A new Silent Hill movie could be coming as soon as next year

Director Christophe Gans says he's already working on the script

Aux News Silent Hill
A new Silent Hill movie could be coming as soon as next year
Silent Hill (2006) Screenshot: Silent Hill/Davis Films

Silent Hill, one of the most critically acclaimed horror gaming franchises of the past two decades, may be headed for another big screen adaptation.

Although fans’ dreams of a third film dwindled after 2012's Silent Hill: Revelation 3D was a critical and commercial flop, Christophe Gans, who directed the original 2006 film, offered hope in a new interview. He said he’s preparing a new film in the Silent Hill universe that could be out as soon as 2023.

“I’m currently working on it,” Gans told Jeux Video in an interview translated by ComicBook. “The script for a new Silent Hill movie that is totally independent from the two previous movies made and respects the way Silent Hill has evolved. Silent Hill is a bit like [The] Twilight Zone, the Fourth Dimension, a place where anything and everything can happen.”

Gans also made it clear he doesn’t want a new film to feel stuck in the confines of mid-2000s horror, calling the new film “a Silent Hill for today’s audiences while being ultra respectful of the saga.”

“I am aware that Silent Hill is a very great video game franchise and a work of art in the noble sense of the term. The people who thought up Silent Hill put a lot of their guts into it,” he said.

Gans added: “I’m trying to take into account what I’ve been able to see recently, which is more original and more surprising in terms of horror films, and to see if in Silent Hill there are the seeds, or even the expression, of that. Silent Hill has always been a game beyond the norm and ahead of its time.”

Gans previously teased a new film back in 2020, telling French news outlet Allociné in an interview, per ComicBook, that the project would “be anchored in this atmosphere of a small American town, ravaged by Puritanism.”

“I think it’s time to make a new one,” Gans said at the time. Two years later, the director just might be keeping his word.


  • iambrett-av says:

    The original film has its flaws (and I really dislike the ending), but it was an overall good film with some really excellent visual aesthetics work. What we saw on scream was genuinely creepy as hell, especially in the transition scenes. That gives me some hope for the new film. 

    • cyrusclops-av says:

      What we saw on scream was genuinely creepy as hell I know this is probably an Autocorrect error, but it gave your post an appropriate Crypt Keeper vibe nonetheless.

  • Fleur-de-lit-av says:

    I liked the original. It’s one of the few videogame adaptations I’ve truly enjoyed. It captured the tone of the original material, was creepy as fuck and ambiguous enough to allow for many competing interpretations. I’ll be checking this one out as well.My only apprehension is that it may not warrant a theatrical release, depending on the budget. I’m at the point where I find cheaper visual effects distracting on the big screen. I often find myself wishing I’d just waited for certain mid-range, VFX-heavy movies to go to streaming. (e.g. Annihilation)

    • nichole-91-av says:

      No. The first SH movie was insultingly blatant butchering of everything that made the game(s) it ripped off good and revolutionary in the first place. Literally dumped down trash for the average American movie goers.

  • opposedcrow1988-av says:

    The first movie wasn’t perfect but it was pretty damn good and, in my opinion, one of the best translations of a video game property into the movie medium (a premise which we all know doesn’t have a super great track record). This made it all the more disappointing when the second film wound up just being a poorly-written jump scare simulator which lazily tried to piggyback off of the first movie’s success.

    If Gans is back in the director chair I have some hope, but I’ll remain cautiously optimistic until we know more.

    • nichole-91-av says:

      And I considered the first film to be irredeemable garbage bin filler. Literally everything wrong with Western film industry and the average game-2-cinema projects in general.

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    1st movie was actual fine, not great but had alot of scary moments. Hopefully this one can improve on it. 

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    “The script for a new Silent Hill movie that is totally independent from the two previous movies made and respects the way Silent Hill has evolved.”So in this one, the hero wakes up one morning to find the door to his apartment has been sealed shut with chains bolted into the doorframe and walls around it, and the only way out is through deeply creepy looking holes in the wall?

  • rogueindy-av says:

    “Silent Hill is a bit like [, the Fourth Dimension, a place where anything and everything can happen.”Except for single fathers, according to Gans.

  • nichole-91-av says:

    Please, let this one be a bad joke. The first to SH movies were absolutely insulting, and proves that especially Western people should not allowed to tamper with this IP ever again. Let SH rest in peace already, it has suffered enough already.

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