Toni Collette leads the mob with a gun and a glass of wine in hand in Mafia Mamma trailer

Toni Collette stars in Catherine Hardwicke's new film Mafia Mamma as an unexpected mafia leader

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Toni Collette leads the mob with a gun and a glass of wine in hand in Mafia Mamma trailer
Toni Collette in Mafia Mamma Screenshot: Bleecker Street Films

Mamma Mia, Toni Collette’s joined the mafia. Well, she’s not just joined, but has been tasked with leading her family’s empire in the wake of her grandfather’s death in Catherine Hardwicke’s Mafia Mamma.

Collette leads the film as an empty-nester mom with a cheating husband and an affinity for wine. When she attends her distant grandfather’s funeral in Italy, she learns about his position at the top of a mafia empire. Not only that, but he’s decreed that he wants her to take over following his death. Under the guidance of his trusted consigliere (played by Monica Bellucci), the Mafia Mamma goes on to learn the ropes of the trade, taking charge of her goofy group of goons.

MAFIA MAMMA | Official Trailer | Bleecker Street

Collette and Bellucci star in Mafia Mamma alongside Giulio Corso, Francesco Mastroianni, Alfonso Perugini, Sophia Nomvete, Eduardo Scarpetta, Tim Daish, and Tommy Rodger.

Hardwicke is known for her work directing the first film in The Twilight Saga, as well as Thirteen, Lords Of Dogtown, and most recently, an episode of Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet Of Curiosities. Back in 2019, Hardwicke told IndieWire that she strives to bring dynamic stories about women to the big screen.

“I think now, as women, we want to see somebody that takes charge of their life and does the very best they can in their power to escape, fight back, fight the system, fight all the men that are staring at her, the male gaze all the time that are putting their hands on her neck and forcing her to do things,” Hardwicke said.

“I hope we get to keep making more movies with strong female characters. And that’s a key word, complex female characters that are going through a lot of things in their life, and have a rich life,” she continues. “I’m happy to fit in that category of people that are making that kind of movie, and really we just want to keep doing it.”

Mafia Mamma arrives in theaters on April 14.


  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Leading the mafia = strong, is such a boomer take.
    “Look how goofy those mobsters are! (resumes raping someone)“

    I’m Italian, I’ve heard every mafia stereotype etc… It’s just, I don’t understand why americans have such a cartoonish view of criminal activity. I guess cuz of the Sopranos and the Godfather but like…. why is leading the mafia “cool” and something of a fantasy for baby boomers? Yuck.

    • raelalt-av says:

      Agree 100%, the glorification of these sociopaths needs to be balanced with a more true to life story, that shows them for the despicable monsters they are.

    • bagman818-av says:

      It’s weird that you think a power fantasy of any stripe is restricted to boomers.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        They just love to shit on boomers. As someone born in the 80s I don’t get the hatred. Unless they somehow have truly deluded themselves into thinking the current generation is better.To be fair when I was a naive teenager I did think those things.  Maybe this person is like 14.

    • rob1984-av says:

      Is boomer like “woke” to you as in describing anything you don’t like?

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      Jesus these “tee hee it’s boomers” takes are quite pathetic. Current generation isn’t any better. And if you’re tempted to respond and dismiss me as a boomer(as I suspect would be your first instinct), sorry bud: I was born in 1985 🙂

    • jhhmumbles-av says:

      I think I’m ready for a backlash against the blame-everything-on-the-boomers zeitgeist. Yes, they’ve been a problematic generation and it’s fine to demythologize and critique. But they’re also just people. They faced a particular set of historical circumstances and reacted how it seemed to make sense at the time. There was a cultural thing when they were young of thinking they had all the answers that was upended by age and reality. But that happens to every generation. It’s happening to me, a young-end Gen Xer. It’ll happen to people younger than me. Big reveal: you don’t contribute anything by othering people. You have all the same foibles, just in a different shape.

    • drewtopia22-av says:

      While there’s definitely the italian stereotype element, big crime in general is glorified. Scarface, gangster rap, bros completely missing the point that wolf of wall street is not an aspirational tale, etc.

    • misstwosense-av says:

      It’s some sort of toxic masculinity fetish thing, and I’ve never seen an attempt to “girlboss” those tropes turn out anything but cringey. This looks awful.

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    I saw this trailer when I went to see Cocaine Bear and my god this looks fucking awful.

  • rogue-like-av says:

    You had me at Monica Bellucci. 

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