Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness reveals another WandaVision connection in new trailer

Doctor Strange, Wong, and Scarlet Witch team up to solve a magical mystery

Aux News Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness reveals another WandaVision connection in new trailer
Benedict Cumberbatch in Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Screenshot: Marvel Studios

After breaking open the multiverse in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) appears to be finding out that totally warping reality has its consequences. In this new promotional video for Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness, the master of the mystic arts is in way over his head–but does he even remember why?

Doctor Strange hasn’t had a solo movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since his titular debut in 2016, but the character has popped up in a slew of other projects since then, hinting at the further development of his mind-bending powers. Sorcerer Supreme Wong (Benedict Wong), friend-turned-foe Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor), and former co-worker/ex-girlfriend Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams) all make their returns for the sequel.

Directed by Sam Raimi, Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness is set to be the first feature film to seriously engage with plot points from the MCU’s Disney+ shows, after Eternals and Spider-Man: No Way Home kept the references to a minimum. In previously unseen footage, Wanda Maximoff, aka the Scarlet Witch, reunites with the twin sons she conjured during the events of WandaVision, though it doesn’t seem to last long–at least for now.

While the MCU’s most famous magic users are teaming up, they’ll have to worry about the zombie versions of themselves, depicted in animated form in an episode of What If…? and seen making their live-action debut here. Another sinister variant of Strange is revealed to be sprouting a literal third eye.

Another video featuring the cast announcing ticket sales offers a better look at new character America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez, The Baby-Sitters Club), whose super-powered punches allow her to jump through different timelines. The movie’s roster of heroes is also set to include a mysterious glowing person and Patrick Stewart as Professor X, probably?

Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness will be released in theaters on May 6.


  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    In previously unseen footage, Wanda Maximoff, aka the Scarlet Witch, reunites with the twin sons she conjured during the events of WandaVision, though it doesn’t seem to last long–at least for now.Yep. Gotta keep setting the table for Young Avengers.

    • halloweenjack-av says:

      Billy, Tommy, Kate Bishop, Kamala Khan, Patriot (Eli Bradley)–that’s it for the teenagers so far, right? 

      • orangewaxlion-av says:

        There’s also Ant-Man’s daughter who they probably wouldn’t have bothered recasting twice if they didn’t intend on following up with that character.They’ve given themselves excuses to introduce a younger variant of Kang, already introduced a younger Loki, and could conceivably throw in Sprite if they wanted another younger character and to make Eternals slightly fit in more to their broader universe, even if only two of those were on the table from any of the series. (They could always bring back the Iron Man 3 kid again as a different Iron Lad?)

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        isnt america chavez a teenager? 

      • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

        Kid Loki has popped up, and I think that he could show up again. If not, it was cool while it lasted (Jack Veal was great, as were Richard E. Grant and Alligator Loki). Cassie Lang, aka Stature, has been established in the Ant-Man films, and we even got a flash forward to her now being a teenager in Endgame thanks to the Snap.We might also have already seen the MCU’s version of Iron Lad, although this one’s just speculation: Harley Keener, the little kid who pops up as Tony Stark’s protege at the end of Iron Man 3, also gets a flash forward thanks to the Snap and appears at Stark’s funeral in Endgame. He could end up being Iron Lad rather than Nathaniel Richards (though now that a version of Kang has already joined the MCU, maybe it’ll be a variant of him that becomes Iron Lad after all).Then there’s something that could be a hint at things to come, could just be an Easter egg, or could be nothing at all: In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Donald Glover plays Aaron Davis, aka Prowler, uncle to Miles Morales, and at one point he says that he has a nephew in the neighborhood.Going forward: (spoilers)American Chavez is supposed to play a prominent role in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.andIron Heart has been cast and is set to first appear in Wakanda Forever before getting her own Disney+ series. 

        • noisetanknick-av says:

          Don’t forget that we’ve got a Secret Invasion show coming as well, which seems like a place where Hulkling could show up.

  • synonymous2anonymous-av says:

    I’m hoping this magical mystery takes me away.

  • Nobodey-av says:

    Theory: There are no Wanda “variants” in this movie. There are only two aspects to the same Wanda.
    To study the Darkhold, she split her goodness/innocence away from the side of her that desires power, that way the Darkhold can’t corrupt the goodness in her. She has every intention of recombining the two sides after she has absorbed its power.
    My thought is that now Scarlet Witch’s aspect (in red) and Wanda’s aspect (in soccer mom clothes), while still having the same goals (find/save the kids), they disagree on how to do it. They fight each other, Wanda wins (probably through conversation as opposed to actually winning a fight) and they recombine.
    At least.. that’s what I think.
    This is backed by the fact that there are two Wandas at the end of Wandavision, which appears to happen before No Way Home. Its possible one is just a astral projection, but then it’d be a hell of a coincidence that a variant looks exactly (clothing included) like its main universe version.. which has not been the case for ANY OTHER VARIANT.
    Anyone remember Alligator Loki?

  • cscurrie-av says:

    I hope that the film has a distinct villain besides the variant based calamities. We’ve seen that done with Loki, and in Spider-Man No Way Home. I want real villains, newer villains. Not just Stephen with darker clothes, dusky makeup and a worse hairdo.

    • lexaprofessional-av says:

      Counterpoint: Last time Raimi made the main villain a “dark” doppelgänger in Army of Darkness it wound up being effective and hilarious, so there’s reason to be optimistic.

      • mackiej-av says:

        Counter-counterpoint. The last time Raimi made the main villain a “dark” doppelgänger in Spiderman 3, it wound up being distracting and ridiculous, so there’s reason to be pessimistic.

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Counter counter point:  Last time Raimi made a villain a “dark doppleganger” was Spider-Man 3.  So…..

    • keykayquanehamme-av says:

      Counterpoint: I think you’re throwing out the possibility that the most recent examples you’ve seen are actually BETTER avenues for newer villainy.

      What type of “newer villain” do you want to see?

      We’ve already we’ve seen villains motivated by basic philosophical differences, seen villains motivated by personal and professional desire for vengeance, and villains motivated by a desire to serve a higher villain. We’ve seen villains motivated by naked lust for power, and villains motivated by greed. Those motivations get recycled over and over again. What, specifically, do you want in a villain?

  • gomediahatesitstalent-av says:

    Put kevin fiege in jail or whatever, anything to stop these things! 

  • mattughs-av says:

    Cha­­nge Yo­­ur Li­­fe Ri­­ght No­­w! Wo­­rk Fr­­om Comf­­ort O­­f Yo­­ur Ho­­me An­­d Rece­­ive Yo­­ur Fi­­rst Pay­­check Wit­­hin A We­­ek. N­­o Ex­­pe­­rie­­nce Nee­­ded, No Boss Ove­­r Yo­­ur Sho­­ulder… S­­ay Goo­­dbye T­­o You­­r Ol­­d J­­ob! Lim­­ited Num­­ber O­­f Spo­­ts Op­­en… Fin­­d ou­­t nowIf y­­ou ca­­n’t s­­ee t­­he li­­nk ple­­ase co­­py a­­nd pa­­ste t­­he bel­­ow li­­nk t­­o you­­r bro­­wser:HE­­RE👉 w­­w­­w­­.­­Salarypay1.­­c­­o­­m­­

  • capeo-av says:

    People have grabbed stills of the glowing person at the end an it appears to be Monica, or some variant thereof.

  • sosgemini-av says:

    Damn, the talkbacks are dying. I miss the conversations. Please share where all the fun went on these them here interwebs 

  • keykayquanehamme-av says:

    I’d love a “let’s go grab some shawarma and talk about all of this” short between Doctors Strange and Palmer. Having just caught the emergency surgery scene in Doctor Strange again recently, I’m realizing that Christine Palmer got thrown in [more than] the deep end, with even less explanation than the Sorcerer Supreme gave Stephen Strange.

  • bigjoec99-av says:

    Do I need to watch Wandavision? I tried the first couple/three episodes and it was a damn slog.I watched all the Ozzie and Harriet reruns ob Disney Channel as a kid. I’m good with that for a lifetime, thanks.

    • bodybones-av says:

      You can skip it if your that bored by it. It still has the same flow of weird stuff going on and your trying to piece together what’s happening. If you watched this trailer than you spoiled yourself to what’s happening sorta. The entire marvel universe has been building up to the idea that their powers come or originate from the beginning of the universe’s creation since that’s when the infinity stones which control reality were created from cosmic dust, now loki show showed the universe can come to an end and eternals showed that the universe ending is inevitable but prolonged. So you have all these powered people coming into existence add to the spiderman/dr strange stuff and you know the multiverse is a thing. I think it’s all building up to crisis on infinite earths kinda stuff leading me to think all the marvel anti fans who said it was all garbage and not worth watching since thanos and infinity war were mistaken since stakes can still be raised. I think something that big takes time and you need to care about the characters hence the large amount of movies and shows. Were only half way through phase 1 if you put it into context on how the last phase 1 went and were way past complexity of the old phase yet people say its too slow and boring. I think people are just impatient. Moon knight also seems to be confirming my idea since were learning more about powerful beings existing. It should all end with a reset and non powered movies for a while.

    • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

      As the episodes progress, the homages move closer to the present. Do you remember them moving from black and white to color? (Episode 3 is literally called “Now in Color”). That’s when they hit the 1970s. I think it gets better and better with each episode (well, except for the paint-by-numbers MCU ending in the finale) and WandaVision is probably my favorite MCU joint. My guess is that you won’t need to have seen it, though, to enjoy Multiverse of Madness. 

    • Semeyaza-av says:

      Don’r bother. It gets worse after the slog. Just remember this: Wanda kidnapped an entire town because her real doll died and didn’t like when she was held accountable for it and so she fled with new super magic powers. :DCheers 

  • dplainview-av says:


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