Marilyn Manson dropped by his label, loses Creepshow episode amid abuse claims

Aux Features Marilyn Manson
Marilyn Manson dropped by his label, loses Creepshow episode amid abuse claims
Image: Danny E. Martindale

Marilyn Manson is already experiencing the beginnings of a swift reckoning after multiple women, including Evan Rachel Wood, have come forward with abuse allegations against him. The Hollywood Reporter reports that music label Loma Vista has dropped the performer, including all future promotions. Prior to making the move official, the company had reportedly scrubbed him from its site.

“In light of today’s disturbing allegations by Evan Rachel Wood and other women naming Marilyn Manson as their abuser, Loma Vista will cease to further promote his current album, effective immediately,” the label confirmed in a statement to THR. “Due to these concerning developments, we have also decided not to work with Marilyn Manson on any future projects.” Manson has released three albums under the label, including 2020's We Are Chaos. Though Loma Vista will no longer promote his records, he still retains the copyright to his music.

Wood posted a brief statement to her Instagram on Monday morning, stating that Manson, whose real name is Brian Warner, groomed (their relationship became public when she was 19 and he was 38) and abused her, but did not provide details (though she has touched on her experience with abuse for years): “He started grooming me when I was a teenager and horrifically abused me for years. I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission. I am done living in fear of retaliation, slander, or blackmail. I am here to expose this dangerous man and call out the many industries that have enabled him before he ruins any more lives. I stand with the many victims who will no longer be silent.” Since then, four additional women—Ashley Walters, Sarah McNeilly, Ashley Lindsay Morgan, and a woman named Gabriella—have come forward with their own stories of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse and say that they still deal with PTSD as a result.

In addition to the termination of his record contract, TheWrap and Variety report that the horror genre streamer Shudder has pulled his Creepshow episode from the upcoming season. As of now, Manson has not made a statement.


  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Eventually you have to grow up, Marilyn! You’re over fifty! Accept responsibility! You can’t blame your father, Charles, forever!

  • im-right-on-top-of-that-rose-av says:

    Good thing they just found out today.

    • mytvneverlies-av says:

      Seriously, did they think ERW’s been talking about some other dude who was sneaking in and abusing her while she was dating Manson?

    • bc222-av says:

      Right? Like, nice job reacting to this latest news guys. Surely there were no other hints he was a piece of shit in the last 25 years.

      • diabolik7-av says:

        I was once taking to the filmmaker Jim Van Bebber, who directed a couple of Manson’s videos, and he mentioned what a vile person he was, how everybody knew what he was doing, and how he believed Manson would soon be exposed and brought down. Manson was a big star at the time, or at least as big as he would ever be, and any complaints were just being ignored. That was 1998.

        • celluloidandroid-av says:

          I’ve been seeing excerpts of the awful behavior he put in his autobiography. I guess he could’ve always written it off as “I’m shock rock, it’s supposed to be offensive”. As someone who’s always avoided his stuff, I thought he was just like dabbled in Satanism and horror and gore, not outright misogyny/violence against women stuff. There was an intro video on his website from 2010 I saw that showed him smacking a girl around that looked like Ms. Wood. 

        • chanman-av says:

          You may be slightly misremembering, because Van Bebber never directed a Manson video. In the documentary about his career, I think the dude from Pantera explained how Manson wanted him to direct videos for him, but things didn’t work out.On the other hand, Van Bebber isn’t exactly a saint or a reliable narrator.

    • theblackswordsman-av says:

      He’s been reveling in his abusive behavior for years but it was cute for a lot of people to pretend it as “an act” I guess. 

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      TBF, when it comes to something as serious as terminating an employee, the employer can’t do much unless they at least have an allegation where the employee is named. You can’t just fire someone because, “Hey, this chick said somebody raped her, and we think it was you, so you’re fired.”Really, it’s a good thing that even the mere accusation (with his name attached) was enough to lead to his firing; a lot of places wouldn’t have done anything until he’d been tried and convicted.

      • light-emitting-diode-av says:

        Yeah, for all the “What if the woman is just making shit up about the guy.” accusations, I’ll gladly point them towards this. It’s been pretty obvious that Wood was talking about Manson when she first started talking about the abuse she’s suffered. And while some fans have definitely taken a step back from him since then, the fact that Manson has projects going on that are removing their association with him, goes to show that people still gave him the “benefit of the doubt” even when she’s basically been saying “Shmarilyn Shmanson” all these years.

    • willoughbystain-av says:

      I thought it was weird that his album last year appeared on so many year-end lists, given how well-known the allegations were. As far as I could tell there was only one article during the release cycle which even raised it.

  • popculturesurvivor-av says:

    Posted elsewhere, but it fits better here:
    I can’t
    wait ‘til he shows up on Tucker Carlson as another unfortunate victim of
    a Twitter mob. I can see it now: “Doesn’t this drug-using,
    Bible-abusing, groupie-banging shock-rocker androgynous freak deserve
    the benefit of the doubt? Is anyone safe from social justice warriors?”
    Go for it, Carlson! Your audience will love it.

  • ghostiet-av says:

    This screams “yeah, we’ve always known”. Most charitably “finally, we can drop him”.

  • penguin23-av says:

    I guess the producers of The Stand tv show dodged a bullet when he dropped out. 

  • argiebargie-av says:

    He should start his own label and sign Ariel Pink and Ryan Adams.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    That’s obviously a picture of Nick Cage.

  • citricola-av says:

    I’m surprised he still has a career that can be ruined.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      Eh…kinda? He’s been on a steady decline since Mechanical Animals; his last album had maybe 2 good songs, but you know he’s not getting any rotation on the radio, and the pandemic probably killed any touring ambitions he might have had.Not to mention that he was overcharging for his cover for The Stand, which led to him being dropped from whatever role it was he supposed to take. Pretty sure he’ll be fine coasting on the profits from his early career…unless ERW and the other victims can sue him into oblivion, which…I’d totally be fine with.

    • roboj-av says:

      He most still makes money as a producer, licensing of his old music, lending songs to music soundtracks, etc. I’d say he’s still somewhat relevant in the metal/rock scene, but no one would consider him a hall of fame classic or anything. 

  • mwfuller-av says:

    You know your career’s over when you lose your Creepshow episode, same thing happened to Dillinger.

  • dirtside-av says:

    Haven’t we reached the point yet where we just hire Trent Reznor to beat the shit out of Marilyn Manson?

    • nilus-av says:

      Yes but only if he and Atticus Ross also score the video of him beating the crap out of Manson

    • anotherburnersorry-av says:

      Shit Reznor gets the blame for making Marilyn Manson a thing. Can we cancel him too?

      • cash4chaos-av says:

        Grow up. 

      • thevoid99-av says:

        Do that and I will force you to listen to “Metal Machine Music” on loop for 12 hours and at maximum volume. 

      • asynonymous3-av says:

        …uhhh, what? Reznor’s actually a pretty cool dude; when NIN’s last tour got canceled, he sold the tour shirts online and gave all the proceeds to the food banks of the cities that were scheduled.

        • anotherburnersorry-av says:

          1) Agreed that Reznor (somewhat surprisingly) seems like a genuinely OK dude. 2) My joke depended on people knowing that Reznor’s Nothing records gave Marilyn Manson his first major-label record contract, so he is in part to blame for foisting Manson’s music on us, and regardless of what Manson did Reznor needs to apologize for that

      • fcz2-av says:

        Shit Reznor gets the blame for making Marilyn Manson a thing. Can we cancel him too?Not sure if this is sarcasm or not, but no.

    • thevoid99-av says:

      Trent’s moved on… he’s got a family, stability, awards, adulation, everything.  Why he would want to waste his time beating up his former protege who is now a fat, washed-up, women-abusing, drug-taking, pathetic has-been? 

    • obtuseangle-av says:

      We should just get Gregg Alexander to beat him up. He’d probably even do it for free.

    • jamiemm-av says:

      Not if he knew about it.

    • mike-mckinnon-av says:

      There was a SPIN article in 1995 or so where Manson describes his band and NIN having competitions where they’d tie up women, given them Froot Loop enemas, then see who could “shoot” the farthest. I wish I was making that up.

    • themudthebloodthebeer-av says:

      Have you read MM’s autobiography? Because if you had you wouldn’t think Reznor is a good guy.The whole lighting a woman’s pubic hair on fire while laughing seems like he’s just a big of a shithead as MM.

      • dirtside-av says:

        I’m not sure I’m going to accept MM’s autobiography as, you know, representing reality.In any event, I didn’t say that Reznor is a good guy. I just want him to beat the shit out of Manson.

      • fcz2-av says:

        I saw Marilyn Manson open for NIN around 1995. While on stage Marilyn Manson said he hoped there were some young boys in the audience so he could stick his fist up their ass.  So you’ll have to forgive me for not putting a whole lot of stock in the shit he says.

  • gildie-av says:

    Well, maybe that New Radicals guy was onto something after all. 

    • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

      Come around, we’ll kick your asses.

    • obtuseangle-av says:

      Considering that Hanson have also revealed themselves to be awful people recently, that line is becoming more and more prescient.

    • jamiemm-av says:

      Again: Beck?

      • psybab-av says:

        Lifelong scientologist.

        • jamiemm-av says:

          Raised Scientologist, disavowed.

          • psybab-av says:

            Disavowed as of….last year, when he divorced his wife, Marissa Ribisi, sister of Giovanni Ribisi, both of which were outspoken scientologists. His live performance coordinator, Justin Meldel Johnsen, is a scientologist. Certainly he identified as a scientologist when the New Radicals song was written.

  • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

    SOOOOO, first it was Twiggy Ramirez, and now Marilyn Manson. Is there a culture of abuse in the band? How aware was anybody else? I’m beginning to think that there may be some sick people in the music scene…

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      Apparently in his autobiography, Manson tells a story about how Twiggy and some other guy were fucking a chick and he told them to scotch-tape their dicks together to make them fit?Yeah, I think these guys need to watch some actual porn. That’s just a really weird suggestion.

      • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

        That’s an ‘OOF’ all around. All I can think about is the sharp edges of the scotch tape, not being friends with the guys or the girl.

    • jmg619-av says:

      Isn’t it weird how NIN and Manson were at the top of their game in the mid-90s and each went to take different paths near the end of the 90s into the new millennium? Yes Trent went through his whole drug abuse phase but cleaned himself up and started to create soundtracks and other music. What did Manson end up doing? Being engaged to someone close to half his age and abusing her and other women. Yikes!And didn’t Rose McGowan also date Manson for a short time too? Did she ever say anything about their relationship?

      • mifrochi-av says:

        I’m still kind of amazed that Trent Reznor (whom I first knew as the guy saying fuck a dozen times in a radio single) is now an Oscar-winning musician and to all accounts a perfectly decent guy with a good family life.

        • jmg619-av says:

          I know right? And he’s buff as hell too! It just goes to show Trent was around the right people to get his shit together and evolve as a musician while Manson still wanted to be that Starfucker.

      • celluloidandroid-av says:

        She said he wasn’t abusive to her, but believed Evan.

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        Considering how vocal McGowan has been about various abusers I was genuinely surprised not to see her name listed in this article.

  • mackyart-av says:

    I’m glad that I didn’t recognize him in the latest Amercan Gods episode because I think it’s offensive to see him still getting work. It’s way past due for guy to be blacklisted Kevin Spacey style, but somehow he still has his supporters.

    • tgr2k1-av says:

      That’s not all that surprising really. Every abusive, psychotic weirdo has their supporters. People are strange.

    • hadrianmosley-av says:

      I’m the same with Jared Leto, people know what he’s done but he still gets work even from fucking Disney!

  • schwartz666-av says:

    Just learned Manson got married earlier this year too. I imagine we will be hearing divorce bells soon. Hopefully his poor wife can escape him asap!

  • cash4chaos-av says:

    I have never thought that it makes sense for two people with that large of an age gap to be together, unless the younger one is fully grown up. A 19 year old and a 38 year old being in a relationship is fucking creepy. I grew up in Kentucky and that’s still creepy. In Hollywood it seems like it’s so accepted, as if teenagers who happen to act or perform music for a living are so much more mature and grown up than teenagers in normal life. A 38 year old could easily be the parent to a 19 year old. What would they even have to talk about? 

    • jomahuan-av says:

      predators know how to love-bomb.

    • beertown-av says:

      In this case, the “half your age plus 7″ rule would come out to a 38-year-old dating a 26-year-old. Frankly: Still weird. In general though, there is a marked difference in a person’s mental growth once they’ve left college and spent at least a couple years in the workforce. But not enough for a dude about to crack 40, yikes.

      • cash4chaos-av says:

        I somehow haven’t ever even heard that rule, but it would have been a lot less creepy than a nearly 40 year old dating a teenager. I honestly feel embarrassed for people who date someone that young when they themselves are so old, because like I said before – what would they have to talk about? I just turned 41 and the thought of spending all my time with a 19 year old kid sounds like such a waste of my time. If you sync mentally with someone that young, what does it say about your own maturity level?

        • graymangames-av says:

          Sheesh, I turn 36 next week and I can’t even imagine dating someone who’s 26, nevermind 19. 

          • themudthebloodthebeer-av says:

            I have an 18 year old niece and just hanging out with her is exhausting and irritating. I’m 38 and even 30 year old’s seem so immature.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            I’m 40 and I’m not sure I could date a man younger than 41.

        • jomahuan-av says:

          would you have dated a 38 year old rock star/celebrity when you were 18?keep in mind girls start getting hit on (in a sexual way) when they’re about 12-14. that’s the average age. i personally know women who were approached when they were 9. by men.

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        I can definitely see it happening and it’s not as weird as it sounds… well not always lol. I’m on a co-ed kickball ‘beer league’… or was before Covid, but I digress. The age range for our team falls between 21-40. Most of the people end up dating and hooking up regardless of what their age is. 

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I think a lot of kids in showbiz have parents who are either uninvolved or who say yes to anything because they like the money the kid is raking in, so they have no one to protect them from 38 year old predators who…look and act like Marilyn Manson.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      Creepy men like Manson like younger women because they know they can get away with more. Women their own age usually won’t put up with their shit. 

  • Fieryrebirth-av says:

    It’s usually the longest-running celebs that are long past their prime that are abusers in the end.

  • freshness-av says:

    Surprised at this, he never seemed the type.

  • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

    Can it really be a coincidence that as soon as the New Radicals reformed, Marilyn was exposed as a fake and ran to his mansion?

  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    I dunno, he also dated Rose McGowan and she doesn’t seem to have any problems in life.

  • dinkwiggins-av says:

    “oh no this man we celebrated and showered with riches for being a sick deviant turned out to be a sick deviant”
    – america

  • nycpaul-av says:

    I guess I better tell my daughter not to date Marilyn Manson. He’s always seemed like prime boyfriend material.

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