Margot Robbie’s female-led Pirates Of The Caribbean film is dead in the water

The planned Pirates Of The Caribbean chapter is no more, according to Margot Robbie

Aux News Pirates
Margot Robbie’s female-led Pirates Of The Caribbean film is dead in the water
Actor Margot Robbie Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for WSJ. Magazine Innovators Awards

Dead men tell no tales, and neither do killed movie projects. Unfortunately, that seems to be the case for Babylon’s Margot Robbie and Birds Of Prey writer Christina Hodson’s female-led Pirates Of The Caribbean film, which is now dead in the water at Disney.

Announced back in 2020, the planned feature from the two collaborators was described by The Hollywood Reporter as being not a spinoff, but instead “a wholly original story with new characters under the Pirates moniker,” with Robbie starring in the film.

“We had an idea and we were developing it for a while, ages ago, to have more of a female-led—not totally female-led, but just a different kind of story—which we thought would’ve been really cool, but I guess they don’t want to do it,” said Robbie in a new cover story with Vanity Fair.

This is not to get it confused with the actual spin-off series that Chernobyl’s Craig Mazin and long-time Pirates writer Ted Elliot are reportedly working on for the franchise, steering the action in a new direction, far away from any involvement with former star Johnny Depp.

The last we heard of that project, however, was from Pirates Of The Caribbean producer Jerry Bruckheimer earlier this year, who told The Sunday Times that Disney was “developing two Pirates scripts.” With one of those projects no longer being developed, the status of Mazin and Elliot’s reboot doesn’t look as clear sailing as previously suspected.

The loss of what sounded like a fun, new take on the Pirates franchise feels unfortunately familiar on the heels of Hodson’s Batgirl film being shelved by Warner Bros Discovery, despite being nearly finished. In contrast, the Bumblebee scribe’s next written film The Flash still seems to be a go at the studio, even with star Ezra Miller’s long list of legal issues and headline-making incidents from the past year.


  • gargsy-av says:

    “the status of Mazin and Elliot’s reboot doesn’t look as clear sailing as previously suspected.”

    Why? There was likely no point at which they were going to make both movies, so the fact that they’ve scrapped one really tells us absolutely nothing about the other.

    Scrapping the Robbie one could mean that they’re clearing the way for the Mazin/Elliot one just as easily as it could mean that they’re out of the Pirates business. The canning of the Robbie one basically means nothing for the other until Disney announces one way or the other.

  • roomiewithaview-av says:

    Damn, now we’re not going to see advertising telling us that this new pirate movie stars “Marrgho Robbie.”

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Female-led Pirates?
    Does that make them pirettes? Piresses?

  • frenchtoast24-av says:

    Good.  Nobody is asking for a follow-up.  Go make an entirely new franchise. 

  • franklindaturtle-av says:

    I may have to check my DVD collection but I remember them already doing a female led pirates movie in the mid aughts.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Aw she actually seems like the actress to make this happen. I dont understand how people couple think Pirates of the Caribbean 6 starring Depp is a bigger priority than this….. the last one was bad people….

    • pocrow-av says:

      The last one was fine, although it was setting up a series with new, younger characters that were unfortunately completely uninteresting. But it was a nice button on the Davey Jones’ curse storyline and a natural place to end the original set of movies.

      • darthpumpkin-av says:

        The new characters never have a chance, with Jack Sparrow still hanging around and chewing all the scenery.

        • pocrow-av says:

          The producers definitely seem scared of giving anyone else good lines or hiring charismatic actors with Depp in the picture.

    • pukeellington-av says:

      The 4th one was bad too.And like, so was the second one, if we’re being honest. Idk how Johnny Depp’s personality alone carried this franchise to the point where people consider it in the Star Wars/Harry Potter realm of film series.

  • clayjayandrays-av says:

    Unfortunate in that this could’ve been an interesting direction for the floundering franchise. I got so sick of this series but I still love the potential of a fun sea-romp. 

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    “a wholly original story with new characters under the Pirates moniker,”

    – this sounds way better than the Depp starring Pirates 6 people think that they want.

    Don’t call it “female-led Pirates” tho just call it the Margot Robbie starring Pirates films and suddenly the anti-woke armies will chill tf out. Harley Quinn can carry a pirates film. Why don’t people want this?

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Are people seriously this butthurt over “pirates are boys” type thinking?

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        (Coming from a guy who had a Jack Sparrow poster above his bed in highschool) The Johnny Pirates films are dead. I loved this franchise as a kid and I can clearly see that Margot Robbie rebooting this is a great way to revitalize this dead franchise.

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Pirates are boys. The only women pirates on the medieval seas were butt pirates, if you know what I mean. Even these days you wont find a lot of bitches on boats. Sailing is a total sausage fest

    • darthpumpkin-av says:

      I’m 100% here for a Pirates movie led by Margot Robbie or Karen Gillan. If they can get Hans Zimmer back to score it, even better.I absolutely will not see it if Depp is involved. Jack Sparrow sucked up all the oxygen in the fourth and fifth movies, to the detriment of the other characters, story, etc. Hell, the movies even looked cheaper than the originals, thanks to Depp’s enormous salary. With or without the legal issues, Depp is a drag on the franchise at this point. That said, if even half of the rumors surrounding the filming of the fifth movie are true, I doubt Disney will cast him again.

      • zirconblue-av says:

        Jack Sparrow sucked up all the oxygen in the fourth and fifth movies, to the detriment of the other characters, story, etc. Also in the second and third movies.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      The movie got canned after Captain Jack Sparrow smacked those female pirate bitches around for shitting on his boat.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    The world needs a Grace O’ Malley and or *Anne Bonney movie.(“ and “ may involve time travel or fudging dates a little though)

  • pocrow-av says:

    The last we heard of that project, however, was from Pirates Of The Caribbean producer Jerry Bruckheimer earlier this year, who told The Sunday Times that Disney was “developing two Pirates
    scripts.” With one of those projects no longer being developed, the
    status of Mazin and Elliot’s reboot doesn’t look as clear sailing as
    previously suspected.There were actually three different ideas floated in recent years. At one point, there was a rumor that Karen Gillan (presumably as Redd) would be getting her own PotC movie independent of the other scripts in development.Given how all-in Disney has been on Redd in their theme parks and merchandising, I suspect there may have been two Redd-centric projects being created in competition with one another and Robbie’s version lost.
    If Disney is committed to rebooting the Haunted Mansion as many times as it takes to make it a profitable franchise, has turned the Jungle Cruise into a franchise and is apparently bringing back the freaking Swiss Family Robinson (complete with a revamped treehouse in Disneyland), there’s no way they’re not producing more Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Robbie or no Robbie.

  • capnjack2-av says:

    The url for this article is funny. AV Club copy and pastes its templates like the rest of us lazy web developer slobs. 

  • dancalling-av says:

    I find it funny that every time a concept like this gets killed, everyone assumes the script was great and it must have been politics. Then, when a movie is actually made and its like “Disney is filming a new Pirates move” the consensus is usually “what a pathetic cash grab, this movie will suck.”

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    Sigh. I was looking forward to a female-led Pirates movie. Guess its back to Brazzers for me

  • shruggernaut-av says:

    wasn’t there a XXX Pirates movie? Id watch a female led version of that, preferably with MILF BBWs

  • bio-wd-av says:

    Darn, she probably would have made a pretty good Anne Bonny. 

  • docnemenn-av says:

    The loss of what sounded like a fun, new take on the Pirates franchiseThough another take would be “the same old shit as before, only now with women”.

  • SnugglesaurusRex-av says:

    Make your own thing. Doing the same thing second is never as good as being the first. Examples: leftovers from the fridge, hand-me-down clothes from your older sibling, and eating poop. When you copy a thing, you’re admitting your less than the original. These female remakes are self-diminishing to women. Make your thing. Make it as the first thing, and yours will be considered the original and the best. All these remakes are saying is, ‘look at us women, we can be almost as good as the men from the original.’ And that’s bullshit.

  • nycpaul-av says:

    Okay. Do something else.

  • rockhard69-av says:

    Thank god. That would have sucked ass. Nobody wants to see female
    version of anything. And why would you cover Margot Robbie up in pirate

  • rockhard69-av says:

    Did Captain Jack Sparrow smack those female pirate bitches around for shitting on his boat?

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