Love in the time of chocobos: 6 romantic date ideas from the Final Fantasy series

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Love in the time of chocobos: 6 romantic date ideas from the Final Fantasy series

Although the Final Fantasy role-playing games are mostly taken up with fighting monsters and saving the world, the writers often find room for a squishy romantic subplot that takes the edge off the fighting. And as the series has evolved beyond the standard knights-and-goblins trappings of its early years, its depictions of love have likewise grown more creative. We may not live in a land of mythical demigods and skittish cactus people as the Final Fantasy characters do, but their amorous exploits still offer practical tips for anyone who needs a can’t-miss date idea.

previous arrowFinal Fantasy X, 2001 next arrow

1. Walk around fully clothed in chest-deep waterA quiet evening by the lake is a time-tested way for a couple to bond. Final Fantasy X takes this notion further by inviting its marquee couple, lead characters Tidus and Yuna, to wade right into the water without removing any of their tassel- and buckle-festooned apparel. It’s like skinny dipping minus the unwelcome interference of sexual excitement. As their garments grow ever more waterlogged, Tidus encourages Yuna to disregard the world-saving destiny that her elders have prescribed for her and instead choose her own path—the same way he has expressed his own individuality by not even taking off his shoes before sloshing around in a pond, for pete’s sake. Perhaps you and yours can have a similar breakthrough this Valentine’s Day as you struggle to remain buoyant and fight off hypothermia. [John Teti]

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