Marvel's Kevin Feige confirms that both Kit Harington and Gemma Chan are Eternals

Aux Features Film
Marvel's Kevin Feige confirms that both Kit Harington and Gemma Chan are Eternals
Photo: Charles McQuillan

Though the biggest news to come out of Disney’s D23 expo this weekend (so far!) was probably the confirmation that Black Panther II is coming in 2022, it’s not the only MCU news. Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige also confirmed some casting rumors for The Eternals, revealing that both Gemma Chan and Kit Harington will be joining the cast of the superhero movie about immortal gods who have names like off-brand mythological figures (Ikaris instead of Icarus, Zuras instead of Zeus, etc.).

Harington will be joining his Game Of Thrones brother (or… cousin?) Richard Madden in the movie, with Madden previously announced as the aforementioned Ikaris, and The Hollywood Reporter says Harington will be playing a man named Dane Whitman—a.k.a. The Black Knight, a guy who is not an Eternal in the comics but who had a relationship with the Eternal Sersi. (That’s right, Jon Snow is going to be in a movie where he’s in love with someone named Sersi.) Speaking of, Sersi will be played by Gemma Chan, who previously appeared in the MCU as the Kree sniper Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel. You can sort of see what these characters will look like in the movie in this little video clip released by Marvel:

The Eternals will also star Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayak, Kumail Nanjiani, and Bryan Tyree Henry, and you can learn more about who these weird characters are with this handy primer—though The Black Knight doesn’t get much priming, because we certainly never expected him to make an appearance in a mega-budget MCU movie like this.


  • brontosaurian-av says:

    And the book Circe will be a series on HBO. Maybe DuckTales can bring her back too. 

  • seriousvanity-av says:

    Is the second to last guy on the right the guy who played Cyclops? 

  • peterjj4-av says:

    I remember Black Knight from when he would pop into the Defenders and the Avengers in the years I actually read those comics. The part should fit Kit well. 

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Marvel’s Kevin Feige confirms that both Kit Harington and Gemma Chan are And the most eternal of them all? Paul Rudd.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:
      • hallofreallygood-av says:

        Paul Rudd isn’t actually an actor. It’s a role. Every six months they cast a new Paul Rudd after conducting a massive search. He is given a script, which he sticks to dutifully, and is proptly dispatched to a lakeside community when his services are no longer required. At present there are 54 Paul Rudds no longer in commission. PR55 is slated to be retired on Dec. 31st. 

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          A significantly better clone factory than the Avril Lavigne or Fox News blond facilities.

        • swabbox-av says:

          Everyone’s favorite Paul Rudd is the Paul Rudd which had the role when they first became aware of the existence of Paul Rudd.

        • dalesams-av says:

          I wrote up a screenplay wherein the first Paul Rudd escapes and is the villain of the piece….and then they fucked it all up by making Rudd the family name.

        • geekmilo-av says:

          Any chance I can get a deal on a refurbished ex-Rudd? I’d like to try out a Nude Tayne.

  • laserface1242-av says:
  • yummsh-av says:

    Very happy to see Brian Tyree Henry in this. Freaking phenomenal actor I’ve loved in roles as wide-ranging as Jamal from ‘Widows’ and Paper Boi in ‘Atlanta’. I would’ve been cool with him showing up in Black Panther, as well, maybe as one M’Baku’s right-hand men in the Jabari tribe. But yeah, this is great. Get paid, Paper Boi.

  • kris1066-av says:

    I’m glad that Gemma Chan is getting another shot in the MCU. I’m still mad about what “Captain Marvel” did to her.Now to bring back Natalie Dormer.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      I believe Agents of SHIELD may be able to be of assistance there, in theory at least.

    • kirkchop-av says:

      The rawr meter for Gemma in blue was off the charts. Solid actress. Good that she was painted up, I suppose. She can come back now as a different character and not many viewers will make the connection.

  • crapmcpoopin-av says:

    Literally the most useless film Marvel will put out since that failed Inhumans clusterfuck. They’re putting all their ducks in a row behind this god forsaken property. Good luck, Phase IV is going to be a shitshow of failure.

  • godshamwow-av says:

    I see Chan just wears the motion-capture outfit everywhere now.

  • douglasd-av says:

    Gemma Chan was one of the best things about Captain Marvel. Along with Lashana Lynch, and Akira Akbar.I’m truly glad she’ll still be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    • curiousorange-av says:

      I love her, but she’s barely in Captain Marvel. You must have really disliked the movie. 

      • douglasd-av says:

        Not really. More disappointed than dislike. It’s okay and entertaining, but it could have been so much better. I blame the directors/writers.

  • freehotrats-av says:

    Black Knight, you say? That makes me happy.
    That means I’m not only one of few people on the planet who truly thinks the Eternals are a fantastic idea for a movie (franchise) but who probably thinks Dane Whitman could be a really great movie character. And I feel that way about them both for the same reasons: they were great ideas in the comics but never properly served by good stories/development.

    There are lots of little threads from Whitman’s backstory which could be reimagined into something much better. Just pick one or two to build on and he could be gold:
    He’s the descendant of one of the Knights of the Round Table!
    He has a cursed sword (The Ebony Blade!) which drives him a little more insane whenever he draws blood with it! (It also turned him to stone, which was one of the reasons his character development stalled out for a decade or so.)
    He used his skills as an accomplished biologist to create Aragorn, a winged horse! (He later gave it to Valkyrie.)
    He used his technological skills to create an atomic steed and, essentially, a lightsaber! (Although it had some vaguely defined “neural” powers too.)
    He’s the nephew of a villainous Black Knight (one of the original Masters of Evil, no less) and took up the mantle to atone for his family’s sins!
    He basically led The Avengers for a brief time when Cap wasn’t around!
    The ladies loved him!
    Hercules was his drinking buddy!
    He spent some time inhabiting the body of another of his (also Black Knight) ancestors during the Crusades!
    He was the curator of a museum! (About Black Knights, natch)In the comics, all of this resulted in him never really having any particular personality — whatever the story called for, that’s what he did/could do — and obviously, this is all waaaaay too convoluted for a supporting character in a single movie. But again, just pick one or two and run with it. (Like, maybe he shouldn’t be one of the world’s foremost biologists and one the world’s top technology geniuses, for example.)

    • bmglmc-av says:

      so, 45% Immortal Batman + 55% Immortal Iron Man, gotcha.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      In the comics, all of this resulted in him never really having any particular personality Well I guess we know why they cast Kit Harrington in the role then.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Since Minn-Erva has been to Earth before, there should be a scene of her meeting Sersi!

  • axiomaloud-av says:

    I’m really hoping they get some Captain Britain and MI13 action in the vein of Paul Cornell’s fabulous run. Black Knight is the beginning!
    When will Pete Wisdom pop up?

  • agnok-av says:

    no one likes the Eternals right? I love comics, more than comic movies by far, and even comic book folks don’t give a shit about the Eternals. Feels like a misstep, but I guess Disney doesn’t really do missteps.

  • hankdolworth-av says:

    …so Angelina Jolie is going to be in this movie, but she’s not playing the crazy lady, and Ms. Chan is?I already had no idea what this movie was going to be, so the addition of Sersi and the Black Knight makes it even tougher to guess where the plot is going. (Just try reading Sersi’s Wikipedia page without your head exploding…I can’t…and I was reading Avengers back when most of this stuff happened! If neither Sersi or Black Knight (or Crystal for that matter, who already showed up in the best-left-forgotten Inhumans TV show) are wearing the totally ‘90s tiny jackets, I will be disappointed.

    • toasterlad-av says:

      As I’ve said before, when I found out Angelina Jolie was going to be in Eternals, I thought to myself, “That’s the most on-the-nose casting choice since Chris Evans.” Then I found out she was playing Thena. And my unshakeable faith in Marvel Studio’s casting ability was abruptly shaken.

  • lgod-av says:

    Is that G in Gemma pronounced like the G in “gif”?

  • jmg619-av says:

    I was wondering if they were going to add Sersi. She’s basically one who has done more than the other Eternals in the comic books. If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t she a one time Avenger before?

  • alexpkavclub-av says:

    I’m an Avengers fan primarily because of the Stern/Buscema run in the eighties, so Black Knight showing up in the movies is goddamned exciting. Give us a movie or two with an Avengers lineup of Monica Rambeau, Black Knight, Wasp, Thor, She-Hulk, and a Captain America, please.

  • derrabbi-av says:

    So I’m assuming Whitman is the human/audience portal into the world of all the crazy space gods?

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