Michelle Pfeiffer would play Catwoman again if anybody were to ask… which they haven't…

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Michelle Pfeiffer would play Catwoman again if anybody were to ask… which they haven't…
Michelle Pfeiffer Photo: Jon Kopaloff

There’s some weird multiverse stuff happening with the DC movies, as Ben Affleck’s beefy Batman from those bad new movies is going to appear alongside Michael Keaton’s kinda weird-yet-charming Batman from those good old movies in the upcoming Flash solo film, but another memorable player from one of those good old movies would like Warner Bros. to know that her phone also works and that she’d be willing to talk if anybody were to, you know, give her a call.

Speaking with Screen Rant about her upcoming film French Exit, Michelle Pfeiffer noted that she’d be willing to reprise her role as Selina Kyle/Catwoman in a future DC movie, but she says the reason she hasn’t done it is because nobody has asked her yet. Now, it might already require some complicated explanations to get Keaton’s Batman in the same room as Ezra Miller’s Flash, so it could be a lot to ask to get a second Tim Burton-era character in there, but it can’t be that hard to put her in one scene and just establish that Keaton’s Batman eventually ended up with Pfeiffer’s Catwoman, right? It’s not like anyone’s in a rush to get the Flash movie made. It’s been on a shelf since Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice came out. Plus, then both her and Keaton will exist in the MCU and the modern DC movie universe, bringing us one step closer to comic book movie harmony.

A different movie version of Catwoman will appear in Matt Reeves’ The Batman, as played by Zoë Kravitz. Back in 2019, Pfeiffer offered her a bit of useful advice on playing the iconic character—though, really, it’s advice that we could all use from time to time.


  • Nitelight62-av says:

    Hopefully this doesn’t hold up the filming of Grease 3.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    I would love a Catwoman Beyond series, with her as Selina mentoring a younger Catwoman in the future 

    • actionactioncut-av says:

      I have Darkwing Duck waiting for me after I get done with Gargoyles (because what else is there to do but regress to childhood while Miss Rona pops off?) but now I’ll have to add Batman Beyond to the list.

      • ghboyette-av says:

        When you’re done, don’t forget to watch “Epilogue”, the brilliant finale for Batman Beyond that they put in Justice League Unlimited.

    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Beyond The Litter Dome?

  • south-of-heaven-av says:

    Absolutely bonkers that the studios threw away the opportunity for Pfeiffer to come back as Catwoman. She was absolutely, 100% the most beloved thing about the biggest movie hit of 1992, was (spoilers I guess) still alive at the end of the movie & set up to be an epic in-between character in the Bat-verse. But nope, onto the next blonde girl!!!

    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Ah, we’re naming the band 4 Next Blonds!

    • backwardass-av says:

      Speaking of throwing away opportunities, I always think its a shame we didn’t get the Harvey Dent 3-film arc that Burton was originally planning because Billy Dee Williams wasn’t a big enough name for them.

      • supersonic8811-av says:

        I obviously can’t say for certain and really hope I’m wrong on this one, but I have a hard time believing that the reason they didn’t pursue Billy Dee as Harvey/Two Face was because he wasn’t famous enough over the fact his skin wasn’t the right color. He was in two Star Wars movies by that point!

      • willoughbystain-av says:

        I think the 3-film arc is an urban legend TBH. For a long time it was said that Christopher Walken’s character was Dent in earlier drafts of Returns, and that BDW got paid for Forever to be let out of a three-picture deal, neither were true. It wouldn’t surprise me if when they were casting Forever they simply didn’t know BDW had been Harvey Dent, in those pre-cinematic universe days when sequels got greenlit as they went along.

        • backwardass-av says:

          Oh, interesting, I guess I’ve been suckered by the urban legend, cause yeah I remember hearing that Walken’s character was supposed to be Dent in Returns (and it was through a confrontation with Penguin that led to his disfigurement and ultimate turn to Two Face in whatever part 3 was going to be)…oh well, its still an excellent film arc, even if it only exists in my mind and unfounded rumors.

          • willoughbystain-av says:

            I believed it too, it certainly made a certain amount of sense, but I don’t think WB (and to some extent any of the majors) had that kind of joined uplong term thinking with franchises back then.Williams clarified in an interview a couple of years ago that he only signed to a single picture deal for Batman (in contrast to his two picture deal for Star Wars).

      • south-of-heaven-av says:

        He was a big enough name (anyone associated with Star Wars at least had massive name & facial recognition), he just wasn’t white enough for late 80s America.

    • jmg619-av says:

      It’s funny to me that she would considering playing Catwoman again since she said or I heard that she passed out or almost did wearing that costume. It wasn’t the greatest experience for what I’ve read/heard. Maybe with the way how some costumes are made now, it might not be too bad?

  • arcanumv-av says:

    Again, you’ve selectively misread the original article to put your own stupid spin on a celebrity. You write shit like “her phone also works and that she’d be willing to talk” as if she’s sitting at home in her loneliness desperately trying to bring back a character from a movie she made 30 years ago.She’s not. If you read far enough down to get to the original quotation in the Screen Rant article, all she did was answer a question that the interviewer asked.She didn’t bring it up. She’s not the one fixated on Batman Returns. Screen Rant’s interviewer is the one that turned the topic from French Exit (the film she’s currently promoting) and asked her about playing Catwoman.If anyone seems pathetic in this exchange, it’s Screen Rant’s interviewer. I can’t find their full interview with Pfeiffer. Their entire takeaway from an interview with an actor about an upcoming movie is an answer to a fanboyish question about a 30-year-old movie.

    • theunnumberedone-av says:

      Unfortunately, Sam Barsanti doesn’t read the comments on his awful articles, so he’ll happily do this again.

      • necgray-av says:

        The way some commenters bag on the GMG writers I don’t blame him. I don’t know which gang eats the most shit: AV Club writers or Kotaku writers?

        • actionactioncut-av says:

          You’d think the Kotaku folks personally kicked every commenter’s dog.

          • necgray-av says:

            I’ve disagreed with writers on both sites but generally avoid getting personal or rude. (I say generally because I have a feeling that I’ve been a dick to AV Club once or twice, particularly Dowd, who seems to have a fondness for what I often consider pretentious.) I think you’re right: Kotaku gets some real asshole responses. I know it’s likely unfair but I’d say film and TV wanks are a little less toxic than gamers.

        • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

          You’re right to the sentiment that there’s plenty of quality writers on the AV Club that don’t deserve the shit thrown at them. Sam Barsanti certainly isn’t one of those writers.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          There is no GMG blog worse than Jezebel. Even though the writers are a solid ten years older than the staff that used to be there, they still throw tantrums if you disagree with them. That site should have been canned when Gawker was axed.

      • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        How do you know how happy he really is?

      • daveassist-av says:

        It is unfortunate that some writers don’t have that back and forth with Kinja.  Many Kinja comments aren’t constructive, but those don’t have to be responded to.  The golden comments are ones that are helpful for a writer to get back with and elevate the article as well.

    • necgray-av says:

      Where are you reading this “she’s pathetic” vibe? I didn’t get that *at all*. If anything it felt like throwing WB shade for not considering the possibility.

      • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Isn’t throwing WB shade kinda nuking fish in a barrel?

      • roboj-av says:

        But she doesn’t appear to be throwing WB any shade though. That’s an insinuation on AV Club and Screen Rant’s part. She probably wondered why is Screen Rant even asking her that random question in the first place about something she probably didn’t think or care about until now and gave the right answer to that we all knew anyway considering what happened in the later Batman movies.

        • necgray-av says:

          That’s why I said “if anything”, to contrast it with an air of desperation. I agree with you: it’s a bit of nothing. But I disagree that Barsanti is presenting it as anything on her part. The tone feels sardonic to me. Not judgemental of her, more bemused that it came up. Possibly snarky (Barsanti, not Pfeiffer) towards WB for neglecting her. It does seem like bog standard studio ageist sexism to ignore her. Either way I think Arcanum came in super hot with a shitty take.

          • roboj-av says:

            “It does seem like bog standard studio ageist sexism to ignore her.”And this is the point the OP is making that you’re unfairly and ridiculously dismissing as shitty. You and Barsanti/Screen Rant are insinuating things that no one is. There is no evidence to suggest that she’s deliberately getting ignored by the studio. As Arcanum correctly pointed out, the interview was about an entirely different subject that Screen Rant and AV Club didn’t even bother talking about. I think its more insulting and demeaning to her that they tossed out an entire interview about other subjects she probably is more interested in discussing and sharing with the public in favor of a one off role she did 30 years ago because that’s all what the comics nerds and fanboys see in her and not much else.And this isn’t the first time AV Club has done this either. A couple of months ago, they did the same thing to Thandie Newton, taking a great and personal interview she made and made it all about the one-off role she did with Tom Cruise twenty years ago and trying to insinuate that he was awful to her when he wasn’t. Its more of a shitty take to pick out a superficial and irrelevant topic from an original article/interview and make into a major headline and article for clicks.

          • necgray-av says:

            Hey. “possibly”I’m not taking any particular stand except maybe “step off Barsanti’s dick”Well, that and now “Step off MY dick.”Cuz you’re a mech being driven by the guy from TV’s Alien Nation. And that’s a lot of weight on my dick.

          • roboj-av says:

            Why are you taking this so personally that you’re getting so angry and are resulting to hurling insults and attacking anyone who dares offer a differing take? Are you trying to get a job at AV Club? Barsanti’s best friend IRL? President and only member of his fan club? Just that insecure and immature and can’t stand someone ever disagreeing with you? I don’t get it.

          • necgray-av says:

            Huh?I think you and Arcanum maybe need a class in reading tone.So angry? Attacking anyone? Where does it seem like I’m angry? What attack?Whuh?

          • roboj-av says:

            “Well, that and now “Step off MY dick.””“Either way I think Arcanum came in super hot with a shitty take.”Those are things you said. And if we’re the ones with tone issues, then then I think you should take a time out from this.

          • necgray-av says:

            Yes. I said those things. Neither of which are angry or an attack. Step off my dick is defensive but not inherently angry. And I said he had a shitty take. Lots of people have shitty takes. I love Tori Amos. Love. Would never attack her. She believes in faeries. That’s a shitty take. I hate Punch Drunk Love because I don’t think Sandler’s character deserves a romantic relationship. Shitty take. Not an attack on myself. I just know it’s not a fair criticism of the film.

          • roboj-av says:

            “Step off my dick is defensive“Yeah dude, that’s my point. Again why are you getting so defensive and in general so very personal over Sam Barsanti? Unless there is something going on between you two, I don’t get it. Its just opinions on a internet comments board. 

          • necgray-av says:

            It’s not specific to Barsanti. I generally think the GMG writers take more flack than they deserve. I’m by *no means* suggesting that you do so, but if you read my history of comments you’d see me take the same or similar tack with other writers. Except Dowd, who I both defend and get snippy with. But only cuz he’s so often an art house wank. (Who I generally do respect, even when I’m rolling my eyes at his beret-wearing ass.)

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      Yea this is some pretty shameful shit here. It’s a great example of how much worse AV Club has gotten, they’re manufacturing stories so they can be snarky about it. It’s one step away from TMZ.

    • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

      Sam Barsanti is a penis. 

    • wangphat-av says:

      I couldn’t have said it better myself.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      I really feel for Pfieffer. She’s had a long successful career and yet all of these 90s kids who grew up to interview her want to talk about is the cat lady that gave them their first boner.

  • mr-threepwood-av says:

    I find it amusing that Keaton is gonna play Batman again, what with him seemingly going through a rather personal journey of shaking off superhero stuff in Birdman. I know he wasn’t playing himself or anything, but clearly he has a personal connection to the part.

  • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

    That warehouse scene in Batman v Superman really made me wish they could have given Affleck some better movies to be Batman in, because the costume looked great, and it exemplified my favorite kind of Batman: the kind who busts in on a large group of armed bad guys and just FUCKS THEM UP.

    • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:

      The warehouse scene was the only diamond in that giant lump of coal of a movie. Affleck was a fantastic batman. Originally I thought “oh God, what have you done WB” when they cast him for it, but I was pleasantly surprised by his performance.

    • backwardass-av says:

      It will always strike me as odd that that warehouse scene was really widely praised as a great superhero action sequence, and it didn’t come about by accident, it took a lot of work, prep, time, and practice to get such a strong fight sequence committed to film, and Snyder should get some credit for realizing the need to do that scene practically and do it well. But then they followed it up with Justice League, which didn’t even attempt to do anything even remotely like it, and just aped/repeated all the boring CGI shit.

  • bembrob-av says:

    would watch

  • cscurrie-av says:

    I don’t mind Ms. Pfeiffer showing up as Catwoman again. She was clearly alive at the end of Batman Returns.

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    It’s like the headline is trying to head off every sarcastic comment!

  • jackmagnificent-av says:

    You don’t talk about Michelle Pfeiffer that way!

  • ghostiet-av says:

    which they haven’t…Speak for yourself, Barsanti.

  • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:

    Ok. Michelle, I formally ask you to portray Catwoman again. -Signed, Some guy on Kinja

  • ghboyette-av says:

    I don’t think it’s entirely intentional, but this article and headline makes her sound pretty desperate. 

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      That is the essence of what Sam Barsanti has to flesh out the tiny blurbs of news he builds into an article. Axios’s tiny ass, 2 min read articles always leave something to be desired, but even their articles have more substance than something like above.

  • kirkchop-av says:

    Michelle Pfeiffer gives a simple matter-of-fact, one-line answer with zero agendas intended, and the internet goes berserk. I love her.

  • mwfuller-av says:

    Man, we’ve already had the best Catwoman ever.  And her name is Lee freaking Merriwether, dood.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • weboslives-av says:

    Weather an awfully written article or not, they really SHOULD call her and do something while Keaton has come back home. 

  • goth-ninja-monkey-11-av says:

    I too, enjoy free money. Stand in front of a greenscreen for a couple hours, buy a new yacht and finance a couple of movies with actual artistic merit. Fuck yeah, that’s a pretty sweet deal.

  • senpai71-av says:

    BTW, I saw French Exit in an online New York Film Festival preview, and it’s…AWESOME. Pfeiffer, in particular, is awesome.

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