Michael Bay facing charges of Italian bird murder

Bay has apparently been facing legal issues in Italy for years, relating to an alleged pigeon death during the filming of 6 Underground

Aux News Michael Bay
Michael Bay facing charges of Italian bird murder
Left: Acclaimed and highly successful director Michael Bay (Photo: Aaron Davidson/Getty Images). Right: A pigeon (Photo: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Director Michael Bay was forced to give exactly the sort of press statement you hope to never have to give today, declaring, for all the world to see, that he did not murder an Italian bird.

This is per The Wrap, which reports on a statement that Bay made this afternoon in relation to allegations that he’s been facing for fully 5 years now at this point, ever since the filming of his Netflix movie 6 Underground. While making the movie in Rome, the story goes, a dolly allegedly hit and killed a homing pigeon—which, like all pigeons, are apparently a protected species in Italy. A photographer supposedly took a picture of the aftermath and submitted it to the authorities, who’ve been after Bay ever since. (The Wrap notes that the government apparently offered to let Bay off with a small fine…but he refused to take any plea that involved pleading guilty to harming an animal.)

Here’s a portion of Bay’s statement:

I am a well-known animal lover and major animal activist. No animal involved in the production was injured or harmed. Or on any other production I’ve worked on in the past 30 years…We have clear video evidence, a multitude of witnesses, and safety officers that exonerates us from these claims. And disproves their one paparazzi photo — which gives a false story.

Bay and his legal team have apparently made at least three efforts to get the charges thrown out of the Italian courts, to no avail.

6 Underground was released back in 2018; it stars Ryan Reynolds as a billionaire who forms a squad of international vigilantes who travel the planet, righting wrongs, and absolutely not murdering any birds. The film carries a notification that “American Humane monitored some of the animal action. No animals were harmed in those scenes.”


  • volante3192-av says:

    The Italians failed to take into account one thing: anything hitting anything on a Bay movie set explodes into a massive fireball. 

  • inspectorhammer-av says:

    If he needs to make this go away I know a guy in sunny South Philadelphia who told be that he specializes in bird law.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    If he wanted birds to asplode he should have fed it Alka-Seltzer.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    So are Italian pigeons exceptionally slow and stupid or was Bay using a rocket powered dolly for this film?

  • uselessbeauty1987-av says:

    6 Undergound is somehow one of the worst, yet least memorable films I’ve ever seen.I watched it when it came out and, having completely forgotten I’d seen it, watched it again during lockdown. I’d easily call it Bay’s worst because it’s so anonymous and dull.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Bay is the last person I would have expected to direct the Tom Lehrer biopic, but I’m intrigued.

    • cranchy-av says:

      That song was the first thing to come to mind.We’ve gained notoriety
      And caused much anxiety
      In the Audubon Society
      With our games
      They call it impiety
      And lack of propriety
      And quite a variety
      Of unpleasant names
      But it’s not against any religion
      To want to dispose of a pigeon

  • garland137-av says:

    Why would Italians want to protect pigeons?  They’re basically flying rats.

  • dr-boots-list-av says:

    And yet somehow John Woo still walks free.

  • crithon-av says:

    “as a well known…..” I’m gonna stop him here, in 2016 didn’t his production company forgot to pay for portapotie rental and instead had crew members poop in a bucket in rental vans. And before then had to go through the writers guild because there were too many writers involved for him to get a “michael bay film” on Armageddon. Or how about the legal problems of the Island. So there’s a sketchy history of bay’s “creative film making” experiences.

  • leobot-av says:

    The Italians are ignoring the real crime, for some reason. Go after him for making that movie in the first place.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    I can’t help but hear the term “Italian bird” in an Austin Powers voice. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    And now back to Interesting People! Our first guest is American filmmaker, Michael Bay, who can make pigeons explode! Can’t get more interesting than that, now can you?

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “Well this is some bullshit!”

  • noyousetyourusername-av says:

    a dolly allegedly hit and killed a homing pigeon—which, like all pigeons, are apparently a protected species in ItalyHonestly this is the weirdest part of the story to me. Why are pigeons a protected species in Italy in the first place? They’re not exactly endangered. Do they have dirt on the government? Do they work with the mob? What do the birds know and when did they know it?

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