.

    • madwriter-av says:

      The man has to eat.

    • clayjayandrays-av says:

      He’s not owed a successful career in comedy. He has every right to go get a job somewhere else away from the public eye with considerably less power over people and their own careers. 

    • doctorbenway19-av says:

      His apology was horseshit and he’s spent the last half decade bitching about how much money he’s lost and appealing to a new audience of right wing dickbags. Something I find truly heartbreaking is that, when the scandal broke, and he admitted it, I wanted to hear him out. I felt that if there was one comedian capable of publicly reckoning with something like what he’d done, that it was him. His work until then was really special and really insightful. He has refused to do any such thing and his comedy has gone full resentful asshole.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I believe his apology was pretty roundly criticized for missing the point, not least of all because he apologized for not recognizing the power differential, but also strongly suggested that exposing himself to other women in other contexts was okay.He was also criticized for only apologizing after it became public and lying about it before then. 

    • laurenceq-av says:

      He was dragged kicking and screaming into a shitty “apology” once it became clear he had no choice after vehemently denying the allegations for years.

    • trlrgrl2-av says:

      He did, but then he went out and joked about it in his shows. It doesn’t exactly make people think he’s genuine about the apology.Honestly, Im a huge believer in forgiveness. But you have to SHOW that you mean it too. 

    • beeache-av says:

      And he can’t win with the “he hasn’t learned anything” or “shows no signs of improvement” set, who, idk, apparently know him personally and are in tune with his inner thoughts and emotions? 

    • cardstock99-av says:

      Doesn’t count if there’s not a bunch of platitudes and buzzwords in the apology. 

  • nilus-av says:

    I suspect post Depp/Heard verdict we are gonna see all the sex pests try to make come backs.  They are treating the verdict as a anti-#metoo rally cry

  • youngwonton-av says:

    This cognitive dissonance with the entertainment media – where they insist that Louis CK remain a pariah but continue to report on every single thing he does in his career – is fascinating.

    • voidvisitor-av says:

      It’s the same thing with Morrissey. Anytime he does anything its posted about with the tone of “dont you wish this was the last time you’ve heard about him?”

    • lilnapoleon24-av says:

      What you’re describing doesn’t exist, you and everyone who starred your comment are right wing chuds

      • icehippo73-av says:

        The fact that this article exists shows that it does. Because they know it’ll get a lot of clicks. 

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          Very profound observation.

        • holographiclover-av says:

          damn, you really must be an actual predator considering you have two comments in this thread invested in defending sex pests. just say you’re a sex pest yourself and think sex pests like you should have rights. just admit it and you dont have to hide behind this false virtue that predators like CK and yourself are simply misunderstood.

        • bewareofbob-av says:

          lol remember when this hellsite was all like, “Now that Donald Trump is out of the White House we are TAKING A STAND and REFUSING to cover his antics anymore!!” and it’s like yeah great, good for you, it’s five years too late for that high horse but whatever.

      • thomas-h-av says:

        It very clearly is true and it’s honestly not that controversial. Journalists write about what they think will drive traffic to their website. I don’t see why any rational person would want to disagree.

        Oh and I can only speak for myself, but I have never, not once, in my entire life considered voting for anyone other than the candidate left of centre.

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        No, it totally does.

      • youngwonton-av says:

        Hilarious that this person calls people “chuds” when their discussion history is littered with them antagonizing and insulting people unprovoked, anonymously on the internet. Seems like some pretty CHUD-like behavior to me.And I’ve never voted Republican in my life, you silly goose. Kindly direct your woefully misguided outrage at somebody else.

        • holographiclover-av says:

          yeah you’re not a republican you’re just a predator trying to defend other predators because you’re terrified that once one predator his held accountable, you’ll be held accountable too.and before you deny it maybe explain why someone who isnt a predator would try so desperately to defend other predators

          • youngwonton-av says:

            Remarking upon the media’s hate boner for CK is not the same as defending him. Every comment in a discussion does not always get neatly sorted into “for” or “against.” Try injecting a modicum of nuanced consideration into your thought processing skills before expressing yourself next time, you goofy little goober.

      • crankymessiah-av says:

        Youre on an article about Louis CK which repeatedly implies that he should no longer have a career while also discussing his movie, claiming that articles of that exact nature dont exist. I mean….-an extreme liberal

      • recognitions69-av says:

        To be fair, this is the only website I frequent that reports on what Louis is up to these days.

      • sh0gun-av says:

        And everyone who starred your comment is…oh, wait. Only three people did. Never mind.

      • jmyoung123-av says:

        What do you believe was inaccurate? The point is why publish an article about him, even if it’s just to bash him, if you believe he should go away?

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Yeah I was wondering about that too. That last paragraph sure looks like an advertisement for CK’s film. Why bother telling us the plot and actors involved if the tone of your article is that we shouldn’t be giving this attention?

    • gargsy-av says:

      It’s too bad you don’t understand what cognitive dissonance is, OR what the point of a news site is.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:


  • thepeachpit-av says:

    I mean I know the guy is desperate but working with infamous family annihilator John List is a step too far in my book

  • teageegeepea-av says:

    People who lose in court appealing is quite normal. That’s how the system works here. It would only be notable if Weinstein’s appeal was successful (as happened in Cosby’s case).

  • misterbaby-av says:

    I still love Louis but I don’t care much about his filmmaking career. If the film is well-reviewed, I would consider buying or renting it from his website but I wouldn’t see it in a theater. Hopefully he’ll get back to more stand-up soon. That’s all I want from him as a fan.I think the tone of this article is tiresome. Anyone who would prefer to ignore Louis forever as a result of his actions, by all means ignore him forever.

    • necgray-av says:

      Oh, are you *tired* of the sex pest getting called out for his sex pestery?This site has been pretty consistent in their coverage of Louis. If you would prefer to not read articles like this, by all means ignore them forever.

      • oboe-kenoboe-av says:

        I agree with Rob – in articles like these, the lack of a nuanced moral conversation and the general sense of shaming anyone for not hating Louie is tiresome. I’m a woman and I don’t think what he did was ok by any means. It also seems to me from listening to interviews he’s been in since that he has genuinely learned from it, done what he could to extend apology and support to the people he’s wronged ( maybe not in the public forum but I respect that even more; he didn’t harass his fans on Twitter so why should he apologize to all of Twitter? He owes no apologies except to his victims directly). That’s my personal criteria for forgiveness, and maybe other people will never extend him any forgiveness (which is their right), but in the current cultural dialogue you’re made to feel equivalent to a sex pest yourself if you are forgiving. All I’m asking is that people who accept Louie’s apologies and want to see his special be allowed to support him without being degraded in comments sections like these. Choosing when & whether to extend grace to someone who’s fucked up horribly is a personal moral decision and maybe people can make that decision for themselves without being shouted down? (And maybe we can stop arguing about it so much and let him put forth content somewhere without constant scrutiny, but knowing media & fan obsessiveness that may be too much to ask).

        • necgray-av says:

          Two of his victims Tweeted their disgust about his Grammy win.Nobody shouted anyone down. Hattie used a heavy dose of sarcasm. I’d say that was pretty tame.And again, this is a very consistent position on this site. You don’t like it, jog on.And ffs, if he didn’t want constant scrutiny maybe he shouldn’t have whipped out his dick at his workplace in front of people who were for all intents and purposes his subordinates. Comedy doesn’t make you immune from standards of professional behavior. Stop excusing malfeasance in the arts. Go start a rally for Frank Langella or something.

        • galdarn-av says:

          “also seems to me from listening to interviews he’s been in since that he has genuinely learned from it, done what he could to extend apology and support to the people he’s wronged”Citation?

      • jmyoung123-av says:

        But the irony is, if you believe Louis should go away, why would you give him free press?

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      My counter argument is that Louis attempting to make a Hollywood comeback IS the tiring part here.

    • swearwolf616-av says:

      Found another creep.

    • fuckkinjatheysuck-av says:

      Anyone who would prefer to ignore Louis forever as a result of his actions, by all means ignore him forever.I mean, I’d prefer to ignore him, but I seem to read about him on websites like this one every time he makes a move. That’s just my two cents. If I have to read an article about him every month or so, they might as well review his comedy specials while they’re at it.

      • galdarn-av says:

        Not a single article has been forced upon you. You made the choice to click on this article and every other article you’ve ever clicked on that was about Louis CK.If you cant handle it, that’s your fucking problem.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “If I have to read an article about him every month or so”

        You don’t ever have to read another article about him. Nor did you ever have to read one previously. Your problem. If you can’t stop reading articles about Louis CK, it’s not his fault, it’s yours.

    • iamamarvan-av says:

      And those that would prefer to ignore articles about the disgusting piece of shit they admire can by all means ignore them forever 

    • bewareofbob-av says:

      “I think the tone of this article is tiresome”Welcome to The AV Club, where even the articles you agree with make you want to instinctually take a stand against them, just to spite the author.

    • mytvsays-av says:

      He hasn’t been away from stand up, he literally put out a new hour of material on his website last week.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “he literally put out a new hour of material on his website last week.”

        He literally didn’t. His last hour of new material came out in December.

    • thatguyinphilly-av says:

      “I think the tone of this article is tiresome.”Louis C.K.’s name = clicks and comments, full stop. That’s what I find tiresome. There’s no voice of concern in the article, just self-righteous narcissism baiting social media anxiety. I wonder if this writer or the A.V. Club gives anything to charities for the victims of sexual abuse, or if they think persistently logging Louis C.K.’s every move is enough.

      • necgray-av says:

        Do you wonder? Really?Fuck off.

        • thatguyinphilly-av says:

          I wasn’t defending Louis C.K., just rhetorically wondering if the A.V. Club follows up on the muck it rakes in any meaningful way. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I also don’t think it’s a bad thing to point out that the social media echo chamber fixates on brandishing criminals while largely ignoring the other side of their crimes: the victims.
          It’s easy for writers to preach to the choir; to say Louis C.K. deserves to be bagging groceries at a Walmart in Terre Haute. It also generates a lot of likes and comments, and thus a sense the writer accomplished something meaningful. But that’s pure ego. From Harvey Weinstein to Louis C.K. to Jeremy Pivan, what has the A.V. Club done but maintain their relevances at the behest of ad sales via clicks and comments? Stories about the women in Hollywood risking their careers to expose the gross injustices in their fields don’t sell ads because they take on the depressing tasks of putting faces on the victims and asking for active change. That requires empathy and action in lieu of anger and an armchair, and none of it drives social media engagement or inflates the ego of the Court of Public Opinion. So we continue to beat the Louis C.K. et al. ad-sales gift horse over the head, and say “fuck off” to anyone simply asking if we should be doing more.

  • nilus-av says:

    Maybe they should plan a huge screening. Get all the fans together in one room.   Not a mask in sight and I’m sure the Venn diagram of remaining Louis CK fans and anti-vaxxers is just a circle.  Then we just let nature work it out. 

  • batteredsuitcase-av says:

    There are people that are good enough at their chosen profession to get away with being a complete abusive asshole. None of them are in the arts.

  • caen2911-av says:

    “If you would like to see this, please call and ask for it” = begging.

  • the-allusionist-av says:

    Ease up, dude. You haven’t gotten distribution yet for your last movie.

  • misterpemberton-av says:

    They won’t let me bring a backpack into the theater. This guy’s trying to sneak in a whole movie.

  • atomicplane-av says:

    Joe List not John List.

    • theodorefrost---absolutelyhateskinja-av says:

      List and Mark Normand are how I heard about this movie. It looks decent. Putting my feelings about CK aside. It’s not a solo special. 

  • loz1111-av says:

    Haha so you’re making a news story from an email that you’ve got because you are on his mailing list? Then acting high and mighty. Good job 👍

  • dibbl-av says:

    “Can you believe that asshole Louis C.K. has a new movie? The unmitigated gall! Now let us ceaselessly promote that movie by telling you all about it and how you can see it.” Never change, A.V. Club.

  • thomas-h-av says:

    The headline is simply not true. Wilfully misrepresenting the facts only makes us sound untrustworthy. It makes me sad that journalists believe that the ends justify the means when it comes to criticism. Do better than that.

    For instance, He didn’t beg fans to do anything. He said in a long post about the film that fans can contact their local cinema if they would like to see the film played there.. I can’t see any independently made film producer saying anything different.I recommend a discussion in good faith around these topics rather than misrepresentation

  • nextchamp-av says:

    Don’t use your power to let women see you jerk off and maybe I’ll give a shit Louis.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      That’s generous of you to say. I, on the other hand, have no conditions because I don’t plan on watching this creep anymore.

    • jmyoung123-av says:

      He hasn’t for more than a decade, so is that good enough?

      • nilus-av says:

        Well let’s ask ourselves what he has done to make amends for his actions. Has he apologized directly to the women he did this too? Has he compensated them financially for their stress and anguish over the incident? Has he used his power and wealth to attempt to make sure this sorta thing doesn’t happen again to others?I believe people can redeem themselves but they need to show the work they are trying to do that. All Louis did was give a shitty apology, take a few years off and then win a Grammy.  I don’t feel like he has learned anything here or that he has changed.  

        • jimzipcode2-av says:

          Well let’s ask ourselves what he has done to make amends for his actions. Has he apologized directly to the women he did this too? According to the original NYT article from 2017, yes.

      • davidwizard-av says:

        Why should the time from a crime change our minds as to whether or not we should engage with them economically? Such a weird stance to take.“Robert stabbed someone, but it was ten years ago, so I definitely want to hire him as a babysitter now!”No. That’s not how the world works. If you want to pay him money, go for it. But asking other people to do the same makes you sound like a psycho.

        • jmyoung123-av says:

          So, in other words, we should always treat people based on the worst thing they did in their life. You sound like a reaonable person.

          • davidwizard-av says:

            You’re the one speaking in absolutes. So you’re saying you’d hire Louis CK as a babysitter? You’d let him go on the road alone with your daughter? I fucking doubt it.
            When someone commits multiple sex crimes, YES, they should expect to be judged by that behavior for the rest of their life. If you disagree, awesome: you hire him. You take on that liability. Suggesting others should adhere by your loose moral code is sociopathic.

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            LOL. You’re insane. (1) I would expect he would be fine with kids. Nothing he has done suggests he would not be. However,(2) You’re the reason ex-cons have so much trouble integrating into society. “Turned your life around? Fuck you, you can’t work here.”(3) We are talking about appreciating an artist again. I mean John Lennon beat his wife. A lot of people still like the Beatles.

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            I am not sure what happened to my last response, but while it’s neither here nor there with regard to LCK as an artists, I would totally be fine with him as a babysitter. I guess no one can ever grow and change in your world.  

  • beertown-av says:

    It’s pretty amazing, given how easy it is for powerful men to bounce back from this, that Harvey Weinstein went down hard, fast, and apparently permanently. I mean, that all happened like a downed fighter jet: Screaming, on fire, pieces falling off, straight to jail. And he’s far more powerful than Louis CK. Clearly this is the result of him pissing off too many other powerful people in his orbit. No one was going to circle the wagons for Harvey, and it’s not like he had throngs of adoring online jabronis who would make any excuse for him. The type of guy who listens to Joe Rogan and has a Joker avatar on their Twitter profile doesn’t give a fuck about Harvey.

    • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

      Eh. The difference between CK and Weinstein is why that episode of Always Sunny exists.

    • sethsez-av says:

      Harvey was the sacrificial lamb they could all agree on.

    • moraulf2-av says:

      Harvey straight-up raped, blackmailed, and also beat up a lot of people. He’s very unambiguously a criminal, not just a creep. 

      • fancykevin-av says:

        Yes that is the difference between an actual criminal and someone who the mob decided should be ruined for the rest of their life for some arbitrary set of reasoning.

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        ‘Beat up’? That bit’s news to me. He does not come across as a guy who can handle himself in a fight.

        • jmyoung123-av says:

          Long before the rape allegations came out, he was known for throwing things and physically threatening people. 

        • galdarn-av says:

          Well, it’s news to you so it must be fake.He was known for years before this shit as a volatile, explosive man who physically intimidated people alllll the fucking time.Every before #metoo he was never a well-liked person and was known to be a bully.But hey, you’re stupid and you didnt know that, apparently, despite it being talked about openly for decades, so I guess it’s not true. 

        • moraulf2-av says:

          Yeah, he had a reputation for literally attacking people with his hands and throwing things at people. I don’t think people typically fought back because he could destroy them professionally.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Being convicted of a violent felony and sent to prison does tend to end one’s career. 

  • norwoodeye-av says:

    That cast is not compelling.Disappointment that the wonderful Horace & Pete is forever tainted by this guy’s bullshit.

  • scottsummers76-av says:

    yeah, hate to say it, but if fucking drunk cokehead gf beater Depp gets let back in, Louis CK should be let back in.

  • scottsummers76-av says:

    I like his stand up but his movies suck. He wants to be Woody Allen-and not even the good, funny Woody Allen-the serious Woody Allen.

  • ndlb-av says:

    lol, still so thirsty to equate him to Weinstein, I see. You can whine and stomp your feet all you want, but people who are capable of nuanced opinions will never agree with you.  He paid a significant price, and is allowed to participate in society.  Time to move on.

  • capnandy-av says:

    Isn’t making people see things against their will his speciality

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    lol he could only cast comedians in this? Do actors not want to work with him?

    • dibbl-av says:

      Well, yeah, they don’t want to be guilty by association. John Malkovich, Steve Buscemi and Edie Falco’s agents aren’t going to let their clients get within 100 miles of a Louis C.K. set. Nick Di Paolo, on the other hand, is still available.

    • pete-worst-av says:

      They’re all a bunch of third rate comics who live off the teats of appearing somewhere with Bill Burr or Joe Rogan.

  • ghboyette-av says:


  • DLoganNZed-av says:

    And to him, I say: fuck you, wanker.Oh, wait…he wasn’t asking me as I am no longer a fan.

  • adamray-av says:

    Johnny Depps’ “Chilling victory”???

  • crankymessiah-av says:

    Joe List is the comedian in the movie. John List is anningamous murderer. Heaven forbid you take 2 seconds to look things up or check your work.This site gets worse and worse, and the current crop of writers seem to either have zero pride in their work, or they are just plain bad at their jobs.

  • fuckkinjatheysuck-av says:

    Y’know, part of cancelling someone is not writing about them unless they cause more problems.

  • frasier-crane-av says:

    Anyone troubled by this sad effort to restart his career can comfort themselves by stepping back and looking at the larger picture:- CK was in actuality penalized in his career and lifelong reputation, after riding high for a long time, and – tbqh – to a far greater extent than he would have received had the offenses gone through the court system (which, odds are, would have been punished civilly, not criminally). If that had been the case, his punishment would have lapsed long ago and he would be in the exact same boat he’s in now.- He’s one of the fairly small number of men that got ‘punished’ at all, even after all the completely justified long-time-earned sturm-und-drang of #metoo – so he’s one of the very-few cautionary-examples that exist as a warning to men to curb their shitty impulses.- Keep in mind that the *entertainment industry* is pretty much the ONLY American industry that underwent ANY sort of extensive self-scrutiny over sexual harassment and had many culprits and support systems exposed – only because the American consumer is inordinately curious about celebrity lives & showbiz. Except for a handful of ‘recognized name’ men, in the entire remaing >95% of the US business worlds, absolutely nothing ever changed a whit. But the backlash to #metoo certainly doesn’t seem confined to the entertainment industry at all. Ain’t that interesting.

    • dopeheadinacubscap-av says:

      My district’s representative in the House, Pramila Jayapal, managed to get some reforms to protect women who work in hospitality out of it; that’s the unalloyed good I get to cling to.

    • rogueindy-av says:

      “- Keep in mind that the *entertainment industry* is pretty much the ONLY American industry that underwent ANY sort of extensive self-scrutiny over sexual harassment and had many culprits and support systems exposed – only because the American consumer is inordinately curious about celebrity lives & showbiz. Except for a handful of ‘recognized name’ men, in the entire remaining >95% of the US business worlds, absolutely nothing ever changed a whit.”When I saw people still cracking priest jokes, I could tell there wouldn’t be a wider reckoning. Much easier to regard specific industries/organisations as problematic than admit that this shit is everywhere.

  • aikimoe-av says:

    That didn’t really seem like “begging,” did it? Also, he hasn’t “remained largely away from the public eye,” as he’s been performing fairly steadily for years. And the star of the film is NY comedian Joe List, not John.

  • det--devil--ails-av says:

    You’re equating Louis CK with Harvey Weinstein?

  • jlrobbinsdewalt-av says:

    I’d never watch it, so I don’t care if it gets picked up or not. But then I was never a fan of his ‘comedy stylings’.

  • fartovsky-av says:

    This site used to be one of my favorites. I hung in through the atrocious takeover, and still check it all too frequently out of mere habit. I am going to stop now, and try to forget the av club ever existed. Great writing and real insight has been soured by filtering everything through a political lens. It’s not funny, and its not fearless. This shit read like directives from Big Brother presented by the most vindictive woman at the office.  Enjoy the echo chamber!

  • davidmunk-av says:

    “Fourth Of July stars comedian John List . . .”

    The movie stars *Joe* List, who is a comedian. John List, on the other hand, is a famous murderer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_List

    Pretty astonished that this article has been up for nearly 24 hours without a correction. Zombie AV Club not doing great I guess.

  • mrfallon-av says:

    Does anyone else find the insistence on repeatedly detailing the specific acts of misconduct a bit troubling?  I’m not saying don’t do it but try to do it in a less gossipy or salacious tone, or just link to an article that goes into detail or something.  It’s either misconduct or it’s not (and it is) so the whole “get a load of this sick shit” vibe just feels off.

  • eatthecheesenicholson3-av says:

    At least it doesn’t have a makes-people-throw-up-in-their-mouths title like “I Love You, Daddy.” Still not going to watch it.

  • terranigma-av says:

    Why bring Johnny Depp into this? He did not abuse Ambor as confirmed by the court. Stop making every man an abuser by default.

    • jon9864-av says:

      Man bad, woman good. 

    • recognitions-av says:

      Tell that to the UK court

    • davidwizard-av says:

      He openly admitted to abusing her. Just because the jury got it wrong doesn’t mean the rest of us have to pretend he didn’t confess, and that he didn’t lose his case in the UK.Suck his dick somewhere else – your comment is unseemly.

    • craigtstaley-av says:

      The court didn’t confirm that he didn’t abuse Amber. The court confirmed that Amber violated an NDA when she wrote an article about the abuse.

  • helpiamacabbage-av says:

    I did like Pootie Tang a lot, but Louis CK makes me feel bad for liking Pootie Tang as much as I did.

  • thingamajig-av says:

    Whatever else there is to say about this, “begs” seems like an overly strong description of the language used in the email.

  • Frankenchokey-av says:

    Apparently at The AV Club, where no one is ever allowed to do anything ever again after getting in trouble, “if you would like Fourth Of July to play at a theater near you, please contact the theater directly and ask for it” = begging fans.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    He’s going to browbeat theaters into showing his dumb movie? So now he’s not just a “sex pest”, he’s determined to be a cinema pest?
    “a New York City jazz pianist and recovering alcoholic who reunites with his shrewd family for an annual Independence Day vacation.”
    This sounds unfuckingwatchable.

  • menage-av says:

    “and apologized for, his behavior, and aside from a few stomach-churning Comedy Cellar sets, has remained largely away from the public eye.”Here’s where I always get a bit “how long do you want a prisoner to be kept in jail dear Republicans!, eternally?!”. It’s fucking biased as fuck on what the right, but also the left thinks is worth redeeming and when they get a “outta jail” card

  • xdmgx-av says:

    Its pretty fucking pathetic that you are comparing Johnny Depp to Louis C.K. and Harvey Weinstein.  I get it though.  All are white males, so very bad.

  • mikedubbzz-av says:

    CK should have never been ‘cancelled,’ by all accounts, he always asked for and got permissions before jackin’ it in front of others. Is it gross? Is it creepy? Absolutely, but where is the crime? Where is the abuse? Where is the lack of consent? Ultimately what happened, is CK got kink-shamed and cancelled because of what gets him off (and what gets him off, while gross and weird is completely legal mind you). I’m sure that many of the same people that were happy his career went down the toilet have their own weird kinks that they would prefer the world not be made aware of, and also don’t believe disqualifies them from their career.I’m sorry I don’t mean to go off, but this one has always upset me.  There are plenty of cancellations that have been justified, this one has always felt less justified than when James Gunn was.

  • FredDerf-av says:

    I’m pretty sure it’s comedian JOE List. JOHN List is, well, a very different person.

  • freshness-av says:

    A massive wanker and no mistake.

  • hasselt-av says:

    Has CK been “largely out of the public eye”? He seems to have remained very much under the AVClub’s notice, considering how often this website has published articles about him.

  • avenuebistheplacetobe-av says:

    I’m not apoloizing for Louis C.K. here and believe what he did was wrong and it’s good he took a break. But it’s time he came back.I think Louis was ignorant of the harm he caused and blind to the power discrepancy. I realy don’t think he thought about or understood that dynamic, and at the time was the type of person who, if he had, would have kept his kink to people who would have not been coerced or felt compelled. Had he known, he wouldn’t have been into that, I believe. I don’t think he would have been able to put that in his apology for legal reasons. His apologies were as good as his advisors allowed him, based on the public vitriol and height of the welcome meetoo movement. As someone who thinks his last two television shows were brilliant, I think that enough time has gone by for distributors to start backing him if his films or shows are good enough (I think his films are mediocre at best), and people will accept him again. What he did does not rise to the level of a 5-year shunning, and I think his “sentence” has been served and he deserves a second act. I don’t want to be deprived of his art because people feel he wasn’t repentant enough or is unredeemable.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    “Disgraced comedian.” lol…

  • chrispeterson72-av says:

    He already had his comeback.  You know that, but it doesn’t fit your article.

  • snaxodus-av says:

    His return will be heartily welcomed by all those who have tired of infantile gatekeepers like those that have ruined the once great AVC brand.

  • trlrgrl2-av says:

    Sort of like the women he made watch him jerk off begged him to stop? 

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    he should threaten to masturbate in front of anyone who thinks he deserves a second chance but hasn’t blown up their local theater’s phone line demanding they screen it. I mean, the people who complained about what he did are just being hypersensitive, right? (that was sarcasm)

  • retromancer-av says:

    Louis CK probably had the easiest road to redemption of all the men behaving badly in the me too era, but he just decided to double down and make his standup about how oppressed he is by cancel culture. 

  • donfrogs-av says:

    He did his time in the little progressive penalty box. Now time to be funny again. 

  • beeache-av says:

    I refuse to consume any media or work or art unless the creators are 100% morally pure, and their backgrounds are thoroughly checked out, and corroborating evidence of purity shared publicly for verification for at least 5 years prior to a work’s release. Now, we are pretty sure Paul McCartney checks out fine, barely, but we have huge holes in Shakespeare’s timeline, so we are canceling him for now.

  • twenty0nepart3-av says:


  • arminiushornswaggle-av says:


  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Is this another one of those morbing times you kids are always going on about?

  • dillon4077-av says:

    AV Club denounces Louis C.K. repeatedly and to such an extent that they will not stop giving him free publicity.

  • zabella-av says:

    Comedians Sarah Tollemache, Lynne Koplitz, Nick Di Paolo, Robert Kelly, and Tony V round out the cast.Di Paolo has gone so far to the right, when this movie tanks, expect him to go on and on about the suppression of conservative comedy* and the movie being sabotaged by PC critics.*They seem to be operating under the belief that labeling something as “satire” or “comedy” is what makes it funny, not whether or not anyone laughs.

  • mantle537-av says:

    I just read Sarah Silvermans book from 2010 and it has a lot of stuff about CK and that whole groups of comics like Steve Agee etc And it is striking to read just how dysfunctional they all were. Not to normalize his behaviour in any way, but to them whipping your dick out and jerking off was totally fine, sending videos of you masturbating, totally fine, a full remake of jaws with your dick as the shark, totally fine. They were/are? seriously fucked up people.

  • graymangames-av says:

    I dared to sit through I Love You, Daddy.

    Trust me, we don’t need more movies from Louis CK in any capacity. What a piece of shit.

  • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

    I love it when writers who are paid to write use words incorrectly. Look up “shrewd”. Gotta agree with the tone here otherwise. Go get a job at a Staples or something, Louis CK. Why do you think you deserve to still get your art into theaters when you derailed how many promising careers before they even started

  • jackdeth87-av says:

    Ah yes, popular comedian “John List”…go fuck yourselves

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