Now Trump has pissed off Patagonia, purveyors of fine fleece

Aux News Donald Trump

Soon after the announcement that the Trump administration would reduce the size of two massive national monuments in Utah—Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante—the clothing company Patagonia posted a splash page on its website declaring “The President Stole Your Land.” It’s a bold though not unexpected statement from a company whose clientele is—we’re speculating here—composed mostly of liberal-leaning folks. Patagonia even calls itself “The Activist Company,” and the site goes on to detail ways in which consumers can protest the decision. Patagonia itself plans to bring legal action, adding to the large stack of legal actions that the President has inspired this year. Trump defended the decision with a typical trick, painting it as a move that will stick it to the fatcats in Washington who want to control the land. Tipping his hand, though, he claimed opening these protected areas up would create “a bright new future of wonder and wealth,” though the asterisk after this sentence saying “for the richest people in America” was likely only muttered under his breath. Given that Patagonia makes outdoor gear for athletic types, it’s unlikely Trump will be too bothered by this whole thing. Is there a way to get Men’s Wearhouse upset?

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