New Guardians Vol. 3 clip appears to show off the MCU’s first f-bomb

The worst cussing in the MCU to date is apparently provoked, not by galactic genocide, but old-school car door design

Aux News Marvel Comics
New Guardians Vol. 3 clip appears to show off the MCU’s first f-bomb
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 Photo: Marvel Studios

Despite all the dead people it tends to produce, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a determinedly PG-13 place—especially as it comes to language. (Obviously, there is no sex in the MCU; babies in Marvel movies come from off-screen time jumps.) But leave it to those potty-mouthed rascals in the Guardians Of The Galaxy to break through the barriers, as a new clip from the upcoming Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 confirms, at long last, that the word “fuck” exists in the Marvel Universe.

Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 | Push Down On It

(And yes, we know there are a few “fucks” in the Netflix Marvel shows, but those remain in a position of questionable canonicity—possibly because they take place in some distant, alternate “fuck”-iverse.)

This is all per a new clip from Guardians 3 that Marvel released this weekend, revealing that the first f-bomb in official Marvel history comes, not after several billion people died in a single snap-based moment, but as a result of old-school car door design. Said clip is mostly about establishing Chris Pratt and Karen Gillan (as Star-Lord and Nebula) as the new comic engine of the Guardians, but it does contain a (bleeped) f-bomb from Peter Quill after an irritating exchange about opening a car door in some kind of alien space suburb. (At least, it sure looks like a ‘fuck”; we’re going to be weirdly annoyed if it turns out Quill has gotten really into Battlestar Galactica alongside his new taste for modern music, and tossed out a “fracking” in this tense moment.)

As the various brainchildren of James Gunn, the film versions of the Guardians have always skewed more curse-ward than their terrestrial counterparts; we can only presume that they discovered this mysterious word of power while out gallivanting amongst the stars.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 hits theaters on May 5.


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