Shout your head off at virtual reality cartoons with a high-tech human muzzle

The "mutalk" from Shiftall Inc. is a noise suppressing microphone that makes wearers look like they've been muzzled by an iPhone

Aux Features Muzzle
Shout your head off at virtual reality cartoons with a high-tech human muzzle
This model has never been more excited to take part in a product shoot. Screenshot: Shiftall Inc. Official Channel

Back in 2018, we were introduced to the BLOXVOX, a kind of Bane-inspired techno-gimp mask meant to suppress the noise made from speaking on work calls and, as an unadvertised bonus, the desperate screams of its wearer. Though the device didn’t really catch on over the last four years, that hasn’t stopped other companies from seeing enormous promise in the relatively unexplored field of high-tech human muzzle hardware.

Thus, the “mutalk.”

mutalk official video (English)

Created by Japanese hardware company Shiftall Inc. in a collaboration with Panasonic, the mutalk is described in an official product announcement page as “a Bluetooth microphone that suppresses leaked sound.”

“Voice chat is the primary method of communication in the metaverse and online games,” the copy reads. “However, when it heats up, it usually becomes loud and often causes complaints from family and neighbors.” Shiftall writes that “heavy” VR users might decide that “moving to a new house is one way to deal with this problem,” which sounds like a drastic solution from our point of view, but does help make their case for spending about $200 on an iMuzzle.

What doesn’t advertise the mutalk quite as well is a video commercial of the device in action. We highly recommend watching this to see how you, too, could look as empty-eyed as the model who dutifully straps one onto himself after an off-screen voice calls for him to keep down the abrupt orgasm noises he makes while gaming.

If that clip sold you on the mutalk, we should also point out that it’s just one part of a larger metaverse-focused product line from Shiftall that includes a wearable body cooling/warming harness and VR-enabled Riddick goggles. Buy all three and, when used together, you can become the closest thing to a brain in a jar, blissfully cut off from the outside world, that humanity’s achieved to date.

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  • dirtside-av says:

    Is there one that prevents people from posting things on the Internet?

  • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

    It’s like a tiny feedbag.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    Created by Japanese hardware company Shiftall Inc.

    They’ll be lucky to Shiftone Inc. of these.

    • dirtside-av says:

      In unrelated company-name news, today we got a mailer from something called “Scan Health Plan,” some kind of Medicare insurance BS, addressed to my mother-in-law (who died 14 months ago). You really have to admire the balls of a company that gives themselves a name one keyboard key away from being “Scam.”

    • mckludge-av says:

      I couldn’t help but read their name as Shitfall.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Me after strapping all this shit to my face to enter the metaverse:

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “Wearable tech is the future! We need to start developing that ASAP!”“When you say ‘wearable’, that doesn’t mean ‘practical’, does it?”“Oh, God no.”

  • franknstein-av says:

    I definitely need to get one for the teenage boy next door…..

  • mikolesquiz-av says:

    I am so buying one of these for a friend of ours. He stays over at our place for the weekend sometimes, which means his weekend game of online D&D with his international group happens from like 10pm-2am at our place and the neighbours get treated to him yelling his head off about skeleton pirates or whatever in a bad Welsh accent in the middle of the night, and we have to go in and shush him every fifteen minutes.

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