Matt Smith’s Summer Of Morbius comes to an unceremonious end

Will Morbin’ time ever end? Matt Smith seems to think it already has

Aux News Matt Smith
Matt Smith’s Summer Of Morbius comes to an unceremonious end
Matt Smith Photo: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/Getty Images

Despite Sony’s numerous attempts to lure people to theaters to see a movie about a “living vampire,” the American public has been more than happy to simply meme the idea of a Morbius movie. After all, meme-ing the movie is basically as good as seeing it, and this recent trend of memers treating the slop that American movie studios dump into our troughs like high art (see: the Gentleminions) is very funny. Certainly more funny than Dr. Michael Morbius being played by a guy who pretended to be disabled so he could accurately inhabit a D-level Spider-Man villain.

But even after director Daniel Espinosa told the press that he feels “a lot of self hatred” over the movie, the public still wants to know what everyone who was involved with Morbius thinks of its disappointing box office. Case in point: Matt Smith, who played the classic Marvel character “Milo” in the film. After surviving a public haranguing from a meme-happy Comic-Con attendee two weeks ago, Smith faced the indignity of having Rolling Stone ask him about Morbius. At least this time, Smith didn’t have to hear someone shout “It’s Morbin’ time” at him.

Understandably, Smith, who spent the decade playing iconic characters, like The Doctor, Prince Philip, and Charles Manson, understands that sometimes these things hit and sometimes they don’t. “Yeah, it was thrown under the bus,” he smiles. “But you just have to roll with it. What else are you gonna do? It’s a film, at the end of the day, we’re not saving lives. For whatever reason, it didn’t quite work out and… It is what it is.”

Smith has bigger fish to fry these days. Playing Daemon Targaryen on the still-not-canceled Game Of Thrones prequel House Of The Dragon, Smith had to wrangle one of the most extravagant, platinum blonde wigs in television history.

“It looks great but it’s a fucking pain in the arse,” says Smith of the platinum wig that was his constant companion during the 10-month shoot. “It took an hour and a quarter to put on every day. I was like, ‘Obviously the Targaryens are known for their blonde hair — but can’t we just give them some highlights?’” Enough with the Morbius questions. We need to know how Daemon protects himself from split ends.


  • bio-wd-av says:

    At this point what is the average lifespan of a meme?  3 months?  6 months?

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    Point of order: going forward in House of the Dragon-related commentary he should be referred to as Matt Daemon.

  • docprof-av says:

    How in the hell does a wig take over an hour to put on each day?

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Fuckin’ Teamsters!

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      People are crazy-fussy now. Just see what would happen at the slightest visible imperfection.

      • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

        And yet, that thing on Benedict Cumberbatch’s head in Dr Strange somehow passed muster.

      • nogelego-av says:

        Or if someone left a Starbucks cup on his head. Fans would notice.

      • mfolwell-av says:

        It doesn’t even need to be an imperfection, just “knowing” that it’s a wig is usually enough to trigger a lot of people into insisting it’s the worst wig ever. Just like how “knowing” that something was achieved through computer-based visual effects often results in whining about how CGI is ruining cinema, regardless of how good it actually looks or even whether it actually involved CGI in the first place (like the funeral tracking shot in Avengers: Endgame which was shot for real, but the lens they used had a fisheye effect and a whole bunch of people took the slight warping around the edge of the frame as an indication that it was badly composited together from dozens of individual takes against greenscreens).

    • lmh325-av says:

      I assume that “putting on the wig” includes the making it seem like there’s no hair under the wig and related makeup to blend it into your hair line. I assume that part takes a lot longer than just physically putting the wig on.

      • docprof-av says:

        Well if putting the wig on is such a hassle he could shave his head or dye his hair to match then it would be much easier. Or this is probably a nothing comment in a nothing story.

        • lmh325-av says:

          Tell me you’ve never worn a wig without telling me you’ve never worn a wig. Dying his hair to look like Targaryen white/blonde/silver would probably make his hair fall out if he had to keep it up for that long. Why ask what would take so long if you didn’t want an answer?

          • docprof-av says:

            Ok but he could probably have shaved his head for the duration of the shoot. As he did for the 2013 film how to catch a monster. But also yes you are correct I have never worn a wig, and definitely not one that needed to be extremely perfect and convincing. And now I know some things.

          • lmh325-av says:

            It has to be glued down. The silicon attached to the wig has to be blended into your skin so that it looks like your actual skin and not a silicon attachment. That’s probably what took so long along with prepping his real hair.

        • yellowfoot-av says:

          They should just recolor it in post. What are those VFX guys even doing all day long anyway?

        • mik-el-av says:

          Apparently Emilia Clarke eventually dyed her hair, but she waited 5 years to do it. I don’t understand why she didn’t do that as soon as it was clear GoT wasn’t getting canceled. But she waited until they announced the series was wrapping up in 2 years. (of course the next commentator is of the opinion that this dye job would destroy her hair if she kept it up for that long. I don’t know anything about platinum hair. Didn’t know it was that much different than Madonna dyeing her hair blond for most of 4 decades)

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Do you know any Black women? White women too, of course. Hundreds of thousands of women wear wigs every day; it ain’t easy. And if they don’t do it perfectly, believe me, some guy’s going to tell them about it. Yeah, this guy needs to stfu.

  • waystarroyco-av says:

    Morbius?Ill take lessbius. AM I RIGHT?

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    He was the best thing about Morbius anyway, I mean he sucked people’s blood and then danced because he loved being evil that much. I dug it. 

  • thenuclearhamster-av says:

    Ive never liked Matt Smith as anything but The Doctor. He just comes off weird. Even as the AI in that Terminator movie I barely remember.

  • iambrett-av says:

    It’s a pity, because he was the best part of that Morbius film. More interesting character who seemed to be having a good time in the part. 

  • syafiqjabar-av says:

    There was really nothing bad about Morbius, but the movie didn’t really stand out and bored critics which is why its reviews were so low. This should really teach Sony that being faithful or accurate to the comics like Morbius really won’t do anything if you’re just trying to blindly copy the MCU (something Zaslav at WB Discovery should be reminded of as well). Venom actually connected with people because it did its own thing with creatives who were given a lot more interesting things to do. Tom Hardy’s Venom is not really like most Venom comic books but he’s fun and interesting. The closest thing Morbius got was “Have Sex”.

    • SweetJamesJones-av says:

      The problem was that the villain’s motivations were bad. Milo basically was a generic bad guy. This is a good movie if:1. Milo goes crazy and on a real bloody killing spree after converting and Morbius is conflicted about killing him. Milo knows he’s crazy, but can’t control it.2. Milo and Morbius fight mid movie and the love interest gets turned.3. The love interest plays a part in the 3rd act eventually saving Milo from being a Vampire and his disease, but he has turmoil about what he did.The movie is just bad storytelling as it was released.  Minimal motivations and no character growth.

    • mrfurious72-av says:

      I suspect Zaslav is mostly trying to figure out how to turn any IPs WB owns into the cheapest, shittiest unscripted garbage possible, since that’s his one (unfortunately very profitable) trick.

    • mik-el-av says:

      Morbius is a character that not even Spider-man fans care about. They couldn’t tell you what “faithful to the Morbius comics” even means. I don’t love Venom but he has been a very popular character since the 80’s. There are dozens of Spider-man characters that are more popular than Morbius: Villains, Heroes, Allies, anti-heroes, anti-villains, men, women, pigs, dune buggies. The fact that they cancelled Black Cat/ Silver Sable and stuck with Morbius tells you what you need to know about Hollywood execs being sexist idiots. And I won’t even try to understand their attitude toward any of the Spider-women. (I guess the thing Morbius has going for him is that his story doesn’t need Spider-man. But they made Venom without Spidey, so why not Black Cat?)

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    Shots fired at Eternals!

  • billix0-av says:

    Smith, who spent the decade playing iconic characters, like The Doctor, Prince Philip, and Charles Mansonuhhh, one of these things is not like the others

  • lshell1-av says:

    I’ll still watch Morbius over either Venom movie. 

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