No one really watches The Apprentice anymore

Aux Features TV
No one really watches The Apprentice anymore

Despite airing against almost nothing but repeats on all of its competing networks, NBC’s The Apprentice had its lowest-ever ratings during last night’s season premiere, with only 4.7 million viewers tuning in to see Donald Trump terrorize his newest batch of non-celebrity sycophants. That may sound like a lot of people still, but it’s down 63 percent from its last premiere in 2007, and a full 53 percent from last spring’s Celebrity Apprentice—though to be fair, this version of The Apprentice features neither the life-or-death drama of Bret Michaels nor the lilting siren song of Cyndi Lauper. Man, we sure have been talking about Cyndi Lauper a lot lately. Wonder what that’s about? Maybe we should just post a video of “She Bop” and get it out of our system. Yeah, fuck it. It’s Friday. Let’s do that.

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