
Mr. Mayor is hit with an “Avocado Crisis,” slowing down its recent momentum

TV Reviews Avocado
Mr. Mayor is hit with an “Avocado Crisis,” slowing down its recent momentum
Graphic: NBC

After two back-to-back episodes that presented a more fully-realized version of the show, “Avocado Crisis” returns Mr. Mayor back to its natural state of, “Well, that was pleasant enough.” (I actually wouldn’t be surprised if it was revealed that this episode was intended to be earlier in the season, even though it specifically highlights Bremer’s first 100 days* in office.) While it would be easy to blame it on the return of Orly in this episode, it wouldn’t even be accurate; she’s just as inconsequential here as she was in the previous two episodes, when she wasn’t around. And the only Orly-related issue that stems from this episode comes almost immediately, in the cold open, as Ted Danson delivers a line that possibly could’ve landed had it been uttered to literally any other character—literally any adult character—instead of to Mayor Bremer’s teenage daughter:

Bremer (re: the Property Brothers): “Oh, I can’t wait. They’re finally airing the episode where they accidentally kiss.”

It’s a very bizarre choice—and not in a fun way for—though the episode gets back on course once chaos and violence break out over the titular avocado—they’re a big deal in California—crisis. One of the many Karens in the cold open cries out, wondering which way to Mexico, and it’s a hot start to a less hot episode.

*Because it’s about Bremer nearing the end of his first 100 days in office, one would assume this would be more of a milestone episode than it is. It does, however, cause Bremer and Mikaela to evaluate how they’re currently doing in this world, though that evaluation never converges. In fact, the typical plot convergence is mostly absent in this episode, save for Mikaela getting eeled and falling asleep on live TV in the episode’s end tag.

There’s definitely merit in the fact that Mr. Mayor is not a fully jaded Tina Fey and Robert Carlock production, but part of what gives the show that “pleasant enough” vibe is its surprising amount of earnestness combined with a lack of edge. It’s the main difference between the A-plot and B-plot in this episode, as both come from a place of earnestness, but the B-plot has more edge, based solely on everything Holly Hunter is doing as Arpi. (Even if it’s just listing dirt.) Danson’s Bremer, on the other hand, seemingly isn’t built to have that edge.

An episode like “Avocado Crisis” can really serve as a nagging reminder that Mr. Mayor was originally a 30 Rock/Jack Donaghy spin-off, and once you imagine it as such, that almost entirely changes the tone and pacing of the series. And the most important change is at the top, as the only similarity between Bremer and Donaghy are that they’re rich white men. Bremer is laidback Californian rich, while Donaghy is intense New York rich—they are not the same. And the laidback version of “Mr. Mayor” makes it very difficult for the show to ramp up his plots comedically.

While I have no doubt that Danson could also play a Jack Donaghy-like version of this character, were that required of him, that’s not what’s actually required of him. Which means there should be intrigue in seeing Bremer with a foil like Beau Bridges’ “folksy” avocado farmer character, Adolpho Hass, as 30 Rock fans have already seen how a character like Donaghy reacts to a character like this (Hank Hooper, Kabletown). In this case, Bremer only feels slightly more sophisticated than Hass, and that’s simply because he’s not putting on a character the way Hass is. In fact, Bremer’s businessman stories in this episode are actually even more homespun and genuine than Hass’. But while Hass is the villain of the plot—though the people of Los Angeles think Bremer is—the more interesting conflict for Bremer actually comes from the “avocado fish” debacle. Not only does the avocado fish give Bremer more of a conflict to deal with, it gives Danson more to play with. Introducing a character like Hass—who the show also makes clear is so full of crap with every line he speaks, kind of like the avocado fish—suggests there is a clash of styles that needs to be addressed, but this plot is much more concerned with showing us that Bremer is quite competent in his way. Bridges does a fine job as Hass, but he’s almost not needed. (Even his asides about his folksiness eventually come off like he’s a folksy ghost, reflecting to just himself.)

In fact, “Avocado Crisis” serves as a reminder—or possibly just an acknowledgment—that while Bremer may not necessarily be qualified to be Mayor of Los Angeles, he does have qualifications and skills, in general. Matt Whitaker’s script could have easily gone down the route of revealing that Bremer doesn’t really have any of the skills (like truck-driving) that he claims to have from running his own business and that he’s living in a (hot) rich person’s bubble. Instead, it makes Bremer’s anecdote about becoming a truck driver as genuine as it can possibly be, leading to Bremer solving the crisis and saving the day. Jayden is around to make all the weird asides and keep things comedically moving, but if you remove him, it’s interesting just to see how straightforward this plot is. Except for the avocado fish, that is, which is a far more interesting (and funnier) roadblock than Hass.

As I mentioned that this episode felt like it should’ve come earlier in the season, that’s especially the case with the B-plot, as Mikaela grapples with lack of sleep and the fact that no one treats her like the high-ranking official she is. (Despite the fact that the only person in Town Hall who doesn’t answer to her is Mayor Bremer… and Daniela the ID Lady.) Mikaela’s lack of sleep and subsequent use of Arpi’s “Borings” presentation as a sleep aid is a simple story, but it’s the reason behind it that’s surprising in how real it is (her feelings of imposter syndrome), and it allows another Mikaela and Arpi messaround to commence. After being at odds with each other last week, it’s great to see Arpi give Mikaela good advice and a boost of workplace confidence. Holly Hunter also continues to give the weirdest performance on television, while still managing to somehow provide genuine emotional moments. Take for example the moment where she kisses Mikaela on the forehead, clearly feeling for her and realizing the stress she’s going through right now… only for Mikaela to interpret it as some sort of “kiss of death” and scramble to make things right with her.

But while the women shine and Jayden keeps on trucking (and realizing that the doctor is a mommy), Tommy takes a backseat yet again. This character is supposedly Bremer’s chief strategist, a position that would be especially helpful in this episode, but when it comes to the avocado crisis, Jayden is Bremer’s right hand man. While the previous two episodes were much better for the Tommy character, “Avocado Crisis” returns him to “What’s his deal?” status. It’s an even more extreme version of the Mikaela issue I’d previously noted, where it felt like Mikaela ceased to be when she was offscreen. While this episode at least worked to fill in any leftover blanks with Mikaela, not only does Tommy not factor into the A-plot—which would make sense for his character—he seemingly only exists just to snap a picture of a sleeping Mikaela and chastise her for it. At least in the case of the latter, if Tommy wants Mikaela’s job, that would finally explain the frenemy relationship that they have.

“Avocado Crisis” isn’t a bad episode of Mr. Mayor. As I’ve mentioned, the avocado fish craze (and crisis) and the B-plot are solid positives for this episode. And, of course, Jayden. (Always “of course, Jayden.”) But based on what the show has proven that it can be in the past two episodes, this simply is not a standout. Again, it comes across like an early episode of the series, still trying to figure itself out.

Stray observations

  • Hello, everyone. You may have noticed that I’m still covering Mr. Mayor. This temporary assignment has now become a more permanent one. At least for the rest of this season. And, of course, in true “my computer” fashion, my doc crashed multiple times while I was writing this review. Sorry for the delay.
  • Adolphus: “All my friends call me Adolph.”
    Bremer: “No thank you.”
  • Bremer: “ShondaLand? That’s a real place?”
    Mikaela: “Yes, but it’s not for you, sir.”
  • Bremer: “How do you get a bone away from a dog?”
    Jayden: “Kiss it.” I don’t know what’s better: the fact that that tactic actually ends up working for Jayden or the quick reveal that, while it worked, he still got bitten by the dog a bunch.
  • In case you’re wondering, yes, Ted Danson live-tweeted this episode, and yes, all of his tweets featured goofy avocado puns.
  • The best joke of the episode is a visual one, the print ad for Chicago Uncles on the back of the newspaper Jayden reads to Mayor Bremer. (The newspaper also features the less funny, pun-based cover story, “Eel Bummer.” You see, “Mr. Mayor’s” name is Neil Bremer and he ends up making things worse with an eel…) Chicago Dick (that’s what I call that universe) spin-off jokes are ubiquitous, but any and all NBC Universal-based jokes from Fey and Carlock are as welcome as characters once were on USA Network.
  • The thing that really gets me about the avocado fish turn in this episode isn’t all the ridiculous chyrons during the morning show but instead Bremer’s frustration with people not realizing the “fish” will harden if they don’t eat it quickly enough. If they’d just listened to him about that part, there’d be no issue.
  • As Mikaela’s issue is more the stress of imposter syndrome instead of (or on top of) the fact that she’s exhausted, it’s a nice touch that even after she gets that first night of sleep, she still looks rough.
  • The reveal that Arpi’s “Borings” water table pitch would screw with the water supply in Los Angeles does a great deal of work to prop up Mikaela (who says no), as it leads to us learning (and her learning) just how capable she actually is. How capable? Capable enough to sound like the only somewhat intelligent person to be involved in Fyre Festival.


  • andrewbare29-av says:

    I chuckled pretty hard at Danson’s polite refusal to call Bridges “Adolph,” and the ShondaLand joke was funny, but yeah, that just felt…off. Jayden in particular seemed to go from “childish weirdo” to “actually mentally challenged,” which admittedly is always a danger with these sorts of characters.

    • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

      This was a pretty bad episode. The baseball one was Ok. The only one I find funny is the Hartio Sanz guyfrom SNL. Oh, and those reshoots with Orly where jarring. One shot she is a chubby little kid and the next this tall skinny teenager. This will probably get cancel. The only new comedy that is any decent is Resident Alien.

  • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

    Holly Hunter also continues to give the weirdest performance on television, while still managing to somehow provide genuine emotional moments. Take for example the moment where she kisses Mikaela on the forehead, clearly feeling for her and realizing the stress she’s going through right now… only for Mikaela to interpret it as some sort of “kiss of death” and scramble to make things right with her.Loved it.-People…people don’t actually think Jeff Bezos is hot, right? I shouldn’t have to ask but nearly every year’s “Sexiest Man Alive” publicity week scares me.-“Narcoleptic skunk” was a great burn.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      Eh, he’s in excellent physical shape for his age (being the first/second/third richest person in the world depending on Amazon stock price means he can have the best personal trainers and the time to work out, of course). The fact that he, like Zuckerberg, is basically a real life supervillain does seem like a turn off, but then again some people fall in love with serial killers.

    • yllehs-av says:

      I guess the scale is “hot for a rich guy.” I’d take him over Bill Gates or the surviving Koch brother.

  • IG-88-av says:

    Laughed a bit too hard at the LA River not being actual water but instead “pornography runoff”.And was the Bible Salesman / Farmer’s Daughter joke an anal sex joke?  “Put this whole thing behind us”?

  • ginghamboxer-av says:

    I can’t help but shake the feeling that she show 1. is terrible and 2. was a mistake. Like, someone accidentally promised to buy one of Faylock’s unfinished scripts, realized that they were contractually obligated to produce said script soon and realized the path of least resistance was to just give it to Danson since people like working with him so much.

  • saltier-av says:

    Beau Bridges looks more and more like his father as he gets older.Just saying.

  • scoobert22-av says:

    “If only the LA river had water in it, instead of what I’ve been told is called pornography runoff.” had me giggling into the commercial break.

  • mmmm-again-av says:

    These reviews are starting to read like someone critiquing a pleasant baseball game solely on adherence to or deviation from sabermetrics.Personally, I’m on board for the quips and asides and wordplay. But these reviews muse on everything but, grading it down on roster moves and tactics.

    • jimmygoodman562-av says:

      Well, pinch hitting Orly at the beginning of the episode didn’t really have an effect on things. Also, Tommy has a good WAR rating. 

    • stmichaeldet-av says:

      Yeah, I’m kinda taking it as broad, dumb pandemic entertainment, and on that level, it’s brilliant.

    • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

      This was a pretty bad episode. The baseball one was Ok. The only one I find funny is the Hartio Sanz guyfrom SNL. Oh, and those reshoots with Orly where jarring. One shot she is a chubby little kid and the next this tall skinny teenager. This will probably get cancel. The only new comedy that is any decent is Resident Alien.

    • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

      Yep – this feels a bit like the initial response to Ted Lasso.Much as I love 30 Rock and Great News!, this is going for something different, tone wise…and I’m here for it!

  • captaintragedy-av says:

    That “eel bummer” pun was so bad I took several minutes to try to figure it out and only came back with “real bummer.”The show still seems to suffer from not really having several of the characters well-defined yet and from not committing across the board to the level of absurdity that Jayden is at. Hopefully they figure this out and tighten it up. There are just too many long, flat stretches in between the really funny lines. 

  • skycyclepilot-av says:

    Danson and Hunter are two of favorites, but this show is mostly boring, and is very seldom funny. It is not worth watching, and will not last. Ditto for B Positive, and Call Me Kat.  My kingdom for more shows as good as All in the Family, MASH, Cheers, Two and a Half Men, etc.

  • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

    This was a pretty bad episode. The baseball one was Ok. The only one I find funny is the Hartio Sanz guyfrom SNL. Oh, and those reshoots with Orly where jarring. One shot she is a chubby little kid and the next this tall skinny teenager. This will probably get cancel. The only new comedy that is any decent is Resident Alien.

  • jofesh-av says:

    Hmm well. Yeah. It was wholly unremarkable, except some of it was partly remarkable. The imposter syndrome thing was very nice and interesting and weird. I didn’t like the eel stuff because it was so obviously a bad idea, it made me not even want to root for Neil.I also had the thought that this ep was made earlier in the run! Jayden is around to make all the weird asides and keep things comedically moving, but if you remove him, Ok I’ll stop right there, because you had me at “if you remove him”. I always find that he’s pushing my limits of tolerance for dumb needy immature & irritating laugh riot characters, but usually he still has a toe on the ‘delightful’ side of that line. Not this episode. Especially not the bar scene, where it literally felt like he was inserting the first lame remark to come to mind between each of the other lines, because the script seemed too dull without it (?)Well, maybe the kissing dogs idea can stay, though the word ‘kissing’ felt kinda too weird in a creepy way to me. Might’ve worked had he said leaned into the kind of doggy baby talk that would have clarified that his intent was just because he loves dogses soooo much! But instead I find myself often feeling like, not safe with Jayden around, like he’s a big incredible hulk baby going to squish everybody, which is not what I think they are going for.Titus made a better Jayden. In fact, I would pay good money to watch a Kimmy reboot where she’s the mayor, and Carol Kane is Arpi’s bestie, and Vella Lovell stays more or less right where she is.I also didn’t love how unredeemably annoying the supermarket shoppers were. It felt like a tired cliche. Either go somewhere new with it or just take it further, but we get it, Mr Mayor, you think all outspoken LA people are one dimensional white spoiled kale-heads with a closet full of yoga gear. I don’t think it’s super rich as comedy mines go. Make the people go more crazy, or make fun of at least one other kind of person, I think.
    (Do truckers really get seltzer? Not a soda, not a ginger beer and lime, not juice?) I thought maybe they were leading up to Arpi’s idea solving the water crisis with the avocados, and I kinda would have liked it better if they had built toward that theory more and then suddenly yanked it away, because the idea is actually bad, and the avos are actually fine anyway. Could’ve been a funny pivot. I may be extra bitter because I *wish* we were out there being superficial and awful and drinking seltzer in bars and complaining about avocados.

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