Martin Freeman figures he might as well reveal that he’s in Marvel’s Secret Invasion on Disney Plus

Kids love Everett K. Ross, and Everett K. Ross toys are going to be flying off shelves

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Martin Freeman figures he might as well reveal that he’s in Marvel’s Secret Invasion on Disney Plus
Martin Freeman Photo: Jeff Spicer

We don’t see Dr. Erik Selvig in the Marvel movies as often as we used to, so it’s time for someone else to replace Stellan Skarsgård as the new regular guy who always shows up but doesn’t have powers and rarely does anything exciting. Martin Freeman seems like the best candidate, since he clearly filled the Selvig-type role in Black Panther after making his debut as government stooge Everett K. Ross in Captain America: Civil War.

And now we know when we’ll get to see Ross show up and do nothing exciting again (that’s not totally fair, since he flew that ship in Black Panther and that was fun). Speaking with Radio Times, Freeman conceded that it’s probably “kosher information” that he’s going to appear in Disney+’s upcoming Secret Invasion series, with Samuel L. Jackson (who is returning as Nick Fury) having already let it slip that Freeman and Don Cheadle would be joining him on the show.

“In order not to embarrass Samuel, I will say… I’m not gonna say he’s got that totally wrong and he’s thinking of Sam Rockwell,” Freeman told Radio Times. “So yes, I may very well be [appearing.]” (The look a little similar, sure, but Sam Rockwell is certainly a pull for Freeman. Is Justin Hammer still in prison?)

Secret Invasion, like the comics arc it’s named after, will presumably be about a cadre of Skrulls (the green shape-changing aliens from Captain Marvel) secretly invading their way into high-level government and superhero positions. Emilia Clarke will be there, possibly as Skrull leader Queen Veranke, and we’ve known since Spider-Man: Far From Home that the versions of Nick Fury and Maria Hill running around on Earth are Skrulls in disguise, but Freeman’s Everett Ross seems like a prime candidate for someone who has actually been a Skrull this whole time.

That being said, the Skrulls are almost always bad guys in the comics, and they certainly were in Secret Invasion, but they all seem to be good guys in the MCU. What’s the harm in letting a few of them take over high-level positions in the government and superhero communities?


  • rogueindy-av says:

    I’m either in the minority or a quiet majority, but I like how these shows give minor characters more to do. It makes the world feel more alive, and means fun characters like Darcy aren’t wasted on a handful of scenes in Thor 2.Also, since this is Secret Invasion, there’s a good chance Martin Freeman will be playing multiple characters…

  • aliks-av says:

    Is he not going to be in Black Panther 2?

    • haodraws-av says:

      He is. And if they’re actually adapting stuff from the comics, he probably gets to try on the Black Panther suit for a stint.

    • caktuarking-av says:

      His character in Black Panther always bugged me. This probably isn’t Martin Freeman’s fault in anyway, I’m sure it’s what the director told him to do; but if I remember correctly, the character was a former fighter pilot who then joined the CIA. I feel like people in both of those professions are generally incredibly self-confident, if not downright arrogant; instead Martin Freeman played, well, A Martin Freeman Character. Again, not on him; I bet he could have done a stone-cold badass  and I’d love to see that!  I just think it’s ridiculous that he’s like “Well, I used to fly fighter planes and now I work directly against fucking supervillains to control objects with Godlike powers, hem haw, I’m so socially flustered.”

  • drkschtz-av says:

    Selvig’s genius and engineering talent were instrumental in several big MCU victories mofo

  • djclawson-av says:

    Oh, Tumblr loves Everett Ross. As does AO3.

  • kbroxmysox2-av says:

    I still wonder if Monica is going to appear. The last we she her, she’s with a Skrull…

  • hasselt-av says:

    Is it just me or are Martin Freeman and Steve Carrell gradually fusing into the same person?

  • chuckrich81-av says:
  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Go fuck yourself, Sam Barsanti. Quit pissing on people for enjoying things you fucking hack.

  • radarskiy-av says:

    “he clearly filled the Selvig-type role”Running across the shot with no pants on?

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