Lucy Lawless cast as a witch on WGN’s Salem

Aux Features TV

Veteran genre actress Lucy Lawless will be joining the cast of WGN’s witch drama Salem for its second season. Lawless will be taking on the recurring role of the Countess Marburg, last scion of an ancient line of German witches and a fighter in what’s being described as a “witch war” in the 17th century Massachusetts town. She’ll be joined by Stuart Townsend, playing a mysterious English doctor, as well as the rest of the cast of WGN America’s first foray into scripted original programming.

By taking the role, Lawless moves ever closer to competing her goal of filling out her Sci-Fi/Fantasy Casting Bingo chart, which already had marked spaces for “space robot,” “comic book superspy,” and, of course, “warrior princess.” At this point, she’s only one Walking Dead cameo as a shambling corpse away from completing a row and earning her prize: a one-year respite from having to tell nerds at comic cons which things a wizard did or did not do.

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