NCIS’ Marisol Nichols joins Teen Wolf as Desert Wolf

Aux Features TV

Although Marisol Nichols has been capturing bad guys for the last year on NCIS, she’ll have a chance to let loose as a possible villain in the second half of Teen Wolf’s fifth season. TVLine reports that the actress—who was also on GCB and The Gates—will play Desert Wolf, one of the show’s many shadowy characters.

Desert Wolf was first introduced as Malia’s (Shelley Henning) mother, from whom she gets all of her amazing werecoyote genes. Desert Wolf abandoned her daughter, though, possibly because she also happens to be a prolific assassin who’s eluded Braeden (Meagan Tandy) for years. She’s remained mostly unseen over the last couple of seasons, though she did sort of appear in one of Lydia’s visions, the one in which Desert Wolf is maybe killing Malia. Family reunions are fun.

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