New Transformers: The Last Knight clips feature plucky kids, dying robots

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If humans are the vegetables of any Transformers movie—in the sense that you have to put up with them if you want some sweet robot action—then kids are like a particularly crunchy stalk of broccoli that you really have to work through before getting to the good stuff. Up until now, the Michael Bay movies have been relatively kid-free, as long as you don’t count Shia LaBeouf’s high school friends in the first movie or the series’ overall childlike sense of humor, but Bay really seems to be leaning into the kid stuff for The Last Knight. During Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice Awards last night (heh), Paramount actually released a pair of clips from The Last Knight that are all about the kids, with one being an extended TV spot and the other showcasing a tough young girl and her kid buddies. Neither one tells us much about the plot, but if we stick with this dinner metaphor, plot in a Transformers movie is basically the napkin. You might not even need it.

Transformers: The Last Knight will be in theaters on June 23.

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