Neil Young decides not to kick Donald Trump while he's down, even though that's the best time for it

Aux Features Music
Neil Young decides not to kick Donald Trump while he's down, even though that's the best time for it
Neil Young Photo: ALICE CHICHE/AFP via Getty Images

Donald Trump lost his bid for reelection back in November, a unexpected development that has surely made him very, very, very sad, but here’s some good news that might bring a little sunshine back into his sad, sad, sad life: According to The Hollywood Reporter, Neil Young has decided not to pursue his lawsuit against Trump, who he said had violated his copyright by playing “Rockin’ In The Free World” and “Devil’s Sidewalk” at a campaign rally.

This all started in August, when Young—somewhat encouragingly—actually filed a lawsuit against Trump’s campaign for his unauthorized use of the songs. The reason it was somewhat encouraging was that musicians have complained about their music being used without permission for years, but finally, Neil Young was actually putting his proverbial money where his proverbial mouth was. Rules around using songs at political events have started to change recently, with ASCAP and BMI giving artists the ability to object to a song being used even if an event’s organizers obtained the proper public performance licenses, and Young’s case could’ve been a chance to actually run that tentative rule change through the courts. As we noted at the time, though, cases like that involving political events usually get settled quickly, because nobody really cares how they turn out once the election ends, and… that’s pretty much what happened here.

THR doesn’t know if there was a settlement, but it was dismissed with prejudice—meaning Young can’t renew these claims later—and that is a “strong sign” that the lawyers involved worked something out. Either way, Neil Young is no longer taking Donald Trump to court, which is probably for the best. The poor guy’s been through a lot lately (his best friend just got that virus they keep telling everyone doesn’t exist).


  • mwfuller-av says:

    I want my money back for this damn Pono, Neil!  Neil!!

  • recognitions-av says:

    K but when do we get a vinyl reissue of Sleeps with Angels

  • tmage-av says:

    Oh come on! If there’s one guy who deserves to be kicked while he’s down, it’s Donald Trump.Besides, he has massive debts coming due in 2024 so you’ll only have a limited time to collect on a lawsuit.

  • brianjwright-av says:

    Donald Trump should not be kicked when he’s down.There are far more horriblarious things to do to him when he’s down.

  • automotive-acne-av says:

    DJT’s older brother Robert (always a ‘Bob’) died of the corona virus earlier this year. The Drumpfster family is one that lacks love, like most “wealthy” families. Trump fam is actually very poor & soulless. Ivanka is a skank. Factoid.

  • MordsJay-av says:

    Not mentioned in this article: pretty much all of these suits saying ‘music was played without permission’ are bogus. As any entertainment lawyer would tell you, the VENUE has a license to play whatever it wants (so long as royalties are paid), and the candidate is covered under that contract (ASCAP or BMI, usually)Now the Trump team did some funny business (because, of course), but the reason you rarely hear about political figures paying attention to these lawsuits is because artist signed those rights away n masse years ago. Not that AV Club writers would be bothered to research this stuff….

  • whobuysacoupe-av says:

    SDNY: “We ain’t Neil Young, bitch.”

  • robert-denby-av says:

    I’m sure Neil’s attorney explained that he was going to be at the end of a long line of people that Donald Trump owed money to, and he’d be lucky to get a 20 year old box of steaks and an autographed MAGA hat out this lawsuit.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Also that it was going to be a long, stressful, boring, procedure that would be unfulfilling to an artists temperament.Oh, and anything they won, the lawyer would take most of anyway and if they lost, NY would probably still have to pay him.

      • capeo-av says:

        It’s too bad though, because the new ASCAP and BMI rules haven’t been put to a legal test yet, and I was curious if they would stand legal scrutiny.

    • capeo-av says:

      Pretty much this.

    • dickcreme-av says:

      The next time an attorney with a deep-pocketed client with a viable claim discourages that client from pursuing that claim, will be the first time.

  • txtphile-av says:

    Our current reality is that anyone who sues Donald Trump receives death threats. Fuck!

    • blottw-av says:

      Trump people are mostly fond of death threats to female congress people. AOC receives DAILY death threats. “I‘ve had mornings where I wake up & the 1st thing I do w/ my coffee is review photos of the men (it’s always men) who want to kill me,” Ocasio-Cortez said. I don’t even get to see all of them,” she added“Just the ones that have been flagged as particularly troubling. This is why the majority of domestic terrorists are white Republicans. By far. 

  • myates2020-av says:

    “….even though that’s the best time for it”?? What a pathetic excuse for journalism this is. Go to hell.

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