Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are eager to share how bad they are at basic hygiene

The actors appeared on Dax Shepard's podcast to discuss not showering properly

Film Features Ashton Kutcher
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are eager to share how bad they are at basic hygiene
The empty chairs on either side of them are for ventilation purposes. Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez

Wealthy, beautiful celebrity couple Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have decided the world needs to know they smell like shit. Despite the years of work spent endearing themselves to the world through sitcom characters, film projects, glossy magazine photoshoots, and occasional applications of decent judgment, the Kunis-Kutcher household have now eagerly offered news to the world that they don’t like bathing very much—and they almost certainly require cartoon stink lines to be airbrushed out of every image of them.

The conversation regarding their unorthodox approach to basic hygiene starts almost immediately on the July 19th episode of Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert podcast once the topic of skincare comes up. Prompted with the question of whether they bathe every day, Kunis starts to discuss washing her most pressing bits part-by-part rather than just, like, taking a proper shower. Then, eager to contribute even more detail, Kutcher jumps in to announce, “I wash my armpits and my crotch daily and nothing else ever.”

Kunis explains that she didn’t have regular access to hot water when she was growing up in Ukraine, so she avoided showering regularly. Then, when she and Kutcher (who seems to have no rationale at all for being such a die-hard soap-dodger) had kids, they passed on her habits to a new generation by not wanting to “wash them everyday.”

“I wasn’t the parent that bathed my newborns ever,” Kunis says.

Shepard volunteers that “it’s been like six years” since his own children had a proper bath and Kutcher says “if you can see the dirt on them, clean them, otherwise there’s no point.”

We also learn fellow celebrity and Shepard’s spouse, Kristen Bell, “washes her face but not her body,” that Kutcher will at least “throw some water” on his mug after he works out “to get all the salts and whatever” off, and that Kunis washes her face twice a day. Shepard endorses this behavior, saying we all need to just stop using soap and bathing so much to improve our skin.

This topic exhausted, Kunis and Kutcher get into their cryptocurrency and NFT projects for the rest of the episode and Dax Shepard calls crypto “kind of a punk-rock movement,” which may not be as viscerally objectionable as the host and guests’ bathing habits but still stinks at least as much as their homes must.

[via Consequence Of Sound]

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  • no-sub-way-av says:

    wasn’t everyone already informed that white people don’t wash their bodies like 10 years ago?

  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    Honestly, if your natural disposition is to wallow in your own filth and you can find romance with someone else who also has the default setting of wallowing in filth and you don’t mind each other’s filth, what’s the harm? The Pigpens of the world need love, too.Oh, and regarding this: Prompted with the question of whether they bathe every day, Kunis starts to discuss washing her most pressing bits part-by-part rather than just, like, taking a proper shower. Then, eager to contribute even more detail, Kutcher jumps in to announce, “I wash my armpits and my crotch daily and nothing else ever.”Here’s Carlin’s two cents:

    • p33p0le-av says:

      People on set with them may disagree.

    • panthercougar-av says:

      I would happily wallow in Mila’s filth if she and my wife allowed me to. 

      • toddisok-av says:

        Mila Kunis is my wife’s girl-crush. She might allow me to watch her wallow.

      • garland137-av says:
      • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

        I was going to say that I would gladly lick her clean, but I was afraid that would come off as creepy.  It pretty much did, didn’t it?

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          “You fuck ONE goat…”

        • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

          ew. Not creepy. just gross. like, ew, you’re licking a dumpster lid.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          I mean, it didn’t NOT come off as creepy.

        • asynonymous3-av says:

          TBF, I was almost going to write that I’d greedily drink a cup of her dirty bathwater, so I guess you’re in good company.Well, except that Garland fellow, who seems to be a prude. Probably averts his eyes from exposed ankles like a good God-fearing man, as well.

      • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

        nope, cleanliness is sort of a requirement for anywhere I’m going to stick my peen.

        I’m not gonna shove my dick in a garbage bin, or into a sewage treatment plant willy nilly, you know?

      • asynonymous3-av says:

        Seconded. She’s more than welcome to use my satin bedsheets as her underwear on a sweltering night.If not having to ever take a bath means I can score a wife like Mila Kunis, well, that’s just icing on the cake, isn’t it?

    • toddisok-av says:

      that’s amore.

  • notochordate-av says:

    As others have pointed out, this is the kind of shit that gets poor families reported to CPS. (You don’t need to slather every limb in soap, though, unless you’ve been out in the woods or something.)

  • returning-the-screw-av says:

    They’re not wrong. You don’t have to bathe that much unless you’re really working hard. It’s a waste and companies that make these products only tell you to so you can buy more of their products.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    Ohhh, that would explain why they always played a foghorn sound effect when they entered a scene on That 70s Show.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    You actually don’t need to shower every day. It’s bad for your skin and hair to be using soap on them everyday. It washes away oils that your body uses to keep moisturized. Rinsing off is fine I guess but a full shower is not needed every day

    • gotpma-av says:

      Yeah its a difference between not showering and fucking reeking of body odor. 

    • thenuclearhamster-av says:

      So put on some gotdamn moisturizer. Take a shower stinky!

    • pizzapartymadness-av says:

      It sounds like they never have a full shower though.

    • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

      “I wash my armpits and my crotch daily and nothing else ever.”Yup, perfectly acceptable. I shower daily but usually wash just my face with soap, and rinse everywhere else. I live in a warm, dry climate, and wear clean socks and underwear daily (well, often no socks, barefoot or sandals), and hardly ever wear anything but cotton, and I don’t develop body odor like, ever. It’s just not something my body does. On the very rare occasions that I do, it’s so faint that even I can only tell when I make a point of checking.When I first met my bf, I told him I didn’t wear deodorant and hadn’t for years because of this. He was like “Um, I’m going to need you to wear deodorant, babe”. I told him sure, if he asked, and never have needed to. And I’ve asked him for sure if I need to.

      • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:


        I am also repulsed by the number of commenters agreeing with this. While YES overwashing CAN deplete the oils in your skin and hair, have you tried NOT BEING DISGUSTING?
        My skin physically feels sticky after 2-3 days. Even washing “crotch and armpits” doesn’t do the job; a proper shower or bath is needed at least every 2-3 days.

      • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

        you must live in some kind of weird dry desert, but definitely not california anywhere.

        I’m in Southern California, which is supposed to be a warm dry climate. I feel _nasty_ after 2-3 days. Even with washing my face etc.
        Are you out somewhere like SUUUUUPER dry and EXTREMELY HOT like Palm Springs? Or High Desert?
        After camping for 4 days, I’m about ready to shoot someone for a shower.

        If I don’t put on deodorant for 24hrs, I notice. The wife notices. I’m sure others probably notice.

        I’m not a particularly smelly or sweaty man either and I am lazy; I avoid working out (but manage to keep fit looking anyway for some reason?).
        My scalp itches, my arms itch, my face itches after just a day or two. Cetaphil is the ONLY remedy besides showering. I used to get that icky skin feeling while on the clock at Sav-On overnights, so I’d buy a bottle of Cetaphil, peace out to the bathroom and freshen up, so I could stand being in my own skin long enough to get home.

        The oils in your skin don’t matter because all they’re doing is trapping dust and exhaust particles to your skin here. The air is disgusting here – but not as nasty as it was in say, 1985. Just leave your car outside for a day and you’ll have an idea of how dirty and gross the air is, even in seaside areas here. A freshly cleaned car will stay clean maybe an afternoon. and that’s in a place with no rain.
        If I forget to close one of the windows in my element fully, the whole cabin gets a thick coating of dust by the next time I go outside.

      • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

        @NitroNick Since I can’t seem to see pending replies other than in the notifications panel, let alone reply: you feel sticky after 2 or 3 days, I don’t. Do I live in an area with a climate similar to Palm Springs, why yes I do. I must not live anywhere in Southern California? No, no I don’t. Sorry I didn’t clarify.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      Fuck you Kinja. 

    • lmh325-av says:

      Yes, but either they are exaggerating or they really don’t ever take a shower. Not taking a shower every few days is not great for hygiene.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      Not to mention all of the good bacteria that protect you from, well…bad bacteria.Fun Fact: only people who wash their hair get lice. They like the smell of shampoo.

    • lonelylow-keysimian-av says:

      “not showering every day” is a common practice in the United States but the rest of the world generally sees daily showers as part of the bare minimum of being an adult. I’ve been leading mixed-nation tour groups for about ten years, and the hygiene of the under-35 Americans is appalling, but their cluelessness on the topic is hilarious. It’s a common point of diuscussion among literally everybody else, including the over-35 Americans.

      I’m not expecting much out of this comment section.

  • mrfallon-av says:

    Ah yes, from The Weirdos, to Darby Crash to crypto. Nothing is more LA punk rock than that.I’m entirely certain that this no showering thing will be revealed as some sort of weird Hollywood wellness cult thing, or they’re covertly signalling to some crazy “you beat disease by building up germ immunity by not showering” group or whatever.

    • grogthepissed-av says:

      Showering washes away thetans. Or adds thetans. I can’t remember if they’re good or bad. I don’t think these two are scientologists but this reeks of scientology-like nonsense. And it reeks of unwashed pretty people.

  • nothem-av says:

    Ashton and Mila’s first reminder that they still exist since the Cheetos Super Bowl commercial with Shaggy!

    • grogthepissed-av says:

      The commercial includes the line “you even had them in the shower,” which now provides circumstantial evidence that Ashton was falsely accusing his wife. How could she have had them in the shower if she doesn’t shower, Mr. Kutcher?! The defense rests. 

    • toddisok-av says:

      “ZOINKS! Those two smell!”

  • nilus-av says:

    Not sure why this is so SHOCKING. Its pretty well known that long hot soapy showers daily can cause damage to your skin and hair(not to mention being a waste of water and time). Depending on your natural oil levels and such. Just ask any POC about how often they wash their hair.I take a quick shower daily where I hit the stinky parts(I will let you guess those) and I will usually wash my hair(because its very fine). But I generally do a full head to toe wash once or twice a week at most. 

    • toddisok-av says:

      Must be that kinda news day. Did you hear Lucy Liu bickered with Bill Murray one time?

    • actionactioncut-av says:

      Just ask any POC about how often they wash their hair.I mean, yeah about the hair, but the whole not bathing daily/not using washcloths seems to be firmly in white people territory if you ask this PoC. But then, most white people I know don’t moisturize after a shower, so I assume that’s part of the rationale about drying out the skin or whatever. 

      • nilus-av says:

        Skin varies between people. I use moisturize very sparingly because it caused me to break out in acne very easily. Like I said above I bath daily, I just don’t do the head to toe scrub every day. As far as my kids go.  I have a 6 year old and 13 year old and those monsters are forced into the shower daily because kids are gross balls of mud and sweat.  

        • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

          ^^^ THIS

          Source: I WAS A NASTY, DIRTY CHILD.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          I didn’t know you had kids, Nilus. That’s great.

        • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

          Yeah, not bathing his kids is totally not cool. I knew a woman who brought her baby to a meeting and he was gross filthy, sticky patches on his leg that had collected grime. She was like “He’ll just get dirty again!” I was like “You have already lost one child to CPS, you know this is why, right?”. Internally I was like that, I didn’t say it.

      • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

        the black folks i’ve met have been really fastidious about being clean and germs but do keep in mind the oils things. in conversations with black folks about cleaning stuff, as well as experience – i mean, my black former roommate and his gf’s hygiene habits weren’t very different and my wife’s (we had 2 bathrooms, 1 in the hall, and if the hall one’s in use with the shower on obviously they’re bathing, so you do know if someone’s bathing when cohabitating, without being some kind of creepy hygiene stalker). The big tall white guy I had was the nasty one who didn’t shower enough.

      • queer-as-fuck-av says:

        I think that really depends on the person, not their race. My white ass takes a shower at least once a day.

      • panthercougar-av says:

        I’m a white person and my household always uses washcloths. I’ve heard about this not using washcloths thing, and I just don’t get it. What else do people use to really get into certain areas? Also, we only use white washcloths, because we prefer to bleach them since they are used on both our faces and other areas. 

        • actionactioncut-av says:

          Some maniacs out there are just rubbing the bar of soap on their bodies and using their hands for the books and crannies.

          • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

            That’d be me. The way I see it, my hands can be washed with soap, and soap itself is self-cleaning. Not trying to be gross, but a washcloth that gets the slightest bit of fecal matter on it has to go in the washing machine on hot. I’ve nearly walked face-first into a washcloth that someone who showered before me used to wash their ass and left hanging on the shampoo rack, and it was gross. I’ll use a washcloth occasionally if the part of my back that I can’t reach with my hands feels oily and itchy, or if I run out of bar soap and use body wash (rubbing body wash over yourself with your hands ends up being wasteful) but 99% of the time it’s just me and a bar of soap, baby.

          • inspectorhammer-av says:

            I generally don’t use a washcloth (and since we’re sharing shower habits here: feet, face, armpits, crotch and asshole get soap every day, the rest gets rinsed several days in a row before soaping unless I’m feeling grimy. If I get in bed at the end of the day and don’t feel dirty – and trust me, I’ve taken enough whore baths while traveling to know what getting into bed dirty feels like – I’m fine) but I think the idea is that everyone’s supposed to have their own washcloth.  That way you aren’t rubbing a family member’s anus around your face.

          • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

            Yeah, but I don’t want to be rubbing my anus around my face, either. But as for washcloths, don’t want ‘em, don’t need ‘em, I get plenty clean without ‘em, I don’t have to deal with a nasty, wet ass-cloth or a nasty, stiff, dried-out ass-cloth later, and that’s less laundry that has to get done. The use of washcloths to me is like people who believe that the toilet paper roll should go under instead of over. They can never really give you a good reason other than “That’s just the way I’ve always done it,” or “That’s the way my mom taught me,” or “That’s just the way it’s supposed to be done.”

      • lovely98-av says:

        Ewe what r you talking about dummy?! Beven moisturizing after I shower daily since I was a kid. My mom taught me to care for my skin and I’m also very EuropeanUgh

      • maebellelien-av says:

        Not washing yourself daily is 100% white people shit, as is bringing up black/textured hair in defense of it. (Psst. Shower caps.)There is a great episode of the Best Friends podcast that somehow turned into Nicole Byer and Sasheer Zamata grilling the Earwolf studio employees about their showering habits. It was enlightening.

    • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

      Yup, dry skin here. Soap isn’t its friend.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I think the “shocking” part is that they very much imply that it’s been years since they’ve had a full shower. Realistically, I think they are probably exaggerating and glossing over details, but if Ashton Kutcher generally only washes his armpits and his crotch and “nothing else ever” as he stated then parts of his body have to be gross.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      I wash my face and arms everyday (I wash my hands every 10 damn minutes, so it seems), but unless I start getting greasy somewhere? Nah, fuck that. I wash my crotch and ass when they get sweaty, but other than that? Nope.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    It’s not intentional, but I don’t always shower daily depending on my schedule. I never go more than two days without showering though, and I always wear clean clothes and apply deodorant regardless if I’ve taken one or not.

  • greenspandan2-av says:

    as someone who used to be a literal touring punk rocker and someone who has built 8-GPU crypto mining rigs, i can’t think of anything less punk rock than consuming ridiculous amounts of electricity to force a high-end GPU to algorithmically hash 256-bit chunks of data in order to maintain a global blockchain network and mine digital currency.

  • toddisok-av says:

    Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are eager to share how bad they are at basic hygiene

  • sgt-makak-av says:

    This topic exhausted, Kunis and Kutcher get into their cryptocurrency and NFT projects for the rest of the episode
    and Dax Shepard calls crypto “kind of a punk-rock movement,” which may
    not be as viscerally objectionable as the host and guests’ bathing
    habits but still stinks at least as much as their homes must.We need to mass produce guillotines.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    I stink in the morning. Sometimes more than others, but I always stink.If I can smell myself, I’m not going to impose that on others, cause I hate hate hate when others impose that on me.I can’t think of a more convenient way to clean my crotch and pits than in the shower. I can’t imagine going to the trouble of doing it at the sink with a shower right there. I don’t soap up my whole body, but I usually at least run a washcloth over most of it.

    • nilus-av says:

      I think that is what they are talking about as well.  They get in a shower and just wash the stinky areas.   Its the head to toe scrub down that you do not need daily.  

      • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

        disagree, your forearms touch a bunch of shit in your daily life.

        I finally figured out what the hell was causing breakouts on my forearms and it’s because we touch stuff with our forearms too and don’t think about cleaning them often. Especially if it doesn’t particularly “look” dirty.

        • asynonymous3-av says:

          I work with my hands, so my forearms get incredibly dirty, so much so to the point that by the end of my shift, you can literally see where the grease ends and the skin starts to show.Easily-handled in the sink with some exfoliating scrub, followed by some Dawn. I wash those motherfuckers 2 or 3 times a day. And if you wash your hands like you should, remember to scrub all the way up to the elbows; most people stop at the wrists, which is unhygeinic if handling food or performing first-aid.

      • mytvneverlies-av says:

        Maybe it’s a semantics thing then, cause I think most people’d still call that showering/bathing.I do.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I suspect they were being hyperbolic, but they made it sound like it has been YEARS since they or their kids have had a full shower or bath. Kutcher literally said “nothing else ever.” Did he mean that? Probably not.

      • asynonymous3-av says:

        I know I’m old, because the last time I stepped inside a shower or bathtub was when I was in county, oh, 15 years ago. My best friend used to make fun of his 70-year-old grandpa for taking whorebaths in his massive kitchen sink, which I thought was ridiculous then…but now? It just makes sense.I probably haven’t washed my hair in that entire 15 years, either; like, at all. Gets rinsed and combed once or twice a day, but that’s good enough. Shampoo just makes it look and feel shitty, and makes it hard for me to sweat through my scalp.

        • dacostabr-av says:

          Holy shit you’re fucking disgusting.

        • lmh325-av says:

          Rinsing your hair or slathering soap on your entire body multiple times a day /is/ bathing. You choose to do it in a dumb way when showers exist, but it’s still bathing. If Ashton Kutcher doesn’t want to use shampoo that’s one thing. If Ashton Kutcher is generally claiming he only ever washing his crotch and his armpits “and nothing else ever” it’s unhygienic.Kutcher is literally saying he doesn’t wash his hands. You on the other hand are describing bathing.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      Eh, I’ve got a short bathroom sink. I wash my crotch the same way I wash my face; slather on the soap, splash water on the junk until the foam rinses out, and dry with a hand-towel.

  • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

    Kutcher supposedly practices Brazilian Jiu Jitsu…meaning that asshole shows up to class having not bathed, and just subjects his classmates to that…I can tell you, first hand, that martial arts classes can get pretty stinky with people who do bath regularly and semi-properly. To have this shitbird show up with unwashed ass and pits is a total dick move. And it’s against a lot of dojo’s rules, but rich and famous and handsome probably glosses right over that.
    And I’m sorry to inform ppl that it’s not bad for your skin to shower daily. It’s not bad to use soap. It’s not bad to use a washcloth. If you don’t want to bathe regularly, go nuts, live that life. My empirical data says bathing daily is fine, and simply washing with a washcloth makes you smell far better. Using a moisturizer post-shower is all you need.

    • nilus-av says:

      I would say that everyone is different but I have talked to dermatologist that will tell you that most people do not want to wash their whole body with soap and hot water every day. Your skin does have essential oils that most people do not want to purge of daily. You should not have to moisturize after every shower. How often you need to shower, what soap you use and other such things really depends on you specifically. Some of its genetic, some of it is the products you use and the clothing you wear and your activity levels. It turns out that everyone is kinda different

    • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

      any oils in my skin were destroyed long ago by brake cleaner.

      that said I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin after 2-3 days of not bathing, don’t you? Like, you skip a day and then realize “oh wait I showered friday night and it’s Sunday now, ew”. that dirty, itchy skin feeling?

      • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

        I shower every day, or I don’t feel right. But I don’t soap everything, unless I’ve been for a bike ride and feel dusty/gritty.

    • dacostabr-av says:

      As a Brazilian let me tell you that everyone in the country showers daily so his teacher is definitely not from here or he’d have put a stop to that.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      …yeah, that Dove bodywash is going to last all of 5 seconds after walking in to your dojo. If that place doesn’t outright reek of ass after 10 minutes, your sensei sucks.-Signed,Retired Kickboxer

    • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

      Brazilian jiu-jitsu…is that like capoeira?“Don’t open the door, the smell will kill us all!”

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    I support them and their filthy habits, since I can’t smell them through the TV.

  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

    Ashton Kutcher’s approach is perfectly “hygienic”. God I hate that word.

  • bluesalamone-av says:

    This is not news to anyone who sat next to Mila at a restaurant or club in the 2000s.  Heard this from friends a looooong time ago.

  • arcanumv-av says:

    How about swimming in the pool at their house? Does that count as bathing? Or is it a loophole?

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Yes, world. They’re fakes. Everyone in the industry is a fake; it’s in the job description: “Can you pretend to be someone else for money?”“Hell yes, I can’t do anything else. Gimme that money.”

  • docnemenn-av says:

    I gotta admit, an initial reaction I had to this was “do you bathe everyday?” is kind of a weird question to ask someone famous or not, so my guess is that they’re probably just fucking around rather than giving us an exclusive into their actual bathing habits.

    • grogthepissed-av says:

      See, I just assumed that every interview Dax Shepard conducts is done in an oversized shower while the participants groom one another. 

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I sometimes go a couple of days without showering, but that’s more a “clinical depression” thing. Fortunately, I don’t have the kind of mental illness that makes you think crypto-currency is “punk rock”.

  • dacostabr-av says:

    Good God, that sounds disgusting. Shower every day, people!P.S.: All the Americans rationalizing that you shouldn’t shower every day, because of natural oils or whatever, reminds me of their rationalizing that circumcision is good actually because otherwise your dick gets dirty, i.e. bullshit. But if they’re this averse to showering perhaps this explains it.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      You’re just mad because your dick looks weird.

    • docnemenn-av says:

      Perhaps worth pointing out that those weird, freakish, new-age bullshit peddling kooks at, well, Harvard Medical School have also suggested that showering a few times a week rather than strictly daily would probably suffice for most people*: the research suggests there are potential health issues linked to showering daily (albeit in the form of ‘mild skin irritations’ more than anything especially serious). Assuming this story is true rather than them bullshitting, it sounds like they’ve apparently misunderstood some genuine medical advice in true Hollywood dipshit tradition. * Assuming a general lack of excessive dirt and sweat, BO, etc. that is.

  • richarddawsonsghost-av says:

    Sure are a lot of white folks defending their gross ass inadequate personal grooming habits in this comment section.

    • alvintostig-av says:

      Seems like there are a lot of people here who think if you don’t come out of the shower reeking of industrial-strength cleaning products you’re not actually clean.

  • earlydiscloser-av says:

    Crotch and nothing else? His arse must reek.

  • onearmwarrior-av says:

    Yes, and in olden times it was good to roll around the ground on dead animals,  like a dog, you get the good bacteria and essential oils. Good for the skin. And don’t get me started if you combine this with the caveman diet….can you say synergy! I thought we setteled this on the Oregon trial.

  • alvintostig-av says:

    I see we’re still doing that thing where we act like it’s weird that people don’t scrub off the entire top layer of their skin every day in the shower.You guys know that literally all of the odor causing bacteria are around the naughty bits and under your arms, right? They don’t live on your back.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Fine Mila. Since you won’t stop bothering me about it, I will bathe you.

  • Frankenchokey-av says:

    This is a perfect example of Hot People Privilege. If you met an ugly person at a party and they told you they only clean it if they see dirt you would call the cops.

  • fleiter69-av says:

    She’s a Russian immigrant so that might explain her thinking on this. Or not. Not sure where he got it from.

  • nycpaul-av says:

    I only wash my toes, three times a week.

  • jolson21-av says:

    Is this a thing now, people not bathing or showering? I drive Uber/Lyft on the weekends and I’ve noticed more and more people smelling bad. Like even people that I wouldn’t think would smell bad do (meaning that I’m driving them to go out to the bars or dinner). I’m a guy and I take a shower every morning but usually alternate every other day with shampoo, shave and body wash and the off days doing a “disco shower” because I absolutely need a hot shower in the morning not to feel scuzzy and also to wake up.

  • homolka-av says:

    Thank you. You know, Kierkegaard once remarked that the essence of despair is repression of the awareness of despair. Jacques Maritain reached a similar conclusion. This article proves their point well, I think.

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